Why is Space Malicious? | Three Body Problem Series

Why is Space Malicious? | Three Body Problem Series

Quinn's Ideas

2 года назад

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@nenadvujakovic9000 - 26.01.2024 10:16

I really want to watch your videos but the irritanting music from start to the end...

@samjeffery8112 - 23.01.2024 19:07

Loving the hell out of this series

@Jdkieddj - 10.01.2024 08:45

The intro music is so good

@liberatetutemeexinferis5902 - 03.01.2024 04:34

" Stop transmitting "
" They're listening "

@johnyjoe2k - 01.01.2024 22:56

This book series keeps being talked about in both the skeptic and UFO realms. Your vids makes it so tempting. Am gonna buy the trilogy set and start my reading journey.

@levig8214 - 31.12.2023 21:26

Probably a stupid question from someone who hasn’t read the series (yet): Why would alerting the universe to the position of trisolaris also alert them to the position of Earth? Luo Ji already alerted the universe to the position of that specific star and he didn’t seem concerned about it showing our location. Is it bc he figured Trisolaris would alert the universe to our position if we did it first? Or perhaps bc Ye Winje/ETO had been in communication with Trisolaris?

@BountyHunter888-33 - 28.12.2023 22:12

I do know what you up to, be carful you might be surprise.

@skullknight1465 - 24.12.2023 16:07

The idea of the “Wallfacer project” is one of the most stupid and genius ideas in human history

@5TailFox - 22.12.2023 11:07

In relation to the Universe, a few hundred years isn't even enough to be considered the "snap of a finger." If anything, it's the equivalent of the fingers beginning to move toward each other, in order to be snapped.

@no_one01-5 - 15.12.2023 15:07

Why do you see it as space being malicious? The issue is entropy of existence, not the end of it. Space will eventually end everything with it being there. Three body problem is just time of it.

@AMac-qd6ft - 13.12.2023 19:10

“In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity.”
― Hunter S. Thompson

@Jadfisk - 28.11.2023 23:31

I didn’t like the third book, but your videos have sparked my enjoyment of the series again. Thanks a lot for that, and thanks for these videos, I really enjoy listening to them (great voice work)

@RearAdmiralTootToot - 23.11.2023 01:54

Meanwhile humans continue to fight with each other so that some people can have a lot more stuff than other people...

@Kowzorz - 05.11.2023 17:48

The book's central plotline (the spying and manipulation by the trisolarans) directly shows that the basic driving premise of the dark forest (an inability to check in on your 'friends') isnt necessary or hard.

@chrisspleit - 04.11.2023 05:50

Thank you for introducing me to the series. I read each book thanks to you Q!

@db4552 - 04.11.2023 05:17

That moment he holds the gun to his head and then immediately he gets a response was EPIC

@winder2793 - 03.11.2023 22:57

LOL the biggest scifi in this book is ANY president of Venezuela doing anything remotely useful or good for humanity.

lmao completely made me lose suspension of disbelief. Im still laughing at that.

Trisolaran invasion is more likely than Venezuelan presidents saying/doing/existing in any useful way.

@Cnichal - 01.11.2023 04:20

The Fresco (by Sheri S. Tepper) is another great story of humans siding with those who would harm us. But this time it’s just for power. Nothing about morals.

@enindm - 01.11.2023 02:21

Watched this vid last year and still gives me braingasms today..

@tyotypic - 31.10.2023 02:41

There's a trivial alternative answer to the problem cosmic sociology poses, and it's a solution we've implemented on earth. If two groups compete for resources, the answer is to unify the groups. If two cosmic civilisations fused into one, their individual resource requirements become shared.

@KnightRider872 - 22.10.2023 01:31

In that case destroying the Draco and Orion empires should be easy.

@godofnumbersakausername5226 - 19.10.2023 14:25

did you know that this section has a animation for it?

@Randalthorp - 17.10.2023 04:35

Can this be watched without spoiling anything from book 3?

