Timotei Advert

Timotei Advert


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@Lb8068 - 11.01.2013 20:09


@rebeccabotticelli3109 - 11.02.2013 02:33


@RobinDude - 12.02.2013 17:08


@koriS1418 - 28.03.2013 17:36

Thumbs up if Konata lead u here

@RADIOACTIVEBUNY - 01.04.2013 05:36

It's not blue...

@rhainbowrhailien - 14.04.2013 12:52

Konata lead me here xD lol

@nesnalica - 15.04.2013 18:47

Now I can die in peace...

@jamesabrown8776 - 16.04.2013 06:04

(-.(-.(=ω=.).-).-) Konata's Mafia is Watching You

@devtmm - 24.04.2013 21:44

Konata is impressed by this

@slater2623 - 29.04.2013 06:46

vine aqui por que konata me lo ordeno

@devtmm - 08.05.2013 05:49

I wish i had timotei

@MooseCall - 15.05.2013 22:06

Apparently I'm the only person in the world who doesn't know what Konata is.

@nathman4 - 18.05.2013 00:07

a guy named timotei brought me here?

@mewgami - 20.05.2013 17:48

Lucky star brought me here

@RADIOACTIVEBUNY - 27.05.2013 03:44

She's a character from a popular anime about pretty much nothing called "Lucky Star". It's an oddly entertaining show despite the fact that I literally can't find a subject to say "This is what it's about."

@michaelruss449 - 29.05.2013 19:25

They should an advertisement of this with konatas timotei

@kairumon - 18.06.2013 18:51

Nani Sore? :3

@JavaLu - 05.07.2013 11:54

157 godamn LOLICONS were here

@kirashiino7 - 08.07.2013 06:46

Lucky star o/

@MusiicSucks - 10.08.2013 23:52

Kawai as fuck

@IJulzI - 22.08.2013 13:32

How does it relate to the scene from lucky star, besides the name of the shampoo?

@mistthesheepdog1 - 23.08.2013 22:44

We all know Konata saying "Timotei, timotei, Timoteiii!" Brought us here XD.

@mikuxlenlove - 05.09.2013 06:20

Like si estas aqui por Konata ._.

@mobiuzz - 05.11.2013 13:01

well this explains alot

@broletsplayminecraft - 27.11.2013 06:59


@devtmm - 10.12.2013 03:48

I know Konata all lead us here.

@nullnullnullvoid - 04.01.2014 11:50

the hell is with the 2 year comment gap

@vom3716 - 17.01.2014 09:50

everyones here cause of lucky star

@dr.samanthaodonoghue5915 - 03.06.2015 17:33

Lovely Commercial

@MurelaxFX - 20.02.2016 14:33

i am very late here...

@Sanicasaurus - 28.07.2016 17:17

How old are ya, kid?

@hamelyn06 - 25.04.2017 14:08

i wash my giraffe with Timoteh and he drinks piss

@xsphexy6018 - 25.01.2018 07:36

Timotei... Timotei TIMOTEIIIIIII!

@thehoneyeffect - 11.09.2018 14:57

This Aryan race brainwashing almost fucked me up as a kid

@chesterlockett4002 - 29.12.2019 23:35

Damn it konata you brought me here

@kuzuma. - 17.05.2020 17:53

teemohte, teemohte, teemohteeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaay

@RobeonMew - 05.09.2020 16:09


@alanjones7040 - 18.09.2021 17:19

Love that little bit of background music.. Very soothing to my little soul..

@paulhickie6974 - 20.01.2023 14:24

Thank you bottom for reminding me of this advert.

@lizzieannedavies65 - 01.04.2023 17:12

Sue Youngman

@carljaison1875 - 27.04.2023 15:02

Was here from Arseblog's blog about the Man City defeat 😂

@Layo81 - 27.04.2023 23:52

Ha... An article about Erling Haaland led me here.

@anglian173 - 05.07.2023 23:37

I remember this from my teenage years. It’s what being white was all about!

@ahmadaliyud9656 - 07.07.2023 01:06

Herbs and ingredients good for blonde hair:

