10 Signs You're a Bad Driver!

10 Signs You're a Bad Driver!

Bladed Angel

2 года назад

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Don James
Don James - 04.10.2023 05:21

in my town we have alot of territorial drivers most of the are in really loud hondas. they will speed up just to keep you from passing or going by every day i get some punk trying to race me i drive a 87 porsche 928. it might look fast but its not n i dont worry about being fast i want to be safe an just get to where im going

Luuth - 04.10.2023 04:38

One of the most annoying things is when you're on an on ramp and grandpa or grandma in front of you won't speed up to the flow of traffic

B m
B m - 04.10.2023 03:47

the tailgate one... i was going 65 mph and someone was so close i couldnt see their headlights, which means you have to be SUPERRRRR close

Quarky Matter
Quarky Matter - 03.10.2023 21:22

To emphasize number 10, it is especially infuriating when the left lane is an Express lane, and I'm paying money to use this lane but there is always that guy who wants to go 10 under but now I'm stuck in this lane behind this guy until the double white line turns to a single dashed line... seriously not cool

AP32thrillz - 03.10.2023 16:51

“So i had I accepted this nice gesture” I couldve died

AP32thrillz - 03.10.2023 16:49

The fact im 23 and had my driving privileges taken away for a year due to medical issues and i still knew almost everything on this list by figuring it out on my own. Teach better DMV

AP32thrillz - 03.10.2023 16:42

I hate to say it but when you’re exiting a highway you shouldn’t be in the middle lane, at least get over like .2 miles before your exit

alqathan antoni
alqathan antoni - 02.10.2023 14:53

try driving in indonesian traffic, you'l come out as an f1 driver

Popshocks - 02.10.2023 07:37

The first sign has a different reason to be here in Mexico and it’s because people turn into complete douchebags whenever you signal you want to change lanes and they don’t let you. Personally I try to always signal but sometimes I enter auto-pilot mode and forget it

Ryan S
Ryan S - 01.10.2023 21:30

Yea it annoys me so much when I stop behind an SUV and in my view I can still see there back wheels so I’m not close at all but then the SUV driver always moves up so I move up again to close the gap because I’m not going to sit two car lengths back when there’s room to move up. Then I always get the hand gesture from the drivers. Look I’m not even close it just looks like it to you.

Дмитрий Фролов
Дмитрий Фролов - 01.10.2023 10:19

7 Being too nice

Generally I agree, but if it's a crosswalk without traffic lights on a moderately busy road, these guys-got-places-to-be better shove it. Basically, "playing out" should work like this - if you see that the other lane has stopped, your should at least slow down because they've probably stopped for a reason (a pedestrian for example, in a crosswalk situation, they are usually at intersections). In this case you in your stopped lane won't be playing nice for too long. But yeah, if it's more than 5 seconds, then it's time to rethink it

Ben Music
Ben Music - 01.10.2023 05:30

Please send this to someone who needs it

the potato of heaven
the potato of heaven - 30.09.2023 07:12

ive met many people block zippers

X_FLies - 30.09.2023 01:37

You forgot merging on to the interstate. Absolutely terrible. People have no sense of timing and 99% of people slow down when they should accelerate and vice versa.

rojoshow13 - 29.09.2023 22:51

I live in a mostly rural area so I don't run into a lot of the freeway type of problems. But be careful if any of the people I do have to deal with end up driving in your city. I have plenty of pet peeves when it comes to other drivers. One of the biggest annoyances I encounter most often is this one particular intersection on the highway in town with a set of lights. And if someone is turning left, but they have to wait for an opening in the oncoming traffic, and they sit behind the line. And then it turns yellow and they get to go, but I don't. Just pull up so a few more of us get to actually go also.

Stonedbeef - 29.09.2023 21:49

I never get why most people are to stupid to understand the zipper, it’s a big problem on the autobahn in Germany as well. Just leave 1-2 car lengths to the car in front and it could be smooth as butter but nooo there are always some mentally retarded people who think that if they get in front of the car they should let in they are magically gonna save themselves a lot of time.

Another problem is that many people switch lanes before the lane stops, this fucks up the sequence

Cristian Damien Espinoza
Cristian Damien Espinoza - 29.09.2023 21:01

Hell yeah Phoenix

CheesyGamez07 - 29.09.2023 14:04

I do number 5 at some lights because I've seen it where the semi-truck can't stop because the light changed suddenly so I wait about 2 seconds to make sure a truck isn't gonna have to run the light.

Ultraadmim - 29.09.2023 06:05

Even worse when all of this happens to you in less than 10 minutes of being in puerto rico like goddamn we got one of the highest rates of car ownership in the world now mix that with a bunch of teens blasting earrape bad bunny with their 10k sound system while always driving as if they in the nurburgring and 4 foot 9 women in palisades/tellurides and pilots that made sure to curb even the spare tyre and you got yourself puerto rican traffic

A_Spooky_Skeleton - 29.09.2023 00:13

I did a roadtrip around the country pretty recently, noticed everyone else is much more courteous and even moves out of the way for a mustang barreling at them at the speed limit in the left lane, over 7 days I got cut off exactly 2 times but then returning to jersey I was sitting behind slowasses who camp the left lane while more and more people pile up behind them in a line and eventually pass them on the right because the guy in the middle lane finally moves and got cut off like 10 times in the first hour I came back.

Granted all our bad drivers and reputation are imported from New York.

Mr Brightside
Mr Brightside - 27.09.2023 16:37

Ehh isn't the middle lane for passing as well? The left lane is for passing the passing lane!

