"It's Not Natural" - Why Are 20% of Kids Suddenly LGBTQ?

"It's Not Natural" - Why Are 20% of Kids Suddenly LGBTQ?


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LSD - 03.10.2023 18:38

It's a conspiracy and those behind it are the same with the covid ones : Schwab, Soros, Fink and Gates. Maybe, likely, others as well. But there's something else curious for me, as a non american ; in this most violent society on the planet, no right wing person shot a so called professor, a groomer who sexualizes children. I'm not saying it should or shouldn't ; I don't care. There are no homosexuals or "transgenders" where I live so it's not an issue for me. But I'm just surprised. One thing I CAN say : if a teacher would try to twist my kids minds by proselytising the alphabet people agenda I would put him in a hospital for a month.

Ms Liz
Ms Liz - 03.10.2023 18:08

I’m convinced the asexual ones are really on the spectrum. Many of this flip flop stuff are on the spectrum.

Paul O
Paul O - 03.10.2023 18:00

It’s to push depopulation for net zero…

No Parachute
No Parachute - 03.10.2023 17:43

We need to shut the sodomites/pedophiles down . There here there queer and they are coming for our children

Khalid Mohamed
Khalid Mohamed - 03.10.2023 16:27

20% 😮 stop this or don’t let the west be the ruling(leading) state of the world ANYMORE don’t let interfere with your country peaple.

Martin Weddle
Martin Weddle - 03.10.2023 15:50

Easy answer. A victim culture has been created. If you don't want to be the bad guy, then be the victim.

morganlefay999 - 03.10.2023 15:22

Could we please get some reference material to back up these claims because I'm having a hard time believing these claims

Robin Hammoudeh
Robin Hammoudeh - 03.10.2023 15:16

The gmo foods are taking away hormone and testosterone levels in humans. Especially preprocessed goods. It is changing the genetic makeup of a human body. We are what we eat and what the youth is eating now is fake food.

Br Bart
Br Bart - 03.10.2023 14:16

I've personally noticed a pattern appearing within gen-z that transcends the standard instant gratification and caring what people think... Thing is that gen-z is extremely lost because of social media, they can't make a mark, they can't choose a path, they don't have clear goals because aims are changing daily. A normal person has a need to leave a trace, to make an impact on anything. It can mean you want to be the best of the best, or just a great friend. You need recognition for your actions. We started giving medals for participating, we started mellowing down standards and their impact is almost invisible. So, this is like an easy way out. You say: "Hey, I'm insert random thing." You're instantly special, you left a mark. Naturally, as soon as you develop and start realizing that it's not all about the grand scheme of things, that mark becomes unimportant and you're stuck in the world of despair. People randomly transitioning is just like millennials had their music - you accept a different genre, week or two, you can hang out with metalheads. Now, it's accepting different gender - week or two you are accepted into a group. It's hideous.

Regis Wilkins
Regis Wilkins - 03.10.2023 11:54

Patrick Bet just came out, and wants some Weiner

KkFaller - 03.10.2023 08:34

Why does it sound like Patrick is interviewing Joe?

mark fox
mark fox - 03.10.2023 05:46

America get your country back from the forces of evil....
Straight people have acceptaned being gay they have embraced it now your forcing your shitty dick into the mouths of the young

TaKtiX1000 - 03.10.2023 04:08

Conditioning through school systems. Imagine being told lies 8 hours a day, everyday. You're going to start believing it. Evil brainwashing.

Luis Domínguez
Luis Domínguez - 03.10.2023 02:03

Man, after 50 is not about coming out. if you do it it means you didn't understand life, besides, coming out to whom if nobody cares!?? Unless, Coming out meant you had it inside of you and it tortured you and now you need to come to terms. that is the only case when it s fine.

Daisuke Gori
Daisuke Gori - 03.10.2023 01:28

I hate this half hearted shit. So afraid to say it's wrong. And no,no because of Jesus. Because humans evolved as male and female.