1. Yarrow ( Achillea millefolium ) is an effective for tre
Herbs and ingredients good for blonde hair:

1. Yarrow ( Achillea millefolium ) is an effective for treating dandruff, itchiness, scalp irritation, scalp irritation and oily scalp. It has also been shown to help to show counteract hair loss. Regular use of this will lighten your hair.
1. Oat straw( Avena Sativa ) it has emollient qualities that promotes softness, body and shine. It contains nutrients that help aid in healthy scalp maintenance and hair growth. Oat straw tea brings out highlights in blonde hair. It adds body body and luster.
2. Mullein(Verbascum thapsus) rich in mucilage, has been used as a soothing emollient for inflammatory scalp conditions and dry hair and scalp. Mullein can be used as a floral rinse to add highlights. Good For: Blond highlights; Dry hair and scalp
3. Dandelion( Yaraxacum officinale ): Taraxacum officinale, a root rich in iron, helps treat dandruff and dry hair issues. Dandelion leaves are loaded with minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin A, that help balance sebum. Dandelion infusions have been used to add sheen and light highlights to hair. Good For: Body & Luster and Highlights
4. Wheat germ oil This oil is one of the most beneficial for blondes! The yellowish-ochre coloured oil contains high levels of Vitamin A, E, calcium, magnesium, copper and manganese, so it not only lightens, it feeds your hair nourishment, too! You should find your hair is a bit more golden, and more hydrated, too.
5. Onions (if you mix with a lot of lemon juice the onion smell goes away)
6. Lavender
7. Chamomile
1. Beer ating dandruff, itchiness, scalp irritation, scalp irritation and oily scalp. It has also been shown to help to show counteract hair loss. Regular use of this will lighten your hair.
8. Oat straw( Avena Sativa ) it has emollient qualities that promotes softness, body and shine. It contains nutrients that help aid in healthy scalp maintenance and hair growth. Oat straw tea brings out highlights in blonde hair. It adds body body and luster.
9. Mullein(Verbascum thapsus) rich in mucilage, has been used as a soothing emollient for inflammatory scalp conditions and dry hair and scalp. Mullein can be used as a floral rinse to add highlights. Good For: Blond highlights; Dry hair and scalp
10. Dandelion( Yaraxacum officinale ): Taraxacum officinale, a root rich in iron, helps treat dandruff and dry hair issues. Dandelion leaves are loaded with minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin A, that help balance sebum. Dandelion infusions have been used to add sheen and light highlights to hair. Good For: Body & Luster and Highlights
11. Wheat germ oil This oil is one of the most beneficial for blondes! The yellowish-ochre coloured oil contains high levels of Vitamin A, E, calcium, magnesium, copper and manganese, so it not only lightens, it feeds your hair nourishment, too! You should find your hair is a bit more golden, and more hydrated, too.
12. Onions (if you mix with a lot of lemon juice the onion smell goes away)
13. Lavender
14. Chamomile
15. Beer
1. Ginger
16. Violet
1. Marigold petals for shimmering highlights
17. Vanilla
1. Cassia, Cassia obovata, often called neutral henna, is not a henna at all. The ground leaves look like henna but contain a golden yellow dye molecule that adds color to very pale blond or gray hair. An excellent conditioner, it strengthens the hair shaft, enhances volume, adds shine and may help improve dandruff. Cassia is often mixed with true henna. Good For: Body & Luster; Blond highlights; Conditioner.
18. Elder Flowers, Sambucus nigra, are mildly astringent and help soothe a dry, irritated scalp. Hair-softening elderflower also helps dry damaged hair. Good For: Dry hair & Scalp; Scalp conditions*; Body & Luster.
19. Fenugreek, Trigonella foenum-graecum, or Methi, provides natural proteins for the nourishment and health of hair, stimulates blood flow to the root of the hair, and was used to combat hair loss. Used as a treatment for dandruff, thinning hair, and damaged hair, it is said to preserve hair's natural color and keep hair silky. Good For: Hair loss/thinning; Scalp conditions*
20. Lavender, Lavendula officinalis, has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic properties that help with hair loss, shedding and inflammatory scalp conditions. Its ability to balance oil production makes it a great hair care herb for all hair types. Good For: Dry hair & Scalp; Oily hair & Scalp; Scalp conditions*; Hair loss/thinning
21. Shikakai, Acacia concinna, is referred to as "fruit for the hair." It has a naturally mild pH, and it gently cleans hair and increases bounciness and silkiness of hair without stripping it of natural oils. As a natural hair conditioner, Shikakai is said to promote hair growth, strengthen hair roots and clear dandruff. Good For: Body & Luster and Hair loss/thinning.
22. Yucca Root: Yucca schidigera, an emollient that contains natural saponins, a natural cleansing, and foaming agent, making it an ideal ingredient in shampoo and other hair care products. It soothes and nourishes the scalp. Navajos swear by yucca root to prevent hair loss and to cure dandruff. Good For: Hair loss/thinning; Dry hair & Scalp; Scalp conditions: inflammation, dandruff, irritated or sensitive skin, itchiness, dermatitis.

By the way other Colors can use all of the mentioned. The reason I mentioned one’s mostly good for blonde hair because it is less easier to get and maintain blonde hair that both long really thick voluminous and very blonde and shiny and ethereal looking (80s barbie doll like/ladylovelylocks like blonde hair)all in one although it is possible.

Extra tips:
1. wash blonde hair three times a week but with a shampoo and conditioner that is for lightening your hair colour. But oil your scalp and do hair mask or treatment on your scalp and hair before washing. When you finish washing your hair rinse a bit with cold water (if you can handle cold water) as much as you can handle.
2. Use a wooden comb and brush for your hair.
3. Invest in an LED laser hair therapy comb.
4. Use a hair supplement I recommend hairtamin or kerotin.
5. Use a shower filter when washing hair.
6. On days when you are not washing your hair I advise you to cover your hair with a shower cap.
7. Use silk pillowcases
8. The ingredients I mentioned earlier if there is a way you can formulate them into shampoo, conditioner and hair mask (this is what I recommend the most )it would be terrific for you to get longer blonder shinier silkier healthier glossier brighter fairytale blonde hair.
8. Wear protective hairstyle (especially when sleeping) such as braids instead of tight hairstyles that cause hair loss.

@FaceCreeper - 23.10.2023 09:57


@jopera7798 - 28.08.2024 02:28

Not only does konata reference this, but the timotei shampoo is finnish so it's also a finland reference.

@xiuaongnie1670 - 01.01.2025 21:25


@iloveseafood303 - 03.02.2025 14:27

Timotei~ timotei~ TIMOTEII!!:3
