I Tried Lucid Dreaming for 30 Days and My Life Will Never Be The Same

I Tried Lucid Dreaming for 30 Days and My Life Will Never Be The Same

Zach Highley

2 года назад

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Ines 9
Ines 9 - 21.09.2023 23:09

When I grow younger I want to climb trees again!

Hombre Astuto
Hombre Astuto - 21.09.2023 22:29

Sounds like astral projection

Marcello Marianetti
Marcello Marianetti - 21.09.2023 16:10

My closest-to-lucid dream happened after watching Inception 😂, I woke up in my bed but I somehow realized it wasn't real, so I did something I don't remember and then I woke up 3 more times but every time I noticed I was dreaming. At that point I kinda got scared of not being able to come back to reality 😂

MyOwnChaos - Music
MyOwnChaos - Music - 21.09.2023 13:50

I DONT LUCID DREAM!!!!! i started meditating last year and really learning how to connect with my mind. i would sit and meditate everyday and listen to vibrations. i saw my mind as a power station and if i trained it enough i could become more aware daily… this one night i was meditating and i kept reminding myself i am me… i started having a dream and though out this dream i was more aware and i started noticing weird things like things in the sky. then i noticed a porch high off the ground w no steps… then i realized… that’s not a thing… then everything became clear. and i was awake… not awake but i was conscious in my dream… then i looked around and saw the sky being put together almost like the hunger games dome… then i looked around and i thought.. i want to go back to grandmas house… closed my eyes then i was there… was laying in the room i grew up in… i was laying there then everything changed… almost like on the movies of where someone sees a vision and there vision flickers… the flickers were my room and it was me with my eyes open… i was on the border of being awake… i then noticed i was awake and my body was asleep… i couldn’t move and i was in a sleep paralysis… i wasn’t scared because i’ve grown up having so many of them… but one thing i’ve never done is close my eyes during a sleep paralysis so i thought…. i closed my eyes during the sleep paralysis and it felt like my whole body was vulnerable… almost like being naked nude in public with so many people looking at you… and it was scary just to close my eyes… but i kept my eyes closed and i started feeling almost like i was disconnecting from my body… i could feel myself leaving my body and falling in wards into the black… i felt like i fell deeper and deeper and i tried not to be scared then i heard something scary… i heard a group of people all talking around me… it was terrifying and pitch black… i opened my eyes and i was scared… i’ve never known why or what happened… anyone have similar experiences? close your eyes during a sleep paralysis

Meet the Messingers
Meet the Messingers - 21.09.2023 09:35

I had my first dream and it freaked me out. I was in the car with my kids and they were super excited we were going somewhere fun. The thing that I noticed and made me aware I was dreaming was they were in the front seat with no seat belt. I yelled and was like "why are you both in the front seat!" Then I said "oh I'm dreeaaaming" at which point they both went blank in the face. Freaked me out so bad! I may take another stab at it though.

Zach Lerdahl
Zach Lerdahl - 21.09.2023 05:30

Where's the follow up video? Do you still continue to practice lucid dreaming? If so, what has it improved in your life?

RageGamer 15
RageGamer 15 - 20.09.2023 22:49

Bro played Minecraft on day 30

Bring A Smile
Bring A Smile - 19.09.2023 19:44

thank you good sir

Adriel Hernandez
Adriel Hernandez - 19.09.2023 05:43

This inspired me to try lucid dreaming myself. I have lucid dreams without trying and the last one was the longest and most fun. I was in like a weird amusement park. I was running super fast and enjoying the wind against my face

Neil Crew
Neil Crew - 19.09.2023 03:33

I have had recurring dreams about several houses that I have never been to, but I know my way around them and every time they are the same.
Other times, in other dreams, if I’m in a threatening situation, if I really concentrate hard then I can levitate, almost fly, but it’s incredibly difficult to control my height, speed or direction and always get the butterfly falling sensation in my stomach.

