This city concept breaks architecture (THE LINE)

This city concept breaks architecture (THE LINE)


1 год назад

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@ricijs2000 - 08.01.2024 11:36

''This will be the greatest architectular wonder ever built!!''
A random sandstorm boi - '' guys never learn huh''

@k.warner2423 - 08.01.2024 08:14

What a great channel! I didn't realize how invested I was in architecture until watching Dami. New favorite!

@tmpsg - 08.01.2024 07:01

Dubai's Palm Islands Failed. This will also fail.

@felipeflores2006 - 07.01.2024 03:55

Seems that they want to build a luxurious Pruitt-Igoe. Great analysis.

@asrarshaik5109 - 06.01.2024 15:41

Please discuss about food and FMCG supply chain mechanism. What about Co2 emission to transport food and other daily necessities?

@walkadwill - 06.01.2024 11:12

Fantastic video. Interested in your thoughts about Korean vs Western wealth based building level preferences. In Korea in multi floor dwellings poorer tenants live higher up because it involves inconvenience like lots of stairs and time to exit. Is that concept not applicable here?

@thestorybehindthat5236 - 06.01.2024 08:16

What kind of human being wants to be trapped between 2 walls ALL THE TIME? Whole idea makes me feel claustrophobic.

@WednesdayFin86 - 05.01.2024 23:30

Sounds even worse idea than the Dubai gigaprojects where the mile high skyscrapers don't have sewage systems and the world map archipelago is a bunch of eroding sand heaps in the ocean.

@andyspillum3588 - 05.01.2024 21:24

Just another dictator-megaproject complete with slave-labor, total waste of finite resources, and accomplishing nothing anyone wanted needed or even asked for. yay-us

@pangeyi - 05.01.2024 20:21

Their women were not allow to have passport and drive before? 🫣

@paulhaynes9306 - 05.01.2024 01:09

So they are talking about the line being carbon neutral. So where does the food come from to feed these 9million people?

@miriamcollinge9162 - 04.01.2024 11:39

Self made tragedy soon frustrating

@JordanRobots - 04.01.2024 05:56

I really appreciate that you address things seriously and rationally without immediately dismissing them as ridiculous (even when they are). It seems more fair and it's refreshing

@Khorne_of_the_Hill - 04.01.2024 04:02

Shouldn't the walls be solar panels?

@ewannowak1600 - 03.01.2024 21:56

Good to hear a non political view on why this idea is anti human

@neilsant1194 - 03.01.2024 15:03

Circle is the most habitable, easiest travel from point X to point Y.

@chrisCharDen - 03.01.2024 03:12

I don’t think environmental concerns are an issue from a country whose only real resource is crude oil 🙃

@user-vz5qr3ic5v - 03.01.2024 02:00

The design makes it extremely easy to surveil the populace and, if necessary, isolate problematic sections so that they can be swamped with security personnel. It's everything the modern tyrant could want.

@Lewfrance - 02.01.2024 14:48

This is certainly the result of a design thinking workshop. Guess the actual designers / architects were too busy moderating to call bullshit. Or too afraid to speak up in the room.

@dorcaswinter8296 - 02.01.2024 01:56

I actually think it looks really cool, and the concept also looks awesome but I find it kinda jarring that it’s just randomly slap bang in the middle of the desert. It’s just this random line in the middle of no where.

@emorineau9294 - 01.01.2024 18:31

I really hope this project fails. I can't stand these baboons who do to respect human rights, especially for women, becoming rich, and washing their images as if they were different. Women driving in 2015? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? COMPLETE FREEDOMS AND RIGHTS FOR WOMEN NOW!!!

@kakakiri2601 - 01.01.2024 13:52

They have money, that's it

@danimal865 - 01.01.2024 09:10

Even 1 trillion is possible for a bunch of saudi oil princes

@ADobbin1 - 01.01.2024 07:36

They are probably going to run out of money long before its even remotely finished. I'm betting they don't even get to the point of moving people in. They don't really care about the environment. Its a pride project. You know, look how great we are... we built this!!! Pay attention to us!!!

@andrewrawlings5220 - 01.01.2024 06:30

I think that last point is the most likely. Prince 'Bone Saw' is trying to improve his image and 'The Line', Sports-washing and 'women's rights' is all that this is about. The fact that rubes are willing to pay him to do this is just icing on the cake.