Sasa Jednak
Sasa Jednak - 27.09.2023 15:23

So right about that feeling when successufully trading lanes.
About tailgating, I had different approach few times. I was driving with few car lengths space ahead and then car ahead starts spraying windshield . So after second time I speed up all the way to their bumper, drive few seconds there and then back off and go back to those few car lengths. No spraying done after.

Fresh beatz
Fresh beatz - 27.09.2023 00:10

Come and visit South Africa. It is a circus on the roads here

Edamnaf - 26.09.2023 19:48

Rev'ing is not always the person...depends on the car...my Mustang GT has rev matching....so it will rev on its own.

Edamnaf - 26.09.2023 19:46

regarding 'zipper merging' ....I concur...EXCEPT:

YOU can't be in the lane that's closing down behind me by 10 car lengths and think it's ok to SPEED THE FUCK UP to get in front of me...and then hear someone like you say "you should have let him or you're a bad driver" ...no..the cock sucker who speeds up to get a car length ahead is a pos.

Forrest Porter
Forrest Porter - 26.09.2023 08:12

Having little faith in drivers accelerating at green light is justified. Too many distracted drivers. In Dallas there is also a decent chance you've got a red light runner too and we've pretty much all been conditioned to take another second to look before driving.

Gargamella69 - 26.09.2023 08:10

0) U dont have a Driving licence
-1) U are a minor

Logan Peterson
Logan Peterson - 26.09.2023 02:13

Slower drivers in the passing lane. Similar to faster cars in the right lane. Can disrupt traffic flow and sometimes be fairly dangerous

Joseph Crisamore
Joseph Crisamore - 24.09.2023 16:43

Being a FedEx driver alot of people hug my blind spot

Plant Based Primate
Plant Based Primate - 24.09.2023 04:20

Complete BS that if a small car is 5 car lengths behind you that you'll still just see their roof. I drive a large truck and a very small car, if a truck can't see your headlights, you're still too close.

ErickGz Pro
ErickGz Pro - 23.09.2023 05:09

So someone arrived first at a stop sign across from me. They are making a left turn. I arrived later but I’m making a right turn. We both stopped because there were traffic. Don’t I have the right of way to turn first even tho I arrived later because I’m making a right turn. The driver got mad at me.

FreeFox22 - 22.09.2023 16:35

bro got a good point, but the problem with the zipping lines are also in other countries or continets

Mortuus666 - 22.09.2023 12:49

I don't do any of these, yet nearly EVERY SINGLE OTHER PERSON DOES. Welcome to Florida.

Hasan A
Hasan A - 22.09.2023 08:46

I will say this about the assholes in point 1… it probably isn’t illegal to do that, but it’s insanely unsafe and risking a it much for the sake of pride. Go to therapy or something if you actually do that.

Logey Bear
Logey Bear - 21.09.2023 23:43

I once rode on my moped behind a truck, and he sprayed his windshield washer fluid to make me "back off" because I was "too close."
No, dude, I'm on a three foot tall moped that weighs at most 200 lbs, and you're in a 2 ton Dodge Ram, so not only can I brake way faster than you meaning I can reasonably ride closer behind you than a car, but also your line of sight is skewed because you're sitting 7 feet up in the air, and your extended cab and bed obstruct your view directly behind you.

Niinbo - 21.09.2023 20:50


Ludak021 - 20.09.2023 21:00

Less than 10% of vehicles use automatic transmission where I live. That solves majority of the problems you describe in your video. Automatic transmission is, in my opinion, for the lazy men, or females in general. Expecting them to not be lazy is an oxymoron. Also, manual transmission keeps people involved in driving. They pay more attention to everything since they have a lot less time to be distracted.

Charles Hines
Charles Hines - 20.09.2023 17:03

About blind spot hugging, there is nothing wrong with signaling. Try it, maybe people will appear less frustrated with you then. Sure there is always that one person out there who seems to just want to cause problems. They are probably just Karens or other people who seem to only exist to cause misery everywhere they go. Face it, that is just how some people are! They are not happy unless no one around them is happy! What the deep rooted psychological issue is can be a myriad of things. Some people are just not nice!

Charles Hines
Charles Hines - 20.09.2023 16:49

What do you mean still in the United States? I see them every day it is as if rather than their number fading away like the paint on the ugly clunker they drive, there are more instead!!

learei - 20.09.2023 08:49

it's so annoying when I'm trapped in traffic in my trans am and there's a Chevy Equinox that thinks they gapped me

Rave - 20.09.2023 07:45

Ima good driver then :D

Dalton - 19.09.2023 04:14

In Canada we kind of teach against some of the proper examples and we are just really bad drivers. It's really annoying when I want to not be stuck. We also do the taking turns at the lights... at almost every light. And the cops are ruthless here. If you drive anything over the limit in the left lane, you WILL get a ticket. Cops don't care about traffic, they barely care about safety at all. They'd rather me hold up traffic by going under the limit in any lane (left included) even if the speed of the traffic is significantly higher. If I do not impede traffic, I WILL get a ticket. I've seen it before. The RCMP (Federal Police) ONLY care about ticket revenue.

coleh46 - 19.09.2023 00:06

In the “zipper merging” situation, I will gladly let someone merge if they’re trying to merge a good distance back, usually right after the first (typically construction) sign telling them to merge. I will never let someone in who waits until they are at the exit or the cone barriers to try and merge, because that is indeed cutting. You can sit at that cone barrier with a construction worker staring at you for the rest of your afternoon, have fun!

Fauxtool - 18.09.2023 00:11

It seems like you drive around blacks often. I'm so sorry

Kushagra Mehta
Kushagra Mehta - 17.09.2023 15:24

Have you ever driven in india my friend?
