The Flylady EVENING ROUTINE - tips and tricks!

The Flylady EVENING ROUTINE - tips and tricks!

Diane in Denmark

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Fleur MP
Fleur MP - 01.05.2017 03:10

Great video. Your clothing is always so beautiful - you have great taste. I am seeing excellent progress with flying! I was very excited to have completed all...yes ALL the laundry in the house this week!!! I went to put a load of laundry on Saturday and realised I didn't need to. I can't tell you when that last happened. Thanks Flylady Diane for all the encouragement. Off to start my Weekly Home Blessing now x

latenitetubing - 26.01.2023 05:07

Super helpful thank you! 🙏

andres lara
andres lara - 09.07.2022 08:47

Sexy mom!!!

Fiona Nsiko
Fiona Nsiko - 12.01.2022 23:40

Great inspiration

Shanti Abdumumin
Shanti Abdumumin - 11.01.2022 03:10

So, am I to understand that her husband drinks coffee, but can't be bothered to set the coffee machine up at night? That the family is eating the food that mom is cooking EVERY DAY, but SHE is also cleaning the kitchen and washing the dishes?? This is very interesting, because the way I was raised, the cook doesn't clean.🤨

Josephine Pennicott
Josephine Pennicott - 16.11.2021 05:16

I've been working my way through your videos. I did attempt the Flylady years ago but became overwhelmed and confused. You make it easy to navigate and I love the snippets of life from Denmark. I especially enjoyed spotting my perfume Coco and also the Clarins in this one. I also loved your trip to the library in a previous video. I also love thrillers and crime. I shall work my way through your entire collection but just wanted to say thank you for your calming inspiration and live long and prosper!

Natasha Derksen
Natasha Derksen - 18.10.2021 05:13

Hello! I love watching your evening routine. I was wondering why you use a timer (You said you do this when you switch on your music.)? Thanks!

Maggie Hyde
Maggie Hyde - 25.08.2021 08:58

I clean up as I go too and never sit down to eat until everything is in the dishwasher

Lisa Dixon
Lisa Dixon - 04.06.2021 11:24

Such a pretty yellow cardigan and necklace!

Lisa Dixon
Lisa Dixon - 04.06.2021 11:19

I love your timber benchtops, does it take much to maintain them?
People have put me off by saying they need regular maintenance?

venusiandesigns - 16.05.2021 05:18

Learning a lot from you, thank you

Trisha Hutchinson
Trisha Hutchinson - 27.03.2021 01:48

You are the sweetest! So happy that I found your channel.

Della Hayden
Della Hayden - 26.01.2021 18:12

Great ideas...I also make the bed when I'm away too lol ...when I was away on holiday and one of the cleaning ladies said to me WOW I can't believe of clean the place is!!! She said I should be leaving you a tip!!! Lol 😄🤣👍💖

Roxanne Layton
Roxanne Layton - 12.01.2021 05:38


Roxanne Layton
Roxanne Layton - 12.01.2021 05:27

i enjoy all the candles!

Dawne Ray
Dawne Ray - 12.12.2020 02:18

Lovely 🌸I’m new to Fly. I was surprised to hear that you a a bit anxious. You seem so calm and in control. I keep my home cozy did not realize I was naturally attracted to the hygge life style with regards to my home .Didn’t know that’s what it was until recently. I just have a yearning for a calming environment. I to am wound tight 😂.I live in USA California. Always had a hectic life. High stress work etc....Now I just recently retired and feeling the need to relax. I love that I have found you . Thank you for sharing. My husbands mother was danish. I think I need to move there😂🙏❤️I will work on ROUTINE😊

Orsolya Minik
Orsolya Minik - 31.10.2020 20:51

What a gorgeous home you have! I’m new to fly lady and totally agree with you that you don’t need to do the whole system to start seeing results.

P Larsen
P Larsen - 06.10.2020 02:29

"clean as you go, and it won't show!"

Michelle Arakawa
Michelle Arakawa - 09.09.2020 16:25

I love this. Both the Evening and Morning videos give me some ideas.

