40 Valorant Bugs in 1 Video

40 Valorant Bugs in 1 Video

Valorant Bugs & Glitches

2 года назад

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@Michelle-hg3xk - 20.12.2023 11:44

Valorant Bugs & Glitches never fails to make good content 😀 😆

@justnew2017 - 03.11.2023 14:48

players: valorant have so much bugs riot pls repair it

riot:*nerf chamber*

@user-fx7zu9id1h - 27.06.2023 18:26

thanks for lineups sova <3

@electronic_soap568 - 06.06.2023 11:39

insane sova line ups?!?!?

@humasabih5733 - 30.05.2023 20:34

Bro the sova one are features
Wink wink*

@hiphop6116 - 30.05.2023 17:58

that brim smoke on fracture still happens with omen

@ansharora864 - 05.05.2023 10:23

How the hell are you traveling in the air

@halryer1836 - 22.04.2023 17:17

These are all patched right?

@burnttoast4 - 19.03.2023 02:39

Time to “test” some of these “features” in “unrated”

@sturm2186 - 04.03.2023 02:11

Don't say don't abuse them is a good why to make sure people will use them

@ReaLeaff - 03.03.2023 19:44

97% of these are patched

@WonkOfWonkyness - 03.03.2023 02:39

I love how 90% of these are either stupidly broken or complete dogshit.

@Smigt - 02.03.2023 00:54

When your ally Sova says: “Don’t worry, I have lineups.”

@kopcas773 - 27.02.2023 11:08

Its a free game guys of course it would have bugs

@glaze_.klown287 - 27.02.2023 05:51

literalmente cypher puede ver todo xd

@zachplayzrblx4709 - 26.02.2023 10:28

I love how skye says good bird when she blinds nobody as in U SUCK

@zapzapgobrr128 - 24.02.2023 12:26

So this is where the enemy sova gets their lineups

@tinomlycookies6839 - 23.02.2023 12:43

Valorant Devs: I love you man but could you just not?

@fairuzz11 - 12.02.2023 16:27

The devs be working overtime because of his videos 💀

@paskiegaming7722 - 05.02.2023 11:58

the cam on fracture are fake i tried it

@nopingz5783 - 01.02.2023 23:30

go outside

@SaniLux794 - 31.01.2023 13:04

Good bird

@akshaybaburaj6837 - 28.01.2023 11:46

Meanwhile me learning all the Sova lineups....

@Legac706 - 24.01.2023 17:55


@lanceslance2930 - 21.01.2023 03:36

Assist game devs?
This is just more stress to fix

@candlebot9621 - 20.01.2023 11:57


@zikato9321 - 17.01.2023 20:54


@class9663 - 14.01.2023 14:02

1000 fps or wot

@midasfury6165 - 13.01.2023 10:02

Sova darts that actually work on split????

@sorix587 - 03.01.2023 20:04

what pc specs did you use in this vid and how did you add motion blur

@hardikjumnani5460 - 01.12.2022 12:14

Watched the complete video and realised it's a year old 😫

@riddikulus1432 - 29.11.2022 14:48

{Choose Islam, Choose Afterlife not this Short life }
Do you know when will you die?
The answer is no,

So dont waste YOUR time, be serious with your life your afterlife i mean.

If you die in Kafir state, As a Disbeliever you are screwed you are entering in the Hell for Eternity,

And you dont wanna have fun, sex, game, drinking alchold, fornicating, and rest bad things and end up in Hell for the eternity,
You dont wanna compare a 60/70 years temporary life with Infinite Eternal Life, right?

So why you dont Worship the Almighty One Creator, how he said to worship him, why dont you follow the Almighty's commandment of Life?
Why dont you Submit you will to the Almighty Creator, and be in Heaven in the Eternal Life.

Dont it make sense to you?

Dont you think why is there death?

Because this life is a Test, nobody gets away with it, no wrong doers gets away with anything, and every little good deeds will give you a chance to earn Almighty's mercy,

But in order to be in haven, you must have The Testimony of Faith,
Which is Believe in God, who is not a man or human or animal or any kind of thing that Human / we can think of.

He is Beyond everything and human imagination.

And you must also believe the Messengers he sent throughout time to guide Humans, ( or else how would you know what to do or what not to do)

Only the Testimony of Faith people will be the people in Heaven.

And no Disbeliever, Kafirs., Non Muslims will be on Heaven, thats forbidden for them, because of The Shirk they do on Earth.

