Reacting To Skill Capped "SECRET Technique FAKER Uses..."

Reacting To Skill Capped "SECRET Technique FAKER Uses..."

Coach Curtis

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@garagavia - 19.12.2023 15:20

They should have just done the video in high elo and not talked about gold/plat

@shadowcraftplayer9075 - 08.12.2023 05:58

The point could be that some times is better kepping presure than getting a kill.

I do this a lot for example in Riven vs Nasus matchup. Let's imagine we are both 0/0 and Nasus is 100hp under tower and 3k gold to spend. I can easily dive him, make him lose 2 or 3 waves and came with a component advantage to lane. Then we will be both full hp in lane and Nasus it's going to have a Trinity, that can give him potential to solo kill me, or to assist his jungler. Instead, it's better don't take the free kill and extend the lane status the maximum possible. He will still lose some minions under tower, get zoned out on some lasthits... So i end up getting more advantage than diving him and taking the free kill, also with 0 risk to me being killed.

@kamilkollodi2060 - 26.11.2023 14:50

well they lack context sometimes, different variables, scenarios, nice analysis

@MrBenigi - 25.11.2023 16:54

Soooo... I shouldnt buy a skillcapped coaching?

@NightridingDoom - 25.11.2023 14:03

I think you are finally a good candidate to recognize where the actual issues are.

@ExecutiveGoth - 24.11.2023 08:51

I like skill capped as like, general content, and huh that's an interesting thing to think about. I just really dislike how accusatory and "blamey " they sound. It's just never positive energy :/ Like: "THis is why YOU'RE HARDSTUCK , and you are actively INTING all the time if you don't do this"

@vortraz2054 - 20.11.2023 11:09

Oh Curtis im glad you talked about your mistake of playing in bronze, I just saw that video and I was looking for a place to tell you, your mistake wasnt recording a bronze game. Your mistake was trying to role play a bronze player and say "See bronze players can win games" When that wasnt even relevant to the original reddit post which claimed theres very little skill difference between Bronze and challenger players.

If you wanted to prove that wrong, you should have gone to a bronze game, played defensively and let bronze players come to you when they feel strong and confident, when they think their at their best, and then take them out back and put them down. And only a few games of this because it IS unfair to bronze players, but they need a wake up call. They need help moving out of denial and on their way toward acceptance. So they can start learning again.

Even here in this video your conflating things that arent related when you say that your mistake was "Recording a bronze game" rather than your test methodology.
You CAN play a bronze game as evidence against that reddit post, but you should have done it as a relaxed leisurely challenger, vs bronze players

On another note your theory about champion mastery being a prerequisite to fundamentals I would say is entirely accurate. Because of the fact that a champions identity is so intertwined with what fundamentals you need in order to play them. And one last thing, when you do react videos, we dont benefit from seeing your first impressions. If you value yourself as a coach and a teacher you should think before you speak. Not doing so is dangerous. Im all for responding to the things other players are talking about, but it shouldnt be out of pocket I think

@TinyGobos - 20.11.2023 09:11

Playing in emerald I often get teammates forcing plays, especially in late game. For example trying to get some engage on enemies that got baron even though there is no way to win and we should just siege under tower and cut our losses. Many times something like that lost me a game that was perfectly winnable.

@aaronfimbres8953 - 18.11.2023 12:36

I came here to be critical of your video but then I realized I didnt want to seem like a jerk. You probably took a lot of time to put it together. I should probably do something cool rather than poop on another person’s hard work.

@SOULJAJOE010 - 04.11.2023 19:01

you look like brandon harding

@popelipo6281 - 04.11.2023 05:22

You put it perfectly. It makes no sense putting a challanger player in gold to show off a very specific concept completely out of context not paying any attention to the things that made the challanger player be in a winning position to begin with. Like you said at its core its good advice but they are trying to sell it as some quick lifehack to gold players to climb but an actual gold player wont have the skill to concistently get into these winning positions to begin with.

These videos should either just be made showing a challanger player playing in challanger elo or if they really wanna make the point that it works in low elo get an actual gold elo player to show it off.

@jaxirraywhisper741 - 01.11.2023 14:03

Hey ghuys learn this secret faker trick to climb! The trick is:
Learn how to manage wave properly
Learn how to ward properly
Learn how to deny your laner CS
Learn how to prevent your laner from backing
Track your jungler movement
Track enemy jungler movement
Be ready to be first at the objectives or teamfights

Basically become master tier player and suddenly you wont be stucked in low elo. 10/10 skill up, nice trick.

@peppermint7152 - 29.10.2023 01:03

Mm. I'm writing this mid video.

