9 Warning Signs of Severe Depression

9 Warning Signs of Severe Depression


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@AF3NI - 29.01.2024 23:08

For me its like being paralyzed

@wulfhere83 - 29.01.2024 19:13

The only one I have never had, is suicidal thoughts. I want to live, I have no desire to take my own life, I want to live as long as possible. But I get all the others and it's hard.

@AnitaN844 - 29.01.2024 16:17

I suffer from severe depression , meds are helping but it is still hard. It is like being trapped by sadness you can not escape. Like all emotions are gone and you are left with sorrow only.

@suburbia8831 - 29.01.2024 12:14

I gona

@user-bs9ji3nm1x - 29.01.2024 09:27

This is good for a study in a college program.

@johanneabelsen1644 - 29.01.2024 07:33

Everything but the psychotic.😢 I HATE my life.

@robertklund3201 - 29.01.2024 07:04

Quick reality check- if something is absurd, it can't be real.

@Jkk55 - 29.01.2024 07:02

I spend more days sleeping 😢 no life at all it’s impossible to get to see a GP too.

@cacaKILLS - 29.01.2024 05:24

Yeah ok, all ive thought about and think about is when I'll finally die. Suicidal thoughts come in, but i like to at least clean up after myself so i would never do it only to have someone that has to clean me off a floor.
Im not going to discourage therapy or recommended anything. I can tell your from experience therapy did not help and in fact made things worse. The person i saw told me i was full of it and didnt beleive anything i said. This is just what i and im sure others live with every day and i dont think it's meant to get better for all of us. It is what it is, there's nothing to be a part of anymore. There's nothing else i want to do. Im just trying to be as good as a person as i can while i wait to die.

@calamityjane1581 - 29.01.2024 05:15

First time is if you're depressed go to the Dr and check your vitamin levels in your blood. I went for years in severe pain all over my body not sleeping and deeply depressed. For years!!!! Dr after Dr. Telling me it's all in my head and putting me on antidepressants which made it all worse. Finally I asked a Dr. to check my vitamin levels and I was very low on D vitamin and B12 finally doing great 👍🏼

@gabbygabsgirl387 - 29.01.2024 05:10

I can relate with some of these signs and honestly Idek if I have depression but I feel really sad everyday. In school I have friends but the same time I feel like I don't at all. In class nobody wants to sit with me or partner up with me and I feel so useless because of it. People think that I'm some sort of freak or monster and if I get to close to them they get a "disease" when really I'm just someone who is misunderstood and made fun of. I get fat shamed by rude and disgusting people so I don't eat break or lunch because I feel so drained and ugly. All of this stuff that happens to me takes a toll on my mental health and I just wanna be like everybody else because I wanna hang out with people and be treated nicely, I don't wanna be treated like a fucking outcast. One time I cried in school because I thought about self harming which i did before, i felt like i couldnt tell anybody about my emotions or my feelings because im afraid they wont understand. In p7 i thought about suicide and sometimes i still do when Im really upset, i don't want to feel like this at all. I'm sorry if I'm venting but I just wanna pour out all of my emotions because I don't wanna pretend like everything is okay, depression is not a joke and it needs to be explained more cause a lot of people are going through it and some commit suicide because of it! I feel like my only best friends are my parents, my sister, my pets and my online best friend. For people with or without depression, I love you and please stay strong, you are special and talented❤

@progressiveheart1234 - 29.01.2024 04:55

There are two types of suicidal ideation. Active SI, when you have a specific plan; or Passive SI, when you don’t care if you get hit by a bus, for instance.
I have dysthymia, which is mostly low level, but constant depression for years, sometimes decades. It’s like a roller coaster, where I never know what will trigger a severe bout of depression. I have an excellent therapist (thank goodness), who pushes me to work on my issues, not just complain about them, and has me on the correct dosage of an antidepressant. I’m lucky to have found him.

@kylemaki6510 - 29.01.2024 04:09

Life is never worth living, a pathetic exercise in futility.

@siggyretburns7523 - 29.01.2024 01:57

Adolescence stinks. I hated it. I hated girls, work, people, but I loved drugs. They helped me ignore what I couldnt understand.
Then one morning I woke up and you know youve had it when you wake up and the first thing that comes to mind is how bad you're going to feel the whole day. Not this time.
I had it. I was not going to let my existence be a drag anymore. And instead of thinking I need to get outta peoples way so they dont say or do something to make me sad, I'll get in their way and make them feel bad. Of course I found a middle ground. I did what I needed to do, if they didnt like it, take a number. The change was refreshing, but I also needed some explaining to do to my friends why the change. Naaa. Just kidding. I let them wonder wtf for a change. Theyll get used to it.
See, the problem I had was in my head all along. I wasnt getting the respect I thought I deserved. Well, since when does a guy thats always down deserve respect? You cant be stupid about it niether. So, how about you give me respect when you think I deserve it. If I think its fair, Ill respect your opinion. If I dont then go pound sand. But I'll say it with respect. 😁.
I didnt quit the dope, but slowed down considerably to the point where I noticed a significant change in my thinking, then made a challenge out of it to how far I could clear my mind of all the garbage. Girls were easier to approach, fear of not fitting in was no longer my problem. I figured out that sometimes people are just not going to accept you. But that doesnt mean its because of you. It could be his elevator doesnt go to the top floor. Or maybe Its something I'm doing better than him. Try subtly discussing it with him if its a no go you cant say you didnt try. But in the end, NMP (not my problem). But anyways, I got up eager for work, made more friends. It turns out that when you make an effort to better yourself at something, it tends to better off a bunch of other things about you too.
And I realized that some days are just gonna stink no matter what you do. Just deal with it the best you can because thats all you can do.
Dont ask me how this information suddenly popped in my head. I have no idea really. Its possible I subconsciously knew it all along but was so focused on having a bummer life, I just never thought about fixing it.

