Why Did The Roman Empire Collapse With Mary Beard | Empire Without Limit | Odyssey

Why Did The Roman Empire Collapse With Mary Beard | Empire Without Limit | Odyssey

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S. H.
S. H. - 16.09.2023 11:02

You can see the changing roles of centre vs periphery of the Empire also in the arts. Provincial styles started to influence Roman art instead of the earlier dominance of Roman aesthetic values influencing the Barbarians on the outskirts. Fascinating stuff.

Kelvin Reins
Kelvin Reins - 16.09.2023 07:57

It's been a quite while since I last watched Mary Beard. Once again I am reminded how thin her narratives are. It's a true waste of a great history lesson. Sorry Mary. I know you love history, but it will be another ten years before I will consider to watch her again. With a title like this, it's just another click bait opportunity for someone to steal an hour from me that I'll never get back.

Leslie A
Leslie A - 14.09.2023 14:43

Fabulous with a unique perspective!

Don Lodge
Don Lodge - 14.09.2023 13:20

I didi not know that Mary had collapsed......

Mia A
Mia A - 14.09.2023 09:03

Been to Israel this June. Loved every minute of it

Deanna St
Deanna St - 14.09.2023 07:43

As a teenager I sometimes used to dream about what would have been if the Roman Empire lasted up to our days… how would the world look like today…and I always concluded that our advancement and progress would have been infinitely faster, like the trains of Japan are today compared to many other countries…something like that.

Crow Blair
Crow Blair - 14.09.2023 03:54

They were on drugs? Drunk? Maybe they were dehydrated. Mary obviously survived.

nunya biznez
nunya biznez - 12.09.2023 06:57

All empires eventually collapse for the same reason all balloons eventually pop. There, I just saved you 3556 seconds of your life.

K T - 12.09.2023 02:13

This woman is a British national treasure

Katherine Cooper
Katherine Cooper - 11.09.2023 01:48

Mary Beard is a great historian and story teller!

Val Kyrie
Val Kyrie - 09.09.2023 20:52

I’m not sure what she means by not recognizing Christianity or it being something else in the early days. We in the Orthodox Church still do what the church fathers say, and they were taught by the apostles. And the splits between the different orthodox - Armenian, Ethiopian, oriental, eastern (which encompasses all of the “language” orthodox churches, they’re the same church), Coptic - anyone outside them wouldn’t even see a difference, that’s how close we are to the original Christian faith. Most of the arguments separating us most non Christians can’t even comprehend without a degree in philosophy or theology.

It’s just really confusing to say that todays Christian has nothing to do with the early Christian.

Mark Dean
Mark Dean - 09.09.2023 16:05

Roman Empire didn’t collapse. It transformed

Lindsay Drewe
Lindsay Drewe - 09.09.2023 08:52

A ghastly teenager in spades!!

scott92507 - 08.09.2023 16:58

Instead of showing you a simple, edifying map, I will do an extended bit with a pizza!

Ruth Goh
Ruth Goh - 08.09.2023 03:06

How can you say Christianity is a sect? I dare you to say that about Islam and see what people say. And Jesus and his disciples are not just a "group of extremists". Very disrespectful.

Dubs - 08.09.2023 00:17

I can sum it up in 5 words;

It ran out of Romans

fire fox
fire fox - 07.09.2023 21:11

I guess the two Major Factors are Resource exhaustion and Cooling Climate

AD - 07.09.2023 20:47

I'm sure we will get the shotty waters down version. So I'll give it to you. They fell because the were pervers sexual predators, having intercourse with heir own children, and their children with them, they and their children available to the whole soiciaty for sexual perversion, sex with animals, ect. Sex is sacred and made for marriage, and this is why this decrepit soiciaty is cursed and falling at a very fast rate, all ov you will be eradicated like the Incas, the Egyptians, they use to be top of the world, way more advance than us, yet their perversion destroyed them. Take heed

Louis Martin
Louis Martin - 07.09.2023 19:43

I think Mary Beard would have scared off all the emperors.

David - 07.09.2023 19:15

"Why did the Roman Empire Collapse with Mary Beard?" I always knew she was to blame.

Illusionary - 07.09.2023 09:38

Cant really address the Jews or Jesus or any of the rest of that history if one has no knowledge of the Bible. Fact is good ol Constatine married the pagans to the new Believers & what came out of Rome after is the political power of the CC....So no Romans never really went away they reinvented themselves...Like DC & its original name was ROME lol and it has all the attributes of it. Cant kill the spirit of a thing

A B - 07.09.2023 08:34

What an excellent production, well done Mary.

skadi warrior
skadi warrior - 07.09.2023 06:55

Either Mary beard was a vandal and wrecked the joint or, she was in the way of the falling masonry and got crushed. Take your pick. I love a who dun it mystery.

