Casual Hero main here, I agree that Hero is “fair and balanced,” his slow moves and jank hit boxes for his normals balance out his other moves, especially his menu, as the majority of them are near instantaneous and pretty strong on their own.
ОтветитьContrary to this Hero is actually more present in Japan than in the US
ОтветитьI think hero is one of the best counter campers in this meta. Literally dominates anyone who refuses to approach. Definitely could be the savior against sonic, Steve & G&W
ОтветитьIt’s always a joy to get kicked from arenas simply because I have hero as my selected character lol
ОтветитьMe personally, I main Hero so...
ОтветитьI main hero…
ОтветитьI’m glad to be that 1 percent of weebs😂
ОтветитьHero is OP and needs to be banned. No one has more than 24 moves in smash its absurd. "RNG" isnt even an excuse when all of your moves are OP. Cheap character and no skill.
Ответитьhero reminds me of trunks from dbz, he even wears purple, and dragon quest and dragon ball both have dragon in it
ОтветитьWish the menu was link to the c stick directional so you could cast without scrolling. UPS the cast time slightly why still not being to over powered
ОтветитьHot take but consistency is massively overrated. You arent going to be known for being consistent in the same way that people with some amazing plays that depend on low odds or high execution.
ОтветитьI dont think there was a better way to implement Hero. Him being part of Dragon Quest and how rng plays a big part in rpgs just makes it perfect. They did Dragon Quest justice easily.
ОтветитьI play Hero because hes the funniest character to pair with incineroar to guarantee every set I play is fast and terrifying for both parties involved.
ОтветитьI think Alpharad described Hero best:
« It's not about winning. It's about sending a message. »
So about that
Ответить“Why NO ONE plays hero”
I just wished some of his attacks were altered a bit, like his up smash had an added sour spot to widen the possible damage area. Or his down air again increase area but also sour as well and reduce the frames of it as well. Increase the passive mp recovery rate by 1.1x. To reduce the randomness have it that the lowest cost be on top and the highest on the bottom for the menu, this would make finding zoom more seemless and it you are looking for a bigger hitting spell then finding would be more apparent to look for
ОтветитьYou LIAR!!! Hero is my first secondary!
ОтветитьWdym everyone did after albino's video
ОтветитьHero had a much better impact on the competitive scene than Steve could ever have had
ОтветитьLuck is a skill remember that kids and keep gambling
ОтветитьI just use hero for one reason…
k a m i k a z e e
"No one plays Hero"
Me: "Haha funny shadow ball go brrrrr"
Enemy: "Bruh you mi-" Sizzled from across the map at the speed of light
I literally don't care what anyone says. Hero is EASILY the worst character and i cannot be convinced otherwise😂
Ответитьi main hero 😭
ОтветитьI think its just the randomness has no appeal for competitive players
ОтветитьThe randomness is a good element, it actually forces the other players to think on their feet on adapt to an ever changing situation instead of relying on they’re turbo autism APMs and adderall. It gives sane people a chance at beating all the obnoxious smash giga autists.
ОтветитьHes a broken character
ОтветитьLets go gamblind!
[Magic burst]
[Hatchet man]
[Metal slash]
Aw dang it!
thwack doesnt kill at 120
Aw dang it!
[Hocus Pocus] > slowdown
Aw dang it!
Hero is so fun to play he wasn’t intended to be for the competitive scene
Ответить🤣it’s literally a skill issue if u cnt play with hero nd thats just all there is to it
ОтветитьDiverse and crazy the roster is....bro over half the roater are swordsman and most of the are from a Fire emblem game...lmao
ОтветитьTAKE IT BACk
ОтветитьI often use Hero in Spirit Board mode.
ОтветитьAs a total dumbass playing Hero, always keeping your enemies guessing on what you going to do like guessing a (I saying this as a joke) Down kid. But is fun, funnier than most of the characters. (Even though im do better as a other character then Hero lol)
ОтветитьYo maineo Hero y he de reconocer que en los torneos aparte de la inconsistencia de los hechizos, el mayor factor de dificultad es en que idioma se jugara a nivel de torneos, si estas acostumbrado a un idioma y el torneo se juegan en otro, tu velocidad de reaccion se vera gravemente perjudicada aun sabiendo que hace cada hechizo en diferente idioma,por recomendacion es preferible jugar el juego en ingles y japones ya que son los idiomas por defecto usados en los torneos
ОтветитьI just don’t like trying to play the game and read the menu at the same time. Probably my least favorite character to 1v1. Items on free for all though? Go for it
ОтветитьActually a lot of people online play Hero so even though he is consistently issues he isn’t unpopular quite the opposite actually.
ОтветитьI’m a hero main
ОтветитьI’d say that hero is the most balanced DLC character unless you count piranha plant
ОтветитьHero is a really fun character when you don't have someone yelling in your ear that thwack kill was undeserved (it was undeserved)
ОтветитьI will forever play hero because dq11 was so good
Also play p4AU - Rise peak
"why no one plays hero"
me: haha funney crit go PAPA PA PAH
Looking back at the "controversy," i think we overreacted hero is good still but not unbeatable
Ответитьhero is broken.