How Israel and Palestine Became Enemies | Flashback with Palki Sharma

How Israel and Palestine Became Enemies | Flashback with Palki Sharma


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@Firstpost - 21.10.2023 17:30

Is a two-state solution possible between Israel and Palestine?
Comment below and join the conversation.

@polisen5050 - 25.01.2024 06:36

Palki you have sunk in my eyes, you are not giving a fair picture at all and you are leaving out so many important facts and I expect a person like you to be unbiased but you know what you are doing and spreading one sided story does no one any favors these days.

But Thank you so much for joining in and fueling more contempt due to the ignorance of some who listen to you.

To all of you who believe in her subjective image, read and educate yourself as true facts are more important than choosing a side, as this conflict can lead to something with unforeseen consequences.

@andreaskourouklis5762 - 24.01.2024 23:15


@davidgoddard5532 - 24.01.2024 21:26

Excellent unbiased explanation. Rare these days!

@stanscelsmith5745 - 24.01.2024 17:33

King David and King Solomon are black people The Black tribes of Israel are the real choosen people of God

@zamteapachuau2026 - 24.01.2024 16:35

Palki, I migrated from WION too. I'll always be with you

@hme2341 - 24.01.2024 10:33

Peace in the Middle East... good luck with that.

@blakepreston9108 - 24.01.2024 08:10

Maybe this has something to do with it

37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me. 38 And now, look, your house is abandoned and desolate.[j] 39 For I tell you this, you will never see me again until you say, ‘Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord!’[

@unsailyas7269 - 23.01.2024 21:29

Even when the proposals were favorable? Really? As being from a formerly colonized country you should not say these words. Who thinks its favorable to share their land with foreign forces?

@user-ly6dd2gy8d - 23.01.2024 20:32

Refugees Israelites became the oppresets to their masters😂😂😂😂😂

@jmmalligajothi7062 - 23.01.2024 16:30

Abraham came from iraq. Jacobs descendants settled in the then cannan after slughtering the cannanites saying their God had promised them that land.

@myriamdiabangouaya1323 - 23.01.2024 11:18

Palki said it in her introduction the jews were forced to flee their land because of different invadors, afterwards they wanted to return to thier home which legitimate. Nevertheless i hope they find a peacefull approach to this venimous contention

@DaveMelanie-ys1tu - 23.01.2024 09:42

When India want to conquer Indian ocean

@nadamohammed1198 - 23.01.2024 07:24

The amount of misinformation in this video is shocking!! Israel returned sinai to Egypt?? oh pls go pick up a history book and get educated! Last time I checked Egypt was only able to get back Sinai bc they had a war against Israel and it ended in Egypt’s victory, they took control of Sinai again in just six hours!! That was in 1973. All it would take is just a simple google research about the 1973 war ( 6th of October to be exact). You should be ashamed of urselves as many ppl in the comments take ur vids as credible sources so u should do better!! This is just one simple incident of the too many historical incidents u got all wrong in ur video!! Also, are we gonna talk about how ur language and vocabulary choice is literally subconsciously promoting pro-zionism?? You’re making it seem like Israel had the right to displace millions of Palestinians from their homes just bc they were being discriminated against in their own countries!! The sole idea of building a whole nation for ppl of a certain religion is so ridiculous and stupid!! like would it be okay if all muslims gathered and decided to invade other countries and have if for themselves?? Of course it wouldn’t especially if it’s at the cost of other’s lives!!This is a brutal occupation that must come to an end.

