WHAT HAPPENED TO EDWARD V AND RICHARD DUKE OF YORK? Biggest royal mystery ever? Princes in the Tower

WHAT HAPPENED TO EDWARD V AND RICHARD DUKE OF YORK? Biggest royal mystery ever? Princes in the Tower

History Calling

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@user-ps7tg1jb6m - 15.01.2024 01:49

When Richard the third's son died unexpectedly It was whispered both in the court in other parts of England that Richard's son's death was because his father had had his nephews killed. Some believe that taking Richard's heir was a type of justice.

@bernster123 - 08.01.2024 16:22

Great content, well researched and presented. I’ve always been interested in this sad tale. This seems like a very damning chronology supporting Richard III as the culprit.

@philippacrowe8499 - 07.01.2024 13:44

The lads weren't "locked up" they were housed. The Tower at this point in history wasn't what it became under the Tudors (imposters) it was a Castle

@GradKat - 04.01.2024 01:00

In my opinion Richard had the boys killed. They disappeared whilst under his care, their existence was a possibility threat to his kingship, and he had already proved himself utterly ruthless when it came to removing anyone who stood in his way.

@shannonfick7170 - 29.12.2023 05:05

Two children were murdered… or at least extremely roughly handled
and then lost to history altogether. Neither possibility is good. Circumstances failed both little boys and they both deserve to be at complete peace after the terror, pressure, and horror they witnessed in their lives.

@katharinaweber8779 - 16.12.2023 00:21

"Richard was no Teddy Bear!" 🤣🤣🤣

@swimmad456 - 14.12.2023 23:58

Critics of the Mancini evidence argue that as a foreigner he would not have spoken English. That is probably true but the language of the European educated class was Latin and he would have been able to converse with others of his class in England.

@kevstacey8639 - 04.12.2023 03:18

Man and boy I've always believed Dickie Crookback had those poor kids murdered.

@cherylday1831 - 01.12.2023 04:33

These people are confusing 😅😢

@horaciocolon9779 - 30.11.2023 20:49

It was Buckingham

1. Opportunity
2. Motive
3. Unscrupulous
4. Scheming
5. Hated Woodville family

@CaroStar79 - 28.11.2023 17:30

Could the princes have been murdered by crossbow? Ofc we dont have forensic evidence pointing to this so this is just speculation.

@jenniferbarnes3120 - 27.11.2023 20:00

Adapalooza ! It’s hard to follow when so often interrupted .

@Lekkydoll - 27.11.2023 16:05

I recall a goosebumps book, I think it was.... it featured two "modern" kids, a prince and princess, who found themselves back in time in the tower of london while visiting on holiday. tl;dr they were the "long lost" prince and princess edward and suzanna who "went missing", and went on to live in the future.... or something. It was a bit odd. What I remember better was Stephen King's book, Eyes of the Dragon... I think was the title? Court wizard Flagg had the king killed and framed the heir of the throne, his son. The teen was imprisoned in "the tower" and basically left there to rot while Flagg ruled instead. The prince managed to escape in the end by using a dollhouse loom to weave "rope" from royal napkins.

@ericabouchard8786 - 26.11.2023 22:07

I dont think we will ever know...
Logically speaking. Even if they test the remains it will answer if it is or if its not the lost princes..
Its highly unlikely if it is them a cause of death will be able to be determined.
The remains were skeletol one entact with still teeth attached
The other the skull was breaking apart and had no teeth left.
I would say to do the dna to elimate if it is or isnt the boys and maybe a estimated time of death.. other than that the mystery wont be solved in my opinion. It may just answer the question of where the boys were buried. Ive always felt if they died naturally and lets day it is them why not proper funerals when they died if they had died from a sickness in the tower? Why bury them like that had they died while under their uncles care?

@davidhollins870 - 26.11.2023 03:14

I tend to think this may be one of those "who will rid me of this turbulent priest" killings, ie: Thomas a Beckett, where the perpetrators thought they would be ingratiating themselves with the head man by doing the deed. It is the same with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 (and I suspect, Jill Dando). It actually puts the head man in an awkward position and so, a veil of secrecy is drawn over it.

