I do not condone the actions or the rhetoric of Autism Speaks and I agree that autism is not a "disease" but it is a disability and, in that sense, it's not curable. If we convince the whole world that autism spectrum disorder is not a disability then the individuals with higher support needs will cease to have the support systems in place that give them the tools to thrive within their ability. We can accept neurodivergent people as they are and still recognise that they have a disability. We can give them the tools to improve in the areas where they are able to, and also work around their limitations in the areas where they're not.
ОтветитьMaybe Autism Speaks should stop speaking…😬
ОтветитьSome people need to realise that one of the many reasons why ABA is so controversial is because it's creator (Ole Ivar Lovaas) based it on conversation therapy and infamously didn't see autistic people as people as demonstrated by the quote "You have a person in the physical sense - they have hair, a nose, a mouth - but they are not people in the psychological sense"
ОтветитьNot trying to be rude, honestly, but I really didn't expect Eileen Lamb to have such a thick accent. She was very american-coded when I read about her posts and I always imagined her sounding like the typical, american Karen 😅
ОтветитьPeople saying that autistic people cannot be in leader positions: How do they explain Elon Musk?
ОтветитьJust saying, in Germany, there's a lesbian women in the AfD-party, a very extremist, antiqueer, antisemitic, antiimmigrants, racist party in Germany, and her name is Alice Weidel. She has a POC wife and two children. And yet, she still supports AfD. So saying that Eileen Lamb is antiautistic isn't such a stretch. People like them exist. And just because you're autistic doesn't excuse you from ableist statements or actions. It's like being black and calling other black people the N-word
ОтветитьAutism Speaks? Well maybe they shouldn't
ОтветитьGirl, im a native Polish person and your accent is so lovely ❤
ОтветитьI’ve written better claims, with evidence and reasoning, about children’s book characters in English class.
ОтветитьI don’t like calling it ablest because autism isn’t a disability.
ОтветитьSome day people are going to look back at people trying to “fix” autism as we now see the recent history of people trying “fix” left-handedness.
ОтветитьIf Autism Speaks then it better shut the [SYNONYM FOR SEXUAL INTERCOURSE STARTING WITH THE LETTER F] up
ОтветитьSpeak up for the schizophrenic community then. We have already been erased. You have had SO much more accommodations. Schizophrenics are fucking homeless. I’m so tired of people who have no idea what Hell on Earth is truly like, regardless of what abilities or “disabilities” they have.
Ответить"Turns out I'm just as socially awkward in Polish as I am in English" GIRL this is so the same with me and Japanese lmao
Ответитьautism speaks? more like... letsmakethisorganisationshutup idk 😔
ОтветитьYou know aswering any criticism with a blank "No we don't do this. This doesn't happen. We don't think that way. Source: trust me bro" instead of "Our organization used to do this and now we don't anymore. / This was the criticism aimed at us at the time and this is how we want to address it. / How we did this thing was misguided and wrong, and we want to do better going forward." does not fill me with a whole lot of confidence.
Ответитьi love ur earrings sm i cant stop looking at them XD
ОтветитьI am autism... 😈😈
ОтветитьI am autistic and I agree that autism speaks sucks
ОтветитьIf Autism Speaks wants to catalog our DNA for eugenics supporters the least they could do is tell us what percentage of their staff is autistic.
ОтветитьAs a polish native speaker you rock in speaking my language!
Ответитьautism speaks is a wall street grift and always has been
ОтветитьI got + Lifetime. I'm on Swedish but if they had hindi....
ОтветитьThe high-and-mighty tone they take in videos where they just LEAVE OUT key information to the issues they're supposed to be addressing pisses me off. Similarly, "there was actually an autistic person in the room" pisses me off because 1) in the mid 1900s, 2) just cause they're autistic doesn't mean they speak for literally all of us for the rest of time and 3) just because they're autistic doesn't mean they're right??? Token-much
ОтветитьYou’re doing better at polish than I am
ОтветитьBro my grandma deadass has a autism speaks shirt and each time i try to tell her that that company is not as good as they say she doesn’t believe me
ОтветитьI'd like to learn Japanese. Probably.