@maxinhart751 - 22.01.2024 21:53

Stop living the Real Jews are black people Read Rev 2 vs 9 Read Rev 3 vs 9 that are the white people Read Mal 4 vs 5 and 6 he will set the World in order

@aryaman1916 - 22.01.2024 18:51

Super informative and concise, hats off

@abidahmarrium - 22.01.2024 16:27

Is this not the same thing they are now doing to the palistine

@markworrall6405 - 22.01.2024 01:50

I have on record at the start of the gaza conflict, a statement that this whole conflict is a setup by the fanatical zionists in the Knesset . The aim is to remove, by force, the Palestinians. People poo pooed me but it has come to fruition. Dear old Bibi said so yesterday that a 2 state agreement is not in their interest. The 6 radicals that hold power in the Knesset needed something to light the explosives. Israel have such a tight control over Gaza it beggars belief that they did not know of the buildup. I am going as far as saying they let it happen to instigate a massive response. Find the evidence of manipulation within the security apparatus from political sources and this whole house of cards will come tumbling down. From the year 1 of Israel there has been a zeal to have only Jews in the "land of Israel". This predicates all the conflict up to now. Please look at the smoking gun, it's there, I can assure you. Go after the fanatics not Bibi, he's just in it for himself.

@Crazyeverydaytipsandtopi-ns5fj - 21.01.2024 23:35

I'm in love with Palkiiii😍😍😍

@nicolettemoses75 - 21.01.2024 21:46


@qwazzmotto6045 - 21.01.2024 19:57

I think what would really be a good solution is, pull all the Israeli's out of West bank and pull all the Arabs out of Gaza and resettle them them in the homes of Jewish settlers in the West bank. Then Gaza become part of Israel and West bank becomes its own state with no Occupation of Israel. Jerusalem left as is with part parts being Jewish/mulim and Christian control. Win Win for everyone. Other jewish holy sites in what is now west bank, be controled by international community so everyone get to pray there in safety and security. I just solved the problem.

@alexlee8177 - 21.01.2024 12:45

just subscribe the channel, because the story is not about how Israel and Palestine become enemies. Israel and Palestine have decades of conflict because Israel is a democratic and rich country and Palestine is a failed and corrupt state.

@emmanuelokoemmanuelokoro5023 - 21.01.2024 07:42

Unbiased reporting

@elishaemanuel8512 - 20.01.2024 08:54

Palestine is the Arab line age from egypt Syria Lebanon jordan they are the new comer of surounding country but israel is the Jewish people from cannaan ancestors that why this call the land of Israel,

@muhammadanis6851 - 20.01.2024 06:00

Moses pbuh, is Jews Prophet. Torah is their holy book revealed to Prophet pbuh.

@muhammadanis6851 - 20.01.2024 05:56

Dear ❤ Palki Sharma, your analysis is always unbiased. Well done.

@something93565 - 20.01.2024 03:03

Amazing summary.

@ogwoeke4055 - 19.01.2024 12:36

In summary, Israel was initially displayed from their current positions only to come back and meet the Palestinians, therefore, the Palestinians are actually the occupiers.

@tj-597 - 19.01.2024 10:41

Seems to me,according to your video,Britain totally dropped the ball on this one. Then withdrew when things went south.

@wycliffenyamweya.w - 18.01.2024 19:36

The Jews' ancient homeland... Thank you

@shellyanne5105 - 18.01.2024 00:15

This is lies . The original Israelites where BLACK

@efremteklemariam5864 - 17.01.2024 20:23

That's MS./ Mrs. Palki Sharma the editorial journalist at her best!! Excellent!!👍👍👍👍

@garikaprasanth9890 - 17.01.2024 10:47

Abharaham.. . Has. Jews. Israeli🇮🇱. Tribes.(issac)(jacob)Father.(5000). History📖. But. Isalam. Also. He. Of. Ibharahim. .. Jacob. . Name. His. Israel🇮🇱. Jacob's tribes. Israelites🇮🇱.. Jacob. His. Abharaham.grandson.

@garikaprasanth9890 - 17.01.2024 10:41 Russia🇷🇺(2.5million)... 🇬🇧UK. (300,000)million... German🇩🇪 (500,000)million.........Poland🇵🇱.(3million)... Ukraine🇺🇦. Also.🇺🇸. Russia🇷🇺.. Depending. On. Jewish✡️️ people.. Weapons. Scinces. Investments. And...inventions...40/..person..