@cnursery - 20.11.2023 12:45

Look at many of the comments below (and those on similar posts concerning Richard III) and you will see that almost everybody has an opinion. But these opinions, views, conclusions or even hunches, can only be based on what one has either read or been told, simply because the events took place several hundred years ago. Nobody alive today was there to see it. As such, they can only be just that - opinions. What Phillipa Langley has produced, like it or not, are facts. The body found in the Leicester car park was indeed that of Richard III. His true identity is no longer disputed. Phillipa's recent discovery of documents providing compelling evidence to support her theory that the princes were not murdered by their uncle in the Tower and that they in fact survived, should at the very least be taken seriously, and not simply discarded by those who think they know better and might end up with egg on their faces - simply because Phillipa Langley is not a real "Historian", whatever that is. Propaganda is a powerful tool - just look at what's happening in the world today!

@MicheleDickson-tt2ug - 01.11.2023 14:44


@koivunen2489 - 30.10.2023 21:59

I totally get the fascination with the "what if" scenarios!
While listening, my mind started wandering in that direction as well. Now, I don't find it likely that they'd survived, but you know. Thought exercises are fun.
"What if one of their guards smuggled them out?"
"What if whoever was tasked to murder them decided not to and hid them away somewhere?"

@DanielMatthews-ql3wf - 26.10.2023 08:29

The Woodville's wanted Richard dead and were trying to do everything they could think of to get rid of him. If he did kill the princes than it could be said that he did it in self defense.

@normajeanmorrissey4459 - 26.10.2023 00:33

We will never know who killed or how the princes died. We also will never know who Jack the Ripper or the Villesca axe murderer were. But saying we will never know will not keep us from trying to solve these mysteries. Also did Frank Morris and The Anglin brothers make it across the bay to freedom? I think they did🛶👨👨‍🦰🧑‍🦱

@samanthalong287 - 18.10.2023 02:41

I'm going to throw this out here. Technically, it's ALL the adults' faults that these kids were handled the way they were. No one attempted to make a truse in the factions. Everyone was out for their own personal gain or that of their families. No one tried to come together the way Edward's will had stated to help his son. Human nature being what it is, it's not suprising. But I think we can't just blame one individual.

@LaurieEMiller - 10.10.2023 18:26

I think the fact that Elizabeth Woodville could have handed over another child in place of Richard of Shrewsbury must have been great for messing with people's minds for decades afterwards. (It seems unlikely that none of those in the tower wouldn't have seen the real Richard of Shrewsbury recently enough to know if someone else had been substituted, but then there's a solid argument that they would have chosen to not say anything given that his uncle Richard was slaughtering nobles so casually with no real pretext.) I do get a chuckle out of the idea of Margaret of Burgundy and Elizabeth Woodville and others deciding, after the two princes disappeared, to spend decades planting, "Or did they?" in people's minds in revenge. And Margaret raising up another legitimate or illegitimate York boy who looks very much like Edward IV...

@ErinGoBrau32 - 09.10.2023 02:28

So so sad. I like the content, but it's quite heartbreaking.

@williamberven-ph5ig - 06.10.2023 01:00

Can someone please explain to me why so many people keep looking for theories to exonerate Richard? I've watched a number of these documentaries. Every single true historian condems Richard as the the most likely culprit. We'll never know for sure of course but really, use your common sense.

@williamberven-ph5ig - 06.10.2023 00:29

They, (princes), were his wards. Richard gathers the boys together under lock and key. Richard eliminates the boys uncles and other supporters. Richard takes the throne. Boys disappear. Motive and opportunity. Really people, you don't need a CSI team to crack this case. Illegitimate or no they would be a threat as long as they lived. Margaret B.? Henry VII? Check the time line. Margaret didn't have the influence at that time and Henry was in France. We know how it all turned out but they couldn't. Elizabeth, who was there, trusted Margaret enough to plan a marriage between their daughter and son. I'm sorry but these conspiracy theorists and the deluded Richard III Society can spend their time contorting the facts to exonerate Richard but I'd rather they just resumed sending love letters to serial killers.

