Let's Talk Astrology Business: Imposter Syndrome

Let's Talk Astrology Business: Imposter Syndrome


2 недели назад

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@clairebeaman2024 - 17.05.2024 14:44

Thank you so much! Imposter syndrome is my No.1 enemy right now, I am going to listen to this again after taking a few of your suggested action steps

@galochan8100 - 18.05.2024 02:13

I’m doing a quick initial skim through the chapters of this valuable presentation and I can already say the information, insights and guidance provided is worth more than the time I spent taking part in AFAN’s mentorship program over a course of many months. Imposter syndrome was the primary topic I needed guidance on, but my mentor had little to no insight on the challenges at all. Success and recognition within the astrological community appear to come to him effortlessly. I ended up opting out of AFAN’s mentorship program as a result of not receiving the guidance I was looking for. As far as it’s connected to my birth chart, I can now see this is partly rooted to the majority of my personal planets in detriment or fall, including the Sun, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter (with Saturn in Leo in the 3rd house ruling my MC in a night chart), each of which rule the 7th to 11th external/public houses. I feel as though it’s not meant to be, at least in the outwardly public sphere of professional exposure, but I have to keep listening and acting on the nudges since this is what many people keep coming to me for. Again, thank you so much for this! It’s the nudge I need right now! 🙏 💫

@herkimerblue3772 - 18.05.2024 21:54

Some great advice and tips here, thank you very much:)

@autumnleal121 - 20.05.2024 15:10

Kepler is such a great school. Thanks for this very helpful webinar.

@enlightenupfrances4910 - 26.05.2024 05:01

Thank you both so much. 🙏 This is so incredibly valuable.

@melissacalderon8728 - 26.05.2024 22:55

This is something I really have an issue with and I didn’t have a name for it. I doubt my abilities too much even though I am skilled over 25 years of self study I have dipped in a few times and dipped back out because I was like maybe I’m not good enough. I am going to take your advice and apply it and see what happens. I’ll report back.