Akshat Chauhan
Akshat Chauhan - 19.09.2023 01:27

I have a problem. I can't dream. I don't have a single dream since 4-5 years. What should I do?

JABKO - 18.09.2023 23:19

Must be nice, I tried every method I found, for about a month now, the best I got was a 5 minute dream. That was an achievement in itself, as I hadn’t had a dream since I was 7. At least I had a dream. I really want to lucid dream, but unfortunately I don’t think I can ever come even close to doing so. Wish me luck!

Em M
Em M - 18.09.2023 06:28

I use the eyes closing tight and opening fast in real life. Makes scary things go away. Then, I learned to use it to make things I want appear. Must just be a natural thing to do.

Em M
Em M - 18.09.2023 06:25

I started doing it naturally after my husband died. Didn't know what was happening until SIL informed me. Often, lucid dreaming goes too fast for me and I wake up.

Conscious Morty
Conscious Morty - 18.09.2023 05:32

Adept lucid dreamer since childhood here.
I've noticed a few different types of dreams. Excluding nightmares, because for me personally. Any dream at any moment could shift into a dark theme.
#1 Full Lucid Dream.
(At some point you firmly understand it's a dream, and maintain that attentiveness for a while within the dream)
#2 Movie/Game dream
(Fiction storyline, Poor Physics, Multi dimensional aspects like a video game controller or references to media you've seen. This is where you have action packed adventures, but never actually gain full control)
#3 Convincing Dream
(Just believable enough to avoid lucidity, detailed storyline, physics feel a little off, sometimes spooky yet tolerable. Often having near full control, but not nearly as much as a Lucid dream)
#4 Puzzle Dreams
(Typically when you've had a very busy day, or feel subconsciously flustered. Dreams can come across as taxing. You'll toss and turn, feeling like you're doing strange, tasks with each movement. The dream itself manifests as a series of puzzles that always go unfinished.)
Any other dream types you've found?

Slate - 17.09.2023 23:15

My first time lucid dreaming was during a nightmare I realized that it couldn’t be real and that I must’ve been in a dream so I tried to fly and I could and it was really fun.

Double duty
Double duty - 17.09.2023 03:53

What is a dream that you remember and you live it out for few minutes in the future.
Have had a few of these .
Your going through your day and your like I dreamed this event , weather you are making dinner with my wife or driving down a road for the first time in an unfamiliar vehicle.

Rolf Bye Rygh
Rolf Bye Rygh - 17.09.2023 01:38

When I was a kid I had a hard time falling asleep, I would often wake up thinking I hadn’t slept. I had often memories and would alter my perception with my eyes closed creating visuals, sometimes clarity of people or things.
I stopped this practice with the years going by. As I am now older I might think these were lucid dreams of sort, after this video I think I am going to try it out «again»

Liivoni - 16.09.2023 18:22

Tell yourself to say 3 words before you go to sleep. It’ll happen without thought and your mind with switch.

Guilherme Rampazzo
Guilherme Rampazzo - 16.09.2023 04:50

The issue I have with my dreams is that more often than not I will dream in third person, seeing myself from the outside, or even be seeing a scene unfold from the sky. Like, I will be seeing myself on the ground doing stuff, feeling those stuff, at the same time I see myself, its weird

Jane Crampton
Jane Crampton - 16.09.2023 00:43

thank you

Manann - 15.09.2023 07:43

Today I had my first ever lucid dream. I have been trying for so many days. I have been doing dream journalling and whatever the other techniques are. today I got it in the most unexpected way. I knew it was a dream and after sometime when I was sure, I decided to do the reality checks and they worked. I was sure that it was a dream. I was so excited. I was not able to change my surroundings or fly in my dream yet. Whenever I tried I jumped, but it felt like I am I was floating. The first thing I decided to do is to look in the mirror because in one of the videos they said not to, so I decided to do it. After that, in my dream I was not able to see any people. I wanted to talk to my subconscious mind, so I just thought of a person and he appeared in front of me. We talked a little, and then due to some sound in real life, I woke up. It was the happiest moment of my life, then suddenly the memory of the dream was starting to vanish so I quickly wrote it down.

