8 Common Fitness Myths Busted (What The Science Says)

8 Common Fitness Myths Busted (What The Science Says)

Jeff Nippard

5 лет назад

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wodenpwn - 01.03.2023 09:57

I really appreciate your science-based methods. There is so much pseudoscience out there.

Michael Spencer
Michael Spencer - 11.09.2022 23:24

Fat burns off legs and arms as well as upper back before it burns it anywhere else. So

Jeremy Jarvis
Jeremy Jarvis - 22.08.2022 19:45

i do better by eating breakfast and actually lose more weight eating food than not due to a high metabolism and energy burn and my stomach gets upset and hypersensitive when it's empty for a couple of hours or more.

HaPa - 15.07.2022 12:06

Towards local fat loss:
Most of the time fat is measured with a caliper, where you look for the thickness of the skin implying, that there is fat underneath. We know that we build muscle where we train.
That in mind the skin get´s more tension due to the muscle underneath. That does not imply that there is a fat loss at all or am I mistaken?

Eduardo Padilla
Eduardo Padilla - 01.07.2022 22:27


RYAN - 12.06.2022 11:17

How many series does he have?

Will Woodring
Will Woodring - 24.03.2022 06:26

I’m curious about your source regarding a microwave not causing any adverse effects on the food that is cooked within?

Zorana Gavrilović
Zorana Gavrilović - 15.03.2022 19:02


Roger Moore
Roger Moore - 08.08.2021 06:15

Love your videos but don't like the way you say vegetables lol "vegdibles"

Pompomatic - 30.05.2021 13:04

If you eat the broth when boiling food the fact that some vitamins dissolve in the water isn't a problem though!

Jay - 18.05.2021 22:36

really? because its a "well done" test you agree to dairy industry funding for a pro dairy scientific article? how do you conclude an article is well done when you werent there doing tests with them to see them write down the conclusions they wrote? just because its a fancy typed paper with scientific language does not make it fact or true FYI .. thats how people are gas-lit

Personal Trainer Brian
Personal Trainer Brian - 06.05.2021 12:00

Love what Jeff does, but would like to see him interview someone who doesn’t confirm his very educated opinions,
like Dr. Michael Greger for example, or Dr. Milton Mills, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Klapper etc.

Knight journey
Knight journey - 05.05.2021 14:53

1) The name is in the with breakfast,

You are breaking a fast

When you sleep for 6 to 7 hours your body is constantly needing nutrition when a sleep,

Hence why you need st to eat in the morning to plenish your calories,

That a fact as humans have been design like that for billions science 0 fact

Couldn't listen anymore, fitness science is built-in a laboratory

The biggest science project has been done for over 500 years with physical proof

rumboy rumbles
rumboy rumbles - 09.04.2021 16:59

Fitness will never be able to be reduced to an exact science. Genetics will always mean that no single diet or workout programme will be optimal for everyone.

C S - 01.04.2021 20:59

That breakfast study was interesting. Especially with what we know about cycles of muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein degradation. It would make sense that if you skip breakfast you would be doing your gains a disservice but that study seems to refute that. All is a lie 😂

Azhel E’laj
Azhel E’laj - 29.03.2021 02:37

Youre like the stephen graham of workout content 🤣🤣 super organized , i love it!!!

AtoZbodyfitness - 15.03.2021 01:30

another good video

Siri Tachi
Siri Tachi - 09.03.2021 22:36

Jeff is as classy as ever. Also yay for milk!!! :)

Erik H
Erik H - 03.03.2021 22:17

Milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk i am the milk man

Leonardo Gómez
Leonardo Gómez - 03.03.2021 07:30

That advice on mind body connection was pure gold

Leo Haukipuro
Leo Haukipuro - 18.02.2021 21:41

Coule the spot reducing study had worked because of the muscle grows so the fat is in a larger area

mouthfula coque
mouthfula coque - 12.01.2021 18:52

Ngl I saw milk and was like “damn, do I really need someone else to tell me to keep drinking?”

