Can you Be a Tax Resident of Nowhere?

Can you Be a Tax Resident of Nowhere?

Offshore Citizen

3 года назад

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betania anselmo anselmo
betania anselmo anselmo - 07.08.2023 19:41

If you want your account closed then pretending you are a tax resident nowhere is a good start

Olya Hasia
Olya Hasia - 17.02.2023 15:53

Hi, thanks for such grate content! Do you know how’s the situation for Ukrainians right now? I’m Ukrainian and digital nomad lately, can’t choose how to arrange my tax situation

Sophie Labelle
Sophie Labelle - 17.01.2023 18:43

Yes you can if you were born in a tax free country like Monaco !

Guillermo - 22.06.2022 03:54

Offshore content without the bull shit, awesome channel.

Webbed Star
Webbed Star - 15.03.2022 17:19

What do you think of Bahrain bearing in mind forthcoming Dubai 9% tax?

Edmond Price
Edmond Price - 10.11.2021 06:08

Love your videos

tinglestingles - 04.09.2021 20:17

We spoke to HMRC they advised they do not accept 'just travelling' or not being a tax resident of another country as a good enough reason to leave the clutches of the UK tax system.

Doktor Pfuscher
Doktor Pfuscher - 13.06.2021 18:11

First video I found for that topic! thanks man! A list of those countries would be amazing. Greets from a German citizen ;)

Eric Preston
Eric Preston - 11.06.2021 10:56

Hey Michael, thanks for all the content! Been following for a while as I work through my ideal tax residence for me & my business as a live as a digital nomad. I see you're from Edmonton? I was born there but grew up in Van. If you ever want to connect, perhaps exchange some marketing advice for some tax advice, let me know! I'm meeting business owners abroad who could benefit from your service.

Daily Hodler
Daily Hodler - 09.06.2021 03:48

dude! whole channel is great content!

Paul Buckle Buckle
Paul Buckle Buckle - 09.06.2021 02:25

On my boat floating around ,, why not ,,,

YouBetterThink - 08.06.2021 15:03

I really like your clear, no-bs explanation. The best I've come across on this topic. Not too risk-averse just to common sense

Mike M
Mike M - 06.06.2021 18:55

All US citizens are liable to tax in the US, wherever they are domiciled. Even if the tax is not applicable where they live. Example; US citizen living in the UK for 20 years. Wins the lottery. NO tax due in UK (it is a tax free win) but liable for tax on that win in the US.

James Galloway
James Galloway - 06.06.2021 17:16

Great video. Thanks! Subscribed. Can you establish tax residency in Thailand via an Elite Visa (pay for visa no stay or age or bank account deposit/business requirements) and meet residency test (183 days a year) and then transfer some funds - enough to earn a (small amount of) taxable income. I assume this would work? Asking as An AU p/port holder wanting to avoid resuming immediate tax residence after leaving KSA (zero tax). Thanks

Nat - 05.06.2021 15:55

I'm about to leave Canada but don't know yet where I'll establish residency (if at all). I called the federal and provincial tax authorities to learn about the process (of breaking the tax tie). One of things they told me is that I have to provide them with a new address else they will keep me on their records (which I find abusive especially as I'm not even Canadian).

I'm thinking about giving my parents' address in France, because technically that's where I'll go/reside for a few weeks before moving to other countries. I'd assume this takes care of the Canadian side because they won't come check if I stay for good.

However, it's a bit less clear on the French side. If the French tax auth sticks with my last statement a few years back when I informed them that I moved to Canada I should be fine. But if the Canadian tax authority (or the Quebec one) sends this info to the French tax authority and the French auth uses it to update its own records, I'll just recreate the same undesirable situation as the French also require you to be resident somewhere else to break tax residency.

Any thoughts?

Paul Donovan
Paul Donovan - 05.06.2021 02:39

I noticed that paraguay permanent residence only needs you there 120 days a year to be tax resident. Not as good as no residency but does give you the other 8 months to travel basically tax free. Is there other countries with very low requirements to be a tax resident and terriotorial taxation?

Joe Thong
Joe Thong - 04.06.2021 23:48

would the MLI close the gaps for the mismatches

Dr. Winner
Dr. Winner - 04.06.2021 22:24

Not having tax residency anywhere certainly won't get easier over time

James King
James King - 04.06.2021 20:42

I am pretty sure New Zealand allows no tax residency. Is anyone able to confirm?

ohla la
ohla la - 04.06.2021 19:59

Criteria to be called tax resident are often not exclusiv in the law, but we can see some case law which set a precedent and recalled tax resident some nationals which did not trigger any criteria of the tax residence because they were no able to prove a tax residence somewhere else with either annual declaration either TRC

Michael Chan
Michael Chan - 04.06.2021 19:40

Great video Mr. Rosmer. Thank you for taking the time to talk about nowhere tax residency. It's a very good topic

Patience is Alpha
Patience is Alpha - 04.06.2021 19:22

This is one of the few advantages of the US tax wise. You can always claim to be a tax resident there. /s

Gustav Thompson
Gustav Thompson - 04.06.2021 17:57

Thanks! (Volume is a bit low though.....)

pkREX24 - 04.06.2021 15:32

I'd be interested in a list of countries that allow this. I know the us "kinda" allows this with the foreign income exclusion thing

Michael Santiago
Michael Santiago - 04.06.2021 15:31

On the average, doesnt tax residency rules apply usually if you stay within a foreign country for at least 6mos? If you stay shorter than 6mos, on the average, then you're not liable for taxation?

Scott Duffy @ GetCloudSkills
Scott Duffy @ GetCloudSkills - 04.06.2021 15:24

More like, you would need to indicate "tax residence" to open a bank account or accept money as income, and you will perhaps need to lie to them in order to do that business.

Banks are regulated businesses.

Gaming Channel
Gaming Channel - 04.06.2021 15:24

Why would anyone want to be a wage slave tax livestock peon anywhere?

StopLossLOL - 04.06.2021 14:56

Very interesting. Subscribed!
Does the UK or Germany have a rule similar to "If you're not tax-resident anywhere, then you pay taxes based on your citizenship" ?