ОтветитьIMO - they don't need a video to debunk Autism Speaks Myths if they truly changed to be supportive of the community they think they to helping (giving us the help THEY believe we need not the help WE want and need). Looks like the token autistic they have doing social media has a lot of internalized ableism. I am an AuDHDer, and both of my kids are AuDHD. My oldest son is non-speaking and to others, they may call him "severe" or "low functioning." I don't put him in this category and I do not want to change who he is at all. I do however want to help him access the community. This is the most important thing to my family. My son types to speak, and this method is not accepted by Autism Speaks and other places like ASHA. I embrace the community view of disability rather than the medical model we have here.
ОтветитьI, and millions of other autists, haven't received a shred of help or support from Autism Speaks... just lip service.
ОтветитьIf it weren't so horrific, ESD could be used to diagnose a developmental disorder, since a "normal kid" would "learn".
Ответитьi love watching your videos and learning insight.
ОтветитьAutism speaks trying to rebrand into a real charity is like nazis trying to rebrand to Israel supporters. There can be no redemption for them. They supported judge rotenburg center or whatever that american concentration camp for autistic kids was called even after it was revealed for what it was.
"we don't hate autistic people, trust me bro, we have autistic tokens and please forget about our ads including a woman talking about her wanting to murder her kid in front of said kid"
the puzzle piece is used in the saw movie series as a metaphor that people are missing a piece...
also their point is "we are not saying that you're missing a piece, we're just saying that you're broken and we don't know how to fix you" what a great comeback
I appreciated this take on Autism Speaks in that it wasn't a complete condemnation. While I am not a huge fan of their work either, I really dislike the idea of certain parents and caregivers being targeted for their connection with the organization online, when they may have felt that they've benefited from AS in the past. A lot of said family members aren't familiar with AS's problematic past and present, and may find some relief from AS in neighborhoods where autism support services are few and far between.
I think it's also worth remembering that not all autists looks the same, and not all folks with it are as high-functioning as the type of people giving eloquent dissertations online. Some parents's efforts to "fix" their children are highly problematic... but then there are the parents of children who, say, engage in frequent self-harm and who clearly struggle with immense levels of anxiety every day. Some autism parents simply wish to help relieve their kids from some of that anxiety, not "make them normal".
I don’t believe I am autistic, and never have gotten a diagnosis, but I know someone who is, autistic and they just got a job at a family owned restaurant, with their sister, and I’m so happy for them, and they both love their job.
Ответить"mind your misconceptions"
autism speaks: misconceptions about autism
As a native Polish speaker I must say YOUR POLISH IS AMAZING! Honestly I haven't heard any flaws in your pronunciation, it's perfect. I know I'm late to comment that... DON'T GIVE UP! YOU'RE DOING GREAT!!!!
(also it makes me feel happy because I watch your videos a lot )
I am you are good in speaking polish.
Aż mnie duma rozpiera kiedy moj język jest wybierany do nauki.
Even if its somewhat useless as there is only one country using it.
does babble have ASL?
ОтветитьAutism speaks doesn't care for Brazilian autistic kids!! 😓
ОтветитьAutism Speaks hired a French person? Red flag.
ОтветитьI was feeling pretty down on myself, just in general not very human today. Hearing you talk about flapping your notebook and creating worlds for your characters to play in and how you still like to Flap objects today really helped me feel like a member of my own species
ОтветитьHm. If my $90k salary depend on me appearing in a video to lie and make apologetics in order to protect my boss (shockingly, an unqualified middle aged white dude who is on HALF A MILLION despite having no PHD, masters, or any professional experience relating to autism or psychology) I'd probably lie and twist the truth too. I'd have to take SO many hot baths afterwards tho. Its like watching a mosquito argue that people should happily give up blood for a leech.
Ответить"We don't hate autistic people" has the same vibe as a conservative politician saying "We don't hate trans people" while proceeding to pass legislation that actively harms trans people.
ОтветитьThis is INSANE "we don't hate autistic people! We have... counts on fingers 4 autistic people on our team!"
ОтветитьWait... I am lost... What does haircutting have to do with autism???