Have an Irregular Heart Rhythm? Here Are Ways to Get Your Heart Back On Track

Have an Irregular Heart Rhythm? Here Are Ways to Get Your Heart Back On Track

Cone Health

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@Cyaotic - 30.01.2024 09:04

isn’t it weird that we can eat and drink whatever we wanted before these palpitations started.. my triggers are , chocolate , alcohol , smoking ..anything with preservative 211 in it. After consumption soon after I’ll have tightness in throat like I need to cough and then the PACS/PVC’s will come..and it will stick around for 3 days or so. Sometimes better during the day and at night it’ll be worse. It’s the strangest thing.

@tomacquilano1304 - 02.01.2024 16:47

I started having palpitations almost a year ago. I am 61 years old and in very good physical condition. They mostly came on when I went to bed for the night. This went on for a week before I reached out to my doctor. I went to my cardiologist and had a battery of tests including a stress test and calcium scan. All was good. I don't have them very often anymore except when I am taking a strength training class that includes cardio. When the palpitations come on it makes it hard to catch my breath and it reduces my physical performance and stamina. My doc prescribed Propranolol to take as needed. I now take a low dose, 10mg, prior to class. Sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn't. Any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated.

@controlledchaos7808 - 29.11.2023 11:24

I wonder how many umms this guy can say in 60 seconds.

@dannyc.jewell8788 - 02.10.2023 20:41

What a crock , forgot to ask what causes it .

@Hiddensubliminalt - 29.09.2023 02:08

My heart rate drops to 33 - 35 when I’m not doing any thing and I get this feeling where my heart twitches like a nerve every 10 to 30
Minutes it feels very uncomfortable it can even make my shirt move then it goes to normal but my heart don’t start racing. How can I treat this? I ended up in the icu for 5 days because of this. But I don’t want a heart pacer.

@emmanuelvacakis4463 - 26.09.2023 17:54

I don’t believe anything that comes out of the mouth of anyone who wears a white jacket.

@traceystock7352 - 20.08.2023 19:46

My resting heart rate is exactly the same as it always was. I had a PSVT a few weeks ago and made it go away using valsalva and cold water. It was triggered by a cold drink induced brain freeze. Now my heart rate has been in normal range since but seems to vary quickly when getting up and moving around or seems to be having some skipped beats but the resting rate remains in the 50s as always. Can this be stress, anxiety or is it Afib? I just went to the docs......... dont want to go back for stress.

@tvstone70 - 09.08.2023 23:34

My ekg showed a pro-longed p-wave but I may not be able to see a cardiologist for two months. Should I try to get an earlier appointment? I'm a 74-year-old woman with no shortness of breath or chest pains, or family history of heart disease.

@umeshprasad9073 - 11.07.2023 17:59

Guys check your vitaminb12 and vitamin D..if it’s down then please take it

@LindyLooo99 - 23.05.2023 03:06

I feel EVERY irregular heart beat.... every single one.... it's maddening..

@darnellriddick8085 - 17.05.2023 20:32

Plz someone give me any type of advice smh been having palpitations since 2020 … doc said it was normal . Never had any other symptoms with it other than being scared or nervous … it usually happens when I’m nervous or going thru a stressful time … I’m at my last draw with this

@LanceMeaux - 01.05.2023 16:03

Eat more potassium and magnesium in your diet. Exercise, stop drinking alcohol and try your best to get 8 hours of sleep. That's what is helping me.

@Entity005 - 29.04.2023 15:08

i have an episode now .. looking for clues to get it to stop by itself faster.. i log them all so i had ...total 14 times...where 10 of them it fixed it self into normal beats ...had 4 times chemical conversion and none electro conversions.... they normaly last from 40 min to 7hours or so when they change to normal by them self. i had 1 o f them in 2020 first time.. tthen next in april 2021 followed by total 8 times in 2021(when i used common colestrol medesine.. i stopped that and number falled drastic*) 2 times in 2022 and now 3 times in 2023
also not i never had this problem before i first time used colestrol pills in 2020.. i stopped pills and next harth episode happen same time i started pills again in 2021...
Doctors still say its hard to prove that colestrol pills can cause harth irregular rythm...even i am liviing prove of it.. every time doctor say take colestrol after i stop.. a new episode of irregular beats comes pritty fast... how i know i have 14 total? well i can feel them easy even they not hurt at all.. i feel perfecly fine when i have episodes... also i wake up if i have them at night,.

