Hey with this size fly, what's your ratio of head vs tail hook ups??
ОтветитьI do a similar fly but find it works better with rear hook cut off leaving just the shaft of the hook or I tie the rear section on a straight shaft that I make from stainless wire.
ОтветитьExcellent quality vid on a really cool looking pattern. I appreciate the attention to detail!
ОтветитьReally impressive underwater footage. Looks like you had Spielberg behind the camera!
ОтветитьAnother great pattern. Thanks for sharing. I just tied one up and threw it in the tub to see how it ran. Looks deadly!! Definitely gonna tie up a few of those and make sure I have them in the box.
ОтветитьNice pattern, Thanks
ОтветитьThanks for showing what the fly looks like underwater. I don’t know why all flytying channels don’t do that. In fact, no one but you does that. So thanks again.
ОтветитьThanks for sharing. Tight Lines!
ОтветитьNormally I like to freestyle a fly but ur patterns are too good, have had amazing success with this fly and copper top with trout
ОтветитьWhat's the song in the backround it's gonna be stuck in my head forever now
ОтветитьQuestion: I see you are using gorilla glue (CA) being completely new (this will be my first) to articulate streamer tying, I was under the illusion that gorilla glue is not water proof. I have always used resin or head cement for my flies. And are CA (super glues) really better than head cement? Sorry for the newbie question. Best Regards
ОтветитьTied this fly with black UV ice dub, jack gartsides secret stuff in peacock, black Marabou and some dark blue marabou at the head of the fly! It’s been great! Thanks again for the smaller streamer tutorials.. even the “mini” versions of KGs patterns are still pretty damn big for pa streams!
ОтветитьI love this pattern. Does it fit into a dropper fly category or more like a tandem pattern? It is common practice to whip finish or at least do half hitch to lock your pattern in. Why do you avoid doing that? On average, how long does your flies last?
ОтветитьWould you ever use circle hooks in your patterns?
ОтветитьGreat flys! Can’t wait to tie some up and try them out. Your videos are really good too. Thanks for all the materials used etc.