Steam Workshop Tutorial for Cities: Skylines

Steam Workshop Tutorial for Cities: Skylines


3 года назад

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Stuff McStuff
Stuff McStuff - 31.05.2023 17:50

It is a pain trying to get everything working at times. I have tried a few "One click" collections (Have dependencies included) and still got so many "Missing files" or "Failed" on load up. Plus, so many mods ( especially assets) need updating - Many are tagged... More are not!

bernster123 - 28.04.2023 11:12


Marlene Buckenara
Marlene Buckenara - 12.03.2023 07:13

Oh yes i subscribed to all and had a crash ... there were hundreds.. and now Im sitting here with a red face cos you are postively telling us not to do this...ok ... i wont..but yeah its a rabbit hole that Ive been going down for like 5 wks.. so thankyou very much

Wambinya Gaming
Wambinya Gaming - 05.01.2023 12:27

Thanks for the information 🤠

safed - 01.01.2023 06:24


『Acrylix』 - 10.10.2022 13:34

Im a cracked cities skyilines player and i dont know how to connect my steam account with the game..

zaeim Abdullah
zaeim Abdullah - 05.10.2022 14:43

Hello, and thank you for sharing! I hope it's OK to ask! I am using Cities Skylines from my family member! Am new to steam and the game, I make a map and trying to share it to the Steam workshop, but get an error! Have searched the net regarding the error and find no answer to why! Perhaps you or someone here can enlighten me! Can I even share to the workshop having borrowed the game? Or must I ask my sibling to post for me? If having my sibling post Can I be listed as the creator? Thank you so much!

Gary Stewart
Gary Stewart - 05.10.2022 01:51

YUMBL you are awesome

Vladimira Szegenyova
Vladimira Szegenyova - 09.07.2022 13:59

Is it for PC or xbox?

Milk - 18.03.2022 22:00

don't buy from steam if free else where there are ways to install mods without steam version

Chris Cross
Chris Cross - 02.03.2022 14:34

By "having the game running" that includes being on the main menu, yeah?

Jim Hummel
Jim Hummel - 01.03.2022 07:24

I truly wished I had come across this video when I first started with Steam. I dove headfirst into every "don't do this!" pool possible and now have so many mods & assets that I need to reorganize. I use an older Mac so I have to carefully manage the mods that I can load. Assets essentially cripple me, but I still collect them for the day I can have a more juiced gaming rig. I'm loving your informative, relaxed style!
P.S. Minor nitpick but depreciated means lessened value (which is sort of accurate 😉)...the word you're looking for is deprecated (dep·re·cate /ˈdeprəˌkāt/).

dyscharlie - 27.02.2022 08:46

Thank you for your help.

Computer Nerd
Computer Nerd - 16.02.2022 20:05

With Mod Listing, you can copy it to the clipboard and paste it into a document or spreadsheet. I find this useful because I can put all my mods and assets in a spreadsheet and list all there dependencies and who depends on them. If I know who depends on them, I will know if I can unsubscribe to a particular mod or asset. (I know I'm being anally retentive). 😁

CyPha SaRin
CyPha SaRin - 14.02.2022 06:38

Yeah guys just buy the game
A$ 322.71

Abner Pinker
Abner Pinker - 31.01.2022 17:58

Ohh, now I get why everyone loves steam and hates the epic games store

Seth Dominick
Seth Dominick - 12.01.2022 03:19

I'm confused about how and where assets appear in CS once I subscribe. A specific car or truck for example - does it mix in automatically with all the other cars, or do I have to place it? Same with a small business. Does it just pop up somewhere or do I have to place it? Things get lost too. I subscribed to a few different fences but I can't find them anywhere. And do certain assets only become available in later stages of the city? Sometimes the descriptions are very vague on how some of these things actually get placed and when, so I'm easily confused. Thanks!

Flabaghast - 25.12.2021 18:42

I have subbed to some mods but they don't appear in my mods section in the content manager, i have subbed to 23 mods and no assets and have 8gb of RAM.

ParadoxHeart - 19.11.2021 22:48

I think a severe lacking on the part of Steam (and to be fair, every mod manager I've personally used suffers from many of the same issues) is proper dependency and conflict management like you find in operating system package managers. Mod authors should be able to mark up that Mod X depends always on Mod Y, optionally uses Mod Z, Conflicts with Mod Theta, must have exactly one of A or B installed, and may have one of C or D installed, but not both. Then, if I attempt to install Mod X, it should fail if I have Mod Theta installed, and assuming I don't, automatically pull in Mod Y, require me to pick from A or B, and offer Z, and C or D as options. If Mod Y, for example, has further dependencies and conflicts it should resolve those, and stop the process if that fails. If I then remove Mod Y, it should require me to also remove Mod X. If I remove Mod X, it should remember that Mod Y was an automatic dependency and let me clean it up or keep it.

Anton Kronaj
Anton Kronaj - 16.09.2021 05:44

This was so useful. Thank you. Also, it was nice that you encouraged people to contribute to the workshop creators. It’s so awesome the workshop has sooooo much content.

William Huang
William Huang - 09.09.2021 02:33

Not to mention that subbing/unsubbing to items while the game is running might generate a massive lag spike that could crash your game. On lower-end computers, that lag spike could last for several minutes.

Hùng Huy
Hùng Huy - 14.08.2021 06:00

can i ask you st ? if i sub there save game on work shop and then i open it , it will be only map or there city ( with all there play all the time ) thanks!!