shanaya - 14.09.2023 23:21

Imagine someone wakes him up during the lucid dream

Zelph The Webmancer
Zelph The Webmancer - 14.09.2023 05:22

I only had lucid dreams sporadically until one day after watching Inception and Nightmare in Elm Street 1, 3 and 4 (I don't know why I skipped 2) I decided to try to control my dreams. I ended up lucid dreaming for several days in a row but was extremely tired after almost a week of it, it seemed like I wasn't sleeping, so I decided to quit for a while. But I found in that journey and also in years of fighting to not have nightmares anymore (I had a lot of those as a child and it was years before the dream-themed movie night) I discovered a few things that helps with lucid dreaming:
1) Saying to yourself you are going to have lucid dreams before you go to bed and before you fell asleep helps a lot. Make it like a mantra, going through your head. It doesn't need to be forced but repeat it until the idea sinks in.

2) Getting too excited is the best way to wake yourself up, so just chill, relax, go with the flow (somewhat). Lucid dreaming isn't like daydreaming, you aren't consciously controlling all you see, hear and feel. Think of lucid dream like a dance between your conscious and unconscious mind. Too much consciousness (like getting too excited) and you wake up, too much unconsciousness and you fall into normal sleep. The right amount of both and you can keep sleeping but you can make conscious changes to the dream. What exactly is that amount depends on the dream and yourself, typically the more effort and "umpf" you put into what you do the more your gain consciousness, and the more you go with the flow of what is happening the more your unconsciousness prevails.

3) Reality checks are very important, but for me I have to be careful, my mind is always trying to adapt to convince myself I'm actually awake in reality. So, the best way I found to do reality checks is to try and confirm it's a dream, if I try to confirm it's reality my mind will reproduce the desired result (like hands "rendering" properly). When I count my fingers I always count to 6, even tho I have 5 in each hand, so in my dreams I will have an extra finger. I don't do the nose pinching, but I look at clocks when I can. If I look away and the time changes, specially if I'm thinking at a different time, then it is a dream. The "if not" is already implicit and I don't even think about it.

MaryKa - 13.09.2023 21:35

I now understand I had so many lucid dreams as a kid, usually I was flying over and was able to see things from above and, at the same time, I was wondering how I could do that since it wasn' t normal.

Urlocaldumpster27 - 12.09.2023 08:53

I try, but I can’t

wise old chinaman
wise old chinaman - 11.09.2023 13:51

Why are you under a bridge

Pianoverse - 09.09.2023 11:05

So nice waking up from a journey

Alejandro Vargas
Alejandro Vargas - 09.09.2023 06:40

I don't know for how long have I been having lucid dreams, but my favourite was when Freddy Kruger stabbed me... and I got so mad that I took his knives out of my chests, and stab the fucker back.

LittleTimmyVr - 09.09.2023 00:04

next time you should try reality shifting

bacon andeggs
bacon andeggs - 08.09.2023 23:43

The only thing you achieved in the video was the editing. The rest was trash

James - 08.09.2023 14:34

I don't think about or try to lucid dream at all. About an hour ago I had my first one ever. I technically used WILD but it was purely accidental. I noticed I was dreaming because there was a chair in my room that isn't normally there. The lucid dream was horrifying as I knew I was in a dream but I didn't know I had any power over it. I felt trapped and the dream worsened. Now that I know what I can do, I hope to have some good dreams going forward.

trending tigers
trending tigers - 08.09.2023 05:17

What did you find were the benefits of being aware that you are dreaming? I think once one gets a handle on how to do it we can then start creating our dreams and thus affecting our consciousness and gaining all kinds of new tools on being a Human.

travel time
travel time - 06.09.2023 03:35

ive been trying to lucid dream for a while and i just couldn't find the motivation, and man, this was so motivating.

