Ancient Aliens: ALIEN REPTILES MANIPULATE HUMAN DNA (Season 14) | History

Ancient Aliens: ALIEN REPTILES MANIPULATE HUMAN DNA (Season 14) | History


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@dony358 - 29.12.2023 02:13

I think reptilian are people who make a deal with the demon

@Lineage2_Neela - 27.12.2023 17:26

from all the people in the videos the only one actually looking like a reptilian is Linda Moulton are you guys trolling ? XD

@BennyNegroFromQueens - 27.12.2023 08:16

We are quickly moving from an era of knowledge being increased to an era of The Great Deception.

@Justkillinchillin - 26.12.2023 10:13

First it’s tiny body big head aliens and now it is reptilians stop the cap 🧢

@JavierMartinez-fw5rf - 24.12.2023 04:44

I hope you can hear me mother I am sorry I am sorry for everything I said and done to you I hope you can forgive me and to your son am sorry to for everything ever word I said bad to you I hope and pray that you can forgive me this is the only way I can talk to y'all two I give up this is not my home and my dreams I could of became am sorry. I figured out everything why y'all put me in this family and all the mistake that they did to me I could set here at tell yall for weeks but I figured at the end of the day is for nothing. Before my life end I have to tell you mother before you put me to sleep and shock me trying to get my energy out of me am sorry for no getting what you want because my DNA and blood and gens never experienced in being the god of sports so before it happens so and for your son am sorry my home plant don't deserve me . I wish things could of been different but I always Play the defiance not office.sorry Helen.

@fma_1m - 24.12.2023 00:47

Blue beam project

@JjJj-lx7xx - 20.12.2023 02:11

This kinda reminds me of this is the end Jonah Hill

@Heavenlyorb - 19.12.2023 21:05

Muslims are waiting for Jesus and imam mahdi to return

@Junkorgem - 17.12.2023 05:31

No Linda.

@DarrellKoolbasa-bj7dl - 15.12.2023 23:15

Amazing people will believe that human DNA was manipulated by a race of reptiles which there is 0 proof of, but they call the Holy Bible a fairytale. Sad.

@Tyler-gy2xk - 15.12.2023 08:18

I can’t stop laughing 💀

@draconelcentelleswoliveres - 11.12.2023 22:25

Los dinosaurios evolucionaron mucho tiempo, 65.000.000 de años dio tiempo para la inteligencia, evolucionaron normalmente, no como los humanos, lo que viene a decir que hubo intervencionismo en su creacion,LAS AVES DESCIENDEN DE LOS PEQUEÑOS DINASAURIOS LOS GIGANTES DESCENDIAN DE LOS REPTILES ERAN SAURIOS'' el mito del dragón nació por los fósiles encontrados en el pasado ESOS HUESOS PETRIFICADOS ''les dava un alo magico''QUE ENCOTRAVAN DIO ORIJEN AL DARGON QUE ESCUPIA FUEGO AL NO SABER SU ORIGEN DE AQUEllAS BESTIAS GIGANTEScas y que no tenían explicación para esa época para aquellos mostruos,'' los reptiles descienden de los dinosaurios, la biblia dice de ellos, son una especie o civilización pre-adamica,' no fueron creados, evolucionaron normalmente, no tenían dios o dioses, creían que había una fuerza en el universo que moldeaba su destino,' y al final Caín se estableció entre ellos y se convirtió en el causante de los OBJETOS UNIVERSALES dentro de la tierra'. ANNUNAKI EN IRAK en la antigua ciudad sumeria de Ur se encontraron estatuillas con aspecto de reptiles, y también se encontraron en JAPON con aspecto de lagarto", y DOGONES de Mali también se encontraron estatuillas de hombres con cocodrilos encima de caballos.
Es cierto que en la leyenda del Rey Arturo es conocido como PENDRAGON, la cabeza del dragón, el dragón significa fuerza interior, porque en el mundo de los sueños, nacido de las entrañas del hombre, no hay animal más fuerte, el fuego con su espiritualidad es como la llama de una vela en las iglesias, siempre apuntando al cielo, esta representación del alma orando a Dios, y las alas de la libertad "CON ESPÍRITU E INSPIRACIÓN" su emblema era el dragón, y su casco lo evava era d racon orden, como el rey en jaume de VALENTCIA mantenía el dragón en su escudo, y el país de VALENTCIA (Cataluña-Sur) mantiene hoy el dragón en su escudo, Y en la bandera del PAIS DE VALENTCIA un dragon rojo y Vlad II Dracul el 'cuto al drac' - el Wallach rumano - toda la familia EUROPEA de reyes aman a los lagartos, dicen que luchan pero es su linage lo que les importa su herencia ancestral, los reyes y sus HIJOS vastardos ILUMINAty .

