Last Stand Hill | Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument | Walking Tour

Last Stand Hill | Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument | Walking Tour

Exploring Intuition

3 года назад

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@robertneville2022 - 14.12.2023 04:41

Back in 1978 during my trailer trucking days I got to see this. I got to the park right at closing time. The park ranger on duty was very cool. He told me he had some paper work to do and I was welcome to walk around while he finished his paperwork , I saw last stand hill from a distance
I promised myself I'd come back one day
It's 2023 I'm retired now and in January 2024 I'm going back
Very good video well done

@robertneville2022 - 14.12.2023 04:41

Back in 1978 during my trailer trucking days I got to see this. I got to the park right at closing time. The park ranger on duty was very cool. He told me he had some paper work to do and I was welcome to walk around while he finished his paperwork , I saw last stand hill from a distance
I promised myself I'd come back one day
It's 2023 I'm retired now and in January 2024 I'm going back
Very good video well done

@robertneville2022 - 14.12.2023 04:41

Back in 1978 during my trailer trucking days I got to see this. I got to the park right at closing time. The park ranger on duty was very cool. He told me he had some paper work to do and I was welcome to walk around while he finished his paperwork , I saw last stand hill from a distance
I promised myself I'd come back one day
It's 2023 I'm retired now and in January 2024 I'm going back
Very good video well done

@robertneville2022 - 14.12.2023 04:40

Back in 1978 during my trailer trucking days I got to see this. I got to the park right at closing time. The park ranger on duty was very cool. He told me he had some paper work to do and I was welcome to walk around while he finished his paperwork , I saw last stand hill from a distance
I promised myself I'd come back one day
It's 2023 I'm retired now and in January 2024 I'm going back
Very good video well done

@sigitasbasys207 - 19.06.2023 16:54


@iangrimwood3345 - 23.03.2023 19:21

Brilliant video!!
You sound out of breath going up hill,looks quite steep, I can imagine how a soldier would feel, running and trying to reach last stand hill, in June it would be hot with a thick uniform on, running and very scared!!

@USCFlash - 11.01.2023 07:47

Nice video!
Unfortunately when they originally built the monument atop last stand hill & then the road from there along battle ridge they really messed up everything. the marker for Custer is not actually where he fell.
The actual hill was 15 feet higher than what you see today...& it was relatively narrow, only a 30 foot diameter flat knoll on top.
atop this were six dead horses in a circle & a few men & Custer was found just under the lip of the top of the knoll. then the remainder of the troops & the rough circle of dead horses were scattered a bit wider & longer down the west slope of hill.

The Custer hilltop & battle ridge are therefore about 15 feet lower now because of the paved road than at the time of the battle.

Terrible original work done in terms of battlefield conservation. they have done a far better job in the past 50 years to preserve things.

@localbod - 24.11.2022 22:09

Thankyou very much for posting this.
I live in Britain and I would love to visit this historic place. Perhaps I will one day.

@larry1824 - 31.08.2022 23:41

At final.moments I doubt there was any organised movemen once crazy Horse came by charging over the hill

@tritontransport - 04.07.2022 19:38

To me Reno was the only smart one ☝️. Attempting to “Live to fight another day” They all should’ve fell back when they saw how big the camp was and how outnumbered they were but Custer and his ego got everybody killed 🤷‍♂️ Rather than fall back and regroup a new battle plan

@mikeoveli1028 - 02.07.2022 07:09

One guy said Custer was a cross between Bobby Knight and Ted Nugent.
An undisciplined disciplinarian.
It seems Custer got what he deserved.

@flintlockhomestead460 - 15.03.2022 09:30

Actually you were correct the first time. The remains of the soldiers were removed from their original graves near where they fell and were reburied in a common grave around the base of the monument on Last Stand Hill. I can't remember the date right now but it is easy to find.

@richardbowers3647 - 13.03.2022 22:25

25 women's graves are still missing!!! What happened???

@michaelrichardson6051 - 05.03.2022 10:01

I was there summer of 2018. Saw Major Reno's grave in the cemetery.

@martinkirby3100 - 23.02.2022 16:07

Sitting bull was murdered for what happens in the little big horn battle he was shot by a facist white mo fo American as was crazy horse who were both a the little bid horn battle

@martinkirby3100 - 23.02.2022 16:03

It's though the Custer killed himself now because of the position of the bullet wound to his head like I said he was aa coward who ended himself when he knew it was over for him and his men he has the blood of his own men and the native American people on his hands I hope he's rotting in hell

@martinkirby3100 - 23.02.2022 15:58

Custer was no hero he was a villain and a coward and mass murderer

@martinkirby3100 - 23.02.2022 15:50

Custer was nothing ledd than a mass murderer who would have eradicated all native American people if he could he deserved the death he had he was a coward

@quivalla - 09.02.2022 05:37

I think those flowers are field bindweed

@SeanRCope - 15.11.2021 18:42

Was on my bucket list too. I’ve been twice now. I just got in my car and drove 1200 miles. So peaceful out there.

@jsteelsadventureandvariety4545 - 15.08.2021 08:36

for sure did the best they could👍 enjoyed man, a epic place to vist, at 1500 miles from home, my hats off to you and them🙂 take care and keep up the good work and documentation, your under rated bro, but dosen't that seem to be the way these days with solid content?? haha🙂

@angelalocke5182 - 24.07.2021 02:59

Love it!
