Suharto: The Rise of Indonesia's New Order

Suharto: The Rise of Indonesia's New Order


2 года назад

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Bang Rojai
Bang Rojai - 06.10.2023 00:35

CIA said, "Our Indonesia Ally" during cold war in 1965. Anyone can name, who are they, "Our Indonesian Ally"?

momogi - 27.09.2023 04:17

Of course Soeharto knew about the communist coup and also his commander in chief Soekarno knew about it, the communist move not against Soekarno but targeting Indonesian military establishment. If the communist succeed their revolution than Soekarno will be the Indonesian version of Mao Ze Dong. Altough Soekarno himself is not a communist, he sympatize and protect the communist and the communist love and idolize him. Soeharto in the other hand is the ultimate opportunist, he simply wait who's got the upper hand in the power struggle. And when the public react against the PKI movement Soeharto make his move, forcing Soekarno to give him power to "restore law & order". First thing Soeharto did is to disolve the communist party, arrested their leaders and systematically eradicated them by imprisonment and large sum just killing them. The eradication of communism in Indonesia is so succesfull, The US and CIA made it as their guideline to deal with communist movement during cold war. 😂

Crawford D. Smith
Crawford D. Smith - 14.09.2023 07:14

I vote for Suharto .

Remnant Watchman
Remnant Watchman - 12.09.2023 16:25


Koyok Cabe
Koyok Cabe - 02.09.2023 21:00

The system undet Suharto rule for 32 years left so crippled, corrupt, mentally ill, bureucrats that had lived from blood, sweat and tears of common Indonesian... We are talking about 3.5-5 millions so corrupt bureaucrats from all sides of governance ....

JiTiAr35 - 06.08.2023 08:45

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the most corrupt human in human history.


Yes, with U. Not OE as in SOEHARTO.
Because the guy couldn't speak Dutch.

Ganevo - 31.07.2023 02:46

If you tell us about Indonesian 4th president, Abdurrahman Wahid i think it will be great.

kain kondan
kain kondan - 06.07.2023 10:24

Ada Indonesia coy

Budi Ismail
Budi Ismail - 23.05.2023 10:10

suharto, the stupidest dictator in se-asia. attended education only to drop out at year 5; succeeded in dismantling indo's own soviet supplied modern, unpaid weaponry with old western-supplied ex korean war and ww-II; the father of national corruption ; the father of slash-and-divide national unity: commoners are taught to be loyal not to motherland but to the then ruling golkar + in-military: army was so called the good boys and then got new defense articles and the navy and airforce were so called the stepchildren got mostly either old second hand or new ones in speck down state). java and Jakarta-centric development orientation; father of national family planning (successful baby farming from population 104 million (1966) to 210 people (1998) or an increase of 49%)

Somebody on the internet
Somebody on the internet - 21.05.2023 03:21

Fascist dictator that came from a color revolution the west incited. That's what he is

Todd Armstrong
Todd Armstrong - 15.05.2023 07:31

Thank you for the video. I hope you do a video on Sukarno.

Alii scott
Alii scott - 11.05.2023 11:56

the first of many CIA coups. The Jakarta method was taken to all those countries in South america, then moved onto the middle east including hiring any thugs willing, eg Al Qaeda. No-one needs to know, right?

Michael Cockerel
Michael Cockerel - 05.05.2023 01:00

A great read to go along with this video is The Jakarta Method by Vincent Bevins, it goes into more detail about the CIA involvement

Trevor Smith
Trevor Smith - 27.04.2023 23:51

'Bung' (brother) Soekarno died in 1970, aged 69.

Trevor Smith
Trevor Smith - 27.04.2023 23:49

In 1964 he even pilfered Boy Scout funds in collaboration with ethnic-Chinese business associate Lim Siew Leong.

S von Karmo
S von Karmo - 21.04.2023 17:54

Cut the crap. What is so difficult to say that he was the ÇÏÅ&MI6 darling to plunder the oil and the gold?

Robert Baldwin
Robert Baldwin - 21.03.2023 14:30

Absolute rubbish - bleeding the country dry. He built a massive middle class, provided security and took Indonesia into the modern era.

Travellers Without Borders
Travellers Without Borders - 20.03.2023 23:48

Simon pls come back on Visual politik 😒

King Mob
King Mob - 09.03.2023 17:03

Correction: Fretilin, not Tefilin.

The Fretilins spearheaded the movement against (initially) the Portuguese and then the Indonesian state/army until 1998, resulting in independence through referendum in 2002.

ShelleYT - 17.02.2023 15:32

Thank you for this video. My grandfather was murdered and my family never talks about it. This was very enlightening. Thanks

Brian Doss
Brian Doss - 24.01.2023 08:02

Man Indonesias history is almost as bloody as its neighbors...

K M - 20.01.2023 08:17

You understated the influence of the US. The CIA covert-action program in Indonesia was exposed after contract pilot Allen Pope was shot down. The CIA also gave Suharto’s acolytes a hit list of 5,000 people to be murdered. This is central to understanding the coup. The book ‘The Jakarta method’ is the seminal work on Suharto’s coup & governments that were subsequently overthrown by the US via the CIA.

