Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon, The Toxic Truth

Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon, The Toxic Truth


2 года назад

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Sunshine - 21.09.2023 21:58

I stoped to eat fish and see food. This who organize this toxis life for fish and disturb see, are not humen

SC - 17.09.2023 20:32

Agree with everything except the saturated fats demonizing

Yoesomite - 16.09.2023 16:57

COVID taught me not to trust everything I hear or see.
There have been many 'activists' trying to kill off this industry for many reasons ranging from 'anti capitalist' propaganda, through to so called 'environmental' , and even 'esthetic' reasons.
I'm not saying the claims in this video are not true, I'm just saying I've heard many discussions about this topic from both sides and this is the first I've heard these specific arguments,
Perhaps the fist thing would be to remove the disingenuous, emotional music and pictures of women holding babies and simply provide the scientific evidence, independent and verifiable and then let people decide

Charles Show
Charles Show - 16.09.2023 02:30

facts only - not feelings

the thinking Man
the thinking Man - 15.09.2023 12:05

austria should stick to making beer and potatoes!
as they say when it comes to healthy food they are a bit Dum!
yes. sad but True!

Stnl N2
Stnl N2 - 12.09.2023 20:45

Fat is NOT bad, the toxic fat is....

Norman Appleton
Norman Appleton - 06.09.2023 12:28

A bit of truth bending going on here methinks. Trans Fats are indeed bad but naturally occurring saturated fats are good. The true toxicity though comes from the artificial feed the fish receive

bob howard
bob howard - 28.08.2023 19:18

Great solution. Boycott. Put all those people working in the industry out of work, can't pay their bills and become homeless and hungry. All to make you happy. You'd have us boycott cattle production, pigs, chickens, corn, soy beans, on and on. You would prob complain if we all just ate bugs as then the birds wouldn't have food. No, a better solution than going hungry and hurting ppl is to better regulate production. It ain't easy to produce enough food to feed the world. Mistakes are made, we can make changes. Can you offer a better solution than destroying lives? How about using the entire lagoon as a pen? Vacuum the sea bed periodically. How about larger pens? Shouldn't other options be explored first?

Yoskito Morioka
Yoskito Morioka - 28.08.2023 18:22

World is starving..... Sea farming tecnique and knowledge is a very realistic alternative to produce low cost, eco friendly and sustainable proteins., there are still several improvement items, but if done with responsibility, it is part of the world feeding solution., why highlight only the negative issues of this product and not try to have an open minded constructive claims to improve rather than sink these open sea-farming sites future???

squange20 - 18.08.2023 10:46

Yuk! I would never eat farmed seafood. So many Asian companies are now selling frozen farmed seafood in our supermarkets. We never had them before. I’d rather do without.

Vroni - 16.08.2023 12:03

Omg 😮

Lachlan Jackson
Lachlan Jackson - 15.08.2023 06:41

How wonderful. I just bloody bought two large pieces of Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon and was looking up recipe ideas. Now I feel like a Big Mac and Fries...

Quail 4Sale
Quail 4Sale - 15.08.2023 04:07

Farmed salmon will eventually destroy wild salmon.
Farmed salmon also destroys the sea floor under the pens.
The very best model for "farmed" salmon is the hatchery model utilized all over Alaska. These hatchery raised smolt are released into the wild and return to the hatchery years later to spawn.

Mark Eastman
Mark Eastman - 14.08.2023 10:07

How much of the food we eat is toxic for profit nothing to do with Health thankyou for this example of profit over true health

Donald Wingent
Donald Wingent - 10.08.2023 14:50

Farmed Salmon is definitely off my menu , thank You for exposing this serious health threat.

Eugene Kaptur
Eugene Kaptur - 09.08.2023 01:10

Farmed fish, no matter if salmon from Norway or Tasmania or warm water fish from ponds in China, Vietnam or Thailand are NOT FIT for HUMAN or animal consumption and should be made illegal Worldwide! In Asia the practice is to put fish ponds BELOW caged chickens and ducks and let the fish eat the bird's offal, they also place fish in human sewage ponds!

fish n chips
fish n chips - 07.08.2023 03:34

and one of these Tasmanian 'producers' has a prawn farm on the Clarence River, which has been found to have the white spot disease of crustaceans & has been closed. This has caused the river to be closed also to trawling for & selling green prawns which was the main market of 90 families. All prawns now have to be cooked for the next 2 years & there is no guarantee it will be opened even then. 90 families.
White spot was brought into Australia from Asia with permission by Barnaby Joyce who went against all advice from experts in the industry. Buying green prawns from the supermarket now almost guarantees this disease of ALL crustaceans will be spread all around Australia. Quite the conspiracy by government authorities. It is looking like the government is the main source of most diseases & pests that enter Australia in one way or another.

The Savage Wombat
The Savage Wombat - 05.08.2023 21:17

Any progress on this since the video?

Grant Watts
Grant Watts - 05.08.2023 08:59

G'day guys, this is why I stopped eating all Salmon over ten years ago, I only eat canned, wild caught Atlantic Salmon.

KingFahtah - 05.08.2023 01:41

Doctors have been telling us for years how good this stuff is for our hearts and circulation. I have come to the conclusion that they are worse than idiotic and dangerous mouthpieces for vested interests and hooked into a gravy train after paying off their costly education. They are just unthinking trained seals.