@humoody - 24.04.2023 14:44

So far for me is vitamin c powder and hibiscus tea

@jewellevy - 21.04.2023 21:56

common solution: more pharmaceuticals. ri'i-ight.

@kangjhha - 22.03.2023 10:24

had irregular heart beat where it would skip a beat develop in my twenties.. at that time I was suffering from insomnia and lots of stress and anxieties so I started practicing diaphragm breathing and learned to completely let go (relax my body) in meditation. I initially did it to help me to sleep but also cured my heartbeat as well

@murat2815 - 15.03.2023 21:30

I have a skipped heart beat like stops for a moment not too long then comes with powerfull beat other hand I had two skipped beats in a row but soo much little stop I feel.

@lifelessons7333 - 11.03.2023 21:50

Try clearing trapped emotions using the emotion code book, it helped me

@MsKittyLoafStudioss - 08.03.2023 09:16

my pulse ic abnorma

@paulname9094 - 05.03.2023 17:59

Nicotine can cause heart palpitations

@paulname9094 - 17.02.2023 22:16

Vaping causes heart palpitations

@paulname9094 - 17.02.2023 22:16

Are you a smoker?’, asked the kind-eyed doctor from behind her mask.

‘No’, I replied, bursting with pride at having quit two years ago without a relapse

‘I turned to vaping and never looked back.’

‘How often do you vape?’

‘All day, every day.’

You might be able to see where this is going by now.

After a conversation about my lifestyle, it turns out I was ingesting so much nicotine, that it was most likely to blame for my palpitations. 

In fact, by getting through just over one disposable vape per day, I was ingesting the equivalent daily nicotine intake of about 50-60 cigarettes – and I had no idea.

Nicotine is highly addictive. As a stimulant, it increases the action of the central nervous system, the heart and other organs. The levels of nicotine I was ingesting were so high, I was over-stimulating my body.

I was mortified to say the least. 

I’d been using a brand of vape that was labelled as having 2% nicotine, which sounded pretty low, so in my ignorance I thought I was being pretty responsible.

As I later found out, 2% nicotine equates to 20mg/ml, which is the maximum strength permitted in the UK before it becomes illegal.

I vowed never to vape again, but the kind-eyed doctor suggested that I wean myself off slowly instead

@denieledwards6893 - 15.12.2022 14:26


@lcalvesphoto6085 - 05.12.2022 14:56

Is the Sinatra Solution ( L-carnitine, D-ribose, CoQ10, magnesium) really efficient to decrease frequency of PACs and PVCs? Thanks

@charleneterrell - 05.12.2022 05:14

The palpitations stopped again. Anymore questions?

@talihaabbasi5991 - 13.11.2022 17:45

Sir I have all symptoms so what can I do actually I was everytime feeling fear when I was walking sleeping eating so it's time starts palpitation could you guide me.

@elizabethtencer7950 - 01.11.2022 23:57

Unhelpful. Comments are better source of knowledge

@yeshua4ever289 - 08.10.2022 21:16

"...procedures are good alternative to medicine." Sorry, but that is not entirely correct. They're on there are natural alternatives for medicine that are much better alternative alternatives than procedures. Look into naturopathic lifestyle changes. It is helping me already and I was diagosed with type 1 Brugada Syndrome. God's way is always the best way! May God bless you in your health journey dear comment reader.

@Djdoublej - 05.10.2022 10:51

I have double heart beats and it usually happends because my anxiety and over stress but also i have noticed when i use the bathroom as in taking a dump 😅 my heart Rhythm goes back to normal anyway else ???!

@mattinator6303 - 01.10.2022 19:10

Mine just started recently and mine usually beats irregular which is annoying 🫠

@nicoledominguez5475 - 01.09.2022 06:24

I have a boyfriend who dose have this but doesn’t do anything to help himself even tho I’ve offered multiple time to help him get insurance from his job and also try medical but he just didn’t care enough to get it. I want him to take care of himself because it’s hard dealing with his moods. He’s thin not over weight at all maybe under if anything. Always tired doesn’t eat food even tho home meals are made for him he’ll eat fast food. Smokes juul. Told him to quite all that. But just sees me as nagging him. Reading some of the comments I’m going to suggest what I’ve read to him. If not I don’t know what else to do for him…

@chumadoshi6987 - 20.08.2022 08:08

Blood thinners to prevent "stroke from happening"🤔 really ?