To bring the cruelty home to people today the well known Seminyak beach, Bali where deckchairs & bars abound was the scene of a mass cremation of victims of this coup. People sifted through the ashes to find remains of family members to give them the proper Hindu send off to a new life as is the custom. This mass cremation is the antithesis of the Hindu prescribed manner.

batman 999
batman 999 - 16.01.2023 13:58

Many Chinese & Communist hates Suharto here, it's so funny.
Suharto loves poor/little indigenous people, and Rich Chinese birocrat hate him. now day we see the chinese birocrat and communist mastered indonesian goverment and media.
As a farmer in small island of indonesia, I have a very good time in Suharto Period and of course this period is worst for us as indigenous.
please do more research, Suharto is full of kind, generous and have a gentle heart. he also hard spiritual practitioner.
I Love presiden Suharto & B.J Habibi deep from my heart

何天雨 - 13.01.2023 11:10

Suharto is a butcher!!!!!

Abang KJ
Abang KJ - 08.12.2022 16:35

there's a common saying in Indonesia that says "New Order gave 1 Suharto, But Reformation gives 1000 Suharto"

xue hua piao piao
xue hua piao piao - 06.12.2022 12:00

What do you mean "The Rise"? It's the collapse, why? Corruption, seperatists, dictatorship resulting to almost a million or maybe a million people were missing, and yes, development of Java.

Big Mac stack
Big Mac stack - 03.12.2022 02:20

Wish he would do an episode for Gough Whitlam

John Thor
John Thor - 30.11.2022 02:42

Crazy how much better life was back in the Soeharto days if only he is not corrupt dictator.

First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 28.11.2022 23:08

Based Suharto.

Nicholas Siracuse
Nicholas Siracuse - 28.11.2022 01:21

great video, thanks

@psabd - 24.11.2022 06:38

I think it needs to be said, that Suharto can't accomplish a lot of these atrocities (65-66, east timor, etc) without support from US. Try checking Jakarta Method by Vincent Bevins.

Bagus Widyanto
Bagus Widyanto - 23.11.2022 15:20

Sukarno and Moh. Hatta weren't military officers

Bagus Widyanto
Bagus Widyanto - 23.11.2022 15:18

Not all Indonesians have single name. Not even his contemporary.
We do have surname and even family name

Ltd. Michael Harrigan
Ltd. Michael Harrigan - 21.11.2022 00:35

Man, what a whimp. Didn't even finish his job, that loser.

Achmad Daru
Achmad Daru - 21.11.2022 00:06

Made by the CIA and kicked out by the CIA, General Soeharto

Din Djarin
Din Djarin - 17.11.2022 18:50

"New Order" reminds me of Palpatine

Lena Chandra
Lena Chandra - 15.11.2022 16:12

Fretilin, not Tefilin. Ansor, not Anso

Lena Chandra
Lena Chandra - 15.11.2022 16:09

Sukarno allegedly decreed the Supersemar under duress. He had suffered a stroke and couldn’t refuse Suharto urging him to sign the Supersemar.

Evin Oshima
Evin Oshima - 07.11.2022 14:29

If Soeharto had quite in 1990, he would have been one of the most successful dictators in history. While extremely corrupt, oligopolistic, and fairly repressive, the country became integrated, and per capita income rose strongly, based on my observations having lived in Indonesia on and off for the past 25 years. Since then the country has evolved into a stable, peaceful, and relatively equitable democracy. There could have been much worse outcomes.

Feer Free
Feer Free - 05.11.2022 13:31

Who is he you ask? simply put, an Asshole, everyone in his family is, to this day, a dictator, you say something wrong and you're dead the next day, not even kidding.
There used to be something called "Petrus" it's a short of Indonesian word Penembak Misterius, which means Mysterious shooter. these are the guys that were sent to kill you if you said something wrong.

Ringooo Ringooo
Ringooo Ringooo - 03.11.2022 07:19

He took debt from IMF for his own family and the debt still not resolved untill today...

S Cox
S Cox - 02.11.2022 02:31

Great episode

random vidio
random vidio - 01.11.2022 20:52

Ahhh meatball 🥵😋😋😋

MsRiko99 - 30.10.2022 11:19

Indonesia during new order regime just like china nowadays. No democracy, free speech, free media but economy rises rapidly. During 32 years of his leadership economy percapita grow from 67 USD to 1200 USD in 1996 with averages 7.5% economy growth per year. Compare to reformation era which is now 25 years already. Economy just growth 5% per year. Not enough to make indonesia economy take off. I think west different with east. We can see china, vietnam, singapore, south korea, japan (past) middle east country. They gain high growth during authoritarian regime. I starting to see this is recipe for asian country if want to developed and rich. Western pure Democracy not suitable for east country. We see a lot of problem nowaday in indonesia.