@KennyBloxin - 29.01.2024 00:32

I haven't even hit puberty, and I've already began to have intense suicidal thoughts. I just feel like no one cares about me, or that the world would actually be better without me. And when I do get sad, it is really intense. And then i can just go right back to being happy. One time, I even looked up 'Painless ways to commit suicide'.

@andybrondum478 - 29.01.2024 00:16

I have all of them. Just getting worse.

@Pets_over_people - 28.01.2024 22:40

Today's society is awful !

@theofficialzombiewhisperer2 - 28.01.2024 19:57

Catalyst, after the Alameda fire our rental home was sold to a fire victim leaving me homeless, all of my activities were taken away and I am left with hauling water and looking for places to pee, I have a hard to sleeping.

@andrewbrumagen3479 - 28.01.2024 19:34

I tried to kill myself twice but I didn't die. My mom found me bleeding and it destroyed her so, people don't try it okay? Your family and friends will help you out. I had a major stroke in '99 (alcohol overdose) then I had to rehab hospital (PT and OT) I was for three months. Fucked for life.
Oh my brother and dad died and I watched our cats die and it haunted the vision of each other and I cry. Definitely we are depressed and my wife is worse than I am.

@JJ4628 - 28.01.2024 19:11

Yeah, I'll take te whole menu as usual

@McRemmyBaby - 28.01.2024 17:37

Amazing i put the worst comments up n nobody cares, I’ve been abused my entire childhood all ways, moved a lot, then final group of friends was the worst, body shamed, & asked n told my worst nightmare then watched it, promise broken, spent the rest my life alone, going on 21yrs now

@thatracinggtbmx6453 - 28.01.2024 12:31

I know im disliked by everyone around im a burden i prove this all the time im outside just a huge burden

@rubywarner34 - 28.01.2024 12:04

You need money for therapy. They won't treat you for free. Getting help is not that easy. I know becuase I've been trying to get help from a professional for years.

@beeanbeean - 28.01.2024 10:28

I always thought depression was something I could get over, until I was diagnosed with MDD and realized depressive episodes will just be a part of my life. This fucking sucks, and YOU dear reader are not alone in this feeling of hopelessness. You may never get over it, but you will learn how to lessen each wave. I have.

@Moose297 - 28.01.2024 09:41

Bro I’m invisible asf I’m kinda ok rn 🤟😌

@el-low6663 - 28.01.2024 08:25

Only test I'll ever ace 💀

@CaponeCabin - 28.01.2024 06:37

After loosing my husband who passed a few months ago, i have all these symptoms and it will stay that way

@claudinesalazar6338 - 28.01.2024 06:00

Just got diagnosed with winter depression, and Thank my LORD GOD for getting help.. 🙏 Amen

@CalebCox-wd7tf - 28.01.2024 04:14

(It is a pretty lengthy and repetitive comment so if you don't want to read, that's fine. I don't expect anyone to read my comment.)

I may have been struggling with depression, more than a realized. I forgot that I am even depressed but after watching the video I have most if not all of the symptoms. I'm 15 years, 5 months old as of typing this comment (Jan 27 2024)

