WCW Starrcade 1994 Review | Wrestling With Wregret

WCW Starrcade 1994 Review | Wrestling With Wregret

Wrestling With Wregret

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ryuhayabaker - 07.10.2023 13:55

HulkaMAYnia... nah, won't ever catch on.

DarthHater100 - 16.09.2023 13:49

Brutus Beefcake is very underrated. Loved him as the Barber. Great gimmick. . . every match someone's hair got buzzed. He always had the best outfits and the big sheers. Can't really judge his talent at a 1994 WCW event, where most of the matches sucked in WCW. But in WWF, he should have gotten a bigger push.

NewEnglandChris - 14.09.2023 02:00

Hulk Hogan in any colors other than black and white is a big negative for me, but WCW had many PPVs worse than this near the end of its existence.

Jonathan Rife
Jonathan Rife - 13.09.2023 01:08

Starcade 1994 was not nearly as good as the Starcades of the late 1980s. Starcade 1994 was disappointing.

Placeholder McGavinport
Placeholder McGavinport - 09.09.2023 17:09

Damn Hogan's matches just aren't that good. I used to LOVE hogan, but is in-ring work in the 90s just isn't that good.

Tim Wright
Tim Wright - 06.09.2023 14:09

Iirc the whoever was directing the camera in that era absolutey loved that shot of the ring reflecting in Meng's glasses. They used it a lot on Nitro and Saturday Night.

Patrick Kennedy
Patrick Kennedy - 26.08.2023 20:35

Ed Leslie as a main eventer... Doesn't work for me brother

Doctor Suave
Doctor Suave - 31.07.2023 12:35

Regarding HHH’s accent…it’s not actually that bad. I mean, obviously no French/Québécois person has ever sounded like that, but compared to what I consider to be a bad initiation of a french accent, it’s pretty tame.

Vinny Venom
Vinny Venom - 20.07.2023 21:18

Honky Tonk Man is an idiot, you get to a certain point in your career where it's time to start putting over others. He wayyyy overvalued himself, he really wasn't much of a draw anymore, or ever. Every way you look at it, he's just an idiot. Fumbled the bag big time

Vinny Venom
Vinny Venom - 20.07.2023 21:14

The first match I ever saw Triple H in, was that "Mud Hog" match 😂

Jerry - 23.06.2023 08:47

Sting vs Avalanche was a let down because he proved several times with Vader that he could get a good match out of even the super heavyweights

Kristjan - 12.06.2023 22:17

I watched this when i was 12 years old

Shaun campbell
Shaun campbell - 09.06.2023 21:18

Hogan vs Vader, Sting vs Arn, Butcher vs Duggan. There I fixed it

drew m
drew m - 08.06.2023 08:23

LOL Taint kick city

REfan2002 - 05.06.2023 05:18

Alex Wright vs. Trips!

Jay Street
Jay Street - 05.06.2023 03:58

Aloha Arn? I didn’t know you were an OSW mark!

Hughes Whiteman
Hughes Whiteman - 03.06.2023 03:55

Hogan+creative control=bullshit. WCW sucked from '94 till the NWO.

Wrong Way Ranger
Wrong Way Ranger - 01.06.2023 05:34

White meat baby face comeback. 🤣

Eduardo Franco
Eduardo Franco - 21.05.2023 02:46

Oh, so here is where HulkaMAYnia is from... Long term booking, well played Brian

Jerry - 20.05.2023 21:26

I can't believe Beefcake actually had the nerve to tell Ric Flair that he was giving Eddie Guerrero too much during a match back in 96

Mr Kipling
Mr Kipling - 12.05.2023 17:47

Was this PPV before or After HHH was known as Terrarizing??

joshawott331 - 03.05.2023 07:22

That's definitely mr t making those sounds when he's punching, it sounds like him when he's punching in rocky but not as deep grumbly or scary. Sounds out of breath and dehydrated, in short words. Good lord make it stop

Elisa Maria
Elisa Maria - 29.04.2023 00:57

Seriously Vader absolutely should have wiped the floor with duggan

JD 911
JD 911 - 22.04.2023 09:15

How does somebody who hasn't beaten anybody get a world title match? Just because he hit Hogan with a pipe a few weeks earlier?

JD 911
JD 911 - 22.04.2023 09:06

Refusing to job to Johnny B Badd wasn't a bad move. After he does the job, what would Bischoff want with him? And he wouldn't be able to draw anything on the indy circuit since he jobbed clean to Johnny B Badd. All he wanted was a contract. It's fair if you think about how many guys in WCW were on contract and never even showed up once (Lanny Poffo).

