Thank you for uour reaction to our song this year 😊🇱🇻
The text for this songis based on Dainas(folk songs/poems).
The repeated part “Bur man laimi, nevar mani izpostīt” means “Spell me happiness, can not destroy me” and the solo part “savu laimi nepazinu līdz satiku nelaimīti” means “I didn’t recognize my own happiness until I met missery”. Such a simple words carry such a profound meaning…
That being said I really hope the missery Ukraine have met will finally end and that this song will bring happiness for as many people as possible! ❤🇺🇦
Latvia and Lithuania, areas with culture and language called the largest amber sea in the world "BALTICA", it is worth not forgetting Prussia, today in part of Poland and the Russian Federation, the Kalingrad Oblast, which has preserved the names of lakes and towns in some places, Latvian and Lithuanian are probably the oldest Indo-European languages
ОтветитьWhat a beauty
ОтветитьBoa noite meninas May name e José Carlos Sayd ❤ muito obrigado pelas sabedoria e conhecimentos continuarei esperando e acompanhando voceis❤ um grande abraço a todos Para o Oliveira Padê a todos.❤❤❤
Ответитьyes, these gals are in Eurovision now!
ОтветитьСамi крашi,
ОтветитьStirrers my Pagan Soul!...
ОтветитьΥπέροχο, τι διαμάντια έχει στον κόρφο της η παραδοσιακή μουσική και τι ωραία τα παρουσιάζετε.....
ОтветитьCan some one translate the lyrics?
ОтветитьAbsolutely hypnotizing and beautiful song and video
ОтветитьThe traditional European cultures are more interesting than the modern versions, but that's true all over the world. Thank you.
ОтветитьКласс !!!
ОтветитьSuch a masterpiece!! ❤
With love and solidarity from Ukraine! 🇱🇻❤🇺🇦
ОтветитьHan on Kaunis
ОтветитьFor those that do not know like me who just found this. This is a Latvian group Tautumeitas and the song name is "Spodrē Manu Augumiņu" from their album, Skrejceļš.
Here is a translation of the lyrics. I hope that it is a reasonable translation.
Meet new daughters
Sanākati jaunas meitas
Tatars, Tatars
Totari, totari
Lucky things tonight
Šovakari laimes lieti
Tatars, Tatars
Totari, totari
My old father gave it to me
Man iedeva vecais tēvsi
Tatars, Tatars
Totari, totari
Trouser button nut
Bikšu pogu riekšaviņu
Tatars, Tatars
Totari, totari
Yesterday I brought a white goat
Vakar vežu baltu kazu
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
I walked around the green
Ap zaļoi priedulāju
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
It snowed white today
Šodien sniga balti sniegi
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Like the whitest of snowdrops
Kā baltāsi gaigaliņas
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Oh, have a rich Christmas
Ai bagāti Ziemassvēki
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
They have gone downhill
Lejiņāi nogājuši
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
We are old, we are young
Tekam veci, tekam jauni
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Let's take the holiday to a roller coaster
Velkam svētkus kalniņāi
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Rise, sun, early in the morning
Lec, saulīte, rītā agri
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Shine my body
Spodrē manu augumiņu
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Rise, sun, early in the morning
Lec, saulīte, rītā agri
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Shine my body
Spodrē manu augumiņu
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Sunset in the evening
Vakarāi rietēdama
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Delede my little one
Deldē manu pēlājiņu
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Sunset in the evening
Vakarāi rietēdama
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Fuck my little girl
Deldē manu pēlajiņu
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
They did not sow barley
Miežus sēju tie neauga
Tatars, Tatars
Totari, totari
Aspens did not bloom
Apenīši neziedēja
Tatars, Tatars
Totari, totari
This year will remain me
Paliks mani šis gadiņis
Tatars, Tatars
Totari, totari
With people you hate
Ar ļaudīmi ienaidāi
Tatars, Tatars
Totari, totari
Yesterday I took a white goat
Vakar vežu baltu kazu
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
I walked around the green
Ap zaļoi priedulāju
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
It snowed white today
Šodien sniga balti sniegi
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Like the whitest of snowdrops
Kā baltāsi gaigaliņas
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Rise, sun, early in the morning
Lec, saulīte, rītā agri
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Shine my body
Spodrē manu augumiņu
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Rise, sun, early in the morning
Lec, saulīte, rītā agri
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Shine my body
Spodrē manu augumiņu
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Sunset in the evening
Vakarāi rietēdama
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Delede my little one
Deldē manu pēlājiņu
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Sunset in the evening
Vakarāi rietēdama
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
Fuck my little girl
Deldē manu pēlajiņu
Kaladoo, Kaladoo
Kaladū, Kaladū
White law, white wolf
Baltu liku, baltu vilku
Tatars, Tatars
Totari, totari
My body is white
Balts ir mansi augumiņši
Tatars, Tatars
Totari, totari
Own hands, own feet
Pašas rokas, pašas kājas
Tatars, Tatars
Totari, totari
My own smart advice
Pašas gudris padomiņis
Tatars, Tatars.
Totari, totari.
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Asnate Rancāne
Spodrē manu augumiņu lyrics © Akka-laa
Тут все прекрасно!
ОтветитьDoes baltu/balti mean white by any chance?
ОтветитьЦе неймовірно вражаюче і гарне.
ОтветитьHi sii
ОтветитьПрибалты не будьте такими безмозглыми , как я русскиий , иначе вам ждец , вы последняяя опора !!!
ОтветитьПрибалты вы лучшие , мы русы приняли хрю-хрю- стьянство в 988 , вы держитесь до сих пор 🎉
ОтветитьKaapeec saulleekta vietaa karaajas kaut kaads elektrisks rombs? Bet dziesma laba.
ОтветитьЭто не моё родное.. Чайка
ОтветитьBravissime e bellissime
ОтветитьSo do the hats/headgear repersent the diffrent ages of humanity.
Ответить5 skaistas sejas uz kāpu un mūsu skaistās, dzintara klātās, slavenās Baltijas jūras fona un to valoda, krāsa, melodija
ОтветитьHow amazing and powerful are the colors and shine that I see on my winter after this magic and holy song.... All good vibes from Brazil! 🥰
ОтветитьAt least European pagan preserved celebrations. Not sure if found in another place to be similar.
ОтветитьSyrens waiting for the wikerman
ОтветитьMaravilloso como siempre.
Ответитьis latvian related to suomi? it sounds so similar
ОтветитьIt feels Nordic but not Scandinavian. It is Northern in its own feel.❤
ОтветитьOh dry grass, i love you so much!
ОтветитьКакое всё знакомое))))
И даже смысл песни понятен без перевода)))
Очень круто, добавил себе в плейлист!
❤❤❤ ❤ LINDAS MARAVILHOSAS!!!Happy 2024 to you!!! May your Songs be heard in the 4 Corners of the world!!! It reminds me a lot of the CELTIC PEOPLE!!!
ОтветитьСпівайте, любі, ви феєричні!!! Творчої наснаги та успіхів Вам!!!
ОтветитьI love this!!! Greetings from Austria ❤
ОтветитьI love this comment section
ОтветитьЧудові дівчата! Самобутньо та музикально!
Ответитьpanedombrovska: 🌹burvīgi /visās nozīmēs/
ОтветитьFeliz wllw.