What Do Indians Think About The UK? | Street Interview

What Do Indians Think About The UK? | Street Interview

Asian Boss

1 год назад

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Technical Treasures
Technical Treasures - 21.09.2023 09:28

After watching this video i dunno who do i hate more the uk or delhi!!

Abhishek Jaiswal
Abhishek Jaiswal - 20.09.2023 18:05

Forgive is good forget isn't

Gypsy Geek
Gypsy Geek - 20.09.2023 14:48

Let me tell you guys who are telling UK or so other western countries has a nicer health facility, you are totally wrong here. India has by far the best healthcare systems.
Let's talk about UK NHS only, when people need to undergo any operation, there is a queue for atleast a month and if you go to any private hospitals, you will end up spending more than 10x the treatment cost you could have spend in India.
There may be other good points about UK/western countries but definitely not in healthcare I salute my country in terms of healthcare facilities. 🇮🇳

The Rapids
The Rapids - 18.09.2023 17:34

First thing that comes to mind?

Liars, Thieves and Racists

ranveer singh
ranveer singh - 17.09.2023 12:36

I can only say one thing ignorance is disastourus....try

Good Vibes with Pradip
Good Vibes with Pradip - 16.09.2023 21:49

Their judiciary is powerful, symbolise, Why Vijay Malya is still free there 😂😂😂

Priyanshu Raj
Priyanshu Raj - 14.09.2023 03:27

Ye delhi 😂😂wale

Priyanka P
Priyanka P - 08.09.2023 16:36

Asian boss there's huge India outside Mumbai and Delhi. .

Amit Verma
Amit Verma - 04.09.2023 22:09

I am sad about bhagat Singh 😢😢

EVERYTHING - 02.09.2023 22:51

Economic power haha ponzi system 😂😂😂

Kanwar Pannu
Kanwar Pannu - 30.08.2023 04:09

Half baked brits

Katie Stephenson
Katie Stephenson - 29.08.2023 04:32

a lot the racism is the royal family from the history and that why public but it s not as often in the country public in the uk then sanctuary ago . we have more respect from it the public do . I found it sad how they treated people . I wont ever forget what the government did . We have much more respect

broken_aspirant - 27.08.2023 13:06

I hate uk more than Pakistan and china

MR CEO - 27.08.2023 07:20

indian english is made me laugh

R Negs
R Negs - 26.08.2023 12:16

Who are these people ? They seem to have no self respect and mentally still in shackles of colonialism. Also, They seem to have this utopian view of the west and I am someone who got some credibility to talk on this as been living in the west for almost twenty five years.

GURU PRASAD LENKA - 26.08.2023 12:05

Still this people are mentally colonised by British..india chunatiyon se nahi in ..........se pareshan hai

Chetan Anand
Chetan Anand - 25.08.2023 15:02

Hygine seriously they don’t wash after pooping😂

Sushmitha Anchan
Sushmitha Anchan - 25.08.2023 09:34

This generation sucks. My answer would be chor. Britain museum is chor Bazaar

AI YouTuber
AI YouTuber - 24.08.2023 20:58


Jenni Summers
Jenni Summers - 22.08.2023 13:24

Don't hate on the British, hate on the British Government. 90% of the British population were living in terrible conditions 100+ years ago and throughout the Raj. The UK population were virtually indentured slaves, working in Slate and coal mines, Cotton and flour Mills and steel/iron foundries and living in slum conditions. Most died by the age of 40 and all to feed a tiny minority of the wealthy elite across Europe.
None of the European people that took part in the scramble to colonise and drive the industrial revolution are alive today and my family only crawled out of industrial poverty in the 1960s. So it's odd to hear how much you hate us. Ah well.

Shreya Kumari
Shreya Kumari - 22.08.2023 02:07

This video is manipulated by cherry picking system. She removed colonization past from video and opinion.

Mr Nobody
Mr Nobody - 20.08.2023 16:32

Good education system💀💀💀😂

Gurukul was much much better then indian education system.
This girl is out of mind😡

Malobika Saikia
Malobika Saikia - 14.08.2023 12:53

Well three things which come to my mind about Britain are
Who think that we are uncivilized

p - 14.08.2023 12:15

I'm British Pakistani and I can say quite a lot of British are friendly and welcoming just not politician's who divide us.

Stephen Mani
Stephen Mani - 13.08.2023 02:32

What baffles me is that Muslim invaders from abroad ruled India for 800 years before the British came. And much of the Muslim invasion was much more brutal (for example it was common practice for the Muslim Emperors to destroy temples, and behead thousands of people in one go - something the British never did). Despite this, the Indians mostly only keep talking about the British colonialism, but not about the Muslim invasion which was for a much longer period of 800 years, and much more brutal.

