Liminal spaces - The Fear of Forgetting

Liminal spaces - The Fear of Forgetting


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@adventnggie2333 - 22.07.2024 14:28

I love when 2020 earth just went Liminal season deluxe gameplay 😂

@Raycloud - 23.07.2024 18:55

Everyone who has watched this video should read "The Langoliers".

@Spino2722 - 23.07.2024 20:14


@Zeldafan1ify - 23.07.2024 21:03

The most unsettling thing for me is realizing I have more memories of my middle school dreams (that began after finishing middle school) than my actual middle school experiences. My entire middle school experience has become a strange fever dream. The entire lot, and the surrounding streets, a dreamscape. A giant liminal space.

And now, the same is happening to my high school memories. I'm slowly forgetting my real memories of high school, yet the dreams I've had since graduating are still vivid in my head.. and they're starting to blur together into my actual memories.

I sometimes have to ask myself whether a memory actually happened, or whether it was just one of my lucid high school dreams. Like imposter memories.. ones where i never graduate. And those dreams happened years ago, so they feel old. Grainy.

In the meantime, a former classmate messaged me for the first time a few years ago and asked if I remembered the letter I wrote to him on our last day of high-school. I still don't remember anything from that letter. And he won't tell me what I wrote, for that very reason. The secrecy still haunts me.

@natycrap - 24.07.2024 07:58

ahhh yes... part two of a documentary about my favorite topic (I crave to see more L I M I N A L)

@BrendonHolden - 24.07.2024 10:44

I get that. That is the playground I grew up in... Comment Police!!! And so it is inspired to say that is the same one, this to play. But who is that guy? unconscious me. You look long at the liminal and find long liminal, "get it. "...

Third dimension using the second and so the fourth uses third to inspire such liminality.

Comment Police and I want to play, in the least have my own liminality...
I just said it for a laugh, but I get it. This is a strange thought, a line of children all waiting to get to a place, and you are far in the back. Why am I in line? ...because the other kids are. You finally get up front, and you see the liminality that was expected... but why are we using this color per se.?

9-5 goodness. I left the line and walked towards liminality. This was what the line was, they was anti Comment police, walking toward liminality, and I simply lacking a bit of love.

He said, "Have fun with it, and I left the line, even the goal, but only to see those words, and it was to be sure it was neither too hot nor too cold.

That means there were not enough halls at the playground maybe, and this is why the people show up, but I am not sure, but sometimes, if not always, it is better to give than take.

I ought to be a photographer. ❤❤❤

@swefress - 25.07.2024 00:49

As a social recluse I want this

@davidbrinnen - 25.07.2024 15:45

These spaces, be they literally transitional, as in a corridor, or destinations, like a cellar, they have this dream like quality such that they feel like they offer the opportunity to slip into another reality if only they were approached in just the right frame of mind. While at first such a thought might be exciting, there is also the existential dread that follows, the unknown nature of that other reality and the fear of getting forever lost in it. Or going so far out of phase with reality that time, for you, is brought to a standstill. The future you will never experience, because you have slipped into the infinite vaults between worlds, goes on in your absence. All that marked your passing was the sound of the air rushing into the vacuum you left behind as you pivoted out of space and time.

@SamsarasArt - 25.07.2024 16:07

I think another important aspect to liminal space is emptiness. There's a feeling of loneliness in liminal spaces, as well as a sense of vulnerability.

@KnockOut1122 - 25.07.2024 19:12

Thank you for putting voice to the feelings I have whenever I look at liminal space images. I feel like similar video essays don’t put enough focus on the forgetting, the loss. So many other videos get hung up on spaces not fitting the definition, that a child’s bedroom or an empty pool is not a “transitional space”. They most definitely are, at least in this context. They are a space that WE, transitioned out of. They are the past, are we not continuously in space of transition? I will never get to experience how my childhood living room felt in 2008. I’ve left that part of my live behind, whether I knew it at the time or not. I’m only 25, but I can’t stop thinking about how much I’ve forgotten, and how much I will forget in the future. My past is slipping through my fingers and there isn’t much I can do about it, other than to cling to these imperfect recollections of what I used to know. It hurts.

@illbebcak - 25.07.2024 19:46

I love your message in the end. Thank you!

@illbebcak - 25.07.2024 19:46

Just found your channel, instantly subscribed after this video. Keep up the great job <3

@Kiwiaguy - 25.07.2024 23:37

But nobody came.

@Mooncubus - 26.07.2024 00:02

The Yume Nikki and Silent Hill music were great pulls as both of those games have a lot of exploring liminal spaces.

@unleashedpokegamer3314 - 26.07.2024 00:09

When it comes to that picture, I been to a similar playground. But, some clear differences.

@marcosgin777 - 26.07.2024 03:22

Transitioning spaces could still be considered dream or empty pools bc they are dream like and purgatory-eque even if they’re destinations. Nostalgia is a stage of transition based on developing the self so I think it’s still just a transitional space

@Plexippuspetersi92 - 26.07.2024 06:35

You know enough to sound coherent and learned. But you do not know enough. You ape better essayists, while lacking a foundation to your thoughts and the eloquence to express them.

@Roberto_Milian - 26.07.2024 08:33


@Vaith - 26.07.2024 12:51

i enjoy this topic, but i was not enjoying the way its presented in this video. it feels like ramble and the 15mins i watched felt like an eternity, and when i realized i was only 1/3 of the way through i couldnt bare to finish it

@Lenuas - 26.07.2024 13:52

The minecraft part hit me hard
Me and my friends had so many servers
There all gone now and i dont even have a world file to revisit them

@squid2039 - 27.07.2024 04:57

the ending of this video was seriously haunting. the idea of wanting to make an impact before i die is something I've made my goal in life but the idea I might not accomplish it and be forgotten is truely horrifying

@ak49vigilante - 27.07.2024 07:58

We've still got some of those great big wooden playgrounds in Alaska. There was a fantastic one in the capitol, but some teenagers burned it down back in 2016. Not sure if it ever got rebuilt.

