【Una AI Maker 課程】一分鐘影片介紹

【Una AI Maker 課程】一分鐘影片介紹

Una Platform (una.study)

55 лет назад

74,889 Просмотров

【 Una課程|立即報名免費 Una AI Maker 試堂,盡享暑假早鳥9折優惠🛍 】

Una 現正推出由香港大學博士級導師創立嘅1對1網上AI Maker課程,只需10個鐘,就可以學識人工智能啦!👩🏻‍🏫 課程適合八歲或以上嘅同學,透過Una平台由淺入深咁用積木編程學 AI。💯 學生會運用到唔同嘅識別技術,再用機器學習訓練自己嘅AI模型。🤖 完成課程後,同學仔就會識整解決到生活疑難嘅AI程式裝置。💡

讀完 Una AI Maker 課程,同學仔仲可以繼續涵接報讀Microsoft AI-900 證書課程,再考取國際認可嘅AI 證書📜,合格率高達98%! 如果喺中意挑戰嘅小朋友🥊,就可以額外報讀 AI 60 比賽培訓課程,備戰各種創新科技比賽!

立即去我地嘅網站 www.una.study,報讀免費 Una AI Maker 試堂啦!🎁 係2022年3月7日前成功報讀,仲可享9折早鳥優惠😱 千萬唔好錯過咁超值嘅學習體驗喇~
As an accredited Microsoft Global Training Partner, Una Platform (MagiCube) is an industry-leading service provider of Artificial Intelligence (AI) related training to children aged 8+, school teachers, and interested adult learners around the globe with the aim to offer better tech-learning opportunities for the public and strengthen their 21st-century digital skills.

Una’s AI courses contain two teaching models, (1) one-on-one online tutoring and (2) collaboration with schools in which teaching will be conducted by either Una-trained tutors or school teachers at the option of the partnering school. Una offers a series of hands-on training courses based on Microsoft’s recommended learning framework on innovative technology, covering beginner-level topics like computational thinking and coding, as well as challenging topics such as AI applications development, to meet the various needs and interests of learners. Upon completion of our training courses, students will be able to develop their own intelligent devices and obtain internationally accredited Microsoft AI certificates to enhance their competitiveness.

Our award-winning Una Platform is built upon effective pedagogy that equips students with the ability to apply various AI technologies in real life. Our featured virtual classroom also allows teachers and students to interact with each other during lessons to improve learning effectiveness.

Register the first online FREE trial AI class for your children now:

If you have any inquiries, don't hesitate to contact us or visit our website https://una.study/ to understand more!

Una 平台 (MagiCube) 是 Microsoft 認可的全球培訓合作伙伴,旨在為全球各地八歲或以上的兒童、學校教師和成年人提供有關人工智能 (AI) 的培訓,使廣大受眾獲得更佳的科技學習機會,培養二十一世紀數碼技能。

Una 人工智能課程設有兩大教學模式,分別是 (一) 網上一對一導師授課及 (二) 與學校合作,由 Una 導師或學校教師授課。Una 根據 Microsoft 學習框架設計了一系列的實作課程,讓學生可由零開始,由初階的計算思維訓練與編程,至具挑戰性的人工智能程式開發,循序漸進地學習。完成培訓後,學生不僅可動手製作創新的智能裝置,還可考取國際認可的 Microsoft AI 證書,提升個人競爭力。

我們自家研發的 Una 平台屢獲殊榮,讓學生可輕鬆地在日常生活當中應用各種人工智能技術,並在虛擬教室內與教師和同學互動,以各種強大的教學法提升學習成效!


如有任何查詢,歡迎與我們聯繫或瀏覽網頁 https://una.study/ 了解更多!


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