The END Of Etsy (Why Sellers Are Leaving)

The END Of Etsy (Why Sellers Are Leaving)

Brand Creators

8 месяцев назад

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mc martel
mc martel - 16.11.2023 23:37

Are you serious? Etsy owns the platform and can make what they want with the sellers? I'm chocked! They are making money and continue to exist BECAUSE of the sellers ! Not the other way round! Without any sellers, they would be nothing but an empty platform. Your enthousiasm for etsy seems so weird by the way.

Kathleen Morgan
Kathleen Morgan - 14.11.2023 17:54

They don’t want people having a side hustle. People
Vote for communism and then they don’t understand they got what they voted for. All business goes to Chinese slaves now.

Nicci Wohlcke
Nicci Wohlcke - 14.11.2023 08:08

Etsy has a terrible rating on BBB and many over the last year or so. Since they've started this "suspension spree" they're on. It just happened to me and Etsy refuses to respond to my emails (why have they hidden their chat/phone options??) and now not only was my account "suspended for suspicious login activity", but now my actual personal account is too. I've lost so much revenue already and going into the holiday season is completely demoralizing--not to mention the fact that I'm taking a significant pay loss due to this! Etsy is going downhill and I'm sorely disappointed in their customer service.

rltreasure - 13.11.2023 08:44

Great content. Just came across your channel! I'll be watching more videos to learn from you!

Jeremiah Blackwell
Jeremiah Blackwell - 13.11.2023 00:38

I want to stay. I love art with every fiber of my being and have been drawing my whole life. And after 25 years in retail and in my forties, I left my corporate job to achieve my dream. But the results are far from great as I'm getting buried in big businesses and no one can find me even with all the SEO tricks. I may be another failed shop.

marantzBoutique - 12.11.2023 19:14


Flower Gardens
Flower Gardens - 12.11.2023 00:35

Why are you yelling? 😂

altogetherlovely - 11.11.2023 23:00

I'm new at Etsy - only 8 days! 😁 I have gotten "under license" permissions according to the manufacturers' policies to use their images on the products I make. All they ask is to put their copyright notice on my items. I am doing this, but should I be concerned?

Banksyisatagger - 11.11.2023 03:01

We have been on Etsy for 5 years, around 200,000 thousand sales, and have made millions off the platform. Our marketing plan in 2024 has us leaving the platform by Q4 2024, we have been seeing the writing on the walls for years with Etsy. From a business standpoint, it is nothing personal. However, when a business meets equilibrium on their own platform, the competition becomes the landlord. Equally, Etsy's own hypocrisy regarding Printify is one of the biggest reasons. First, Etsy states that you can use a production partner so long as the partner makes the item in their own facilities and does not outsource. Welp, Printify does not indeed make anything in their facilities. They farm the goods from all across the spectrum. As such, the situation has zero to do with AI Bots, mock ups, or the like. It has to do with color. As a printer, who owns about a million dollars in commercial equipment, who produces everything in house and employs dozens of hardworking artisians. We didn't mind paying our rent to Etsy. But when Printify and its sweat shops of Temu quality was allowed to join the platform via Etsy's look the other way policy hypocritcal violations of their own terms of service we said time is up. Look Amazon, sucks, but at least its a known demon. Esty is becoming way too voltile for serious business to take it serious anymore. As such, we would rather compete with Etsy than enable it.

sn6469 - 10.11.2023 21:00

Realistic info. Not fake, overinflated numbers. This makes me trust you. Best line in the video…”I sent one email and got four sales…”Those are real numbers! Thank you.

waxingmiracle - 10.11.2023 17:56

My Etsy shop is doing better than it ever has and I am getting more traffick than ever. I have no idea why though.

cappuccinojunkie - 10.11.2023 00:41

I'm leaving because I'm Canadian and Etsy has really done it this time with our sales taxes. If I could opt out of selling to Canadian customers that problem would be fixed.

Nash Idaho's Tabletop Gaming Channel
Nash Idaho's Tabletop Gaming Channel - 09.11.2023 18:41

I see a lot of people selling 1.) things they don't have the right to resell (mostly digital files) 2.) things that are just AI generated... hopefully etsy handles this stuff too...

