This is a project that has been on my mind for over four and a half years-- outlining all the Books of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. This series is not ment to be an exhaustive, indepth study of the Bible, but an overview of why each of the sixty-six Books were written, and to see the unfolding plan of God, from the creation of the universe, to the consummation of all things in the Book of Revelation. Now, some of the information put forth in the videos will come from my own personal studies, but *most of it* will come from the study notes and commentaries of the teachers who have influenced me over the last sixteen years, such as: Dr.J. Vernon McGee (Thru The Bible Radio), William MacDonald (***Believers Bible Commentary-- My primary source for this project***), Dr. John Walvoord (Editor of The Bible Knowledge Commentary Series), Dr. David Brickner (Jews For Jesus), Dr. Randall Price, Dr. Charles Halff, Dave Hunt (The Berean Call), Dr. Adrian Rogers, Dr. Ken Ham (Answers In Genesis), Dr. John Morris (Institute for Creation Research), Roger Oakland (Understand The Times), Zola Levitt and a few more. It is my prayer that this series will be a blessing to all who listen, and that unbelievers will come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. God bless.
#Exodus #Egypt #Jews #Israel #Moses #Prophet #Pharoah #Slaves #Slavery #Burning #Bush #Ten #Plagues #Blood #Frogs #Lice #Flies #Disease #Livestock #Boils #Hail #Locusts #Darkness #Death #of #Firstborn #Passover #Lamb #Prophecy #Red #Sea #Mount #Sinai #Manna #Commandments #Idolatry #Blasphemy #Sabbath #Steal #Kill #Murder #Covetous #False #Witness #Golden #Calf #Tabernacle #Temple #High #Priest #Ark #Covenant #Shekinah #Glory #God #Jesus #Christ #Holy #Spirit #Gospel #Salvation