I feel so lucky and blessed. Having both parents alive and well and Christian, my father having a good and high paying job, having a good education, having fairly good grades overall, being some of the best in my whole grade. But I haven't felt good recently. I am usually shy and introverted and mellow, but now it's not what I have been when I was younger. I keep struggling with my thoughts especially in the last few months. I don't know what I even have as a purpose. My parents think I am smart and in some ways even above average, but I don't feel like it. I feel like I'm just useless to society, and I don't have any talent. I dropped out of things I liked, like playing the violin when I was 14 when I first have started playing at 9 years old, and at first I didn't think much of it. Violin wasn't even that unique since it's one of the most played instruments, and when you play a piece of music by yourself, it feels like it's hardly even a song unless you play with other people. I was in an orchestra as well, but I was the second violin which had a boring and empty part where it's just easy compared to others. I also had bad posture and everyone played and did better and differently from me. I felt like a complete waste of a person, and that someone else should of took my spot instead of me. There was also an elderly woman that criticized me of what I didn't do, which didn't affect me too much in the past, but I realized that it affected me more than I realized. I don't even know if I have talent anymore... I just feel like a waste of oxygen that is vulnerable and a walking with no purpose in life. I also started to lose my faith in Jesus around 8-9th grade, and I felt like I didn't need him. Now I just feel guilty because I rejected and betrayed an infinitely good God, and I think that I deserve hell for being so bad and ignorant. The church messages didn't help me much either, and all I took away was that I was deeply flawed and not even that, but that we are God's enemies that deserve hell, and also that we are the worst criminals that we can be. I started taking in only the bad parts about the bible and started ignoring the good news, fueling my depression even more. My adhd and autism made things even worse. I keep having sudden outbursts of anger and making threats even for things that were not a big deal and things that I could move on and build up from. I'm also more anti-social that usual and I am repulsed by talking to people, and I am also easily distracted and I can doze off, because I am bored and not interested, which was a huge problem in school. I am also indecisive and I start to panic because I don't know what to do. I only liked being in quiet places isolated from everyone else by myself. My flaws also made me feel like people hated me, and some people did bully me or at least dislike being around me and wanted to get away from me. I feel even today that everyone hates me, and that the nice people are just trying to be kind so people will think they are good people and that they would keep secrets from me and not make me upset. I keep thinking about these things even now. I don't know what the purpose of my life even is.
The Bible did help me but now I only think about the terrible things I did, and that all non followers would go to hell. It felt so hard for me to do a simple action, just accepting and living for God. It feels impossible for me to give up things that made me happy and to sacrifice some things just to not avoid hell. I can think of only dozens of things that are good about me and hundreds of things that are wrong and bad about me. I feel ashamed of what I done... and I don't want to even let people know about me true feelings because I'm afraid they'll either laugh and mock me, be mad and complain that there are so many good things I should be thankful of, ignore me, or just throw a bunch of bible verses and just telling me to give it all to God. They are right though, but I can't feel anything. I also feel that I should just not exist since I don't feel my purpose, but I'm afraid of going to rot in hell for eternity since I didn't live for God, or at least not recently. I want to be closer to God, but I can't feel it. I don't know who to reach out to either, I feel like they will try to help me but it won't, and that I'm too stubborn or annoying to be fixed. I don't know who to trust. I feel like my condition will just get worse from here...

@user-ed9jv2hx5b - 28.01.2024 03:32

I appreciate that the Disclaimer in the beginning of this but this is pretty accurate I mean I've suffered And continue to suffer Is from severe depression this is pretty accurate if you feel this way seek help it's OK to need it too it doesn't make you a less of a person

@staffy4389 - 28.01.2024 02:16

Yes yes and yes and yes yes yes and yes...i hate waking up...I hope i die every night...please God take me home, I'm tired

@MilikaCirkovic-yz5bc - 28.01.2024 00:11

10 signs you are toxic

@PhilipBaker-sf4yv - 27.01.2024 23:24

Dont go to Canada it will make you even more depressed

@nigelbenn4642 - 27.01.2024 22:54

8 of the 9, I don't think I'm depressed it's just life, it isn't much fun. Who isn't any of these? No one.

@ardien.535 - 27.01.2024 21:39

Severe depression going 30 years strong.

@Manjuchoudharybaird - 27.01.2024 21:37


@MicheleDickson-tt2ug - 27.01.2024 16:58


@johntuel2375 - 27.01.2024 16:44

What I hate the most is when your significant other shows a lot of these signs/symptoms, but if you try to help them, they just get angry at you and that's it. Listening to a loved one seems to be the most impossible thing for them to do. But listening to a stranger or some stupid internet quiz is always legit in their heads. Maybe it's part of the downward spiral of self destruction. I dunno.

@Verboten-xn4rx - 27.01.2024 14:37

Plus demons ect. It's an evil world.

@renoal7467 - 27.01.2024 12:22

I just knew I have all of them.

@Blando7887 - 27.01.2024 07:41

I feel its safe to say the vast majority of people have these feelings periodically throughout their lives. I certainly have at times.

@cucaracha151 - 26.01.2024 15:49

I have whatched soo many video's about depression I have to say this one in particular has described me to a T I feel of all the 10 "signs " you have described I am soo desperate to leave this world

@alobaidlimariam - 26.01.2024 14:56


@user-nb3tz4pn5d - 26.01.2024 14:40

Ive been severley depressed since highscool apprently

@mattdad8429 - 26.01.2024 07:19

If anybody needs me I'll be napping. Like if work calls looking for me, just tell them I'm just not feeling it today. Let's just all call in sick and take a nap today. Who's with me? Eh, I'm too indifferent to care. Anyway, neat video I guess.

@liverpudlian6205 - 26.01.2024 01:09

Depression kills

@Compuscience-Python-Prog-Exps - 26.01.2024 01:06

I'm prone to suicide, but I just tell myself. There is always something
better, and I'm so glad I made my choice. I have a fear of people and what
they do. So, I rather be totally alone and allusive. I have ONE friend. I don't
bother with my own family at all, hence always frightened of people.
Asperger's is very hard, but it does have its UPSIDES and I focus mainly
on my strengths, not my weaknesses so much.

@natashakhan5196 - 25.01.2024 15:30

I have all the signs except Hallucinations..

@Cat_herders - 25.01.2024 14:24

“All I have are negative thoughts…”
