How FFXIV's Richest Players ACTUALLY Make Gil

How FFXIV's Richest Players ACTUALLY Make Gil


1 год назад

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Jolsn - 30.09.2022 18:51

Sorry if I just ruined your market-niche ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

IndustrialFaith - 18.11.2023 23:44

Excellent video. o7

Geekreg - 16.11.2023 17:55

The easiest but slowest way to make gils is the submarines.

Ken M.
Ken M. - 15.11.2023 10:27

I remember when someone was flipping stuff on the market in SWTOR and got banned for "exploiting"

Snakethzero - 14.11.2023 23:57

Sir can I be your peon for 100k Gil a day? I'll let you beat me for entertainment

mistformsquirrel - 14.11.2023 00:11

Heh, maybe if I can sell enough furniture I can finally afford a house <T_T> (Seriously, great video, I might well try this!)

Nantorias - 13.11.2023 19:12

Made most of my gil during moogle events. I don't know how or why, but I once scammed someone out of 200k for 10 prisms you can easily get. Sometimes you just need idiots to get rich. (Granted 200k is chump change, but the point still stands)

CogniVision - 12.11.2023 22:04

How the richest players ACTUALLY make gil.

Viera + Balmung.

Mr Freeman
Mr Freeman - 12.11.2023 17:52

I learned from FFXI to do a gathering job that feeds your crafting job, that will keep costs to a minimum. You have to watch what is going on in the markets, a good thing won't last forever, someone always comes and ruins it by selling something far too cheap and breaks the economy for that thing.

The convenience is a great point, some people are in the middle of something and they would really like to finish it up now than put it off and forget about it or get flustered trying to do it themselves, so they just buy off the market board.

Don't get greedy and don't undersell by an extreme amount. This is how people who would buy that thing get turned off of buying it from the board for too high price and people who undercut will ruin it for everyone selling, which will crash the economy for that item. If it's too expensive, people stop buying. If it's too low price, people stop supplying. I've seen it happen in real time.

Don't guess what you will charge, look at the price it's going for and the price history. Keep an eye on the markets for things you make, see what has no supply, make some high quality ones and put them up for a reasonable price and see what happens.

I mine and make armor, I can also materia meld. So what I do is make high quality stuff and go out of my way to meld the best materia that item can hold with a relevant materia for that item, this will make your item stand out, as many people probably don't know how to meld materia, I rarely see items on the boards with materia already in them.

Nihonguy - 12.11.2023 09:09

Something that shocked me with this game is that items from certain content like the criterian dungeons or bozja sells instantly and for insane prices, like the amount of gil people are willing to spend just so they dont have to do the content themselves is insane and it works for me cause i enjoy the content for itself and have little to do with the extra currency and stuff i get.

Seven - 11.11.2023 21:13

Ive made a ton from patch days with gear, always waaay more than what I put into it. But I totally agree with you, you have to basically have no job and spend all of your first few days just doing that. If you dedicate your time you can make a lot. I also suggest if you go that route get a friend to go in with you and be the gatherer, that way you craft and undercut while someone gets you the mats you need. (Even with paying my friend for gathering for me, I still have made millions from patch days)

JayAble - 10.11.2023 13:46

Honestly, the only thing I stockpile materia for is the weekly turn in for Doma, otherwise I vendor trash any that I'm not actively saving for personal use. As for crafting/crafters, I've found they only really 'make you money' in the sense of how much you save just making w/e item yourself.

Glenningway - 07.11.2023 06:56

I'd look for furnishings that haven't been stocked in a while, farm the mats and sell around 5-10.
Log in next morning, undercutters sniffed me out and I make no money. Same for orch rolls, you farm the tattered roll and craft the real thing, sell... get undercut the next morning despite having no rolls for months.