@sabrewolf7906 - 15.08.2022 17:43

What are the benefits of eating raw garlic?

@lovejetfuel4071 - 02.08.2022 21:17

The procedures are safe and EXPENSIVE, so they are better than medications, oh yes Of course. I could never trust a cardiologist from the U.S. too much conflict of interest going on

@rainej7013 - 01.08.2022 01:08


@pontificusvascillious5287 - 24.07.2022 00:40

i have bad side AFFECTS from the blood thinners ... they cost over $500 for 30 days
they must be REALLY good ...
like they work PERFECTLY and never fail ...
probably HAND made by a fine artisan ...

@bantay747 - 18.07.2022 23:32

So where are your emergency help tips? What you’ve said are usual medical cardiology conversations.

@bobgeorge6379 - 16.06.2022 04:19

I'm 20 years old and I have chest tightness and heart arythmia for 1 year, can anybody help me?

@capitocapital - 28.05.2022 11:33

So eat pills or get surgery... Not a very helpful video :-(

@ericksonlanuza3100 - 30.04.2022 02:08

I took food supplements(One Opti Juice) together with medications And a lot of walking everyday.. now no more palpitations..

@riyavashishtha5228 - 24.04.2022 08:25

CAC Nerve up tablets help in balancing the vata doshas & kapha dosha, and acts as nervine stimulant. It shows effective results in improving the central nervous system. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchla, shudha shilajeet, abhrak bhasma, praval pishti, shankh bhasma etc. This tablet helps in memory boosting, reduces stress, act as immune-modulator. It also shows effective results in disorders of heart and circulatory system.

@myhealthtoo - 16.04.2022 20:13

But what was the remedies??? For getting heart beat back to normal?

@billgreen6263 - 04.04.2022 04:27

I don't know why he didn't include some self help stuff to try such as: Stop alcohol, limit caffeine, try magnesium and potassium, find ways to de-stress such as yoga and exercise, 7-8 hours of quality sleep.( check for sleep apnea) Half of the people with afib have sleep apnea.

@btccoins5514 - 29.03.2022 05:02

Regular doctor don't know anything, regular MD always treat the symptoms not the cause which is useless to me. Try to find Osteopathy doctor (functional) doctor near by. For example, I had Acid reflux problem and gastro doctor made a prescription for anti acid pill. Most people have LOW STOMACH acid b/c of their terrible diet. When you have low stomach acid, the stomach sphincter opens up (where it shouldn't) thus causing acid reflux. So if you took the anti acid pill, you just made a problem bad to worst. To know if you have a low stomach acid, there is baking soda test. First in the morning, mix 1/4 tsp of baking soda into warm water, drink it. If you burp within 2~3 minutes, you have normal stomach acid but if there is little to no reaction by +5 minutes, you have low stomach acid. Regular doctor don't tell you this type of shit, I had to FIND IT for myself. By the way H. Pylori (bacteria infection in your stomach, that could cause cancer-NOT LYING) could also acid reflux

@JustTrying2MakeitToJesus - 24.03.2022 08:50

Today's the final straw. I had the best day with my kids and my mom. We got done shopping and went to pizza ranch so the kids could play the games afterwards. Out of nowhere It started. Atrial fibrillation. My heart jumps from normal pulse to 215 / 238 . Last time they had to give me adenosine to stop it. This time I was able to bear down and get it to stop b4 the ambulance got to me. I feel terrible for affecting my family like this. The only heart doc we have here has a horrible bedside manner and I have no insurance and can't get Medicaid. I'm scared. I'm tired of affecting my family,worrying them. I'm tired of going thro this. It hits at random. It doesn't care what your doing or where you are. It'll drop you. I'm just so tired. I want a normal life again. I want to be a mom who doesn't have to worry if I'm going to die tomorrow from this. I don't know what to do . This has been going on since I was a little girl. It started with a heart murmur.. as time goes on it gets worse and worse. I feel so lost

@Hanmablood - 25.02.2022 09:04

My palpitations that lasted bout 2 weeks finally when away .. I just took magnesium pills from WinCo and ate some healthy food and all the sudden went away ..
Thank Jesus
