The Biopesticide Summit 2021 took place via a virtual platform on Tuesday 6th July. The Summit focussed on regulatory challenges and called for reform to create a regulatory environment that nurtures and supports the BioProtection (= Biopesticide) industry.
The Summit was recorded and is available to watch in 5 parts (see below for content of each video). THIS IS PART ONE!
Video - PART 1:
• Minshad Ansari: Chairman of the WBF: Welcome and objectives
• Adrian Dixon, HSE Chemicals Regulation Division: Pesticides regulation and biopesticides
Video - PART 2:
• Jennifer Lewis, Executive Director, IBMA What does a successful regulatory framework look like?
• Tristan Jervis, Senior Public Affairs Consultant: A time for change: the WBF campaign for process reform in UK Biopesticide Regulation
Video - PART 3:
• David Cary, Former Executive Director at IBMA: Regulatory reform in the EU
• Thorben Looije, Valto: Registering a biopesticide product: experiences and hurdles
Video - PART 4:
• Panel discussion, comprising a panel of experts: Owen Jones (Lisk & Jones Consultants), Nick Mole (Policy Officer, PAN), Ralf-Udo Ehlers (e-nema), Shashi Sharma (Murdoch University), Minshad Ansari, Adrian Dixon, Jennifer Lewis, Tristan Jervis, David Cary and Thorben Looije.
Video - PART 5:
• Panel discussion, cont’d
• Minshad Ansari: Thanks and Close