LexToMexOk - 07.09.2023 03:00

Love your fascinating documentaries.

Lp Faust
Lp Faust - 06.09.2023 19:29

UFC fighting on demand
Cops arresting good people for smoking
18 year old kids fighting far off wars
Veterans in the streets homeless
Billionaires and power
Citizens that know no true leader in that we haven't been given one. No true leader has risen thrugh the ranks to save us from us. No Hercules, no Jesus Christ, no Arther and Merlin. The United States of America has seen the top. Let's not see the bottom. God bless America. God give us a leader. One that can talk with the God's. One that can talk with the people. One that is humble. One that is honest. Truth is what we ask for. Amen.

Sean Young
Sean Young - 06.09.2023 06:53

I feel like this lady just wanted a free vacation

C JJ - 05.09.2023 17:07

If this was put on in school me and my mates would just talk and not listen now I’m going out my way to watch it

Buddy Chocolate
Buddy Chocolate - 05.09.2023 14:45

Trump’s plagiarism?

BronxItalian - 05.09.2023 10:43

English tart

Russell Eads
Russell Eads - 05.09.2023 02:17

Umm, because the Moslems conquered it??

Marc Bordeau
Marc Bordeau - 04.09.2023 22:47

Roman empire is still alive that's what controls the world in present times. It's on its way out for good though.

ChrisAndThat - 04.09.2023 20:50

Roman empire didn't collapse,it became a preisthood.

Rebel Without A Boss
Rebel Without A Boss - 04.09.2023 07:46

Why that pizza so tough?

dakota conners
dakota conners - 04.09.2023 05:14

Like; what is happening in many countries today, like in America. Invaders, refugees and migrants who did not care or have allegiance to Rome or it's values, ended up destroying the Roman Empire from within. You can go back to Sparta and the same is true.

Jarvis Family
Jarvis Family - 04.09.2023 02:14

"People called Romanes they go the house?"

Mark - 03.09.2023 19:21

all of the above as it is now

B Explore
B Explore - 03.09.2023 14:21

Well... i think that are other topics to explore about the fall of roman empire, like civil wars, famine, the plague, never forget that were people that were opressed in the boundaries and wanted revenge for their ancestors

Ralf Pittroff
Ralf Pittroff - 03.09.2023 02:45

Why Did The Roman Empire Collapse With Mary Beard , didnt it collapse way before she was born?

Matthew Lathum
Matthew Lathum - 02.09.2023 16:23

Dear Mary Beard! Would you possibly make a film about the collapse of Great Britain as this is happening currently in our eyes!

Randy Levine
Randy Levine - 02.09.2023 05:52

Why did Rome fall? - Probably Liberals again. :)

Mindy Kat
Mindy Kat - 01.09.2023 17:36

so basically, christians took down rome

J - 01.09.2023 11:09

Mary beard collapsed?

Deborah Fraser
Deborah Fraser - 31.08.2023 03:21

All the Roman gods reminds me of the Catholic Saints. It's the same idea in the sense of asking a Saint for protection (St. Joseph), safe travels (St. Christopher) or to locate lost items (St. Anthony, I think). Some things in the human psyche just never really change much; there is such a deep need for Spiritual relationships and interactions with the unseen world.

Zdzislaw Meglicki
Zdzislaw Meglicki - 29.08.2023 23:28

I ❤ Mary Beard. She's phenomenal. And she's right too. Rome didn't cease to exist. It transformed instead and in its new form, that of Christianity, it continued to expand. Today it stretches around the world, having absorbed the Americas and over a half of Eurasia. It continues to live in English vicabulary, and in Romance languages of today which are 21st century Latin.

Jay Elm
Jay Elm - 29.08.2023 11:10

Mary Beard is awesome. She brings the Romans to life with her excellent narrative. Are we not the extension of the Roman Empire? I’m not sure Jesus would understand the Roman version of his ministry.

Oggy Stoop
Oggy Stoop - 29.08.2023 02:25


Brooks Wilson
Brooks Wilson - 29.08.2023 00:54

If you look at the United States today, not to mention certain other countries in Europe, you will see how the decay, moral decline and entitlement mentality ruined the Roman Empire and is now ruining our present civilization. The pendulum swings both ways over and over.