My evening is a bit all over the place, but finally starting to smooth out. I work...kind of from home. We have a small office outside the house I use to teach English. Anyway, Things like the Swish and Swipe can only be done in the evening for me (I live with my husband, his parents and his five adults total. Oh, and a cute dog :).

I'm trying to figure out how to work in hotspots and cleaning (though I am only on day 7 tomorrow). I have to manage it around the others in the house, and some hotspots/cleaning can only be done at certain times. The zone idea is giving me ideas on how to manage it better, so I can't wait to get to that part of the Baby Steps. This is so exciting!

Antonia Hynes
Antonia Hynes - 01.09.2020 06:08

You are so beautiful. Such a lovely outfit too!

ForEver AvoCado
ForEver AvoCado - 31.08.2020 21:10

Where is that flylady doll from?

Emily Smith
Emily Smith - 19.08.2020 22:28

Love this video; it's so helpful. I saved it in my VERY BEST folder. I've watched you for years, and you are such a blessing to me.

Valkyrie Sardo
Valkyrie Sardo - 12.08.2020 06:20

Agree. Begin meal preparation by filling the sink with wash water. There is time to wash, dry, and put away the prepware while the food is cooking. You need to hover over the meal as it cooks anyway so cleanup is the best use of that time. Also the prepware is easiest to clean before the ingredients have had time to dry up. When you've finished dining, all that remains to clean are the dinner plates and utensils and perhaps a cookpot or two. Sometimes I've been able to wash the pots right after the food is cooked. At other times, I use a serving bowl so I can start soaking a pot before sitting down to eat. It feels marvelous to walk into a clean kitchen right after a delightful meal. Wash up a few little things without breaking that pleasant mood.

Kàthy Steeves
Kàthy Steeves - 03.08.2020 20:01

Love this hairdo on you, your eyes pop!

Lynn Fendlason
Lynn Fendlason - 18.06.2020 20:18

The best advice my mom ever gave me was, "clean while you go" in the kitchen. I clean or load the chopping board, the knives, the measuring cups, pots/pans and clean countertops/stove/sink as I cook so when I sit down to dinner everything is already clean. Then we each load our plate/dish into the dishwasher after eating.

Jean Laubenthal
Jean Laubenthal - 11.06.2020 19:35

Fabuous home!

أم محمد
أم محمد - 31.05.2020 03:53

I hope i am as thin as you

Ericka NYC
Ericka NYC - 17.05.2020 05:40

Thank you Diane. This is my favorite video by you, it gave such a good overview. Thank you again! 😊💛

Darlene Armes
Darlene Armes - 17.04.2020 22:53

I love all the videos. I’ve started looking out my outfits and it has helped me so much. I am grateful for all those videos of you looking out your outfits. I never thought of that before I just laid out my clothes for the next day.

Erika Lopez
Erika Lopez - 04.04.2020 05:16

I like your outfit's!!❤

Zenovia Baldeon
Zenovia Baldeon - 04.03.2020 22:15

What kind of sink is in your bathroom! I’m obsessed. I need it!!

Jennifree’s journey
Jennifree’s journey - 27.01.2020 07:09

Where about in Scotland are you from? I’m in Edinburgh lovely to. Hear a Scottish accent!

Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 14.01.2020 03:15

It looks like you have good storage space. Do you have any suggestions for those of us who don't?

Songbirdstress - 14.12.2019 18:58

I've realised the dish washer is the key. I spend HOURS washing up. I have a friend who's a natural Flygentleman and he spends WAY less time than I doing housework. Also less water flying around so less mopping on the floor.

