The Legend of the Bermuda Triangle

The Legend of the Bermuda Triangle


6 лет назад

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@leandroaraujo8 - 22.01.2024 02:25

so the bermuda triangle is not a real mistery and does not causes paranormal incidents? what you gonna tell me next? santa doesn't exists?

@GMZohar14 - 18.01.2024 19:14

lol literally trying to say whatever you can to debunk the bermuda triangle.. Uhh yeah I heard a farmer in kansas um saw an eagle with a serpent in its claws.. So um.. This totally means the bermuda triangle is fake

@chasec4492 - 17.01.2024 21:16

Flew through it once lol I’m a ghost now

@heavydarkmatter - 10.01.2024 10:40

The Bermuda Triangle is bigger than it was previously thought to be.

@user-fg2js4cl8q - 10.01.2024 03:14

The bemuda triangle is an ancient doorway wormhole to another portal world, and used to transferred between worlds. The doorway to another world and used by higher level of technology by other widely beings.

@porcus123 - 05.01.2024 21:56

The flight 19 was a major L for that instructor, not to speak ill of the dead but the guy woke up dumb as nails that day and killed 4 students

@minecraftperson8412 - 26.12.2023 03:03

Squidward: Oh boy i sure am enjoying this flight training over the Bahamas! I sure hope my prior experience doesn't confuse me into believing I am in the Florida Keys, resulting in my subsequent disappearance and the beginning of a worldwide conspiracy theory.

The Bermuda Triangle: HIII SQUIDWARD

@gabrieleuclid3860 - 23.12.2023 07:54

There is a hypothesis on methane rising from the ocean floor... I am surprised you did not mention it...

@MrSteve280 - 21.12.2023 13:25

The least interesting of all "mysteries". Regarding Flight 19, there has been no dispute they correctly flew east along their flight plan. There's was no dispute they completed the schedule bombing run. There's no dispute that, shortly afterward, there was confusion as to their correct heading. Taylor then takes over the flight lead from the student (who was likely heading in the correct direction of the second leg of the mission) and reaches the conclusion; 1) his compasses were "out" and 2) they were 400+ miles in the opposite direction. Taylor later says, "I am sure I'm in the Keys but I don't know how far down and I don't know how to get to Fort Lauderdale". Here was a pilot that was specifically teaching students dead reckoning navigation over the ocean and yet he can't navigate over land (just follow the Key back up to Ft. Lauderdale, duh) and he doesn't know how to navigate using the sun (as recommended by another pilot). Later Taylor reported, "We are heading 030 degrees for 45 minutes, then we will fly north to make sure we are not over the Gulf of Mexico." So, his compasses are no longer "out". But he doesn't connect that dots that they're are NOT 400+ miles in the opposite direction. Taylor then ignored or did not respond to numerous instructions and questions from the NAS, all the while someone else in the flight with a much clearer headed stated, ""Dammit, if we could just fly west we would get home; head west, dammit." Everything points to Lt. Taylor being the "mystery".

@AaravSharma-dq4hx - 18.12.2023 21:12

❤my fav u tube channel

@Nick-qq8en - 17.12.2023 14:17

Flight 19 is, in my opinion, another bullshit cover up by this shitty country.

@alanmoffat4454 - 15.12.2023 13:49


@chidimanuelz2742 - 08.12.2023 21:08

They all forget one thing "PRAYERS"

@d-emprahexpects849 - 29.11.2023 06:29

Last year some dude disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle while on the Birmingham-London train. Tragic

@evolancer211 - 28.11.2023 04:39

The ending. That's the mystery of the Bermuda triangle right there

@ima_bread - 26.11.2023 11:05

Plane blew up and another plane got confused
people: WoAh ThE aLienS Did iT!!!!!! 🛸🛸🛸

@komoriaimi - 24.11.2023 20:38

Why are people so adamant? Because we're hungry for magic and true mystery. Because life is difficult, full of loss and suffering and we look for something else, something incredible and bigger than us. Because there's no place for our dreams in a completely material world. Because we're anchored into a mundane existence with no meaning. Because we're humans and we always look for something more, beyond and truly amazing.

@leoooprime_7732 - 17.11.2023 20:50

People that believe in the triangle shouldn’t even be allowed to have a opinion in any type of matter

@Slave2TheRhythm69 - 17.11.2023 13:21

I'm afraid of the Unknown same as any other human being, and one of the Unknown things that I'm most afraid of, is the ocean

@spacejihadist4246 - 17.11.2023 05:06

I'm not even 3 mins in. I am a Historian and an archeologist. Bullpup.Pups wrong in this video

@landonpetty5340 - 16.11.2023 06:44

Bermudian here lol ITS ALL TRUE!!! Jokes most travel through the “triangle” is fine.

@versebuchanan512 - 15.11.2023 20:05

I bet if you picked any huge triangle of heavily trafficked sea, you'd find boats sink there sometimes.

@melanisticmandalorian8909 - 12.11.2023 07:07

The Swede taking the piss out of the Danes, nice. All is right with the world.

@theeroking4676 - 10.11.2023 03:37

I heard that there is a gap in our ozone or something and that pushes air down causing plans to crash and bad storms for boats. If anyone knows more about this please reply!