@777STILLCOLD - 10.12.2023 13:21


@Anu_Enki - 10.12.2023 05:28

That lady is full of it reptilians are demons they would have killed her and drank her blood besides you don't get turned into a demon they have a parasite which goes into the eye and attaches to the optic nerve which slowly manipulates the human host leaving the consciousness dormant allowing the serpent to use the human as its on body

@user-em8up8te9k - 08.12.2023 17:40


@JayTrades27 - 06.12.2023 21:57

Is she crazy or is it truth?

@infinitequest4179 - 06.12.2023 06:58

Invasion not New under the SUN

@ayoubmarine - 05.12.2023 23:56

Except the Moslems are not waiting for the return of Mohammed, but the Messaiah.

@milanobusiness5269 - 05.12.2023 06:25

Islam is not waiting for the return of Muhammad

@MrBentleyartist - 05.12.2023 00:53

Why do they only change silly people ).

@aishahbah3513 - 04.12.2023 19:14

Muslims are not waiting for the return of Muhammad we are waiting for the return of Jesus in Arabic his name is Issa

@ethiopgb3812 - 03.12.2023 21:40

Doja cat

@MElberP - 03.12.2023 13:39

Muslims do not wait for the return of Muhammad. Why do these people talk about something that they have know clue about? Muslims wait for Jesus to come again as the Messiah.

@krishanthyrajan2882 - 02.12.2023 13:02

Lizard humans are not evil. Please believe me i live in srilanka . Our grand father and our relatives said they are gods . They are good beings . And tamil peple called as nagas . It refers snake humans in Hinduism. My grand father said he saw that in his childhood

@krishanthyrajan2882 - 02.12.2023 13:02

Lizard humans are not evil. Please believe me i live in srilanka . Our grand father and our relatives said they are gods . They are good beings . And tamil peple called as nagas . It refers snake humans in Hinduism. My grand father said he saw that in his childhood

@kaundachungu - 01.12.2023 15:50

Am guessing she followed the kind reptile man into the cave calmly 😂

@simona7303 - 28.11.2023 16:06

Did he really say the Muslims are waiting for the return of Mohammed? Please, can some Muslims in the comment section correct this beginners mistake. Muslims believe in Jesus as a messiah. In fact , Jesus in mentioned more times in the Quran than their prophet Mohammed.

@user-sv8cj1kt4z - 24.11.2023 20:26

I got a few reptilian vid shapeshifters on my channel..there sure are a few of them around

@andreionofrei - 24.11.2023 02:18

You don't know nothing 😂😂😂😂😂

@user-ok3sj4lg7i - 22.11.2023 08:06

Я знаю другую гипотезу. Рептилии прилетели давным давно к нам и начали управлять некоторыми групами людей. Но они не есть добрые инопланетяне, они те кто хочет зла и раздора на всей планете (скоро так и будет). И что нету за границей нашей планеты войн, потому что во Вселенной обитают могущественные существа света, которые были участниками создания наших тел и они очень много знают о свете, технологии, любви и Боге, они есть самые могущественные во Вселенной.

