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@flikcof7910 - 03.11.2023 14:53


@robertdowler3347 - 10.09.2023 11:07

The Ocean Water there is very Clean.& Bluish color. I've not been to Belau since the late 80's. Now it has a bridge and is fixed up nicely.

@user-js4wx1vf2h - 06.05.2023 16:45

Palau working visa kamon hoyba❤

@manuel50618 - 08.04.2023 16:32

Some of those pictures are not Palau. Barcelona, Spain.

@audreyseri5947 - 23.03.2023 16:29

13 Outside the Bible and what the living prophet says, I cannot give another identity or another image to the Church of Paul, Peter, Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Calvin and John Wesley. The Church cannot be inserted into the State, she cannot be subjugated. Between the Church and the State, if one had to submit to the other, it would be the State. And the first Christians knew that well. Even the Catholics know it well because for hundreds of years, some popes enthroned or excommunicated some kings. For example, in December 1301, Pope Boniface VIII by the bull Ausculta Fili affirms the superiority of the spiritual power over the civil and temporal power. Catholics had inherited this position from the first Christians before returning to their quagmire. You see?

@essohlathharrislandry8217 - 23.03.2023 11:05

6 You must acknowledge that the author of your sufferings is you. For instance, you are a woman and you live with a man who has not endowed you. Then, you must know that you are in a position contrary to the will of God. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. [Kc.18v8] [Kc.51v36]

7 You who have diplomas and who have no social situation, nobody is at the root of your sufferings. When you had sexual intercourses like Adam and Eve outside the marriage, didn’t you know that you were preparing your own curses and sufferings on earth? Was somebody at the root of that? According to Deuteronomy 28, you are under the curse. You say, "Oh prophet, he did not endow me but we are legally married." I say onto you that you are under the curse if the mayor is not your father. You are outside the will of God and you are accusing poor old people. And inspired by demons and false prophets and liars, you accuse your parents, exposing them to shame.

8 I tell you that any pastor, prophet detector of sorcerers is a demon, a fetish priest. Only fetish priests can show sorcerers. The day I see a spirit of sorcery one of the disciples that God has given me, I will deliver this disciple without anybody knowing it. You see? You failed to discern that those prophets, denunciators of sorcerers, were nothing other than weapons in Satan’s hands in the battle of the mind.

@yaoarmandkoffi1930 - 23.03.2023 05:51

God is on the scene because we are living at a time of great seduction; Just like in the world they all want to be president of the Republic, in the church too, everyone has a ministry. Prophecies, dreams, visions come from every side to distribute some ministries. They extend the scope of women’s activities to the pulpit. The Name of the Lord Jesus Christ is a business asset; prayer vigils are set each month’s end. People fallen from grace, who are waiting for hell, are servants of God. Sons of demons! There are two things to do: Either you show that I am wrong and I join you or you publicly acknowledge that you are wrong and I dissolve your synagogues. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I've always seen things this messenger Matthew 25:6 Apoc12 :14 Kacou Philippe have words eternal life today salvation promis of God

@kouakoucynthia2827 - 23.03.2023 00:59

6 Now, notice that the two types of virgins receive the preaching of the living prophet of their time, but only the prudent ones receive the preaching of the prophet’s life which is a mystery on the back of the Message. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].A prophet messenger can announce Christ, speak on behalf of Christ or manifest Christ. Joseph manifested Christ and the Bible says that Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before the Pharaoh and all the kingdom was given to him! And like the Lord Jesus Christ, Joseph was sold. And in the prison cell, he had on his left the chief of the bakers who got killed and on his right, the chief of the cup-bearers who got saved.

7 Know that when the lightning comes from the West with the Branhamist church and touches Africa, it cannot find but that one! And the men of all the races of the earth are saved with her. Like also, at the time of each prophet, the men of each race of the earth are saved with this prophet. And on this side, it is in this spiritual sense that the Lord calls her "the Queen of the South", that is to say the beginning of the Church of Africa having Christ’s imprints. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].  

