How to play Stratego

How to play Stratego

Triple S Games

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@need4gaming569 - 30.11.2020 05:29

Very nice game. It's a great childhood favorite of mine and still is. I recently made a video of me playing against my niece and would love to add this video as a link in the description if you're ok with that. Great job on the video!

@jacobscott1854 - 23.01.2021 00:05

That was a great cut and dry explanation, and exactly what i was looking for. Thank you very much for this video!

@IAMGOJI - 22.03.2021 22:08

I played this with my teacher in second grade I've been looking to find it for so long

@pareenataank2090 - 29.03.2021 17:50

Not good... didn't understand anything... u don't explain well

@dontrachsel3910 - 12.04.2021 04:06

So far the best video explaining this game. It may still be a bit confusing for my son, our version the piece that has the higher number is the strongest. And the fact that it is Lord of the Rings also adds to the confusion.

@jamesonc.3424 - 25.04.2021 16:42

Miners are 3s not eights, and the piece with the lowest rank looses not the highest. Unless it's a different version your playing. I know that numerous versions of this game where actually created.

@mam162 - 29.04.2021 04:03

Another rule variation that I like to use--the Spy can win against any officer it attacks, not just the Marshal. That keeps it from being completely useless in the event the Marshal's eliminated, since the General and the other strong pieces need to fear it as well.

@rebelfriend2880 - 15.06.2021 23:23

I feel like everyone watching already knows how to play Stratego
Edit: I stand corrected

@macstar8317 - 28.07.2021 16:18

I had the 1982 MB version as a 6 year old kid. Never did work out how to play it until watching this vid just now. So, thanks for that - I'm going to have to buy this again game now..

@shamnunkarim5107 - 29.07.2021 06:44

hey no not the higher one loses.the lower one loses

@Why-nv2js - 20.09.2021 10:11

This reminds me of Philippines board game “Game of the Generals”

@LuxisAlukard - 24.09.2021 17:40

I like those rule variations!

@allancove4483 - 15.11.2021 22:54

The version in this video is the exact same one the wife & I have. I introduced her to this classic game & we've been playing ever since. I remember as a kid playing this at school during recess when the weather was crap outside & we had to stay in. That said, I always played the game the exact same way as described here. Even during my school days. Last night as I read the box description of the rules, it stated 2 opposite things. First it said, the higher ranking piece aka the scout for example, if you attack another piece, say the minor for example, the HIGHER piece (in this case the scout numbered at 9 would win the attack & remove the minor ranked at number 8. But the directions also stated the exact opposite in that the LOWER NUMBERED RANK aka the Marshall can take the HIGHER RANKED pieces like the the scout or the minor for example. So which is it, b/c you can't have it both ways here. So I googled up a video on this very question & it turned out that the way I played it in school & the way the wife & I have been playing it ever since, matches up with the exact way described in this video. You NAILED IT my man!!! And even better than that is, I've been playing this way the whole time. And best of all is, my very first purchase online was this very exact game seen in this video & best of all is, the feller only wanted like 2 or maybe it was 7 bucks for it. And all the game pieces were there & the playing board was exactly the way I remembered it. It was in short, in EXCELLENT condition! Not a bad first time investment if I do say so myself. And that feller who I bought this classic game from? We kept in touch via email. Turns out He's a swell feller. And heck, ain't nothing wrong with that! And thanks again for clearing up these rules. You did a GREAT JOB my man!

@RGC_animation - 24.11.2021 19:27

Doesn't every rank have specific powers or is it just for the newer version?

@chloetv1 - 27.01.2022 01:21

I dont like these pieces. When I was in school in the 1990s, we have them shaped like castles where when you land on the opponent, you would lift it up, look at it rather than the opponent telling you the number or rank.

@gunner678 - 02.05.2022 19:04

Superbly informative video! Thank you

@auxiliary3784 - 15.05.2022 03:27

Sounds likr games of the generals

@tobypark2045 - 06.07.2022 01:17

Boy was I playing this game wrong as a little kid

@FreakoNek - 28.07.2022 16:27

i love how his head looks like it moves on 4 motors at the same time

@gurgashmire - 14.09.2022 07:06

One rule I have used before, not often, is when you attack another piece of the same rank, you and your opponent play a best 2 out of 3 Rock Paper Scissors, and the winner gets to keep their piece on the board. This adds a really risky tension and creates high stakes between opposing Generals and Marshalls on the board, and prevents trading. It gives the vibe of the pieces actually fighting each other on the battlefield, and one of them winning. It makes the game much scarier.

