Taking this class in November (next month) hope to come out of it with a better understanding of how to improve single handed shooting.
Ответитьthank you !
ОтветитьI wonder what Chuck said about Conan The Barabarian axe :D :D
ОтветитьAnother one for the wish list
ОтветитьTook this class years ago and I need to repeat it. Glad you found value in it.
ОтветитьThanks for the review! Spot on to what I experienced a few weeks ago at his Colorado class. Now I have to put the lessons into action.
ОтветитьThat target rehab POI tho...
Love me some Chuck.
I've had training from MANY, MANY instructors that most of you have seen in videos and magazines. Some try to impress you and gather hero worship. Some try to BS you. Some are straight charlatans. Chuck is...different. He doesn't ever disparage or make fun of students. It's not about Chuck, it's about your performance. He doesn't have to, your targets tell the tale. He makes fun of himself and is a seriously funny guy. I've trained with former Delta guys who are WAY too impressed with themselves. There are a number of former Delta guys that are straight up douches that I wouldn't go through a door with or handle a call with. Not Chuck. Most humble guy you could meet. He's got nothing to prove and has no problem telling you about his failures. Perhaps the most important thing is at the end of the course he talks about PTSD issues and addiction for cops and soldiers, using his own crash and burn experience. His instructor methodology is unparalleled. As a 30 year cop, K0, SWAT. firearms and use of force instructor, expert witness, author and regular earth person, I would like Chuck to teach instructor development. He's that good. If you're wondering how I did in the class, I sucked ballz.
ОтветитьHis target requirements and the logic behind it are absolutely on point. There can be no alibis or gimmes. He's right.
ОтветитьFantastic synopsis Ivan. It was a pleasure meeting you boss. If you are ever in Yakistan say hello.
ОтветитьI've known Chuck for a bit. I've trained along side of him and under his instruction, hell, I've even policed his brass...Here's the thing, if you listen, and watch....even his comic relief stories are full of lessons...on shooting, tactics, gear, and life. Ain't no Jon Wick shit....just solid real deal shit.
Brilliance in the "basics" I would not miss a chance to train with him.
Chuck is the real deal. I really enjoyed his class too.
ОтветитьMakes sense to drill the ugly un-fun stuff most... Great video
ОтветитьGet some.
ОтветитьMy son and I have taken a lot of courses the past few years. He took this class last year and it was the most impactful pistol class he’s taken, ever. Not only was he challenged, made aware of the areas he needs to improve upon and got better…but he was exposed to a philosophy that has made him look at his shooting and training differently. He described the class in the exact same way you did in this video and he is really pushing me to attend.
ОтветитьWas that Belle McCormack?
ОтветитьHow's the Acro treating ya so far?
ОтветитьLooks like you have the Blackhawk Omnivore with drop plate, how do you mount a thigh strap or what mounts are compatible? I have one and could not figure out what setup works to get a similar setup to the Safariland UBL mid with strap, thanks for your time
ОтветитьChuck's courses are amazing!! No fail pistol is right up with KD4 and Bill's.
ОтветитьNoice. I need to get to a pistol refresher. I usually don’t find them to be as fun as carbine or long range rifle classes but it is definitely more important.