Sabertooth Wallby
Sabertooth Wallby - 31.12.2020 00:13

I'll build you a better website than square space! Hmu

Ghosty. MIA
Ghosty. MIA - 16.12.2020 10:35

spot reduction is real

Tuan Tran - Fitness Coach
Tuan Tran - Fitness Coach - 15.12.2020 19:26

This was a very insightful video Jeff <3 love how much in depth you're going on the most common fitness myths <3

MephistoRolling - 23.10.2020 12:52

I always find the spot reduction studies baffling, as i always assumed that your body would consume nutrients fairly symmetrically. no idea where i got the idea from, but the upper and lower results to me seem to be set up in a more logical way compared to the left and right-sided differences.

AnonymousCeleb - 16.09.2020 19:49

Drink your cooking water

SUOMYNONA - 29.08.2020 22:56

Did the boiling take drinking the leftover broth into account?

Young Mule
Young Mule - 30.07.2020 17:33

Wake up sheeple Jeff is funded by Big Milk

Ficcator - 22.07.2020 13:31

I'm combo of endo and mezomorf. You can't change that, cause it is due to and the structure of the skeleton, shape of the skull etc. I will never have V-shape back as others, cause of my pelvis and hip width, which can't be changed

Aly pixar
Aly pixar - 27.06.2020 19:42

Great video

Simon /. House account
Simon /. House account - 03.06.2020 09:13

Thanks jeff

Sophia Robertson
Sophia Robertson - 28.04.2020 04:38

Love all your content! Very well said and informative

A_Fuckin_Space_Marine! - 03.03.2020 16:41

5 times a day?! I piss at least 12 times a day...m

Mike Ross
Mike Ross - 27.02.2020 07:26

Dairy DOES increase Acne though.

Alexander Branstetter
Alexander Branstetter - 28.01.2020 17:32

Vshred! Take notes on the body types please

Trainer pool
Trainer pool - 24.01.2020 00:23

I love the videos that are anti everything that we were Pro all of our lives

I_Kill_For_Zardoz -
I_Kill_For_Zardoz - - 21.01.2020 10:07

somatotyping is a real thing.. we've all seen numerous examples of people reflecting extreme examples in everyday life. The super skinny dude with typically short insertions who cant gain muscle no matter how much eats, the pear shaped guy with low test and wide hips, and the natural jock who looks pretty good without doing any lifting and can gain muscle and lose fat easily.

Stop lifting and eat normally for a long time and you will revert back to your natural somatotype, which is a combination of genetics and hormone levels (which itself can be highly based on genetics). Ectomoprhs get super skinny again, endos gain a lot of pudge, and mesos hold onto their muscle pretty well and don't get too fat or too lean.

Greg Charleston
Greg Charleston - 12.12.2019 08:41

You are out of touch mate go carnivores get off the veg and fruits

mugflub - 05.12.2019 08:19

Highest quality fitness content on the interwebs.

Dany - 01.12.2019 05:18

Eating breakfast has a lot of benefits. If you don't feed your body well, maintaining your life consistently should be challenging.

G. Moore
G. Moore - 29.11.2019 21:25

Skipping breakfast is more than just reducing calories...it extends your fast and will keep insulin levels low and fat burning is not paused due to jacked up insulin levels from eating or worse, eating sugary cereals or crap. After I drink coffee, I feel better and can keep the fast (restricted eating period) going until early afternoon. So not eating.. will help stabilize appetite and swings in appetite ( as well as maybe kicking in autophagy if you go without eating long enough)...because you arent messing with the appetite hormones...until you are really truly hungry again. Also, if u eat sugary stuff, prepare for increased hunger, no fat burning for a while and also fat storage.

G. Moore
G. Moore - 29.11.2019 21:22

Is that Pauly D from Jersey Shore in that photo for this vid? Lol

RooFa Elmisrate
RooFa Elmisrate - 26.11.2019 05:40

You’re awesome 👏🏻