Carsten Zimmermann
Carsten Zimmermann - 03.08.2021 12:04

Better late than never, seen this one after spending considerable time with the ingame "Browser"...
Thanks, really like your way of presenting, very helpful but not too sophisticated, 👍👍!
If you consider a 2nd Video about this topic, here's my humble suggestion for content:
A) LSM; the browser becomes extremely powerful for its report Files
B) heard like "create 2nd Account (with few mods) when working with Asset Editor". Could you elaborate in this?
C) be patient when hitting "subscribe to all" - it might take very long to execute; cancelling might break everything
Anyway, thanks for your contributions to the community👍

Hannah Hägg
Hannah Hägg - 19.07.2021 19:07

I use cities skylines on steam it's the best way to play cities skylines

Jim Nichols
Jim Nichols - 16.07.2021 05:57

I cannot for the life of me find the roads ( networks) that you use in game. I love me some of them black roads and with your road changes, like from 4 lane to 2 lane, the intersections are different? How oh Master Yumbl, how?

Jimmy Tsonga and the Shimmy Congas
Jimmy Tsonga and the Shimmy Congas - 13.07.2021 21:25

This is what stops me from playing this game again. Going through all the damn dependencies and mod configurations. :P

Ravefeild - 08.07.2021 21:38

what's the content manager? I don't have it on my city skylines windows 10 edition. do you have to subscribe to a mod first then it pops up?

MarsyTheMartian - 29.06.2021 01:41

Bought all of the DLC on Epic before I knew Steam Workshop existed. I've become master of manually installing tons of mods and assets but am not excited to updating them :D

Vidler13 - 28.06.2021 07:09

Has anyone else had this issue: when I subscribe to items they appear in the 'Steam Workshop' section of the content manager. They have empty loading bars, and do not appear anywhere else i.e. they cannot be activated/deactivated.
I essentially have subscriptions but it looks like the items haven't downloaded.

Anyone know how to fix this?

SpaceSheep - 27.06.2021 23:56

did not expect this to be a face reveal video, what you say about that biffa? :>
cool content man, just keep it rollin`

Zosu - 21.06.2021 02:57

Man I discovered collections way too late. One day I’m going to go organize my 4+ years of subscription content *pain*.

CongoBlue - 11.06.2021 22:12

This is really helpful, thanks. I learned a lot.

David Andersson
David Andersson - 11.06.2021 21:40

The level of your videos is astonishing, both production and content. Thank you!

Hakon102 - 11.06.2021 21:28

I really recommend to add, when you buy it for/on Steam. Wait for a discount or buy the Steam-Keys elsewhere on a trustworthy Page. The prices on Steam for this Game are ridiculous high. e.g. main Game costs 30€ on steam and i paid 3€ for the Steam Key at a 3rd party page.

Joe Mulkerins
Joe Mulkerins - 10.06.2021 11:58

It was the best thing I have heard all year. You said "i'm sort of a video maker, i'm not a thing maker". I seem to be the opposite. I couldn't make a video to save my life, but i could build things all day long. Not sure of the relevance this is to you but though id say. There is a difference 😅

Paweł Czerski
Paweł Czerski - 09.06.2021 23:23

Wow, seeing good things in steam workshop is so charitable 🙃

Evil Dave of Canada
Evil Dave of Canada - 09.06.2021 04:05

Loading the game in Offline mode also downloads the current version of all mods & assets to a different directory then the directory used when playing in the standarx mode.
This is for playing on a system that will not always be connected to the net.

I also created collections for each tag listed on the right side. Then when I see an item I like, I just add it to each collection by tag. makes for looking for an item real easy.

I have seen people say that just having a Mod subscribed will effect your game even if you have NOT enabled it in the Content Manager.
So if two Mods conflict with each other and are both subscribed BUT only one of them is enabled in the content manager, they 'could' still cause conflicts.
I have no personal experience with this issue BUT I have seen LOTS of postings saying NOT to do it.

Rolf Persson
Rolf Persson - 07.06.2021 18:12

I have an Asset or a MOD that has removed the visible metro line. Although there IS a line I can't see it anymore. Do you know how to fix this? I have the Transport DLC...
I have searched for a key to solve the problem but didn't succeed

Steven Galloway
Steven Galloway - 07.06.2021 15:01

I think this is more like a tutorial, not a guide. And it it an excellent one... 😏

Kim Anne
Kim Anne - 07.06.2021 11:09

Discovered your channel a couple of weeks ago. Love your work. Great explanations and examples
Suggestion for another video - themes and how to se and get them. I have been playing for about a year but still don’t know how to get themes so that I can make different zones have different styles. Like European , uni city etc.
Keep up your awesome work

Yang Ji
Yang Ji - 06.06.2021 19:37

Reading is hard.
Paradox should pay workshop creators or absorb some mods and assets and pay for them.

Destynnee Realta
Destynnee Realta - 06.06.2021 17:34

Thanks for doing a video on this, and showing how easy it is. Cause I love the way that steam does custom content/mods/assists. How they update on their own, you don't have to move them to a mod folder, etc

I keep hoping that EA/The Sims will do something like this. It is hair pulling out stressful getting that kinda CC and making sure there is no viruses. Ugh.

CC creators are just so amazing and talented.

MT - 06.06.2021 09:19


Teddy - 06.06.2021 06:40

Sometimes I feel like a moron using Steam Workshop, never able to find what i’m looking for 🤣🤣🤣 thank you for bringing up its clunky & not very intuitive nature

Fred Sage
Fred Sage - 06.06.2021 02:52

How do you make your mods go in alphabetical order in the options menu on the left hand side?

Matthew Griffen
Matthew Griffen - 06.06.2021 01:33

Dude! I'm so glad that your not just remaking all the tutorial videos that are already out there. You're actually providing really useful and we'll presented new content! I'll say it again: You're killing it Yumbl!!