KaWouter - 05.09.2023 23:19

Unfortunately when I realise I'm lucid dreaming there is a worry seeping in that my body can't maintain its breathing. So I start to hyperventilate and wake up scared. If I'm able to fly I feel like I'm losing control.

kappa - 05.09.2023 21:33

i used to lucid dream every night, i was active in all the things you had to do in order to achieve lucid dreaming. reality checks, dream journal and the mindset i had is gone, it has been years. i just didn't have enough will and power to do all those things anymore because "life" anyways i miss lucid dreaming a lot, i kept watching videos about it ever since, but something and i don't know what, your video made it possible. it's just 20 minute long and i was nowhere near my bedtime and somehow i fell asleep in the middle of watching it, but something in your video the way you delivered your thoughts, something clicked and i had it, a lucid dream and boy i've missed it more than i thought i did.

i can't describe in words, thank you man.

tonytor53 - 04.09.2023 11:10

I take Ambiem 10mg… no dreams at all.I would love to do that…

BROWNDIRTWARRIOR - 04.09.2023 06:59

I experimented with lucid dreaming when I was young and it lead to night terrors. Very lucid hallucinations where I was consciously asleep and demons were clutching at me from under my bed. I stopped the practise.

Mutombe - 04.09.2023 02:48


Melinda Pinner
Melinda Pinner - 04.09.2023 00:50

Anyone ever seen themselves dead? Shits so scary

Melinda Pinner
Melinda Pinner - 04.09.2023 00:49

Tight. I’m having lucid dreams and sleep paralysis 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ll never sleep again

The Edingham Fam
The Edingham Fam - 03.09.2023 16:59

I used to have something called parasomnia syndrome, its practically night terror except that you have nightmares every single night, during the pandemic I used to watch a lot of tv shows a lot of video games etc, so whenever I have a nightmare I imagine a window and I close the window😂, I knew that I couldnt have that feeling where you actually have entertaining random weird dreams, but then I had my first normal dream, it was me in some wooden cabin with my cousins, this dream was freakily weird cuz that night terror mindset, my cousins faces were like wolves😅 But then I looked down at my hands, and I realised something jaw dropping, it was so shocking that I couldve woken up but I didnt, I had..

Yeah, paws. And after this I said to myself, oh my god, am I dreaming. I used that techniques in the movies I saw where you slap yourself and if you dont feel anything your dreaming, I remembered this in a movie called back to the future, these days kids would probably not understand but it was so good that feeling😂😂😂

But then I looked at my cousins face too long she scratchdd my face, whole sky turned stormy dark lightning struck my aunt I was jumped by my brother and then I woke up..

Same old same old even today.

Saba Qara
Saba Qara - 03.09.2023 08:47

I wann lucid dream to watch better version of Boruto :D

Emylie PM
Emylie PM - 02.09.2023 18:32

Looking at the comments there seems to be a possible link between sleep paralysis and lucid dreams. I used to have sleep paralysis every other night as a teenager, and studied it - it is not very well understood (causes ect, why some ppl get it all the time, others once or twice in their life). Now I don't get sleep paralysis but I can lucid dream almost every night. I didn't even know lucid dreaming was so difficult for some people - it just happened. I'd be having a nightmare, and then I'd say in the dream in my head 'er no, that's not happening tonight' and I'd turn it into a fantastic dream. I'd even 'rewind' the dream if I thought certain parts could go better, and dream it out again in a different way. It's such an incredible thing to be able to do because you're the boss of your mind, you can do so much when you sleep - it can help you wake up feeling powerful or have found a solution to something that you were worried about. Definately give it a go, hope this method in the video works for you.

Mob Joe
Mob Joe - 02.09.2023 17:40

The secret to lucid dreaming is sleeping with the ac on 21°, I unlock 2 new abilities this, I could leap really high and do d second leap mid air, and I have super speed, but not the slowing down time kind, I can just run really fast like 80 mph.

Dakota Stein
Dakota Stein - 02.09.2023 12:06

ive wanted to lucid dream for years but no luck.