Cincin - 02.08.2023 05:15

"Atlantic" salmon is the species. not their geographical origin. An Australian salmon farmer blew the whistle on this 2 years ago in a much more in-depth program in 4-Corners.

Aleksi Ivanov
Aleksi Ivanov - 28.07.2023 21:13

Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certification. Does ACS certification helps in identifying which farmed salmon is safe for consumption?

Toni Keeling
Toni Keeling - 28.07.2023 08:54

Thank you for calling attention to this toxic, appaling industry in once beautiful Tasmania. The 'authorities' are also destroying the once beautiful and amazing native forests, and burning the areas, also destroying the native birds eg the Swift parrots and animals. Will it all never end.

sarah hobson
sarah hobson - 25.07.2023 14:25

Go fishing catch fresh as U can that farming is very bad😢

Richard Stubbs
Richard Stubbs - 24.07.2023 20:32

The packaging should state farmed or wild salmon.
But we also have to prevent the seas being overfished ...
Also aren't heavy metals a problem ?

pegacorn13 - 22.07.2023 20:13


Aleksi Ivanov
Aleksi Ivanov - 18.07.2023 10:45

What about new zealand farmed salmon? is it toxic?

Christopher Orrock
Christopher Orrock - 18.07.2023 08:33

You know IBS (irritable bum syndrome) is on the rise in Australia and I with a bit of research found out that IBS is is an abbreviation for a group of symptoms that the Dr's have absolutely no idea what is causing it....

Imeleta Sanileva
Imeleta Sanileva - 17.07.2023 08:44

It’s just about everything is not good to eat. Is this the one world bs

Stephen Pavy
Stephen Pavy - 16.07.2023 07:28

Strange that this report got a overweight actor to talk about fats 😅 The amount chicken fats in a salmon is this the only point they can make? I eat one chicken a week and one salmon a year. Probably quarter of a Salmon. If you eat a variety of foods you automatically have trans fat. Eat enough of the good veg fruits etc and you can balance it. Wild caught is always better option but farm salmon is not toxic, why because i never have too much of it. Watch what you eat. Once a year maybe. Some in sushi..maybe. its not going to kill me or you

Lindsay Rixon
Lindsay Rixon - 12.07.2023 08:55

It would help in getting your message across if you turned that wretched music down, i mean way down as it interferes with your message, of which i gleaned only about 50%

Francis Brown
Francis Brown - 30.06.2023 11:46

Our Tasmanian Salmon is far more healthy than the stuff grown in the Baltic sea where the Salmon shit piles up under the Fish Pens killing anything under it .

Jon Holmstrom
Jon Holmstrom - 29.06.2023 12:43

I used to eat it sometimes..but since reading toxic and witnessing what's it's doing to our water ..never again...I recommend everyone read toxic ..all true ..that's why salmon industry want sue the writer.

Hup - 28.06.2023 12:12

Wild salmond natural n organic 😊

janice mackay
janice mackay - 23.06.2023 01:21

I’m so glad I never liked salmon never tasted it. Just never like the looks of it.

Evelyn Gott
Evelyn Gott - 18.06.2023 03:31

Same for Canadian farmed salmon

David Pendry
David Pendry - 08.06.2023 10:30

You can bet your bottom dollar that when man abuses animals and the environment is all about greed, money and lies.
No more Tassie salmon for me😡

Lolly Pop
Lolly Pop - 01.06.2023 06:34

This is cruel for the fish. No wonder it made me sick.

Ed Salinas
Ed Salinas - 29.05.2023 19:58

I can't wait for the report on the Ahi Tuna that they are farming.

Krishnamayi Marianni
Krishnamayi Marianni - 29.05.2023 14:52

I won't buy it

Phar2Rekliss - 29.05.2023 14:11

Who buys Tasmania salmon. I have only seen Norwegian or chile farm raised besides US.

D R - 28.05.2023 22:44

What IS good for us anymore ?? Really, is there anything ?

Wilma Hughes
Wilma Hughes - 26.05.2023 11:49

My gosh my daughter loves these Salmon 🥹😱😱 I’ll tell her not to eat them. Thank u very much for this important information and for sharing as well 🎉👍👍

FreshNews247 - 20.05.2023 13:22

The factory creates hundreds of jobs. Great company.

Justiceforall - 18.05.2023 06:39

Thank you so much for this!

Charles Richards
Charles Richards - 17.05.2023 03:17


jesse staton
jesse staton - 17.05.2023 02:03

What you're talkin about man is Debbie damn thing that ever happens in the West. There is no truth in the West, it's unnatural. Lock these bastards up. They have no right to make a living off killing humans that way.

Dai Ca
Dai Ca - 16.05.2023 15:48

Its in everything. Human life span is reduce to a quarter less of a normal life span. Younger adults is getting cancer. Its only going to get worst. Nothing man made is safe. I only eat salmon labeled wild caught. Even so I still don't trust where it came from.

Joseph Yeo
Joseph Yeo - 14.05.2023 02:37

Fake news. Gave you a thumbs down for that and a "Do not recommend"

Christopher Woulfe
Christopher Woulfe - 13.05.2023 09:46

Something to remember. In the 1930s, during the Depression when people often had a lot less food especially meat and fish, the average life span increased. People lived longer! It seems that farmed Atlantic Salmon is like a battery chicken. Plenty of additives too. The cages have a limited life span as byproducts from the fish build up on the ocean floor. Then they move on to pollute somewhere else. Hmm. Not good.