@bijanshadnia3620 - 01.01.2024 06:16

This was a deep piece. Thank you

@lukasmeza2352 - 01.01.2024 05:53

The video was interesting but you have to put in your socialist progressive views and politics so much? What a waste, unsubscribed

@rebeccacarter1914 - 31.12.2023 23:36

Good intentions. Road to hell. Welcome to Boondogle City. Instead look back at the architecture developed over centuries in desert climes.

@peterpakarinen2927 - 31.12.2023 19:38

Nothing organic about it. A fully controlled society, every aspect planned by a central authority. How can this society be free.

@prdiludi4432 - 31.12.2023 18:31

Oil princ doing oil princ stuff. Like everything they do, this too is not based in reality. Next.

@dexdex1123 - 31.12.2023 15:34

Can you please look at architecture in Iran. Ancient wind mills , underground aqueducts and air conditioning. Please. Love your stuff

@joepetrucci4908 - 31.12.2023 01:45

It's a giant mall with an apartment and a road on the roof

@user-ii6ly2hm2r - 31.12.2023 01:21

I'm. Just came across your content.. Think you're interesting,.,.so let's go¡!!!!

@matthewdenckla6567 - 30.12.2023 21:32

Another great video! I live in San Francisco, where the transit system is historically designed to focus the whole region on downtown San Francisco (though cars and highways make it easier to "metabolize" realities like San Jose rising to have double SF's population and "reverse commuting" to satellite corporate compounds throughout the region). What the Saudi Prince should be briefed upon is that San Francisco is ALREADY a case study in the problems of over-emphasizing a tiny version of "Neom" with it's existing transit system today, right now, and observable maintenance and usage. That's the four stops of overlapping "MUNI" and "BART" systems in a small corridor just around 2 (not 170!) kilometers long as the "heart" of the transit plan for the whole area. There are TWO tracks for MUNI and TWO tracks for BART passing through this section of the entire area.. and if there is a problem at any of these four stations... transit is slowed or stopped for the City and the region at subsurface and this "pinch point." IF there is an accident, such as a suicide on one track, then one system is immediately crippled to 50% capacity using a single track for reduced train traffic in both directions. An earthquake, in theory, could make both tracks disrupted or unsafe and kill the entire flow indefinitely. In my opinion, this has already shown to be a disaster, propped up by emergency deployment of surface buses (less efficient and, in the case of BART, impossible to replicate the efficiency of up to 10 packed train carriages every five minutes or so in rush hour) and then the surface buses further congest the street level and bridge pinch points so it's not an actual competitive alternate use case, it's just how you rescue people from a system that has no other redundancy which can help. Even without tragedy, how do you maintain or upgrade the system without massive inconvenience? In my thirty years of living in SF, routine maintenance has meant that evening or overnight service just goes away for months at a time, which creates not only social but economic woes for the central area.. in NEOM, there would be curfews or "just walk 40 km to see your uncle if you must" scenarios! Again, the ONLY reason this is tenable is that the foolishly unitary section of the transit system is LESS than two kilometers and we have surface level options. The contrasting example is NYC, where there are so many lines, that an entire line can be CLOSED and only the people served only by that radial line are impacted, but the majority of people can adapt immediately by moving to another subway or train line and then lesser inconvenience of surface transit in outlying, less dense areas. By building a system that emphasizes a single, unitary and unified system, when (not if, but when, as all things fail, or get compromised by crime or terrorism) that slips, people will be forced to walk MUCH more than "five minutes' to get to friends or family up to 170 km away! Thanks for reading!

@zenwarfare70 - 30.12.2023 20:44

It is strange, with all these failed projects, which I believe a whole lot of people know about.

Who will invest in this ?

Great video, as usual.