Greg McNeish
Greg McNeish - 25.03.2023 01:43

I can't express how happy I am that the future Triple H gave us the "flying nothing" version of an elbow drop. Beautiful!

AGC Kiroz X4
AGC Kiroz X4 - 24.03.2023 22:04

To be honest, seeing what happen before and after the arrive of hulk hogan(beggins of 1994 and the ends of the 2000)
I start to thinking he kills WCW, because wcw contracted vince russo, because the fall of rating for the ego of hogan and his "brothers", he stuck the company with his politisim and only pushing his friends, and well after this russo come, made a mess, left the company, nothing is sure and out of air.
And the same happen with TNA, only the difference that they survive but with scars which never will left.
Hulk Hogan is a Legend, but he ruins companies with his politisim...

Chocolate Face
Chocolate Face - 03.03.2023 23:55

Ah yes Sullivan vs T .V1 from OSW was literally dying from laughter during this match and holy shit ,it was the funniest shit ever .

Katherine Davis
Katherine Davis - 23.02.2023 19:24

I like Kevin Sullivan. He seems cuddly, like an alt-reality rasslin' Bill Bailey.

Jordan Steele
Jordan Steele - 13.02.2023 22:26

omg fuck this match and everyone involved gets me every time. Brian your delivery is just amazing

SycoKid - 25.01.2023 17:59

Wow, mid 90s WCW sucked

SycoKid - 25.01.2023 17:56

I thought Brutus was Bulldog

SycoKid - 25.01.2023 17:54

Dave Sullivan? I didn't know there was another Sullivan

Michael Mclaren
Michael Mclaren - 16.01.2023 05:56

Whenever I see duggan and Harley race in the same area I CANT NOT help thinking of their backstage brawl where race picked up a live chicken and hits duggan with it and duggan SELLS for the CHICKEN lmfao!! That spot was soooo funny.

buckwildboys1 - 03.01.2023 11:58

When Hogan starts blasting Butcher with a chair I kept hearing Uncensored 96 commentary "its Uncensored"

The Duke of Swellington
The Duke of Swellington - 29.12.2022 02:26

These videos are getting me through a pretty bad time. Keep up the great work

Nick Suave Music
Nick Suave Music - 27.12.2022 00:18

Crazy to think without this match hhh wouldn’t be married to Stephanie right now and wouldn’t be running wwe right now if only we knew then

Nick Suave Music
Nick Suave Music - 27.12.2022 00:15

Young hhh before tearing his quad was a decent wrestler

Trevor Arens
Trevor Arens - 05.12.2022 05:33

Who noticed when “Santa” lost his hat

Scott Newman
Scott Newman - 04.12.2022 23:12

Wrestling is about over as the world knows and remembers it. It isn't meant for a woke world. Doesn't matter if the fans aren't woke. The advertisers and TV stations are for the most part. They try so hard to make females actual wrestlers now. It will never work because when an everyday guy knows they could destroy them, it doesn't get over. Wrestling of old was watching a He man cartoon come to life. Huge ass athletic muscular guys with charisma. And the fact it is 100% acknowledged as scripted now also hurts some. Never understand why any wrestling company would give a wrestler creative control. That is giving them the company to run. I was one of those guys that as a kid, I didn't like Hogan because all his matches were exactly the same and he never lost prior to Warrior

Christopher Jennings
Christopher Jennings - 01.12.2022 23:55

The greatest part of the Mr T match, the most epic part of the evening in fact, is Mr T winning and still having both his hands trapped in the shirt. Also thank you Brian for giving the Hogan match the rating it deserved though it deserved negative stars. Putting the "butcher" in the main event instead of Vader was the stupidest idea ever. Of course no one ever claimed that wcw was intelligent considering they're no longer around. As I've gotten older, I remember being a huge Hulk Hogan fan growing up and would always cheer in his red and yellow. However watching the matches now as an adult, I'm honestly so tired of nearly every match seeing Hulk Beef up, leg drop and win. I mean I realize that was Hulks move but has anyone else ever really thought about how much damage could a leg drop actually do. I suppose if the back of Hogans thigh actually landed on his opponents larynx it would, hurt probably crushing it and maybe that's what wrestling should have done. Would have been more believable. But then that would in essence have made Hulk a heel

GonnaFlyNow - 27.11.2022 21:06

Asleep on the couch with the hand in the chip bag. Yup can relate

Dave Jenkins
Dave Jenkins - 22.11.2022 17:32

I had just really gotten into pro wrestling around this time. Arn Anderson became my guy around this time.
