Why was Kazakhstan the last to leave the USSR? (Short Animated Documentary)

Why was Kazakhstan the last to leave the USSR? (Short Animated Documentary)

History Matters

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W Bin
W Bin - 26.09.2023 09:02

USSR debts were DIVIDED between the ex soviet states by a treaty. BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT "INHERITABLE". They had to agree to pay them before banks would deal with them.
11/15 ex Soviet states "supported" Russia "succession" to USSR UN membership. PROBLEMS:
1. When a member goes out of existence so does it's memberships. They don't survive in hyperspace.
2. The UN Charter does not allow transfer of memberships.
3. USSR was a completely different entity from Russia. It was a union of 15 states including Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.
4. The USSR didn't even TRY to pass on it's memberships = because it was not possible.
5. If you have 15 siblings, and 11 of you agree you can use your dead mothers vote, if you use it YOU WILL GO TO JAIL FOR VOTER FRAUD.

Ahmad Ajlony
Ahmad Ajlony - 20.09.2023 18:54

Transnistria: hello Kazakhstan? russia?

not dog
not dog - 18.09.2023 18:07

there is a space invader in this video, on the belarus flag at the start

Richard Garcia
Richard Garcia - 08.09.2023 09:49

I believe that in the Soviet Socialist Republic of Kazakh, being the last remains of the USSR, the supporters of the USSR regretting the collapse of USSR wanted Kazakhstan to be USSR's closest 'predecessor' of USSR. And perhaps the supporters from the other fallen SSRs ended up in Kazakh until the very last day of the USSR. And I believe that that is the reason why Kazakhstan ended up being the only Communist. Then of course- later, Putin fu**ed up Russia's constitution, making it more socialistic than ever to this day. Hopefully Putin losing his war in Ukraine will result in the collapse of Russia. Hopefully every Federal Subject will become its own Country. Except hopefully at least the easternmost Federal Subject joins the U.S. Then the U.S. would control the Bering Strait completely. And the U.S. would have at least 1 State in Asia for people to live in. Too bad the U.S. didn't offer to purchase more land from Russia at or after the Alaska Purchase. Land in Asia. Even at triple the cost per square mile, the U.S. would have been able to afford another land area the size of Alaska. And certainly Russia would have accepted such a greater money offer. But I'm glad Lichenstein didn't accept Russia's offer of Russian America. But at least Russia isn't still in North America. Nor is America accessible to Russia by land. But I'm also glad...very glad that the U.S. purchased another such large amount of land from another Country or Empire or anything. But I'm also very glad that the Russian and Soviet Empires collapsed. But even so, I wish Russia were smaller. That's why I want it to collapse. But then again, another Russian collapse is always fortunate, as far as I'm concerned. Well, except for if Russia still had it's great constitution from 1992.

Draging - 07.09.2023 19:22

Imagine if Kazachstan was line nope, didn't declare independence and was now on security council instead of Russia

Bob Vidö
Bob Vidö - 07.09.2023 17:55

Was it not president Borat who wanted a free country!?

Luke Marshall
Luke Marshall - 20.08.2023 15:24

I used to know a Kazakh student who told me there were very few men of a certain age in Kazakhstan because Stalin put them in the front line in WW2. This student also refused to teach me any Russian, though he knew the language, but was willing to teach me Kazakh. The Russian-Kazakh friendship seemed absent.

Kilud - 06.08.2023 12:25

Kazakhstan was definitely Stalin´s biggest mistake. Even worse than taking Polish Galicia and giving it to Ukrainian SSR (if it didn´t happen, there would be no coup and no war between Russia and Ukraine). This extra-large land with less inhabitants than Czechoslovakia (at least back in the 80s - we had 15 millions, and Kazakh SSR 14 millions) was originally just autonomous republic within RSFSR. But in 1936 Stalin changed it to regular Soviet republic. And thanks to him (and Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and West) Russia lost it. And before anyone attacks me, I don´t give a damn if southern half of Kazakhstan or even Astana is independent or not. But todays North Kazakhstan oblast with Russian majority and Transsib´s southern line (the main and the first electrified in Soviet era)? It should have stayed a part of Russia. Period.

christopher - 06.08.2023 00:38


Only Jesus Christ blood can cleanse us of are sins come to Jesus Christ today

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Come to Jesus Christ today

Jesus Christ is only way to heaven
Repent and follow him today seek his heart Jesus Christ can fill the emptiness he can fill the void.

The Holy Spirit can lead you guide and confort you through it all

Heaven and hell is real cone to the loving savior today
Today is the day of salvation tomorrow might be to late come to the loving savior today

John 3:16-21

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Mark 1.15
15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Hebrews 11:6
6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Romulus Augustus
Romulus Augustus - 04.08.2023 08:15

At one point during this a map would have shown a united Germany, Russia, and the Soviet Union all at the same time. Interesting thought

Piece of Schmidt Gamer
Piece of Schmidt Gamer - 19.07.2023 04:54

I do hope Kazakhstan remembered to lock the door behind themselves as they left...

It'd be rude otherwise.

Nik65stgt - 18.07.2023 16:32

Very interesting! 👍

J.L. Avey
J.L. Avey - 08.07.2023 02:14

If all of the member states of the USSR left it before disbanding it, how could they legally disband it? None of them were members, so by right they should have no say in the vote.

Galador - 29.06.2023 05:59

Wait... does that mean Kazhakstan could have inherited the permanent UN security council seat?