Crit Tomato
Crit Tomato - 01.11.2023 08:30

After gridning resources to have crafting spree, I'll sell everything and usually much less than basicially 1 gil per piece, so usually over night my 20/20 retainer is around 8/20 if the stuff ive put on has been useful :D

And sometimes as a fisher, I google what fish does what and check if its a quest item or delivery and keep selling those if I have been fishing lately :D

FruitTella 94
FruitTella 94 - 30.10.2023 12:42

furniture yikes

Silly Trash
Silly Trash - 30.10.2023 07:08

SB was the time to cash in, 5am shift all day and I work for a high end raiding FC, the expansion was so nice, made about 500mil and most of it came from day 1 activities for FC, I sure do miss selling sets for 30-40 mil

GothicMonkey - 27.10.2023 23:28

yo i was trying to tell my friends this but they just got mad at losing money on crafted gear for the latest raids

and there i was finding neat furniture that took me less than 5 minutes to make a bunch of and sold them in a day.

If you wanna see what items people use, go looking at venues and see whats commonly used, or just look at sales historys of interesting items and that's where you'll find a market.

Hell some easy to craft clothes for glamour can sell well too. Find those RP friendly clothes and you'll make some easy gil

Steven Cano
Steven Cano - 27.10.2023 19:02

I just sold pets and thats it.

Zasurein - 22.10.2023 22:10

For people looking at these gil making videos, theres only two real answers. Crafting gear, housing items and glamour on patch launches. And secondly, exploiting solo submarines with shell FCs.

SierraAngel - 19.10.2023 02:18

There are a LOT more things you can sell for little afford then this. As mentioned in this vid, these are little things, most ppl do not bother to get themselves. If you - for w/e ever reason - need 900mil gil, you need to invest time, to research it.
The thing is: You don't really need that much of gil. If you have the urge to flex... sure... but ultimately.... forget getting these amounts of gil, cause you do not really need them.

Bon - 16.10.2023 21:20

I make my gil dealing in consumables, but they are consumables most people have NO IDEA even exist, let alone are used regularly.

Crystal C
Crystal C - 16.10.2023 18:08

When I was a sprout, I got so hosed by people buying vendor items and selling on the mb. Many items that were so cheap from a housing vendor on the mb for thousands more! Not cool...

AngryDigitalNerd - 15.10.2023 04:45

I know how to make plenty of gil but here's the problem: There's always that one idiot that cuts the competition price up to 90% and f*cks up the economy of these items because they have no clue how to properly see the worth of these items.

Dain Baptist
Dain Baptist - 10.10.2023 09:42

I played 300 hours without spending much more than 200K in total in the end being level 72 or something with 1.5M Gil. I didn't even really go all that hard at the game but you almost don't need Gil at all unless you wanna buy mats like crazy. I find this game is easy to make Gil and it's useless in the end cause all the houses are bought

Dee Dee
Dee Dee - 09.10.2023 23:11

erp and gpose is honestly how I make my gil not going to deny it lol

Iwer Sonsch
Iwer Sonsch - 08.10.2023 13:29

meanwhile i'm sitting at my trial gil cap at lv.44 and not knowing what to spend it on

Ranger Smith
Ranger Smith - 06.10.2023 16:31

Unless you're hooked on decorating a house, there's no tremendous need for lots of gil in FF14.

Code238 - 06.10.2023 05:19

They(we) buy and sell houses, flipping for profit. Billions a month with little effort.

Qty - 27.09.2023 22:22

I’m so thankful i have rich friends in game they give me allowance of 1 mil right what i started the game🤧

Plikky Dee
Plikky Dee - 27.09.2023 13:05

And here's me slaving away making Jute rugs like a chump.

Jules2192 - 27.09.2023 12:18

u can buy gil, thas how, or if u want to get kinda amount of money u need to craft like 24/7, so u cant focus on other stuff ingame when u want to make many Gil. Like i am crafting since Shadowbringers and im like at 300.000.000, could be higher but deffinitly not like 1.000k. because theres other content to do and sadly i have a RL Job.
and u still have to farm this shit. best way to make gil over time is consumables
its not about ruining a niche... its about undercutting everyone so u can sell ur stuff fast. and dont flood the market, just sell 5 items at once, not 20... if 100 ppl would do this there r so many items and it would drop much over time. and now since the data center travel its even worse

Truth FACTS - 24.09.2023 23:17

I'm ay 722k best I can do and this guy is right. Furniture and dungeon crawls are the fastest way.