ïηdïε αηηα յ⊕ηεšïηg
ïηdïε αηηα յ⊕ηεšïηg - 03.10.2023 00:26

20% have always been gay, it just wasn't socially acceptable so they repressed it and kept it secret DUH

Ted Currently
Ted Currently - 02.10.2023 23:30

It has 100% moved into social contagion. There are legit gay people, but it's getting a really bad reputation due to the narcissism that permeates our society currently.

Jim Della Vecchia
Jim Della Vecchia - 02.10.2023 22:33

Because they want attention

Jo Ware
Jo Ware - 02.10.2023 21:02

I’ve been saying it then and I’m saying it now. Every media-made health du jour drags in many unhappy people that aren’t LGBT+. I’m “L” and my nephew is now my niece. Actually, I think trans folk need different support and a community that is greatly supportive of there own because the two groups are mutually exclusive or close too it and only has little overlap.
Children deciding their gender, is horrific though the anti-hormone treatment is truly horrific.
My guess is that confused and lonely people, mentally I’ll with, say borderline personality disorder, schizo-effective, schizophrenic and bipolar disorder—which I am.
There are so many charlatan medical practices swindle and I think all of this is to cash in on someone else’s hell and misery.
I think this

onewizzard - 02.10.2023 20:42

you and i both know that pdb likes guys...he is Iranian..most of the men there like packing the chute

Lord SpottyBum
Lord SpottyBum - 02.10.2023 20:07

The reason children are being indoctrinated by the LEFT . Is so the LEFT get more votes in the future . The World Elites are controlling our education system. so that in the future we have a nation full of week confused males who worry more about flower pressing and painting their toenails pink , Rather than doing a working mans job or joining the forces , Making the West worse than it's already becoming .

Master Watch
Master Watch - 02.10.2023 18:47

some very good points made and I think they are right. Some very good comments made below.

Gerguren - 02.10.2023 17:33

give it a few decades and most of them will be out of the genepool by then

EL PADRE PAINTINGS - 02.10.2023 15:02

Cause this is a FAD ! Just like in the 70’s with the pet rock and parachute pants in the 80’s ! See back in the day if you were gay and came out you were considered a hero! Now it’s normal and your just another gay person in society so now all these kids who are screwed up don’t feel “ SPECIAL “ think of how can I feel like a hero now! So that’s where all these kids are doing! And what we are gonna be left with is a generation of kids who are seriously screwed up and commit suicide!! Just stop your not a victim your just like everyone else love who you are god chose you as a boy or girl accept it and be happy in the skin your in cause when you screw with gods plan you will REGRET IT !!

Plumbum - 02.10.2023 14:01

Its the chemicals THAT TURN FROGS GAY

Malcolm Chevrier
Malcolm Chevrier - 02.10.2023 13:41

This push to transgenderism will destroy the next generation of gays. Rather than being left to their gay preference, they will be convinced they are trans. Welcome to the end of an advanced civilization. They are not taken down by invasion, they crumble from within, likely by well meaning, "compassionate" architects of this type of chaos.

Brian Williams
Brian Williams - 02.10.2023 13:32

The irony is that its the least cool statement in the world. It shows everyone that you have no self identity, autonomy, that you are impressionable, naive, malleable, weak minded.

Anyone whos sexuality or sex defines so much their personality or identity is obviously a moron. Regardless of what that sexuality is.

Ladislav Bítala
Ladislav Bítala - 02.10.2023 12:53

Everytime i get mad about sum shit the LGBT community does, I watch the Jamie Vardy kicking the shit out out of that flag and it makes me feel a little better :D.

Bobby Alipour
Bobby Alipour - 02.10.2023 10:58

It’s not the mental perception or how people think. It’s the food that we’re eating and the chemicals we’re consuming which decrease testosterone and increase estrogen which are making people gay in my opinion. Atrazine, the pesticide which chemically castrated 30 out of 40 male frogs at levels lower than the one in our drinking water and 4 of them started developed ovaries and produced eggs. The plastics and phtalates we are exposed to everywhere which decreases testosterone, shrinks penises, and messes up sperm count and viability.