What is also a fact of history is that if the British had not come in the 18th century, the Muslim Rulers would have continued to rule India perhaps for another thousand years! Almost all the main kings, princes, and rulers in India prior to the British arriving were Muslims (with a few exceptions like the Maratha Kings, etc.). All power in India in the 18th century was concentrated in the hands of the Muslims (who were treated as the First Class citizens by the Mughals), and the Hindus were mostly out of power and treated as second-class citizens by the Muslim rulers. There was also very large scale conversion of Hindus, which was forcibly imposed by the Mughal rulers until the British arrived. So, if the British had not come at the time, most probably India would have been fully transformed into a Muslim country by now, and there would have been no difference between Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. It was only because the British came and colonized India that the Hindu culture was saved, which then resulted in the forming of the future India. This is something many Indians don't seem to fully understand.

kritz j
kritz j - 12.08.2023 19:36

Chor country..... During their rule they did everything possible to grind India and Indian people.... filthy thieves

our interest.
our interest. - 10.08.2023 06:35

I say sorry to our ancestors who fought for us to get India independent.
These r mentally bankrupt people .
Surely these r not our majority opinion.

warrior - 08.08.2023 16:49

True Indian Always hate britin. Always means always. They looted us, killed millions of us & divided us. British deserve more hate than Pakistan & china.

madhavi vootukuri
madhavi vootukuri - 01.08.2023 20:39

As an indian in an indian family that has been living a long life in England, i can safely say that there is no racism.

ALL PRODUCTS - 01.08.2023 15:15

Delhi is more western Than westerners 🤢

Armaan - 01.08.2023 12:28

As an indian i hateeeeee uk . Because they stole us.

ABINCENZO - 30.07.2023 11:29

The people are true they know the truth.

Joshua Hall
Joshua Hall - 25.07.2023 03:40

This video proves Indians sympathize with their past oppressors. If Indian's thought peace, love and cooperation solved everything and what happened? They laid down and meditated while celebrating the British oppression of their people while they killed off 200 million people, sparked a mass famine, disrupted longstanding peace between the Hindu's and the Muslims by rewriting history to see Muslims as dangerous during the colonial times which contributes to current Indo-Muslim conflicts, brought and installed foreign social hierarchical systems and social systems to discriminate against their own race. It's almost like they view their ancestors suffering as mere statistics. Hell, they even congratulate the British on conquering them and they might even ask the British to conquer them again. This video makes me prouder of my own African heritages non-compliance with British rule, and even more prouder of the economic development of African countries like Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Nigeria, Gabon, Ghana, Libya under Gaddafi's rule and all of the other burgeoning economies within African society.

Gurl crush
Gurl crush - 24.07.2023 11:31

Wahh UK is a good country wahh wahh Bomm sai Uda nhi ho na islay esa bol raha ho 😂

Abinav 123 Abinav123
Abinav 123 Abinav123 - 23.07.2023 23:58

David beckham🔥

arghya dhar
arghya dhar - 22.07.2023 13:57

For these piece of shits our ancestors sacrificed their lives.

Priyam Kumar Das
Priyam Kumar Das - 22.07.2023 06:59

Kejriwal has really brainwashed these Delhi people 😂

Priyam Kumar Das
Priyam Kumar Das - 22.07.2023 06:54

Many Indians have forgiven Britishers..but we cant forget what they did to us ...No love ,no hate , nothing special feeling about British just casual discussion with British...some people fascinated just because of Cambridge University and Oxford,UCL etc ... diplomatically many things failed already and no special business deal either with British unlike with USA or France

Priyam Kumar Das
Priyam Kumar Das - 22.07.2023 06:20

We forgive..not forget

The Explorer
The Explorer - 21.07.2023 14:33

These young and trying to be modern girls who want to be half naked and be street wandering whores at night think that UK is their paradise. And even goes up to the point of praising their own colonizer and saying they did good to India. Tbh India is worlds fastest growing economy and UK is an economic disaster. As another south Asian IM DEEPLY ASHAMED!

Santy V
Santy V - 20.07.2023 14:41

Racism colonialism and English

Bhavin Patel
Bhavin Patel - 19.07.2023 21:44

People who think the UK has world class education and health care system. Let me tell you that is a big myth!!!

WolfEvil - 18.07.2023 23:46

Hygiene and Cleanliness? What? The typical stereotype of the brits is having bad teeth, and all stereotypes are based on something, trust me, they are not clean. Nothing like going to a store and having to smell someone bo or sweaty armpits.
How bad must it be for the uk of all places be praised for hygiene, hahahah.

Nitin Soni
Nitin Soni - 18.07.2023 07:20

these couple of people does not represent the thoughts of entire indians.

wixon wixon
wixon wixon - 15.07.2023 09:32

isn't the uk vassal state of The usa?

Me_teluguammayi - 15.07.2023 07:58

Bhagat singh and other freedom fighters be like sale kisko azad kiya

Jigmey Bhutia
Jigmey Bhutia - 14.07.2023 08:39

When I hear Uk what comes to my mind is football, alcohol and cold weather
