The Perfect Samurai Game?

The Perfect Samurai Game?

The Shogunate

3 года назад

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@dazellesadiq - 22.01.2024 20:41

Make samurai in space

@tylerhall9412 - 26.08.2023 08:29

I basically just want ghost of tsushima with the constant gorey realism of the last of us 2, and give it the combo diversity and rpg style replayability of Way of the Samurai 3. Let the limbs fly, let me cut somebody's head in half. Make it feel like the weapon carries real danger.

@atvman09alec - 28.07.2023 10:05

They need to make a samurai game kind of like the direction of way of the samurai mixed with some beautiful characteristics of battles and graphics of ghost of tsushima. Need a good crafting experience. To actually forge a sword and gathering material and be able to be a blacksmith/ samurai. Idk just something about sitting at a forge in Japan to make a nice sword then chop your enemies with it also having a shop.

@SizzleCorndog - 09.06.2023 03:25

Dude it sounds like you want anvil but Japanese instead of european

@KuroNoTenno - 21.04.2023 13:26

My ideal samurai game would be just Musou Empires but with bigger, more intricate maps and more in-depth strategy elements, which then has been put into Total War's grand campaign mode with all that entails like diplomacy, research trees etc etc. I'd also put a historical timeline mode, where everything progresses according to history unless the player influences it otherwise, like saving Nobunaga at Honno-ji or winning Sekigahara with the Western Army.

@odognum - 15.03.2023 22:40

Bushido Blade 2 was one of my favourites, despite the whacky dialogue, story and costumes the combat was very good.

@alen7492 - 03.02.2023 12:45

Strategy like Total War Shogun 2, but much deeper and richer with ancient Japanese history, with richest customization options ever seen. Truly close to photorealistic animations and gameplay.

@karlusarn - 10.10.2022 08:09

I would you an open world game where you can farm, build houses, be a shogun, or a soldier. Basically an open world samurai/japan game

@flamesfire999 - 13.09.2022 03:13

Rts samurai game, with a roguelike and powerup twist, with a class mechanic similar to Fire Emblem

@golden_katana3176 - 01.09.2022 20:59

Like re2 with muskets katana and the weird spear like thing different armours and horse bows it wood be so cool

@olivierdouwes3661 - 03.08.2022 22:27

I would love to make a ghost of Tsushima: Sengoku Jidai

@quantumecho2456 - 24.07.2022 18:13

Dating sim

@manofnothing9982 - 13.07.2022 01:14

I would love to see something like Kengo with absolver type combat mixed together, for a tight compacted duelist centered gameplay experience. Online multiplayer would be a great addition too. Awesome topic honestly. I have a similar breakdown of what I'd like to see in future bushido inspired titles if interested.

@broodjeaap5949 - 01.07.2022 22:59

Whats the game shown in 9.21

@spacewargamer4181 - 27.05.2022 21:22

Wait, is there nobonaga games in english? I don't remember that

@secario2135 - 21.04.2022 00:27

total war shogun 2 is the best

@lazyguy3081 - 05.03.2022 14:16

Nobunages ambition + shogun 2 battles + crusader king + first person general/daimyo in battles (single player) or everyones a player like mount and blade warband would be everybody's dream

@nostalgik7976 - 18.01.2022 19:22

Hear me out: A samurai game like Valheim. Open-world survival game with more simplistic graphics where you would try to survive across the Japan and make your own story

@dijonmustard2831 - 18.01.2022 08:47

I would love a game where you start as a normal foot soldier but through you exploits In Battle you progress and you fight in historical battles wether it is in medieval Europe or Japan I think it would be really cool and you can fight in duels or large scale battles

@psyko418 - 17.01.2022 02:03

I would make a samurai game like way of samurai with nioh and sekiro with a style like ghost of tsushima and add every samurai and ninja in japan story

@shaggster2696 - 13.01.2022 10:06

ninja scrolls x samurai champloo x Shigurui

@ch1mpschumpchange487 - 28.12.2021 16:43

I want an open world rpg game where youre a hybrid between a samurai and one of them wandering shamisen players. I don't know how someone would incorporate playing the shamisen, but hey, a man can dream.

@AJDraws - 26.11.2021 12:20

An action adventure 3rd person roll playing RPJ ( though not a JRPG) set in the Sengoku Jidai in the late 1570s with an Assassin's Creed tier open world map, with Rockstar Games level world interactivity, no unnecessary collectibles, actually weightful story decisions, factions to join, character customization, and a plot of land where you can build either your own home, or up to the size of a castle.
This won't ever happen, but that's what I would do if I had the time and most importantly, the funds.

@arthurmaul3284 - 26.10.2021 07:24

Im developing a game rn that combines your visions for all three XD on top of that with other country options (fighting as medieval italy, a mongol khanate, a chinese warring state/dynasty, etc) with a slight fantasy touch. Lots of work to do tho. Hopefully i get a demo out by the end of the year :)

@OfficialHelix - 22.10.2021 15:12

my dream samurai game would be set during the mid years of the sengoku period, perhaps borrowing some gameplay styles from Ghost of Tsushima, For Honor and God of War. I like the idea of rising to power and choosing which clan to ally yourself with, perhaps having different story consequences should you join the Takeda or the Hojō etc. Also, being able to take part in infamous battles and sieges like Tedorigawa or Nagashino would be amazing.

@CasperTheRamKnight - 17.10.2021 23:22

a game like kiai resonance and first cut but with actual samurai stuff and not only for steam

@hach0779 - 12.10.2021 09:55

Fuck multiplayer! I’m antisocial...