@davebento1548 - 29.09.2023 23:32

I think it is important to separate facts and speculation. The murder of the princes by their wicked uncle is great drama and propaganda but it is nevertheless speculation not fact. The facts are that the boys disappeared. There is no evidence they died as boys. There is no evidence that if they did die it was not as a result of natural causes. There is no evidence they were murdered, and if they were, no evidence R3 was involved. To speculate. R3 made an agreement with elizabeth woodville that she should allow richard to join edward and in return he would secretly return both boys to her and they were to be sent to her /jaquettas family in europe never to return or disclose their identity. R3 would allow henry tudor to return to england and not object to the marriage between henry and elizabeth of york. Richard would later say the boys had died of natural causes and elizabeth woodville would go along with the story. Richard may have explained that although he had said Edward 5 was not the legitimate king because E4 had been married before, in truth he was not the legitimate king because his father E4 was himself illegitimate and did not have the same father as richard. Elizabeth woodville would have known R3 could kill her sons as he had done before. She would have known the only path to E5 becoming king was the kind of civil war and bloodshed that had plagued the wars of the roses. Throw in a rich marriage for her daughter and its a deal she would do. Entire speculation - my point being there is as much evidence for my story as there is for the boys being murdered by their wicked uncle richard.

@Alexis84DE - 24.09.2023 10:38

Great content! And a HUGE thank you for the links and recommendations to further literature and media in the description! Great follow up suggestions and the comments about accuracy are very helpful an much appreciated.

@rosameryrojas-delcerro1059 - 23.09.2023 09:21

Regardless of whether or not Richard the 3rd ordered thier deaths (I believe he did) nothing will make me believe that he was unaware of what happened to the boys.

@rosameryrojas-delcerro1059 - 23.09.2023 09:10

Whether or not the royal family will consent will not be infinite. Royal families are being replaced the world over, for millennia, no doubt England's will fall eventually as well....

@ellen4956 - 23.09.2023 02:51

I read that in the 20th century there were two skeletons found in a space behind a wall, when remodeling was being done in the tower. I read it decades ago (pre-computer). There is an article about a woman and child buried under the tower's chapel with the line, "first full skeletons to be discovered since the 1970s". Yet I can't find any reference to the full skeleton(s) discovered in the tower during the 1970s anywhere online. I had presumed the skeletal remains behind a wall were those of the two Princes.

@jaelyncompton6227 - 21.09.2023 00:33

🌸Jaecy from CA : I Seriously need a Wall Chart to keep track of the Royal Line 😳😂🤔 Can you refer me as to where to get one ? 🥳

@jaelyncompton6227 - 21.09.2023 00:31

🌸Jaecy from CA here… 💗Ur Vids 😘 Have the identified tombs or caskets of the two (externally identified on the tombs as the) children of DNA Identified King Edward IV and his wife Elizabeth Woodville… maybe the Priest put the sister’s body in w/ the younger brother’s body and put the two “Missing” sons (heirs to his thrown) in the tomb or casket identified as being that of their sister. This way… the family could all be at Peace and the Priest went to his grave w/ the Secret Kindness he had done for the Royal Family 🤔 However, if the tombs/ caskets HAVE Been opened and the remains examined… has DNA Testing been done ? If not… why not ???
If so, what’s the Evidence ???

@idaornstein1305 - 20.09.2023 13:18

Henry Tudor spirited them away out of England and probably knocked them off. Richard I believe had no hand in their supposed demise.

@CookiieSugar - 19.09.2023 22:06

Fantastic documentary! I’ve always found this case so interesting.

@mechengr1731 - 19.09.2023 02:54

I wonder why the current monarchs never gave permission for the testing? Are they worried the rumors about Ceciliy and/or Elizabeth Woodville are true?