@kaoskronostyche9939 - 16.10.2023 01:20

I watched the first three episodes and it was crap.

@zeptepi7931 - 03.10.2023 13:11

This content the most captivating I have come across. Time slows, urgency disappears and interest never wavers.
I couldn't recall what I had seen on YT that had made order these books. Rediscovering this channel is the best thing YT has gifted me.
I have a sense of belonging and feel privileged to be here amongst your audience.

@danielrojas1663 - 03.10.2023 06:13

After watching your videos about the series I bought the first book on audible and my only regret was enjoying your content TOO MUCH and spoiling so much of the story for myself

@deusexaethera - 01.10.2023 18:41

Yeah, I can tell this book series was written by a Chinese person, with its endless obsession over suspicions and hidden motives.

@marcusreviato - 01.10.2023 12:10

Ivd subscribed to you bud I really like your voice and content plus you look kinda adorable 😉

@michaelcurcio4025 - 27.09.2023 05:39

Not chess Mr Spock...poker!

@terrycoley2422 - 25.09.2023 18:12

The music at the end. Of the video is called what????

@slylataupe4272 - 23.09.2023 15:30

The author used the prisoner dilemma as the ground for his book and everybody calls it Genius… Lol that’s not

@SunniMerlot - 20.09.2023 19:18

Seems like they would have been able to fix their 3 star issue since they have amazing tech

@robertbarnes2344 - 16.09.2023 06:50

Houston, we have a problem; something doesn't add up here. Luo Ji sends an electromagnetic (EM) signal toward 187J3X1, which is intercepted by a civilization, not Trisolaris, which freaks out and destroys 187J3X1 via a probe with mass. The light from which destruction reaches Earth 101 years after the original signal. Are you sure?

Consider the geometry of the bodies involved in "the spell". They make a triangle, Earth (E) at one vertex, 187J3X1 (call it 1-1) at a second, and the Destroyer (D) at the third. The distance E—1-1 is 50 light-years. The total perimeter of the triangle is 101 light-years, so the distance E—D—1-1 is 51 light-years. That means that the triangle is very narrow, with D very close to the side E—1-1, and since we aren't aware of D, probably close to 1-1, e.g. ≤ ½ light-year. If all sides of the triangle are traversed by EM, then a 101 year turnaround is possible, IF D can receive and analyze the signal from E, decide on a course of action, orgnize its resources and dispatch the EM attack on 1-1 within 1 year.

But what if D sends a weapon with mass along the D—1-1 side, not EM waves. The speed over that leg of the triangle is going to be prohibitively sub-c. Unless D—1-1 is very short, VERY short, The whole event can't possibly be concluded in 101 years. Besides, on the chance that D—1-1 is so short that the total circuit time CAN squeeze under 101 years, the D civilization could not possibly be unaware of the existence and status of 1-1.

@rpkelly3825 - 14.09.2023 22:53

Interesting fact:
Two space crafts launched in 1977. Voyager 2 launched on August 20, 1977, from Cape Canaveral, Florida aboard a Titan-Centaur rocket. On September 5, Voyager 1 launched, also from Cape Canaveral aboard a Titan-Centaur rocket. In a brilliant stroke of genius by the powers that be, both Voyager 1 & 2 were loaded with information about our DNA, what we look like, where the earth is located within our solar system and within our Galaxy... plus much more.
Present status:
As of April 2020, Voyager 1 is at a distance of 22.3 billion kilometers (149.0 AU) from the Sun.

Voyager 2 was at a distance of 18.5 billion kilometers (123.6 AU).

Voyager 1 is escaping the solar system at a speed of about 3.6 AU per year.
Voyager 2 is escaping the solar system at a speed of about 3.3 AU per year.

THIS is reality not Sci-Fi ..... just something to think about.