@jernejicom - 02.10.2021 12:39

I would like to see a Mix of shogun 2 the ghost of t.. and nabunagas ambition

@Arriss2121 - 29.09.2021 23:05

I would really love a samurai game that is just about being a samurai, maybe set in the edo period. Imagine being a samurai partaking in castle sieges or large scale battles and we could be the downfall or the rise of clans.

Man, it's a real shame that there's no other samurai esc. game other than Ghost Of Tsushima. I like Ghost Of Tsushima but it's just not enough samurai.

There is so many potential for samurai games, Strategy games like what you described (Shogun 2 genre) or Ghost Of Tsushima genre but more samurai. I think Ghost is overrated but ghost's success could possibly bring more samurai games to the table, maybe developers would get inspired and make samurai games of their own.

Idk, there is just so much potential, shame there's not much samurai games out there.

@darthzayexeet3653 - 10.09.2021 16:33

My perfect Samurai Game would be, were you could create your own Samurai and Clan during the late 1400s/early 1500s

You would start out as a mercenary or ronin or sth, who just lost his lord. Then you would work for any Clan you choose or just for who whoever paid you the most. You would battle other Clans and recruit strong warriors you meet along the way to fight at your side.

Eventually you’d have recruited enough strong warriors to start your own Clan. Then you continue to recruit other Samurai, Ninjas, Warrior-Monks etc. into your Clan until you’re strong enough to defeat all of your enemies.

In the end you could unite Japan under your Banner and convince the Emperor to declare you Shōgun!

You could also choose what weapons you want to employ (Tantō, Wakizashi, Chokutō, Katana, Tachi, Ōdachi, Nodachi, Nagimaki, Naginata, Yari, Yumi, Nunchaku, Throwing Knives, Shuriken, Kunai, Kusarigama, Tonfa, Sai, Kanabō; perhaps also Chinese Swords (?) etc.) and you could also fully customize them.

@yakumoyukari4405 - 30.08.2021 04:33

There are samurai 2 games I would love to play/create

Kingdom Come Deliverance style RPG game set in Sengoku Jidai with polished combat and variability of role options of Mount and Blade Samurai mod and both as single player and multiplayer game

And a second one a Witcher 3 but set in Genpei war era-ish fantasy/semi-fantasy game with a lot of Japanese mythology, folklore and mythological creatures

@anas-432 - 18.08.2021 11:21

I want a samurai game in the style of red dead 2 with as much detail as possible maybe set in early edo or mid senguko.

@shimydogh - 15.08.2021 11:56

Mount and war blade like

@six2make4 - 14.08.2021 10:25

Way of the Samurai but more open world, you can establish yourself as a minor clan which leads to some basic management aspects, maybe slightly deeper than some of the Empires games and depending on the respect of your fellow samurai clan leaders your word may be taken into consideration during some of the more major scripted battles. So say it's the Battle of Sekigahara and everyone sees you as this poor and useless bum, nobody will heed your advice no matter which side your on but if you accumulated wealth and is known to be a great warrior and commander they may heed your advice and you may even have a chance of changing the outcome of the battle depending on that and actions taken before the battle.

I've had an idea for awhile of basically the same thing as the above but it's slightly more colony management, anime and knights vs samurai and fantasy in general. I would be fine if it was more realistic as explained above.

@redwa11er - 10.08.2021 16:36

I definitely prefer your final idea here. Big strategy games have never been my thing. But I love Ghost of Tsushima so far. I like the more personal experience, being able to customize your appearance, weapons, and armour. Just more immersive.

@SjefSjaakie - 04.08.2021 01:48

i think a game like mordhau set in feudal japan where you play as ashigaru/samurai would be really fucking cool. the main thing i would be looking for is customization, i always think being able to personalize your characters appearance, weapons and armor goes a long way in adding some personal touches to your character which i always think makes people want to play the character more because they created it themselves instead of having a stock skin that everyone has like in earlier cod games for example.

@mrnobody7348 - 03.08.2021 07:10

I love the thought of the samurai rpg one and maybe could give it a combat system like for honor or kingdom come deliverance

@kvb_4117 - 08.07.2021 19:25

i would love a miyamoto musashi video game

@Bigrago1 - 07.07.2021 02:50

Maybe a Samurai game like Kingdomcome Deliverance.

@theone1449 - 05.07.2021 09:21

shogun 2 is the best samurai game

@sengokusanada2690 - 01.07.2021 04:07

what about chivalry only the sengoku jidai?

@Captain_Titus3867 - 07.06.2021 18:49

I’d like to make an action strategy game that has the map navigation of a bannerlord game, scale of a total war game and with 3rd person combat similar to GOT or For honor. Would try to make it as realistic as possible with npcs feeling real as some will save you from a death blow or give you orders and comment on your skill. Sieges would be epic and a bit chaotic with citizens trying to escape or fight back and maybe have destructible buildings. Sieges would also happen tiers for the large cities, like you’d have to take into consideration your troops, moral and supplies during the siege in order to push to another district. I also agree with just about everything you said as well and I think that would synergies well with what I came up with.
I would kill for a detailed action strategy game like that, just sucks that companies prioritize multiplayer experiences more often.

@chrisc3372 - 09.05.2021 03:03

Gta+ghost of Tsushima= best game ever

@bybbubctctty6415 - 05.05.2021 22:41

I want a ghost of Tsushima type game on the mainland during the sengoku period