Intentionally Made
Intentionally Made - 06.11.2019 17:54

I am revisiting the flylady system now and have been enjoying your videos. I am working on my morning and evening routine and weekly focus for a few weeks then I’ll incorporate zones later. I’m making kid zones to match mine so that it’s easier for them to stay motivated and I can guide them since they are young. Thank you so much for sharing all your flylady wisdom with us. I live in the US but when my husband and I visited a friend in Austria and we traveled to Germany as well and their bedding is the same way. We loved the simplicity of everything and it really inspired us to work on our own spaces. I wish the mixture of the cultures in America could bring back their little nuggets of tradition to the new generations. I have a lot of British decent and tea time was very big for my mom growing up. I would love to make that part of my tradition with my littles. The simple things are really so delightful.

Ashdawn4 - 22.08.2019 00:06

Loved the video, and may I say how beautiful your style is? Just gorgeous!

Darina Kalinova
Darina Kalinova - 23.07.2019 22:17

Hm🤔 I am not sure but where are the other members of your family you have served the dinner to? It sounds like you have cooked the dinner right? So the rest of family should clean it up and you sit down with cup of coffee. Everybody is working meaning his,her job. But everyone has to do fair share at home, including children and teenagers.

michelle B
michelle B - 08.07.2019 22:19

Getting out the door in the morning is so much easier when I’ve done my evening routine the night before!

Cheryl Haynes
Cheryl Haynes - 06.07.2019 20:37

Please keep your videos coming! They keep me on track ! They motivate me and inspire me. So many good ideas to make it easier. Thank you and God bless you!

Cheryl Haynes
Cheryl Haynes - 06.07.2019 20:34

I’m seeing so much progress and experiencing so much freedom following the Flylady method. Still a long way to go and a lot to do but I’m making a lot of progress.

GradKat - 29.06.2019 15:10

I love this woman - she’s great!!

Eva Marks
Eva Marks - 25.06.2019 11:22

I have a question. I don’t mind laying out my clothes for tomorrow but what to do with my worn clothes? Do you trow them in the laundry or hang them? I have a tendency to pile them up. And then think after an few days I don’t like the mess I’ll trow them in the washpile. 😕

Gayle Ritter
Gayle Ritter - 23.06.2019 20:58

You are so inspirational. I am retired and have terrible habit and slouching around in the mornings in my Jamie's. Because of you, I'm going to change. I have an abundance of clothing and this will make sure that I'm able to benefit from all of it. Thank you for this wonderful video.

beezorob - 20.06.2019 20:48

I love your approach. With just a few tweaks, I’ll be like you. Yippee!

momof2 - 08.06.2019 23:27

I love having a night routine., and then in the morning it's such a pleasure to walk out of my bedroom to a fresh and orderly home tfs 💐💐💐💐💐💐

Jay Alexander
Jay Alexander - 06.06.2019 15:49

Advise needed, please. What do you do if your family members come to the kitchen AFTER you have cleaned it already, make a mess (even a small one, but still) and don't clean up? It has left me terribly chronically frustrated. Because I keep cleaning my kitchen in the evening, and I still don't come back in the morning to the clean kitchen. To be exact - it is my husband . My children are much better at co-operating and cleaning their own mess, but if daddy does something so do they... And no, asking him, over and over again, sweetly, kindly, not nice, getting angry, whatever - does NOT work. There was some improvement, but overall, still same old same old. Help.

Irene - 06.06.2019 13:58

There are lots of good Flylady videos out there but your style really speaks to me Diane. Maybe it's because I'm Scottish too :-) I guess I've been a Flybaby for years without knowing it, as I do tend to put things away, do laundry regularly and avoid having too much stuff. However my current challenge of trying to redecorate my home to sell it and keep everything else under control is going to require more structure to make decent progress, so I am grateful for content like yours to help me get more organized.

If you or anyone else who reads this could advise, I'd be grateful to know whether you think it is worth letting the daily routines slip somewhat to bash on with the decorating and ruthless dejunking or ensuring everything is kept in order and taking a little longer to get the projects finished. I abhor a mess, but only have so much time in a day so could put up with a little chaos for the goal of moving in with my fiancé, who is helping as much as he can for he's keen to put the second ring on my finger.

PHD in Me TV
PHD in Me TV - 20.05.2019 03:47

Thanks for sharing 🌸