BZCH II - 02.10.2023 08:01

Joe looks tired as shit here

Mohammed M Islam
Mohammed M Islam - 02.10.2023 07:28

In my opinion it's pointless to say: "do not indoctrinate children" but then turn around & say: "but if you are an adult and want to pursue a certain deviant lifestyle then go for it". Eventually when you have enough of these adults embracing this deviant lifestyle, guess who they are coming after =====> CHILDREN!!!!

Agnès Pel
Agnès Pel - 02.10.2023 04:42

Most LGBT are bisexual not gay or lesbian.

Skydrow 24
Skydrow 24 - 01.10.2023 23:20

Unreal downfall for America.

Kristina Schmidt
Kristina Schmidt - 01.10.2023 22:39

I'm the digital one currently in Nazi Kentucky. It's cause it's all the same person.

Missy Dee
Missy Dee - 01.10.2023 22:15

I'm still angry that I had sex in middle school due being a latch key kid and having zero guidance at home, hence falling to peer pressure. Now, I'm pissed as all F*ck that peer pressure to have sex STILL continues and on top of that, single family homes are the norm, kids are constantly around adults and adult conversations, and schools are pressing non binary, gay, and trans? 🤬WTH is wrong with society?? Thank God my kids are grown and missed all this BS. It's sick. I insisted on being a stay at home mom and my husband agreed, even when we couldn't afford it , just so my kids wouldn't be thrown to the wolves having both parents work full time. You can't even trust daycare centers today. I'd rather be broke than have my kids broken due to my material selfishness.But hey, continue on with the best clothes, manicures, pedicures, yearly vacations, paying whatever it takes to watch your sports and reality tv shows, and especially posting on social media daily to feel you remain relevant and fun in your old age. Your kids will be fine, until they are grown and realized how selfish you were.

Cleveland Bailey, Jr
Cleveland Bailey, Jr - 01.10.2023 22:02

How can people be sure that up to 20% are involved in this type of thinking.

T M - 01.10.2023 20:35

And like clockwork, Joe trots out “both sides do it”. Is there anyone on the right pushing something this disgusting and egregious?

Shiirow - 01.10.2023 19:49

testosterone is the new drug of choice to get high on and feel better about yourself, first it was weed, then it was coke now its T.

Harper - 01.10.2023 18:41

its beautiful

runningbrey medina
runningbrey medina - 01.10.2023 18:06

If the book is teaching safe sex methods then what’s the big deal? Would you rather have a child googling “how to give a blow job” or reading how to do it safely? WTF does giving a blow job have to with LGBT? I am a straight male and every blow job I’ve received have been by a female (as far as I know). The only oral sex I have given have been to women.

Every child has a phone these days, they can Google anything. Seriously, how many kids are actually reading books than looking at a device?

I have some friends in the LGBT community who are my age 38 or older; every single one of them say that they knew they were gay or trans at a very young age. Some of them married then divorced the opposite sex and had children.

Jase Cee
Jase Cee - 01.10.2023 16:56

Stop being careful with your words ya simp. SO what if you lose subs and viewers, it means you are losing ythe correct ones

Dovydas - 01.10.2023 16:35

LGBTQ is nonsense. The end.

David Childress
David Childress - 01.10.2023 15:36

What on god’s green earth are you going on about Joe? For the love of Christ… you’re better than this Son (I’m 58). I’m a heterosexual, substitute teacher, in Florida and as such I can tell you that no teacher (regardless of sexual orientation) has the time or motivation to “indoctrinate” anyone into anything. As a comedian (Nobel profession) you understand the use of “they them bullshit” and using charged words like “indoctrination”. Wonderful and well meaning men and women hear, Geobbels-like propaganda and may only register their anger and not the ridiculous nature of the accusations themselves. General’s talk tactics while professionals speak logistics. Please elaborate on the detailed psychology of a person, themselves a member of the LGBTQ community, taking the time, in a busy busy busy school day schedule, to teach a child sexual behavior which your guest seems to implicate. For myself, someone who respects education and understands the nature of Roosevelt’s proclamation “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself… I would offer to your audience the rest of that thought… and those who foment that fear “!