@robynsegg - 17.09.2023 08:25

NGL... I think Richard III had them killed, and eventually got his just desserts by being killed during at The Battle of Bosworth Field 2 years later... and then having further punishment added to having his bones lost to time for approximately 500 years... until to be found in a parking lot. Yes, he got the eventual burial of a king, but he had to suffer for what he did... all of that intrigue set against the boys to take a crown that truly did not belong to him and then smiting helpless children just to keep his Crown of Blood. Well Not So Pretty Ricky, you got the burial you wanted with all the pomp and circumstance that went with it to boot... 500 years later. I hope it was worth it. 😒

@klindseyoneillstudio4016 - 15.09.2023 21:46

Personally, I think the boys were killed on the orders of their Uncle, Richard III. He had the means and the motive to do the deed. He benefited the most from their deaths. I also think it is highly likely that the bones discovered under the stairs in The Tower are theirs. Poor little mites! Such an end for 2 innocent children just because of who they were! Very sad indeed.

@davidloane5467 - 14.09.2023 05:46

It took me a while to read the Easter egg as it was upside down on my tv. I appreciate that you still use a fountain pen and your handwriting is very legible, considering mine is atrocious

@terricovert8901 - 13.09.2023 12:25

May I ask a question is that a generic picture or is that an actual picture of the two boys ?

@valaryward31 - 11.09.2023 02:03

Richard and Edward were not murdered. I am the direct descendant of John and Richard without a shadow of doubt. Lies told in our history. They were not murdered. That was said for identity fraud.

@christynorman7288 - 11.09.2023 00:24

Why was the queen so obdurate that she would NOT allow a thorough investigation. Probably because she knows they are cuckoos in the nest, usurpers, as the Houae of Saxe Coberg Gotha (Battenbergs) she tried to anglicise the line - still even Charles dna is predominantly German.

They brought in Katherine Worsley, Diana Spencer, Catherine Middleton to anglicised the heavy jowelled, stolid, short, portly German line. The females they brought in were tall, slender, attractive and with more intelligence even emotional intelligence than the Battenbergs had & now changed to Mountbatten-Windsor. As the anti german feeling was high at the time.

So Williams children will tip the scales to rhe British bloodline & dna.

Peace ☮️ out
SW England 🇬🇧

@Uraniabce - 10.09.2023 08:21


@misslarissa6046 - 09.09.2023 09:07

YOU deserve a gold star for presenting such a thorough examination! I love that you mention the un-glamorous yet telling evidence of the mundane laundry and foodstuffs. Would there be any way to examine the ledgers of the tower during a time when the boys were known to be alive and in residence, and compare over time to see if there is a noticeable change?

@ac6020 - 09.09.2023 02:30

Excellent video!!!! And very morbid sooo many child skeletons hidden 😮

@Missjulie1975 - 09.09.2023 00:38

I think Richard had them smothered!

@susanmorgan8833 - 08.09.2023 23:17

If several child skeletons have been found in the tower, it would be of interest to know when they were discovered and where, as well as what was the most likely explanation for each find. There are various mysteries in past history what fascinate us, and this is certainly one of them.

@hazelgillett7168 - 07.09.2023 23:58

I believe they were killed on the instructions of Richard 111, probably by Tyrell & an accomplice, by smothering.
May they RIP.

@GT19525 - 07.09.2023 00:57

I think it was most likely Richard that had them killed. Even though he had them delegitimized they were still a threat. He saw what his brother went through with Henry VI. They could be a source of rebellion as long as they were alive. Even if he didn’t have them killed, it’s still his fault since he was supposed to put Edward in the throne and protect him through his minority. Instead, he usurped the throne and put them in the tower. Even if they were murder by others the ultimate blame lays with him because he didn’t protect them. He also benefited the most from their deaths. Henry Tudor’s claim was a long shot.

@FairnessFobe - 06.09.2023 07:58

I stayed to the end because I have long been interested in the subject. That here has long been scandal about the boys' disappearance, which can only make one believe their death was due to murder. & covered up.