But I feel like risk taking depends a lot on the game state.

In a stable game state, play slow. If your team is hard losing, then take more risks in an attempt to secure victory.

@overpoweredjelly3513 - 25.10.2023 12:10

The main problem with this skill capped video, is that he suggest a "basic" of League as a secret technique

@donquixoterosinante8372 - 19.10.2023 10:35

Just by watching your videos i got diamond within a year thank you god

@joshuamcpherson9761 - 18.10.2023 02:46

Ok, so disclaimer, I wrote all this before I watched the las 2 mins haha. But it might be helpful for future content.

I don't know, this video of yours seems a bit all over the place. A little like you are trying to pull people off skill capped to your coaching. Which I respect, they are your competitor but I think you were trying to force it too much.

I'll explain. During the start of the video you seemed to worry that low elo players watching this Skill Capped video might need to know more things then just this one skill. That there is a lot of other things they need to know and that High elo players take those skills for granted. You went and explained things threw out the video on what Faker might of been thinking at the time as if they were a matter of fact and your target audience would be already thinking it.

It's a little confusing to me to because I watched this Skill Capped video and thought I'd give it a try. I won 12 out of 13 games out damaging and doing a lot more them I normally do as a Ziggs. I felt it opened up the map more and I understood what the game was truly about (The nuance if you will). The maps ebb and flow if you will. Yet you're telling me I need to know more? It seems to me this is the skill I needed to know.

You all so keep saying, "what's the alternative?" to plays they say. That's the point to them saying that's is a play to make.

I guess what I am trying to say is as a fan of your content, learning a back bone like strategy like this, where I can go into the game with a plan and figure out what to do around that is more beneficial then your making it out to be. You did mention that going into a game with a plan and just doing that plan is a alright thing to do but you seem to down play it a little.

In conclusion, Lov'ya content, maybe next reaction video (which I want more of) go more into the "nuances" and less questioning how they are making their content. But what do I know, I'm not a content creator.

@sachmet92 - 11.10.2023 18:58

Hello I have a very selfish question: did you think about making separate video about wave management? It's usually a part of your fundementals video, but it would be nice to see it with more examples (I admit, I might've messed up my wave lvl 1-2 vs fizz/sylas way too many times and it saddens me).

@alessiovitturi7312 - 11.10.2023 02:23

I honestly think skill capped is the best chabnel to follow to become better at the fame, some videos are so mind blowing and i had a few revelations which helped me go fron bronze to emerald this season, i hate their tier lists videos tho they suck, byt there are a lot of really really cool videos

@JessicaMorgani - 04.10.2023 04:17

This guide was great for me. I don't even play mid lane and after watching it I queue as an ahri mid and stomped a few games.

@Redsabre23ONPC - 03.10.2023 00:36

Please make a video about reworked Aureion sol

@AbductedLlama - 02.10.2023 00:19

Actually kind of disappointed with this video.

@wwdwwd-wn1lx - 01.10.2023 15:02

ricky gervias plays league? we can hypothesis every situation all day long son

@TJR123 - 01.10.2023 14:31

I think its solid knowledge for low ELO. There is a % of people that have the reactions and mechanics of a 90 y/o... I am one of them. So knowledge, macro, and mental is where I can get an advantage. I enjoy this reaction and the original video equally. More of these reviews please!!!

@antipunt1 - 01.10.2023 08:22

Skillcapped's biggest weakness has always been leaving out important, relevant details. They generalize almost everything to the point that their advice can be downright detrimental to the viewer. Believe it or not, it actually used to be infinitely worse; its content is the best it's ever been, currently. Following their guides word-for-word initially actually put me back many months of progress; it was only after that I learned to take their content with a grain of salt that I actually benefited from their content at all. They are a business first and foremost, and a teaching channel second.

@Gr33nLATTE - 30.09.2023 09:34

Really fun vid and informative commentry on it! Just wondering, if you did reset correctly for the lost chapter, for rift, wouldn't the Jayce also get to reset? Would he have dirk and be at the rift instead (looking at the cs I think it would be 2 long swords only assuming basing at the 7 min mark)? This is partially outcome based, but since you stayed at missed your rest window, the Jayce also stayed on 50% hp and he didn't even go to the rift. So whilst you didn't have an optimal contribution to the rift, the Jayce didn't contribute at all. If there is a minimum requirement (dmg/cc/etc) needed from you to get the rift, would you need the lost chapter? Yes, it is easier, but it's kind of the same idea as over-killing an enemy and wasting the ult for example. Just wondering if those are valid points for you to stay instead in this specific game. Playing devil's advocate as you normally do!

