KWZ Meet Me in St. Louis

KWZ Meet Me in St. Louis

Figboot on Pens

2 года назад

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@richardsimms251 - 25.06.2022 07:08

David : I always enjoy your excellent presentations. RS. Canada

@TheJigglypuffGuy - 23.06.2022 19:38

Try diplomat magnum

@marilyngardner4269 - 23.06.2022 03:36

Let us know if you ever win the New Yorker cartoon caption contest. That would be fun! I tried for quite a while sometime ago and finally gave up. It was a fun exercise to examine each image, note who was speaking in the cartoon, and try to come up with something witty.

@paulmchugh1430 - 22.06.2022 18:27

.uch like the previous comment, I use Diamine Oxblood. I have Sailor red and it is far too light.

What is the dry time for this ink? Being left handed, dry time is a critical component for me.

@fearlessknits - 22.06.2022 06:43

I hope you can come to the St Louis Show some year! It was my first (and so far only) show, and now I’m a volunteer/instructor. It is important to note that purchases of the show ink will be limited to 3/individual, so hopefully everyone gets a chance at it if they like it. Thanks for this review, I’m very excited about the ink now!

@fugamundi5963 - 22.06.2022 05:34

perhaps we could take a word that defines us, ask everyone to chip in with their handwriting. my choice would be: persevere

@fugamundi5963 - 22.06.2022 05:24


i was unfair to you in the past. you came a long way, becoming second to none.

good to know You

@loveisall5520 - 22.06.2022 05:10

l enjoy Diamine Oxblood, probably put out around 25 legal pad pages monthly with it. This doesn't move me; rather like some of those DC Supershow Blues have been more to my taste on some years more than others. My favorite red, which also gets use is the Diamine Poppy Red and the Waterman Audacious Red. Great review--would enjoy seeing you with Brian Goulet again!
