You were right about most
ОтветитьAfter all this time she’s finally closer to release
Ответить7 years... CIG please give us a start date for work on the polaris
ОтветитьIt is 2021 now and it still has not been released
Hi Youngblood.
I'd probably throw two sabres into it. Allowing for a formation in a kind of combat.
Ответитьthere are 6 manned turrets
ОтветитьI'm wondering if the prospector will fit in the hold if so this is the perfect ship for trader/merc.
ОтветитьAlso, I think they are limiting firing arcs for the turrets because players can only see the small arc in front of them. Makes it easier for the player not to worry about so large of an arc to cover and delegate other turrets to the other arcs rather than giving each gunner a 360-degree horizontal, 180-degree vertical dome bubble to watch. Easier and more effective fire to assign each gunner 45-degree cones of responsibility.
ОтветитьI see 6 manned turrets and one unmanned forward chin turret. Also 2 automated missile pods.
Ответитьdefinitely not a brawler
ОтветитьWhy so many crew? The next larger ship only has 10.
ОтветитьThis is my favorite ship now, just over the Carrack. The design is just too cool.
ОтветитьPolaris captains unite! I really want to team up with a few others at some point and get a Wolfpack, going!
ОтветитьI like it even better than the Idris!! I want one!! Hope they go on sale soon.
ОтветитьFast / First Assault Strike Recon? F.A.S.R
ОтветитьSexy looking ship. I would love to fly with a good crew in one of those. This is just behind the Carak for me on my wish list.
Ответитьwhy are you calling it a capital ship its a Corvette. Corvettes are a mush smaller class of ships.
also do Star Citizen have a battleship class/size of ships?
I know it have fighter, gunboat, Frigate, Corvette and capital class ships.
This is a fast attack boat modified for SOCOM deployment. Interesting.
ОтветитьI would like to see a Medic/rescue version of this where you can hold a Cutlass Red, and instead of torpedoes, you have medic gear. That'd be cool to see for supporting larger scale infantry battles.
ОтветитьThis game is getting too complicated.
Ответитьthis sounds like a ship id be interested in running...high speed is kinda my thing so being able to hit and run seems like something id enjoy....
ОтветитьI feel that the latest ships they designed are way much better in how they have though it through.
Ответитьi also got mine for 625 with all the usual stuff (aka lti), put a real dent in my bank account (so im broke for 2 weeks, lol) but its worth it. I'm hoping i could use it as a base for my prospector, as well as for support in joint ops with other players. this is gonna be my largest and most expensive ship yet, best to get one now while there's lti to help cover some of the operating cost.
ОтветитьJust throwing this out there. If I were a pirate, this is the capital ship I'd be using. It's fast, and when properly used you could have a large company of fighters, that you can keep topped off and ready to go for a long time. When things get hairy, you can out run anything else in it's weight class. At least if the idea behind it sticks.
ОтветитьI'm surprised you don't mention the huge cargo doors on top of it. Pretty cool that you can load and unload in lots of different ways. Definitely an amazing ship.
ОтветитьGreeeeeat, another ship. I purcased a carrack years ago, what about that one?
Ответитьperfect fit for its role, can't wait to see it performing in the verse some time.
ОтветитьI sold my entire fleet to buy one, i couldnt help myself lol. It wont be avalable till 2018, as seen on the build scedule during the presentation. Im thinking of it like a ferarri purchase lol, some of them are bought and have to wait 2 years for them to build it. Im just going to pretend its being built :P. The unmanned turrets are controled by a seat on the bridge, check the brochure. Also, from what i know of the connie's missile targeting across the different racks, i think automated just means it will track a target, for example, behind you, so that you dont have to look it it to lock it. In other words, the missiles arent fixed in one direction, its gimbled.
ОтветитьI want the carrack
ОтветитьI always have a problem with ships that are faster then most other ships their size,
because the gunners on those turrets likly won't hit a thing when you make use of this mobility.
Take the turret of the vanguard: Hits hard but is only accurate when the pilot is not dogfighting someone, or is he?
This is a real question, if you experianced otherwise pls let me know.
I had to many ships that were the same thing & I didn't want the Idris cost, so I melted some ship for it. I did want this if it had torpedo's witch it does. I like the idea of putting a Terrapin or prospector in it, with some friends mining this seems maybe a good cost effective method for all involved, lol it would be too much to ask if I could stick both of the above ships in it. Do some mining of my own while protecting a mining group
ОтветитьCan they not make a large ship without a hanger? This was a great ship to not have a hanger on. Also torpedoes and no pilot guns. So its a bomber with a defence fighter. I feel like they need a ship about this size that is guns. 1 capital turret, 4 inline turrets for the pilot, and lots of standard turrets and big thrusters and light armor. Jack of all trade ships like this are boring because they dont have a role.
