KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Updated 03/03/2017

KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Updated 03/03/2017

John Michael Godier

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@Edenssunlight - 04.03.2017 05:49

lol I'm guilty... yes... guilty... I'm clicking thumbs up before the video even ends... but hey I enjoy your work and going to take that plunge and grab one of those books of yours.. thanks yet again for another great upload!

@coryknight7669 - 04.03.2017 05:50

i love your videos please keep them going i do not know why you don't have more subs

@danceswithcritters - 04.03.2017 05:58

Gotta admit, was hoping for that predicted dip for all the alien megastructure fans.

@snitox - 04.03.2017 06:41

I wish you would actually cite the images you are showing. People might mistake some of it as being related to your story.

@Bronco541 - 04.03.2017 06:55

I'm skeptical of the harvesting stellar energy prediction. It seems very strange to me making a prediction like this; I mean if they're harvesting energy/materials from their star couldn't they just do it whenever they pleased; that is, the dimming would appear to be somewhat random?

Other ideas I had: couldn't it just be multiple planets passing by at or around the same time? And/or planets that are on wild and chaotic orbits, possibly planets that will or have flown out of orbit; such a situation would explain a dip and then no dip ever again (or smaller dips etc.) Or crash into eachother. Also; we always assume a planetary system is rather simple; could there be a solar system of planets in orbits so complex that regularly (or irregularly) change in speed, direction, etc, planets effecting other planets?

IMHO: if aliens are doing something to their star, we're not going to be able to detect it; it would be too small of an impact. The whole Dyson sphere thing seems too far out for me. If they have the ability to build something that huge it seems to me they wouldn't need to get power from a star. [Not that I don't want aliens to be real :D ]
Dammit! This makes me wish I was an astronomer! I should go to college...

I will say however, despite my skepticism for aliens, I feel like if we find evidence of aliens, at least in the beginning; this is what it will be like. It's going to be difficult to understand, vague, the opposite of some huge flashy thing the layman is expecting. Or a message saying take us to your leader :P

Good music choices also :)

@EditioCastigata - 04.03.2017 06:56

Thank you for these, John! I really like how you cover these phenomena, and the consistency.

As for the missing dipping event: The fun is in learning of such speculations, and the theory behind them including the "could be validated/invalidated by…". Only because it didn't happen here doesn't mean it cannot happen elsewhere, eluding our observations. For now, until we have the tech to monitor all of the sky 24/7 and then have no more than resolution as the next technological challenge.

@brunachos6965 - 04.03.2017 07:20

Now that's fresh news... So, there is an issue withe "star that ate a planet" hypothes, then? Tought that was the best explanation since the star was discovered, i mean, by reasonable standarts... So it is busted? Are we back to Dyson speculation? That's the way i like...

@FarmyJoe76 - 04.03.2017 07:49

Nov 2019? Wouldn't we be able to get a good look @ the star before then with the JWST? If prelim shakedown tests turn out ok, it's scheduled to launch next year. Hopefully it'll be settled & in position to beam back data by 1st qtr. 2019.

@MLLloyd - 04.03.2017 08:38

Yes!!! Tabby Star news... I love Tabby star... What? Our sun was blocking the Feb 21st dimming event; shouldn't we have known it would have been behind our Sun the day we needed to look at it? Ugh 2019 now

@paulm5197 - 04.03.2017 08:42

This is also known as Tabby's Star, after the discoverer. According to historical records it has dimmed steadily over most of 100 years and has recently shown inexplicable and massive changes in brightness.

An argument could be made that we're seeing the construction of a Dyson Sphere, the complete enclosure of a star by an advanced civilization wishing to tap its power.

@veganchaatparty - 04.03.2017 08:50

Superb...thanks for sharing...

@dias5456 - 04.03.2017 11:08

love this channel. Now I dont have to spend hours looking for reliable info, I can just watch your videos!

@CodeLeeCarter - 05.03.2017 03:21

I've been waiting in anticipation for this news, I never had a preference, to be honest, whether the prediction came true or not, either way, there will be more questions.

It's so much more interesting to hear the way you tell the news than to read it on some website,... again, John,... Thanks, Pal.

@asmrdestiny - 09.03.2017 00:26

We need a dip!  Hope another one occurs soon....

@FOWST - 09.03.2017 16:23

the german site is pronounced "grants-vissen-shaft" and in the last word, the "A" is pronounced like in the word "car".

@twstf8905 - 29.03.2017 08:43

its porkins! he didn't really crash his x-wing!!

@walternewcombe1214 - 06.04.2017 19:18

just think about how big that structure would have to b to dim the kic star by about 20 percent, now think of the amount of effort it would take an alien race to build it the the resources needed and as we already know there is always a good chance of building something in outer space and it being hit by space rocks, debris etc.....seems like a lot of effort when there is other options to gather energy.

@diggerpete9334 - 10.04.2017 12:49

The strange light dips could be caused by a group of large planets orbiting in conjunction of each other closely to the star.

@FelipeKana1 - 22.06.2017 16:55

how this alien-dip-prediction would have worked? can someone explain this doctor's theory (the proposed alien tech he talks about and how does this predict dips?)? John, I guess this theory could be worth a video.

@Rickwmc - 24.10.2017 01:22

Any technical civilization that does "stellar lifting" would not consider us to be apes, they would consider us to be ants.