Jibanjan - 26.05.2023 20:51

How mich anti-communist propaganda can you put in one video?
History Matters: Yes

Bob Bob
Bob Bob - 26.05.2023 02:50

Video Idea: "With Russia be coming it's official successor state."

Why? The Nukes? The largest population? The Kremlin?

Ahmed El Sayed
Ahmed El Sayed - 25.05.2023 21:47

No use any more

PKMNNeoUmbreon2008 - 18.05.2023 16:39


Aiden Teszke
Aiden Teszke - 15.05.2023 14:15

kazakhstan uberzait nam bambordeloke

Garmen Lin
Garmen Lin - 08.05.2023 05:54

"Independent Russia" is something i thought i would never hear from history

zhivko2022 - 07.05.2023 21:59

imagine if kazakhstan never left ussr that would be a interesting scenario

Gamer Of Games
Gamer Of Games - 06.05.2023 16:54

So now we know that there was time when both russia and the USSR existed at the same time

L.A. - 04.05.2023 01:30

Nazarbayev 😄 Borat: Very Nice!

GV2 - 02.05.2023 05:08

Bro everything Borat told me was a lie?!?!?

Soviet Union
Soviet Union - 18.04.2023 04:05

I do wish the Soviet Union could have just stayed but a change of ideology so the Cold war could have ended or just the decided to stop the Cold war all together me I'm voting for stopping the Cold war altogether

RedXlV - 14.04.2023 04:01

Yet another reason why there was no valid legal basis for Russia to be recognized as the USSR's successor state. This should've been treated the same way as Serbia's demand to be considered Yugoslavia's successor state: with a simple "no, fuck off".

Reducing global temperatures is easier than ever.
Reducing global temperatures is easier than ever. - 12.04.2023 07:12

So Boris Yeltsin willing to ban Communism in the Russian Republic, even sacrificing Kazakhstan in the process, proved that he had no regrets with the collapse of the Soviet Union. But what still seems unexplainable is- if Kazakhstan wanted to keep Communism, why did they end if after Russia separated. Since Kazakhstan later ended Communism, they could have ended it when Russia wanted to end it. Russia and Kazakhstan would probably have remained united to this day. The only idea I can think of why Kazakhstan was apparently so contradictory in whether or not to keep Communism, was the advantage of separation and full independence. And since Kazakhstan was a member of an Empire (Soviet Empire as the Soviet Union or USSR was also known as), I wouldn't be surprised if that were true. Freedom from an Empire would be such a relief, the more independence, the better. Even from a fellow member, such as Russia. It would be fully motivating to make it so that nobody is in more control of Kazakhstan than Kazakhstan. After being ruled by an Empire, I can totally comprehend no more room for patients of there being any authority above Kazakhstan.

noobgamerreal234 - 05.04.2023 00:07

kazakhstan, greatest country in the world, all other countries are run by little girls. Kazakhstan #1 exporter of potassium, all other countries have inferior potassium.

jimmy sawyer
jimmy sawyer - 24.03.2023 01:35

Meh lol!

Eli Sorrells
Eli Sorrells - 19.03.2023 11:49

They should of kept the name, the massive headache for international diplomats to change all the documents so that all these treaties are with Russia not the USSR(Kazakhstan) would be worth it alone

Silver Star
Silver Star - 15.03.2023 10:52

The way this works makes it sound like anyone would joined or leave the USSR.

Wendigo63 !
Wendigo63 ! - 25.02.2023 04:21

Kazakhstan gave up its seat on the UN security council!?

HansLemurson - 04.02.2023 23:03

Transnistria never left!

Raynold - 04.02.2023 12:04


DementiaGamingMC - 25.01.2023 02:21

I bet none of you knew that Gorbachev died only 5 months ago

Sam Barker
Sam Barker - 09.01.2023 00:26

Does that mean Gorbachev was technically leader of Kazakstan for 4 days, despite not leaving Moscow?

Shadow_Drip - 05.01.2023 03:28

How you gonna secede from basically yourself?

Like you're taking all of the territory too 😭

heris runs
heris runs - 31.12.2022 06:59

so then why didn't kazakhstan get the ussr's seat on the security council?

Markus Skram
Markus Skram - 30.12.2022 12:38


Games&Shorts - 29.12.2022 02:49

You are now the party owner

Patryk Marek
Patryk Marek - 20.12.2022 01:20

Glad someone else spotted the CIS bit 😂

Ben Quoyeser
Ben Quoyeser - 08.12.2022 01:30

I wonder what would happen if Azerbaijan Mongolia Inner Mongolia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan and Xinjiang is one country with a common language.

Turkic Peoples are the highest ethnic group.

The name is Caspian and so is the language.

The German minority would be the second highest ethnic group in Central Asia Xinjiang and Azerbaijan.

The German minority would speak Caspian German, ethnic German dialects or a minority of Russia.

The Caspian Germans are Protestant Lutheran majority.

Catholics, Orthodoxy, Jews, Atheist Agnostic or Irreligious are the minority.

Many Caspian Germans have Turkic facial features.

Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians are the third highest ethnic group in Caspian.

Paul Sidaway
Paul Sidaway - 25.11.2022 02:34

My wife is Russian and born in Semipalatinsk. A very beautiful country

Сабит - 23.11.2022 21:05

Қазақсың ба қазақша сөйле

FrizzyX - 23.11.2022 11:35

Thank you for making a video on my country