Lydibell92 - 24.09.2023 12:09

I just sell the stuff I get from maps, bozja and whatever my retainers bring me

Nexusvapor - 22.09.2023 14:05

here's another tip: if you are more pve focused, do the content that most people are not interested in doing. The recent criterion mount for example, sold for 70-100mill week 1, and there are plenty of other ways if you are willing to look into it.

Cece Rafferty
Cece Rafferty - 19.09.2023 21:51

A friend of mine makes some gil selling furniture - paintings, specifically, that dont even need to be crafted. It's just a pain in the butt to unlock the vendor!

Patrick Arraes
Patrick Arraes - 18.09.2023 12:59

This is what the gaming industry was doing for year selling convience and cosmetics. Players are learning to exploit there own hahaha

No You
No You - 16.09.2023 07:05

I basically yoinked a bunch of small market niches for GC turn-ins on my World, just a few items here and there that sell off in varying levels of consistency from people just wanting to level crafters with less effort. Passively selling dyes has earned me a decent chunk of gil, can go doubly hard on weekends for fashion reports for the couple Kaiyoko recommends. I don't make crazy gil and haven't hit 7 digits yet but it's all about simple stuff that can be put up and forgotten until it sells for me.

ViewtifulSlayer - 15.09.2023 21:00

Yeah, most of my millions of gil came from selling ingredients I'd hoarded during Heavensward when Shirogane dropped in Stormblood. I've tried to replicate that every so often, but I'll probably never hit the window for that intense of a market again.

Lewys 920
Lewys 920 - 15.09.2023 20:31

Easier tip - google ffxiv marketplace checker

Compare prices and server hop - lets say your on light twintannia.. the iten you need is 180.000 cheaper in raiden. So warp to the raiden server and buy it there. The whole ordeal will take you a maximum of 3 mins between searching.. running to teleport.. teleporting.. running to marketboard and back..

This will apply for wverything anything on ffxiv marketboards. Find something thats popular, cheap on 1x server and pricey on yours. Youll go from 5.000 gil iver time withiut effort to the millions quite easy. By week 2 you should be making 700.000-1.5m a week.

Xurkon - 10.09.2023 07:31

Literally THE best way to make gil is to buy low on other servers and sell high on the one with the highest market, least effort with most profit potential.

Rusty Blader
Rusty Blader - 07.09.2023 23:00

If there is any convivence items i been guilty of buying its sub level 50 gear to turn in for GC dailies cuz im that bad lol

xffing - 07.09.2023 00:16

If you think people made 997k gil without buying it for RMT you're insane. It's probably like 100 quid for all of that.

marsmarsza - 06.09.2023 19:02

I bot and sell items at modest values. You craft and sell items at outrageous prices.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

octapusxft - 04.09.2023 08:23

I am at the point where I have not leveled a single profession class yet...

Azazel 204
Azazel 204 - 04.09.2023 07:08

1 word: submarines

Gwar-Deth - 03.09.2023 18:28

never buy gill from the gold sight you will eventually get banned pluss the sight has a trojan virous

jose garcia
jose garcia - 02.09.2023 14:13

money has no value in xiv

Soda Drunk
Soda Drunk - 01.09.2023 23:48

Its basically do the jobs most people dont wanna do, easy money

Jessica Meuleman
Jessica Meuleman - 31.08.2023 23:26

Thank you for telling people about this, hopefully it's also going to add more housing items to the market for us housing mains!
Tips of other items people tend to need a load of during housing; wall planter, white rectangular partition, used banquet table (ppl use it as floors), (eastern) indoor pond, waterfall partition (high lvl craft)

There's probs more out there!