@heyimgoingtoplaysomegames - 27.07.2024 10:53

All objects are sentient and retain consciousness at a level. That’s why when we’re in liminal spaces there’s still a comforting feeling of not being completely alone. The framing of a door has consciousness, a ceiling tile, a garbage lid…….you may be the only person in the room, but you’re not alone.

@AcesAndSpades - 27.07.2024 20:45

the thumbnail hit hard, optimist park in pennsylvania, in my hometown. it no longer exists as it was removed as conditions of the wood that built the park deteriorated, and it was eventually removed and replaced by a very basic children’s park in the late 2010s. we all miss it, but we all understand why it had to leave. thank you for giving that photo the publicity it deserves ❤️

edit: it was massive and a community funded project when the wood structure of the park existed. for every kid living in its era it was like a palace of fun, no matter what you did there. there were tire tubes built into the park, and climbing them was always fun. the towers and the little lounge areas that were built in as well were quite fun, and the metal slides were great unless it was summer because the sun would absorb in the metal making it a pain to use.

@PyramidCat_ - 28.07.2024 04:12

I've watched a lot of videos about liminal spaces, most of them just state the fact that such images are creepy, nostalgic - and why. But this video analyzes the phenomenon surprisingly accurately, causing thoughts that once you already thought and remembered about these things, but as if in a previous life, and no longer you.
While watching I thought a lot and even cried a little, especially on the fragment about dementia - remember the hyped mod for Doom "Thing you can't defeat" and "My House.wad".
Thank you.

@TotallyGaming1 - 28.07.2024 05:08

I choked on “ Minecraft was a game-“

@peterskrobola8753 - 28.07.2024 07:27

I was at an NFL stadium for an event and was walking in the hallways during a period of down time, and it was almost completely empty. It was like I was the only one in the entire stadium. Completely surreal.

@Ckbtony1983 - 28.07.2024 09:07

The last school i went to was split into 3 buildinga and a church
When i started there the classes were centralized to the 1st buildinh and i went through just about every class room at one point or the other
I left and came back and they had rearanged the entire school and the parts i was familiar with were no longer being used empty classrooms rooms used as storage empty hallways it was super creepy and had that smell
We only used that part of the school for sunday school and to hide from the teachers and other stuff but walking halls i walked as a child really put alot of things into perspective

@DiamondCityLights - 28.07.2024 13:38

you sound so much like matpat

@nuwanda2702 - 28.07.2024 22:14

During the Pandemic I just saw and I appreciated how my city really was. It was so peaceful, I never it can be that peaceful 9am and no busy roads, no busy people just a place that lost its function.

@jamesstaggs4160 - 29.07.2024 02:18

Back a few years before 9/11 I hosted a lot of acid trips at my house. We'd have anywhere from five to fifteen people of seventeen to nineteen years olds all tripping acid, and we usually dropped late, like about 8pm. One of the things we did was go to the airport at 2am. Why? No idea but it became a tradition. The place was always nearly empty save for the odd janitor or two. Since the planes hadn't yet hit the towers we walked around wherever we wanted and nobody bothered us. Can't do that any longer.

There was also a mall that I'd grown up going to and one year I got a job in construction repairing concrete ceilings. A few stores in that mall had ceilings which were getting weak so we'd go in at about 10pm, knock out all the bad concrete with drill hammers, fill it in with new concrete and then put something called "wrap" over it. Job took about six months and during that time I got to walk around a mall that was totally empty apart from our crew. A few times I was in there by myself and it's a little unsettling.

@TheDopekitty - 29.07.2024 06:19

I once dreamed a white featureless maze of corridors with doors upon doors, some leading to pools, others elsewhere.

@MisfortunateJustice - 29.07.2024 08:30

Liminal Spaces before the internet?
See Playstation 1 Survivor Horrors

@Hybridman7 - 29.07.2024 18:03

I just chanced on your channel a couple of days ago, it is one if the heydays of the past week. I relate to the topics you deal with!

Your remarks on the feeling of being trapped in the present strongly reminds me about Mark Fisher's 'Ghosts of my Life'. He, too, refers to the Caretaker albums, the feeling of being robbed of potential futures, the feelings associated with liminal places... Uncanny, haha! Even though imo you articulate more convincingly the connections between liminality, the terror that sprouts from it, and the feeling of a neverending present.

@lucuspenna485 - 29.07.2024 18:17

Kids world Is it's name ripley ms had one

@d-boi9785 - 29.07.2024 22:57

I’ve still never actually played on a Minecraft server, only just worlds with my friends. I really ought to try it out. I wonder if any are still active on 1.5.2, my version?

@sttubz - 29.07.2024 23:35

I remember when I was a kid in elementary school, my school had a GIGANTIC field that was rarely used, and I'd go there during my lunch to read. Near the edge of the field was an abandoned kickball area with old wooden benches I'd always sit, and it was always so quiet. I miss those quiet days...

@Aquaw0lftamer - 31.07.2024 04:29

I remember a place from my childhood that looked EXACTLY like the one here. It is called Project Playground, it is in Sault Ste. Marie, and I LOVED going there. It may not be it, but it looks damn close. it had that tarp bridge, those towers, hell, even the soap dispenser seems familiar.
Edit: I never thought to look up " Project Playground" on it's own, and the wooden playground we all know and love is premade by a company named "Project Playground".

@pancake2981 - 31.07.2024 05:28

some of the pictures sent shivers down my back