@The_Mother. - 30.12.2023 18:13

the lines main selling point is the sparkling 3D renderings and the assumption that people don't have a desire for private outdoor areas... sure we can add a balcony to some apartments but the facade of the Line clearly dictates that a balcony would be on the interior of the line and not on the exterior... this complicates the internal architecture and we already know that it leads to not everyone can afford a balcony apartment... but a balcony is still only that... a balcony, i personally wouldn't classify that as a privately owned and private pocket of outdoor space... it's more like a shelf for people to see you enjoying your breakfast... which defeats the point of privacy... enclose it in walls to make it private? sure... and we defeat the whole point of it feeling/being outdoors... i can't begin to even dream of having an apartment in such a place as the line... but... for once i don't mind... i'd much rather own a cabin in the woods then being cooped up in my own box in an overly opulent architectural stunt.

i personally don't see the line as a sustainable idea...

@davetopper - 30.12.2023 14:47

I want to see it built just to see how fast it fails. And I can imagine pretty quick. Labor builds it, designs it, but will they be able to live there? The ultimate caste system built into a city. Striving metropolis above, city working slum below. I can't see it any other way.

@hamayoonshah1990 - 30.12.2023 11:26

you have the beautiful voice i have ever listened to any

@_Urahara_Kisuke_ - 30.12.2023 10:08

Creates more problems than it'll solve.

@atanasgeorgiev5419 - 30.12.2023 03:27

Women just start to drive there but not in that city. Personnaly I can't imagine living closed there. The authorities wants to promote good image : futuristic, openminded, brave, revolutionnary... The paradox is that they show exactly their fail : to close an entire population in between two walls.

@hiddenhope7569 - 30.12.2023 01:18

Its painful seeing cute little hopefuls like this, your future will be replaced with a global tyrant. But its fine you just keep on dreaming and loving and living just dont turn around. Ill handle this back here you just keep looking straight. Someone has to keep dreaming.

@mattkennedy6683 - 29.12.2023 23:10

I can imagine the plants being hydroponic, which would allow for artificial light, but the water and air conditioning bill is going to be LOONY! Also a massive structure for the super-wealthy (and one with less strict rules) in a traditional tribal area seems like magnet for terror-attacks which would cause many more optical problems for the House of Saud than it could ever solve.

@JonathanMartinez-ei4up - 29.12.2023 22:49

The Line is a disaster of an idea. It is completely counter to an echo friendly design (even if they say it will have zero carbon emissions, it is ignoring the vast living echo system in the desert that will be destroyed & displaced by this “Great Wall” of Arabia). It’s like you said, even the most basic design principals are being ignored. They want to make both outer walls into mirrors…instead of shade being cast by this mega-structure, it will create massive heat zones. This is absolutely a political move that is going to wast a massive amount of money and resources. But of course, this is also a country run by royal figures who cover cars in hundreds of thousands of literal diamonds as a status symbol. It will wind up being another abandoned building project which will eventually get torn down for materials to make something else.

@naiemmia6371 - 29.12.2023 20:18

sis it seems saudi arabia didn't gave you visa & you took personelly.

@insanerajput9883 - 29.12.2023 13:28

Logic is something new for Saudi people they already have so much money to make them dumb😂 i was seriously thinking about this whole project but only come to the point that they are money sick simple thing is that they are using a trillion dollars for this whole shit project and covering it's drawback through fake publicity 😅

@insanerajput9883 - 29.12.2023 13:28

Logic is something new for Saudi people they already have so much money to make them dumb😂 i was seriously thinking about this whole project but only come to the point that they are money sick simple thing is that they are using a trillion dollars for this whole shit project and covering it's drawback through fake publicity 😅

@insanerajput9883 - 29.12.2023 13:28

Logic is something new for Saudi people they already have so much money to make them dumb😂 i was seriously thinking about this whole project but only come to the point that they are money sick simple thing is that they are using a trillion dollars for this whole shit project and covering it's drawback through fake publicity 😅

@insanerajput9883 - 29.12.2023 13:27

Logic is something new for Saudi people they already have so much money to make them dumb😂 i was seriously thinking about this whole project but only come to the point that they are money sick simple thing is that they are using a trillion dollars for this whole shit project and covering it's drawback through fake publicity 😅

@thisoverpcworld - 29.12.2023 03:58

Its a country built on oil and dictatorial way. Do you really think this will ever complete? Saudi public is both not educated and does not have power to oppose.

@sydneyp7867 - 28.12.2023 21:34

This sounds more like a prison… like why wall in the city 😭 and why make them insane mirrors 😭😭