Katie Serra
Katie Serra - 09.11.2023 15:43

Im staying. I actually just opened another shop, recently because I need my first shoo to be really niche to work best , its a Catholic shop primarily selling handmade rosary beads.
My new shop is secular and more general.

Evangelist / evankelista Sirpa Rikkinen
Evangelist / evankelista Sirpa Rikkinen - 09.11.2023 09:03

What’s wrong with Etsy? Is everything just FAKE there? I have been there months now and not selled allmost NOTHING because people asks whole time my email adresses because they say; ”Etsy otherwice does not allow customers to BUY anything!!”

I did NOT give it because ETSY said, “DO NOT GIVE YOUR EMAIL TO ANYONE, your customers does not need it!!

Then I gived it to one and NEXT they sended me email and asked my Credit Card details what they allready have there!!

What is this stupid thing now?? Totally chaos whole place! Is that even real ?!? Do I have to erase whole account??

Why I should give my card numer to anyone, Im not that customer who buyed that item?? They also asked cofirm my bank account a while ago, is that not enough?!?!

Tural Farzali
Tural Farzali - 08.11.2023 09:57

Do you guys believe that Etsy can survive only with real Handmade stuff?? Imagine one shop makes 50 sales today how the owner can produce and ship all of them? Etsy wants to be Amazon and never will stop giving room for resellers

pei yi ang
pei yi ang - 07.11.2023 11:14

i know you guys always say to maximise the etsy ads. I have gotten more sales by turning them on. But overall losses due to the high ads spend. Do you think new shops need to make losses initially to gain traction? Or what would you suggest?

Joclien's Closet
Joclien's Closet - 07.11.2023 01:34

I’m staying

Krista Ransbottom
Krista Ransbottom - 06.11.2023 11:46

I can't access my shop because I changed phone numbers and can't get through the two part verification. lol They send a code to my old number. I can't get through to them to give me any codes or help getting into my shop. It has since been closed because I could not verify my bank info. Oh, well.... Only had one sale in 2 years anyway.

Thanos Perl
Thanos Perl - 06.11.2023 06:31

Good info. But please learn when to use Less and Fewer.

Heaven on the Horizon
Heaven on the Horizon - 06.11.2023 05:17

Im staying...

Renee's at It Again
Renee's at It Again - 05.11.2023 22:49

...and what about us vintage, thrifting, resale sellers? I'm a tenured seller who will not be back ... too much, bot doing, fee-mongering, no contact communication-ing, for me. Etsy wants us to pay fees, buy their labels, buy their ads, be an Etsy website - pattern, and they don't give a hoot about sellers, everything is about the buyer. I hope we all remember that it would not have a platform if it weren't for sellers. People seem to omit this fact? It wasn't until after the shareholders that Etsy became dog eat dog. And for ALL NEWBIES, ETSY charges you for EVERYTHING!!! There are no gifts, discounts, or saves given to sellers. Don't ever believe that!! Love this guys enthusiasm though.

Efe Imoloame
Efe Imoloame - 05.11.2023 20:46

What would you recommend for mockups?

Ink & Pearls
Ink & Pearls - 05.11.2023 06:26

I started email marketing 8 yrs ago

Ink & Pearls
Ink & Pearls - 05.11.2023 06:23

GOOD!!!! SHUT THEM DOWN!!!!! We don’t like copycats around here, Folks!!!!!

Miss Blue H
Miss Blue H - 05.11.2023 05:18

I would like to stay on Etsy. I doubt I'll have more customers, but I will need to rework my bedroom to work better for my resin products. Cross my fingers that I can buckle down and be more efficient as a seller!

meshackin - 05.11.2023 03:30

I just got my very first sale this week! There is no way I am leaving!

Lynda R.
Lynda R. - 05.11.2023 01:47

I literally just started a small store on Etsy, I really do very little items, and no coping anything, just doing my own stuff...but your videos are are awesome - thanks!!!

Carla Edwards
Carla Edwards - 04.11.2023 20:57

Very helpful!