@revanthganesh3808 - 17.01.2024 01:37

WOW..Imagine STEALING someone's LAND and then justifying it as "GOD TOLD ME to take this Land"..
no wonter there is Anti Semitism!

@TheHoff3333 - 16.01.2024 22:34

one correction- the jews didn't get 55% of the Mandate- 77% of the ORIGINAL BRITISH LAND was turned into the country of Jordan. the REMAINING 23% was then split with the jews getting slightly more of THAT land than the arabs who already had a whole country- jordan- which today has a majority of palestinians as its citizens

@levarcheatham9586 - 16.01.2024 01:35

The Jewish people built whole towns on land the United nations declared Palestinian territory, murdered people and forced the rest off their lands.

You also forgot to mention the acts of terrorism such as car bombing in Palestinian neighborhoods committed by Zionist extremist in the name of their religion from the 50s thru the 60s.

You also forgot to mention that the majority of the territory the British suggested splitting between Palestinians and Jewish people went to the Jewish people who in fact the minority population which part of the reason Palestinians rejected it.

You also forgot to mention the British offered the Palestinians all of Palestine in exchange for helping them during WW1 and then made the same offer to the Jewish people blatantly double Crossing both sides.

You also forgot to mention the multiple Palestinian state hoods offered since the 80s to Palestinians did not allow Palestinians any control over the Palestinian air space so no airports allowed and no control of Palestinian borders which would in effect mean it wouldn't of not been a state it would of been more like an Israeli territory so they rejected the offer.

You also forgot to mention a full blown blockade was enforced on Gaza meaning no one was allowed to leave for the last 17 years so there could be no economic growth, no travel because of the air space restriction, no shipping ports since Israel controls the Gaza shore and no Palestinians under the age of 17 literally has ever seen the outside world since no one is allowed to leave Gaza.

You also forgot to mention the Israelis put a weight limit on how much food is allowed into Gaza keeping the population on the verge of starvation for 17 years.
They even banned potato chips and chocolate candy.

You also forgot to mention Israelis cut on the water supply only a few days a week so Palestinians had to have buckets of water stored until the next time they would be allowed to have water.

You also forgot to mention the 100s of united nation mandates Israel ignored in regards to human rights abuses.

You also forgot to mention in 2018 while having their weekly non violent protest while carrying signs Israeli snipers were ordered to open fire on the Palestinian crowd and murdered 400 civilians in cold blood and shot thousands all just to end the protesting.

Needless to say who gonna hold a march on their own land knowing trying to bring awareness to how your being treated will get you killed.
There's another word for it it's called terrorism.

You forgot to mention the thousands of children being held in prison for years till this day with no charges or right to a lawyer for throwing rocks at armoured Israeli vehicles.

All this is a fraction of the prison life of Palestinians had before Oct 7th.

@vipulajayasinghe - 16.01.2024 00:31

The on-going war in Palestine, where Israel keeps pummeling Palestine has become a first rate tragedy for the whole world; is it not ! In this developed world with AI and what not this tragedy has been dragging for the past 70 odd years. Is there no solution for this seemingly un soluble tragedy. I as a citizen of the planet, has spent a lot of time when sleep eludes me. This is the proposal. The state of Israel could be statutorily dissolved. Do not take me wrong and I do not advocate the death of a single Israeli or Palestinian for that matter.

Israel has about 8 million citizens. Suppose Israel supporting countries led by America which un-equivocally support Israel paying a heavy diplomatic price for that support could take in about 2 Mn Israelis into America and so could large countries like Canada which a huge land mass but no populace, Australia which is more or less the same. Both these huge countries could take in say 1 Mn Israelis each. In the case of Germany, it has a special a nexus with the world Jewry in part due to it Holocaustian past from which collective ‘guilt’ still emanates. Germany took in l Mn Syrians in to their country and Syrians are different from Germanic races. Not so, Israel.