God, The Almighty Creator is One and Only, He is not a Human, not an animal, not a statue, , Dont do Shrik ( Partnering something or someone with the Almighty One Creator, this is called Shirk) , if you do Shrik you be in Hellfire for Eternity,

Dont be a Kafi/ Disbeliever,

The Almighty One Creator / The One God, sent us guidance through Prophets and messengers, These Prophets told you only to Worship One Creator, and this is the Purpose in life,

Prophets like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Last and Final Prophet Muhammad , Peace be upon all of them,

I Hope and Pray May the Almighty One Creator guide you to the truth and you come to the Original faith and after death secure your place in Haven as a Mumin / Believer.


@riddikulus1432 - 29.11.2022 14:48

Thats the point, Jesus(pbuh) was a Human, he was one of great Prophet from Almighty One Creator, jesus himself worshipped that One Almighty Creator, Jesus, Taught same thing to his people, worship one Almighty creator, dont worship idol or human, and dont partner someone with Almighty one Creator, Jesus spread the same Simple message like All other prophets that came before him,

And Jesus, peace be upon isnt dead, he will come back before the end of time, end of earth,
He will say to today's christians " i dont know you, you are not my people "

Because today's christians fabricated jesus message, and spread false in the name of jesus,

And fact* jesus himself was Muslim.

And Muslims call, The Almighty One Creator = Allah, The arabic word.

God, The Almighty Creator is One and Only, He is not a Human, not an animal, not a statue, , Dont do Shrik ( Partnering something or someone with the Almighty One Creator, this is called Shirk) , if you do Shrik you be in Hellfire for Eternity,

Dont be a Kafi/ Disbeliever,

The Almighty One Creator / The One God, sent us guidance through Prophets and messengers, These Prophets told you only to Worship One Creator, and this is the Purpose in life,

Prophets like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Last and Final Prophet Muhammad , Peace be upon all of them,

I Hope and Pray May the Almighty One Creator guide you to the truth and you come to the Original faith and after death secure your place in Haven as a Mumin / Believer.


@riddikulus1432 - 29.11.2022 14:48

Because these guys prioritised this short and temporary Earth life, instead of Life after Death,

The actual test, actual result, actual prize is on the day of judgement.

These guys whole life pleassed others, humans and before their death they expressed their Despression, their Mistake to please Others instead of Pleasing their Almighty Creator Allah.

We Humans here in this Earth is to worship Allah the Almighty Creator and by earning his mercy we secure our please in the Heaven for Eternity.

But what we do?

We party, music, illegal s*x, and what not,

And when we see our death before our eyes its too late, THERE is no coming back now, the Books have been closed, the Deeds are sealed,

Now wait for the day of Judgement.

This life is a Test, Short test, how you lead this life is what gives you Eternal Pradise or Eternal Hellfire.

You dont worship anyone Except the One and Only ALMIGHTY CREATOR, ALLAH
Who created us and gave us a blessed and free life.

And ever after all of that, what we do?

We say A Human / Prophet named Jesus(PBUH) is God, a Statue is God, A Cow A Monkey is God, a Half Naked Human is God, a Tree is God, Dead Ancestors is God

(Astagfirullah) ( God Forbid)

How dare we do this blasphemy?

Dont we have 1 iq to even realise what we doing with Almighty Creator's right?

He created us, gave us everything and yet we giving his own rights, his worshipping to some creations? To some animals?
To some humans or dead humans?

When will it stop blasphemy?

We dont have 10 mins of our time for seeking knowledge?

Or to know about Truth?
Or to how to lead this life? What is the divine commandments that our Creator sent us?

Or to Read The Quraan in our Whole life?

Or to Know about the Islam?

May Allah the Almighty Creator give us guidance, Amin...

@vojtanico5880 - 28.11.2022 21:29

Good bird

@_meero_ - 27.11.2022 05:03

Chamber having 3 hands in the thumbnail

@onlynatedawg3213 - 26.11.2022 23:15

Forget wall banging with a gun
Wall bang with util

@minhthanhnguyen234 - 26.11.2022 17:23

bro just let riot delete more maps

@andyvinet - 26.11.2022 07:25

these are just good lineups tf

@fourthgearvibez4343 - 25.11.2022 23:26

this video should be titled "Best Recon Bolt Trickshots"

@Ideas795 - 25.11.2022 21:49

Thanks for lineups

@collin2097 - 25.11.2022 06:04

This is one funny setup compilation.

@astropug_9262 - 25.11.2022 01:59

You should do a 1 year review of this video to see how many still work

@WMRV - 24.11.2022 17:29

some of these are making me want to run cypher lol

@FortunateJZ - 23.11.2022 16:06

nah bro those are just awsome line ups
