-Above all, have fun! There is a huge list of rules down below, but that is just to make sure this community stays safe and everyone has a great time!
-No Spamming emotes or caps.
-Be nice. I don't mind if you tease me or the people in my chat, but I will not stand for toxic behavior.
-No politics.
-Unless brought up by me or anyone I am streaming with, no religions.
-No links.
-No self-advertising. If I have watched you before, I will probably give you a shoutout. I don't do "follow-for-follows" either.
-No backseat gaming. I may ask for help every once in awhile, though.
-Unless stated in the title, I don't normally do open lobbies. If it doesn't say "Open lobby", please don't ask/demand to play.
-Do not reveal your age.