How Media's Rupert Murdoch Became Eight Times Richer Than Donald Trump | Forbes

How Media's Rupert Murdoch Became Eight Times Richer Than Donald Trump | Forbes


3 года назад

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It’s been a rocky few weeks for one of the most stable relationships in cable news. As the animus grows between Fox News founder Rupert Murdoch and President Donald Trump, so do the rumors that they will one day be competitors in the market for conservative news.

If Trump actually wanted to start a media business, he’d presumably have to make a significant investment, which could be challenging, given his current lack of liquidity and pile of debt. Competing with Murdoch would be even tougher. Sure, Trump previously made some money in television. But the vast majority of his $2.5 billion fortune comes from real estate, the business his father taught him. Murdoch, who started with less than the President, is now worth nearly eight times as much, $19 billion, with a media empire that circles the globe.

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