Dewis Motivation
Dewis Motivation - 04.11.2023 19:21

Hey someone is asking me for my email in my dms. She said she wanted to buy but needs my mail. Is this real?

Drusy Dreams
Drusy Dreams - 04.11.2023 17:16

Etsy already sends the automated emails you're talking about. Why would you want to duplicate that? As a customer that would drive me away. Especially the reviews, Etsy harasses customers already for that. I would be interested to see emails about shop updates etc from my favorite sellers. But it seems to me what you're describing is more for your own website 🤔

S.C. Wynne
S.C. Wynne - 04.11.2023 15:30

If this is all integrated with your Etsy shop, what happens to the emails you’ve gathered if, God forbid, Etsy closes your shop? How would the list be useful if you can no longer sell on Etsy?

The Night Sky
The Night Sky - 04.11.2023 12:45

Much needed real talk! You don't have a business you have a sellers account. If that doesn't resonate, you need to go solo.

BRUJAS y VAMPIROS - 04.11.2023 10:03

I sure hope so. Need my shop to keep up some steam ✨🦇

R. Latham
R. Latham - 04.11.2023 01:52

How about Etsy buyers who can't access the website? I get error messages every time I try.

Kim夏金美 - 03.11.2023 16:54

Does Etsy still support handmade products?

jj clifford
jj clifford - 03.11.2023 05:13

Nobody cares about emails bro . Complete waste of my time.

JJRollins - 03.11.2023 03:04

I hate etsy. I started with it in 2008. Currently have yet to sell a damn thing.

Frames To Mind
Frames To Mind - 02.11.2023 18:22

what have people here payed to learn to run an Etsy store?
was in. live presentation for Etsy course yesterday, an Englishman, he seemed really knowledgeable and could prove what he been doing and how he teach, but the price felt for most people way over the top at 497 Briths pound...
Anyone that found a complete and in-depth course that is enough to learn Etsy from scratch and make it work over time from what one can learn in one course?
please share courses you felt valued right and really made you able to work with print on demand seriously.

GrumpyOldSwede - 02.11.2023 17:54

Already closed my store and moved to Bonanza.

Claudya R.
Claudya R. - 02.11.2023 16:57

I will stay. Thanks for the video. But I don't know why my views and sales down about 2 weeks. Do you know something new for SEO? Thanks

aarons_picks - 02.11.2023 16:34

I got banned 4 months ago…had me scramblin’ like 2 vegan eggs onna sunday mornin’…😩😩😩😭😭😭

Matthew K
Matthew K - 02.11.2023 16:10

My friend's Etsy account was suspended due to an outstanding balance of $50 that had not been paid. He had been using this account for nearly a year and was consistently earning an average of $6,000 per month. He didn't receive any notification about the payment issue. If he had known about it, he would have paid it right away. This issue occurred because he used a digital card (i.e., a duplicate of his credit card) that had expired.

Kathy Doss
Kathy Doss - 02.11.2023 15:31

My daughter wants to try Etsy for her crochet items. My fear is that since crochet items take a long time to make, is Etsy ok to use with limited stock? If anyone has an opinion, it would be appreciated.

Heather Flynn
Heather Flynn - 02.11.2023 15:19

So much great advice and great analogies here Scott! You Rock!!!

Saintly2 - 02.11.2023 09:07

I was shut down within 1 month of signing up. No warning, no indication of what was wrong… temp to perm suspended all in one disheartening day.

Mecca Makeba
Mecca Makeba - 02.11.2023 09:01

They don't need Etsy. The fees are too high anyway.

nilda del
nilda del - 02.11.2023 07:12

I have been almost 1 year in Etsy ! It was a hobby but I love what I do ! 100% handmade 😊

KIM - 02.11.2023 01:38

I had my shop for 4 months 500 products and was suspended 8 days ago and have no idea as to why ?? have not been given a change or a first warning all my mocks up are from sellers that use the product in the photos I even ordered samples , I have no idea I have never infringed or used trademark designs or titles. But I see a ton of people using them. Also they are holding onto my money this is not good and disrespectful on how they treat their sellers there could of been a much better way to handle this instead of waking up and your shut down with no warning