@Neo-cj1im - 13.09.2023 13:47

Just got done reading the dune series (original mind you I tried Herbert’s son’s try at it and I went into it with a open mind but by god it was just so different I couldn’t do it) but I trust Quinn’s ideas taste in book’s and I must say three body problem is chiefs kiss

@jackdoyle7453 - 12.09.2023 20:18

all of ethics is just choose square 1

@justthatjoeguy - 09.09.2023 23:39

Take this how you will, I listen to the audiobooks. I usually listen while driving. About 30 minutes to and from work only.. I so badly wanted to hear the ending that I would listen at home, or on breaks at work. I highly recommend the audiobooks because the names of characters would of messed me up. The voice actor is fantastic, and I think its the same one for all three, technically four books. I didn't finish the 4th, because it was written by a fan that IMO changed some things I didn't agree with. I did have a couple issues with it and I will talk about them next.


In the first book Trisolarans want Luo Ji dead so badly they give their supporters on earth a virus. This virus would give people basically the symptoms of a common cold. But once it found its target it went extreme and started making Luo Ji extremely sick. They had to put him on ice and boom end of the first book (sorta, since I don't believe Ball Lightning is considered part of the series, which is more of a prequal). Second book starts hundreds of years later and tada Luo Ji is all better, was fixed while on ice. My issue was if the Trisolarans truly wanted to kill all human why not have their supports create a virus that killed everyone. Their supports could be the carriors. I know I know that would of ended the story, but I think they could of forced Luo Ji into the future a different way. Still an extremely good series, I highly recommend it!

@craigrussell7542 - 02.09.2023 06:55

So, basically you're ruining all the author's hard work of telling their story. Nice job.

@Gaspode257 - 01.09.2023 14:59

It’s the habit of every poisonous prey - kill me and I will kill you with me

@DewitticusBrett - 22.08.2023 00:57

These books are beyond legendary. Now Netflix needs to do Liu Cixin justice and make the show match his book as closely as possible. Cant be having another Witcher or The Wheel of Time.

@MadAtreides1 - 18.08.2023 21:32

imagine being so big brained to never consider expansion as an option but instead completely obliterate any valuable resource because of fear that someone else might use them and, by destroying them, losing forever any chance to be ever able to use them.

@ridiculousp1041 - 18.08.2023 21:06

im hooked👍

@nickmcgookin247 - 13.08.2023 09:55

Some aliens going to see independence day. And be like duck that

@ikissdogs3684 - 30.07.2023 07:03

just found your channel and enjoyed the content. This book series is amazing and sincerely, deeply terrifying. The covers of my books all say Netflix is going to make it into a movie - also terrifying to think of how they'll ruin it

@MicroAggressor - 28.07.2023 00:32

It's weird to think of how Chinese people thought about life 100 years ago- Confucious, Bhudda, etc, to now. The Allmighty Renminbi. That before all else. Our capitalists have squat on the ferocity and fervor of theirs. We could have been freinds. Sad.

@EricOSullivan - 27.07.2023 20:23

Hey Quinn! I just found your channel and I'm so happy to have someone to "talk" Three-Body with! I've been trying to wrap my head around Dark Forest Theory ever since. Is it an application of The Fermi Paradox or an allegory for Chinese Domestic Policy about how to deal with wrongthinkers? I'm starting a reread!! Thank you! And I noticed you mention the spinoff book (of which I haven't read) but do you fit Ball Lightning, Vol. 0 in there? I often think of the end of Death's End yet I wonder where those who disappeared in the Ball Lightning photo how that fits into everything if it even does?

@soulmechanics7946 - 27.07.2023 02:52

It is a shame they mishandled the prospect of genuine comprehension. A basic understanding of what the human mind truly is makes it almost impossible not to read, and being that it is indeed the fundamental technology in play, comprehension of what is already at this point a necessary component for any further technological development on this planet, it kinda throws a wrench in the essential construct for this story. Don't worry though, you guys are in the past. We get it.. in a big way, and soon.

@andrewwilson5018 - 24.07.2023 10:30

Love this channel ❤