Another rule I have used before, is allowing the spy to move, if you choose to do so, the same way a scout can. This allows for the spy to be a greater threat, as it can attack a Marshall from across the board. I have found this rule to be imbalanced.

@Zyugo - 04.10.2022 13:22

Which came first, Stratego or Game of the Generals?

@prestonjones4941 - 05.10.2022 12:48

We attach bombs to the flag cuz we sore losers

@Piggy991 - 01.11.2022 11:16

Im here because of RJ from White Gold series

@johntracy72 - 14.11.2022 19:26

I don't like the new version with the rank numbers reversed. It's confusing.

@sethmorgan8258 - 21.11.2022 08:09

Wouldn’t the higher number win? The way you explained it if my 10 attacks a 1 the 10 is captured?

@TheElixerboy - 24.01.2023 21:02

The higher piece loses?

@oseaandyuktobania - 12.02.2023 08:53

Stratego is like rasism chess

@becomeanolive1637 - 23.03.2023 04:16

Does anyone play that the bomb is removed from the board if any piece hits it?

@BABYLONSDONE777 - 03.04.2023 09:37


@luminouswolf7117 - 11.04.2023 14:00

So many games with my dad

He used to beat me every time


He couldn’t beat me

@derekhaddon4622 - 09.07.2023 20:04

I prefer the even earlier version.

@monaiannucci9434 - 24.08.2023 20:29

Ratt ego?

@monaiannucci9434 - 24.08.2023 20:30

I play myself

@monaiannucci9434 - 24.08.2023 20:30


@zennvirus7980 - 23.09.2023 17:53

My father, brother and I added a few variation rules called "diagonal", "rocket" and "diagonal rocket".
Diagonal - Pieces can now move in diagonal directions. Everything else stays the same.
Rocket - You can now "fire" the bomb pieces. They travel in a straight line, as many squares as needed to reach their target. Bombs "fired" can cross over the two "lakes". Bombs used in this fashion are sacrificed (cannot be rescued). If the bomb hits a Miner (8), the bomb is destroyed, but the miner survives. If the bomb is not "fired", the old rules apply.
Diagonal Rocket - Same as above, but now you can "fire" bombs in diagonal.
Extra rules are decided before the match begins.
These new rules make the game even wilder and unpredictable, especially the DR version. 😈

@Dusk_Daze - 04.11.2023 05:49

Informative. Is this game actually fun?

@dwho432 - 23.12.2023 06:05

Im from the US and online the 10 is the highest number england version, but i grew up in america and the best piece is the number 1. I had to learn that on line. But ive already win 5 games❤

@dwho432 - 23.12.2023 06:24

Loved this game as a kid.
Not as difficult as chess and if you know how to protect your flag with your bombs and men, you win. Play offensively and go after your opponents flag more importantly

@Trigundel1977 - 24.12.2023 16:08

Hi, please clear me a doubt: if a pawn moves and ends up next to an opponent's pawn, can it attack in the same turn? then in the same turn move to a new square and attack? Thank you

@bennylabenze9668 - 22.01.2024 06:36

Does the bomb stay on the board if it’s not an 8 attacking?

@RB028 - 01.04.2024 17:26

Play speed 1.25x and it's good

@ThaiThom - 01.04.2024 22:29

Does a bomb stay on the board after it explodes?

@j.h.2967 - 16.05.2024 18:35

Imagine if a new Stratego video game was made - just like Chess Ultra from 2017.

@digitaloffset - 23.05.2024 17:04

I love this game, I even created my own 3D stratego game called (Toon Troops Strategy) for Steam... So much fun!

@nicholashenneberry4140 - 25.06.2024 18:05

This guys is completely wrong. First of all, the higher ranked pieces beat the lower ranked pieces. A 10 beats a 2. Also, 3’s diffuse the bombs and 2’s are the scouts. At least this is what the gameplay instructions say.

@blessedandhappy3921 - 07.08.2024 03:34

That was a very short and sweet tutorial. Thank you for sharing it with us.

@jakobtulloch4453 - 02.09.2024 13:22

That looks like a good quality version of the game… where did you buy that? Thanks