@ibrahimelmhadri6576 - 29.09.2023 12:12

What if you are playing something like Fizz or Diana and you really want to get early kills as you aren't really a scaller but a mid game stomp champ?

@hanyuu8672 - 29.09.2023 07:31

I think one of the best advices Skillcapped could've given here is that the 6 games they played were divided in two blocks instead of playing 6 games in a row; sadly they didn't even mention it

@eugenijuspuskovas7848 - 28.09.2023 23:17

im not high elo player but wtf this "secret" its kinda toplaners butter:D toplaners does that like from season 3:D

@ioanah.2901 - 28.09.2023 21:44

The problem with these skillcaped videos is not that they offer bad advice but they don't really explain when you should and shouldn't use the strategies they present. They sell it as do this and you'll win games. When and where and how is sometimes lacking in their videos. An example from memory is the one when they encourage adcs to split push to gain xp money and towers rather than teamfight (esp if you're behind) while this strategy is not a bad one some people will take this too literally and abandon their team completely, forgetting their role in the game. Sure it's not a bad idea to this as an adc, but you might miss an important teamfight around an objective because you don't have tp, or you might overextend because you're bronze and lack map awareness. I'm assuming they do this so you'll buy their subscription where they explain more thoroughly

@byeguyssry9431 - 28.09.2023 17:29

I think that this guide is still good. You mention that a low elo player is less likely to keep track of as many things; so giving them a safe "default" option to do in all scenarios (if enemy recalling -> shove then recall. If enemy staying and weaker than you -> just don't do anything) gives them more mental capacity to think about other stuff.

@catmando268 - 28.09.2023 16:34

Good video.

@eliogal - 28.09.2023 15:46

Great video ! I acutally think it would make WAY more sense to record a REAL gold player to implement these concepts, instead of just showing a smurf with overall better fundamentals that artificially prove a point that is very specific and will only be relevant in 10% of the situation.

@Celmondas - 28.09.2023 15:17

I think Skillcapped is a little Hit or Miss with their videos. They got a lot of really great videos discussing the basics that can really help low Elo players but they also got some weird videos discussing some really specific things that arent really important for Silver or Gold. I guess the need to produce multiple videos a week makes them pick up any little thing they can

@lorenaklaes9140 - 28.09.2023 15:15

Had my biases when I saw the premise of the video but ended up really enjoying it. While it's a reaction vod there is so much nuance you're bringing in.

Love the level of detail and dedication. It's great seing you grow as a coach.

@neikyy2564 - 28.09.2023 12:32

if you know agurin the german jungle high elo dude he watched a skill capped jungle guide and compleatly destroyed them pointing out every mistake they made and each time they acted like a decision was good since something worked out because the enemys played it bad stating that they just flipp a lot of stuff but "because they are just better players" they can flipp like that and still hard carry

So essentially skill capped shows you how to smurf or boost accounts not how to improve

@ggillou1778 - 28.09.2023 12:09

I would love to apply this concept in my games, but in the end I'm still bad at warding dying to roams. This is definitely a win-more technique at my elo: if you already win, sure you can apply it but you would probably have won anyway with this kind of lead. I'm not facing a corean challenger who will take every opportunity to come back, I'm in EUW low plat.

@Nico_Santoro - 28.09.2023 11:12

What this video tells me is only "Im a challenger player, let me show you how i make a low elo player look miserable in a Skill Capped video1!1! xD im bettter MiD GaP" maybe im wronge

@RocoPwnage - 28.09.2023 10:34

In Skill-Capped's defense, I'm pretty sure they smurf in videos so that people can't say "Well it only worked because you have challenger teammates, and my terrible low elo teams are holding me down!"
It's actually insane how many excuses people will make for themselves, and their business model relies on convincing these delusional players to learn the game.

@P3ga73 - 28.09.2023 10:23

Coach Curtis has everyone's best interest at heart - very grounded advise and genuinely wants to give people the tools to improve themselves at the game.

Skillcapped is focused on views and giving the viewers what they want, which is some easy to execute strategy that is the key to them escaping low elo. They try to make it seem so simple and replicable, when in reality their content is disingenuous and deceptive to people who don't know better. And those people are their target audience.

That's not to say their content isn't useful - it just needs to be taken with a massive pinch of salt!

@iRiDiKi - 28.09.2023 10:04

depending how long the video is - next time you do this I recommend watching the video straight through first and then going over it and pausing with your thoughts and etc

@jacobjones1849 - 28.09.2023 09:18

Every time I watch your channel I’m blown away at the calling out bull shit. Everything you say makes every bit of sense