Они являются нашими любящими "родителями" которые ведут нас по пути жизни и управляют нашими реинкарнациями на Земле или других планетах.

Они есть Galactic Federation (Галактическая Федерация), и в эту федерацию входит множество рас света таких как: Плеядианцы, Арктурианцы, Орионцы и т.д. Они взяли под опеку нашу Землю и скоро будет пробуждение всей Земли. Тёмные силы бояться этого и будут дезинформаривовать нас, что бы мы боялись их, будут говорить, что это инопланетяне, которые хотят захватить Землю.

У Galactic Federation (Галактическая Федерация) нет понятия угнетения, войны, зла, у них есть понятие - любовь и только из любви они творят и развиваються.

@jerelfranklin2024 - 21.11.2023 11:26

So what Satan the GOAT

@pitbullsensei179 - 20.11.2023 21:42

One day i woke up,and saw this terrible,frightening,Reptilian looking creature standing before me! It was my Mother in-law😱

@Junkfiles446 - 19.11.2023 19:43

would you still believe her if you knew shes a hallucinogen drug addict?

@jimdavis3752 - 18.11.2023 13:21

I love this stuff. We are so nieve to think we are alone.❤

@jadrtb6806 - 18.11.2023 05:21

U did a mistake please , am a muslim and we don't wait for the return of mohammad peace be upon him , but we believe Jesus (issa) return to earth again

@MrMr.1381. - 15.11.2023 23:44

That’s absolutely right I ssen my son in a dream as half reptilian now he is
Born on th 18/03/18 me my self born on 1/3/1981 I was
Born in Iraq pls Babylon, mastopia I’m Chaldean the people who had the fallen angels of spring which makes us the gods from the past how ever
I am a born again christan

@Daledenton-do5ty - 15.11.2023 21:01

Genetically engineered pork

@dashiellhouse - 15.11.2023 17:56

Reptilians are all over. They pretend they own humans due to interbreeding. They're inherently Satanic, and they don't love anyone who doesn't serve their narcissistic kingdom. Believe in yourself In God wholeheartedly and discern away from the emptiness of snake body narcissists.

@loveyoulikecrazyxoxo - 12.11.2023 08:51

I'm here because I seen my ex bf (my kids father,) eyes shift the other night into reptilian eyes and it honestly felt so familiar and it happened a few times. Like glossy evil and it was when he was mad and drunk...but it was like i recognized every time he's been mean to us this is him.

@user-on9gy5wh3k - 06.11.2023 08:57

Fake nothing but lies

@ambientsoda106 - 04.11.2023 12:39

You see I find this story interesting, alongside Elon Musk saying he feels life as we know it is a VR, and other ideas of people being approached or poked with fingers...its odd though where these stories come from....and some game of control, that greys became reptilian via a machination thats a power relation...

@aissatoudiame2306 - 02.11.2023 14:33

The Muslim are not waiting for the return of Mouhammed (peace and blessings be upon him). We know and believe in the return of Jesus.

@shawnj1679 - 28.10.2023 12:38

Hocus Pocus BS !!

@dallasgoltiani1163 - 27.10.2023 11:20


@CAPTAINBAZOOKA-wn5by - 27.10.2023 05:08

MY GOD....................................what BOLONY

@theelitet.v6463 - 25.10.2023 21:18

Muslims are not waiting for Muhammad (S.W)
We r also waiting for Hazrat Isa

@ruangseniku - 22.10.2023 08:37

islam doesn't wait the return of mohammad, but the return of jesus, jesus will have armies lead by imam mahdi the descendant of mohammad

@MUSTBUYRIGHT - 21.10.2023 17:35

the targeted individuals have nothing to do with alien DNA! THATS WHY THEIR TARGETED!

@nillnone1038 - 18.10.2023 19:41

I need to know more about these reptilian beings there were the first on thus planet