There are other European countries like Portugal, Italy, England et. El. How France; another nexus laced with ‘guilt’ as the Vichy Govt.,deported a large cohort of Jews to crematoriums in Germany. Now, we are almost there. Some could even find citizenship in North Korea; should not be surprised at all. Isralis could send rockets to space more efficiently unlike NK made ones which disintegrates in mid-air. Russia which has a decreasing population problem could accommodate 1 Mn Israeli’s and send them to develop Siberia. Even Iceland could accommodate Isralei Jews and send the down to places where volcanoes erupt so as to deal with them.

So what of the now emptied state of Israel, which now no more (Muslims all over the world would be salivating at that prospect and these lands could be turned over to the long suffering Palestinians who would be happy to occupy the lands they lost at the creation of Israel. I conclude and would be happy to elaborate re my ‘brain child’ to anyone who is interested in a ‘win’ ‘win’ situation for all the stakeholders.

@praxd9778 - 15.01.2024 19:29

Palki you forgot to say that Ottomans persecuted Jews. You cannot hide ottoman empire atrocities.

@revolutionary5577 - 15.01.2024 18:16

Israel claims the land of Palestine because Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) was chosen by God for Egypt and the surrounding areas. This is a fact and the inhabitants of these areas accepted the call of mosa ( pbub) & embraced judism. But with the passage of time, Allah chose Jesus to reform the system that had already been spread by Moses( pbub). A part of the population living in Palestine and its surroundings accepted the invitation of Jesus(pbub) and converted to Christianity. 600 years after that, Allah then chose the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with Allah's final message to mankind. With the establishment of the Emirate of Islami in ki Medina ( present KSA),Islam spread to all the surrounding areas, including Palestine and the African subcontinent. A large part of the population in all these areas accepted Islam. So the point is that most of the inhabitants of Philistine (modern Israel) were Muslims. A very small part of the population was affiliated with Judaism and Christianity and lived as minorities. The development in Palestine after 1948 is now well known. Israel imported Jews from Europe, Africa and Russia to replace the territory's population. Now Israel claims to be democratic...? If Israel will allow the return of Palestinians from neighboring countries who left their homeland due to the Israeli occupation in 1948, 1967, 1973 and until today and will hold free & fair elections throughout Palestine and Israel. There will be a popular Palestinian government throughout Palestine and Israel. Because the population of Palestinians is around 12 million and the population of Jews is around 7 million including imported jews. But they will not allow the Palestinians to have the same rights as the Jews. They see the conflict through the prism of Zionism and have a great desire for a greater Israel. so the conflict will continue till the end of world
The Zionist have lost their mind. The Americans bombed Afghanistan after 9/11 to push it into the Stone Age and eliminate the Taliban. The Americans used the "mother of all bombs" and dropped millions of pounds of explosives on Afghanistan, but 20 years later the US lost the war and begged the Taliban for a safe withdrawal. You cannot destroy a nation. Suppose you succeed in eliminating Hamas fighters and their leaders, but another generation will fight you with more courage and determination a decade later. It's an endless cycle until you send the imported Jews back to Europe and other countries. Allow Palestinian refugees in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and other neighboring Arab countries to return to their homelands, uniting Palestinians and Israelis into one country. You need to do away with Zionist ideology, hold fair and free elections. Ensure that every citizen enjoys equal rights and dignity. This will be a lasting solution

@blessingadex9635 - 15.01.2024 14:55

Sorry I don't believe in the story

@chyscax - 15.01.2024 11:49

So youre saying that before the diaspora, the israel used to own west asia palestine? I hope someone will answer

@saboumedieneify - 15.01.2024 06:17

Not all the informations correct

@saboumedieneify - 15.01.2024 06:12

Ibraham has 2 kids

@cardanotony1097 - 15.01.2024 03:32

Zionists knew getting Palestine 🇵🇸 in hands
That They have to destroyed ottomans empire
That’s what they did with the helps of Muslims tOO

@mbongeninkosi3852 - 15.01.2024 03:12

Why not covering the ICJ case ? now I’m starting to doubt u, nothing came from you around South Africa presenting its case 😂😂or did i miss the episode?

@opolotphilip9615 - 14.01.2024 22:34

Brilliant presentation