@BloodScorchedSun - 09.11.2023 06:34

Such a good mystery.

@shaohuawang8929 - 08.11.2023 07:35

Ok then, according to the coast guard, the entire Atlantic is the Bermuda Triangle

@rollingpebble7210 - 07.11.2023 06:48

The Bermuda Triangle is nothing more than American politicians, elites and people of importance disappearing into Haiti.

@zaidabid7214 - 02.11.2023 22:40

There is a natural phenomenon occurs in the Bermuda Triangle, which causes planes or ships to disappear and appear elsewhere. This phenomenon has not been discovered by humans yet. If humans discover this phenomenon and utilize it scientifically, it will revolutionize the world of transportation

@maxavery9963 - 29.10.2023 17:07

It’s not surprising at all to hear about those old planes going missing. That is basically primitive technology compared to what we have now even from just a health and safety point of view. These things no doubt just crashed in the ocean and, look at them, they’re made of metal they’ll just sink into a deep part of the ocean and be lost forever. I bet it happened all over the ocean but these are only relevant because of the triangle. Still scares me tho.

@RobertRoth-oj6zz - 25.10.2023 04:53

I once saw a documentary on tv about the Bermuda Triangle which suggests it's electro magnetics.

@619chrisoriginal - 23.10.2023 03:25

There is a lot of natural gases that bubble up as well and displace the water and ships essentially just get swallowed up

@44excalibur - 20.10.2023 21:52

The Star Tiger wasn't even in the Bermuda Triangle when it disappeared. It was north of the Triangle. No one ever said that there weren't disappearances in or around the Triangle that were the result of natural causes, as there are plenty of sunken ships and crashed planes on the ocean floor in the Triangle. But, as J. Allen Hynek once said about his work for the U.S. Air Force's Project Blue Book, while 90% of UFO sightings could be explained away as either hoaxes, natural phenomena, or cases of mistaken identity, there were those 10% of cases that were unidentifiable and defied explanation. There are a number of disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle that are just too bizarre to explain.

@LuciidDreamerz - 19.10.2023 00:59

Its cause triangles are scary
They're like, an evil shape

@KennyMcCormick99 - 16.10.2023 19:58

There's definitely gotta be something going on down there, (either natural or other) w/ all these documented & unexplained events.

@cedricheitmann1786 - 14.10.2023 15:05

All I learned from this is that you should never, under no circumstances, sail to Norfolk, Virginia.

@robr177 - 14.10.2023 00:32

"were be missing." I don't know why, but that phrase, with the pause where it was, cracked me up.

@onyxxxyno - 06.10.2023 07:19

Lol, Beaumont is pronounced Bo-mont

@astro5914 - 04.10.2023 09:09

swipe ß

@Matthew-ut6ed - 03.10.2023 01:36

As LEMMiNO implies, the Bermuda Triangle is a spurious invention.
This area has:
1.) Many shallow places, banks and reefs, sometimes right next to very deep areas.
2.) Some very strong currents e.g. the Gulf Stream.
3.) Capricious weather. Strong tropical squalls can arise suddenly seemingly out of nowhere and be very localised. To say nothing of the hurricane season.
4.) A great deal of traffic, from small fishing boats and yachts to freighters and tankers. Aircraft from small private planes to international jets.
It is hardly surprising that sometimes things go wrong and something disappears without trace.
Lloyds of London, the world's premier shipping insurers, attach no special premium to traffic in the "triangle".
Indeed, you can invent any area of the world - the "Hawaiian Square", the "Japanese Hexagon", the "South Atlantic Dodecagon" and find records of shipping or planes that disappeared without trace.
The bottom line is - Sometimes bad things happen at sea...

@idealsAREisomorphic - 02.10.2023 19:03

I don’t think anyone gives a shit about a Bermuda Triangle in an ocean on Earth, no mystery. It’s time for a Bermuda Triangle in space somewhere.

@x_flies - 26.09.2023 12:42

It’s basically just lore. Same shit with aliens and UFOs, ghosts and all other fantasies . It’s all a bunch of made up nonsense and it sucks lol.

@herwigmenzel5179 - 19.09.2023 06:11

There is an explanation for all these disappearances

In 1943 the Philadelphia experiment proved conclusively that a very strong electromagnetic field can transport ships and people into the future

It was done twice , once without a crew , once with a crew

Compasses malfunctioning point directly to a strong electromagnetic field

Flight 19 and all other planes , ships and submarines if they reported Compass failures would all have been transported into the future

No wonder no traces have been found

The electromagnetic field originates probably from the sea floor

If a search of the sea floor could be organised the cause of all these happening could be stopped
Maybe there is a pyramid down on the sea floor

@user-in5xz4cu7i - 19.09.2023 02:13

Ok znam! Noć❤

@user-in5xz4cu7i - 19.09.2023 02:10

Doći ću ne brini LN

@ESPNorSomething - 17.09.2023 21:21

Maybe the true Bermuda Triangle were the friends we made along the way.

@BB_The_Impaler - 14.09.2023 19:28

Jeez, I bet you're fun at parties...

@elhajjmahashalakabash6459 - 13.09.2023 09:02

It has nothing to do with science or aliens. It is a satanic hunting ground. Their base is underwater