ОтветитьIf you can put a cutlass red in this thing does that not give it a someday and thus a lot more function?
ОтветитьI WANT ONE! So bad. But.... -_____-
I'll have to work for it in-game.
I hate the fact that they always make cockpit in front of big ships, put them in middle or back, and it will look way better.
ОтветитьThose side mounted manned turrets are going to have terrible tracking when ships perform a fly bye. I honestly think they need to be redesigned and where is the med-bay? A ship with 23-24 crew that performs a military role should have one. Doesn't have to be big either. Needs more toilets too. two toilets for 23 crew members is ridiculous even before you divide it between m/f. P.S love the pool table and open view bridge. If I had the money I would be seriously tempted to buy.
ОтветитьMate, thank you for this first view. Awaiting updated thing with the new info. Thank you.
ОтветитьHey Youngblood,
What do you think of the Polaris as a pocket carrier? Looking at the below quotes peaked my interest...
"Roberts Space Industries’ Polaris bid was selected due to its unique combination of a fully equipped small craft hangar and an array of torpedo tubes that let it punch above its weight class."
And this ...
"The Polaris includes the facilities to repair, rearm and refuel a single fighter, light bomber or support ship."
So the Polaris will be able to not only refuel a small ship but rearm and repair.Although there is only room for one fighter. Could this be our first pocket carrier. I haven't heard if other small cap ships like the Endeavor will provide for refuel, repair and rearm.
On the surface one small ship doesn't seem like a big deal. However you could have a squadron full of short range fighters get repaired, refueled, and rearmed on a rotation basis. Fly one in, have the others loiter about to continue patrols while they wait to get refueled, rearmed, and repaired.
This is my new in-game goal. Looks so cool!
ОтветитьI think "automated" means that they can be controlled by the pilot or someone else on the bridge. Like how most guns are now at the moment. The others needing to be manned.
Ответитьactually, its 7 crew stations (5 bridge one torp guy one engineer) and ontop of that 5-6 manned turrets which gives us the 13 minimum crew.
ОтветитьSo many people are asking if it can be an explorer, if it can salvage, that it should carry more ship, or on the contraruy, that it shouldn't!... It's a fighting ship, it can fight. It can do everything else, but it will do it badly. It shouldn't do anything else very good than it's purpuse. Wanna an uber salvage ship? get a reclaimer. exploration? Carrack, Etc. People often say : if it's that big, it should do this and that, or if it has long range, it should be an excellent explorer, etc. But the purpuse of the game is not to have a "I Win" ship. Each would want their ship to do everything, but IMO that would just make for a boring game... But it's just my personal opinion!
ОтветитьI'm expecting this ship might be capable of having maybe a Hoplite. With the 24 crew count and given the station numbers I got somewhere (can't find it again), I'm thinking you'll be able to have 5 stations on the bridge (captain, helmsman, navigator, sensors officer, shields officer), an engineer, a torpedo bay guy, 6 gunners (two top front, two side, back top, back bottom). This gives the 13 count I saw somewhere (again, can't seem to find that number again) but, judging from pictures, might work.
With a hoplite, again, you'll have your 14th person be the hoplite pilot, the 15th be the gunner, and then the last 7-8 would be a marine complement that could be dropped on the ground or on a station to deal with common threats such as piracy or insurgency that militias or patrols would have to deal with. Alternatively, run the hoplite or another ship as an emergency response and evac vessel.
That´s the one ship I wanna fly all the time in the game. :D
ОтветитьI want one!
ОтветитьWith respect to what you were saying about it potentially holding a vanguard or even redeemer sized ship, look at how the doors open in the model in your video. They look like they only open about halfway. I wouldn't expect to be able to fit anything larger than a size 2-3 ship in there (ie gladiator/super hornet at the largest). Vanguards are size 4 and are actually pretty large, so I kind of doubt one could fit. They'd be good support though, being that they have 2 beds and could stay out with a polaris on an extended patrol if needed. Also, at the very end of the video of the spinning model, you can see the top of a small ship rise up on what is probably a retractable landing pad, which also indicates there may not be much vertical room inside.