8 It is not the work of the lightning but that is what the lightning needs to purify, make white and refine and present without any spot nor wrinkle at the rapture! Thus, Churches will rise and rise and rise again but spiritually it is always this same Church since from the time of the Apostles, manifesting herself in accordance with the races of the earth. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].

9 It is the very first dispensation for Africa and she could not call but this type. There will be types and types until they appear to the end of the cock-crow, not like this one but like a pure virgin, without any spot nor wrinkle. 

10 She will appear and reappear again and again under various forms and appearances up to the perfection, at that step of the cock-crow! [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. Israel in its first aspect, having gone forth from the Egyptian divination, could not inherit the Promised Land! Physically, a generation fell and another generation rose but spiritually, it was the same Israel through Daniel 12:8-10. 

11 Remember that when Moses went away for forty days only, Israel went astray. To say that outside a living prophet messenger, the church can never be in the will of God with the priests who are the apostles, church prophets, evangelists and teachers. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. Thus, after the Lord Jesus Christ, Paul could come. And, in Paul’s lifetime already, we saw some difficulties in the church. And when Paul left the scene, the church went astray again. And God raised up several servants, one after the other. A servant of God rose somewhere on the face of the earth, and when he died the church returned in paganism. And God raised up another prophet. Thus, we knew names like John Wesley, Ulrich Zwingli, Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Huss, John Wycliff… All those ones were messengers that God sent on the earth to make the church go out of paganism.

12 And today, look at all this paganism on the face of the earth, Satan himself is seated in Christianity. Satan made of Christianity his kingdom on the earth. His spirit acts in the Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches and people call that holy spirit. Women in menses, with pads underneath them, are laying hands upon men, are preaching in churches… What is this? The kingdom of Satan is on earth. And Christianity is the kingdom of Satan. But like in all times, because of the elect, God will always send a living prophet on the earth. And this prophet will come forth from somewhere to fight against that kingdom of Satan. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].

13 When Moses and the Jews came out of Egypt, it is the God of the Jews who was going to the conquest of the humanity. And the gods of Egypt came out also and went to the conquest of the humanity. Thus, wherever the God of the Jews will be preached, the gods of Egypt will also establish their altars. And when there was an Elijah in Israel, there were hundreds of prophets of Baal in Israel. And 2000 years ago, John, on the island of Patmos, had seen that Israel would be Sodom and Egypt. Sodom, because of homosexuality. John had seen, 2000 years ago, that the homosexuals would parade in the streets of Jerusalem. And that the gods of Egypt that are today the Catholics, Protestants, evangelicals and Branhamists would go on pilgrimage to Israel. Israel would become the touristic place of demons. John had seen that. And 2000 after, we see that being fulfilled before our eyes.

@elyseekoffi1717 - 23.03.2023 00:53

- - Kacou 18 : Questions Answers first part
1 Q-A. N°1/ Brother Philippe, can one who does not come to confess, and who does not commit that sin anymore, be delivered? If he does not commit the sin anymore, then it is the devil that is seducing him for the single sin is upon him as if he had committed a thousand more serious sins. Culpability and curse are attached to him and to the congregation because of him. You must not take part in a service with an unconfessed sin. It is with a pure conscience and a joyful heart that you must worship the Lord Jesus Christ. And in the assembly, you need to be a subject of blessing and not a subject of curse like Achan in the camp of Israel. [Kc.17v4]
2 And for the public confession, let everyone confess and let there be one prayer for all those that the congregation has decided to forgive. And the sins can be even before the baptism, if that troubles you. [Kc.54v1]

@desiredibi1621 - 22.03.2023 23:51

1 Like the prophets of the Bible, in April 1993, I, Kacou Philippe, a man who had never been in a church, I receive in a vision, the visitation of an Angel who commissions me for a Message destined to the whole earth in fulfillment of Matthew 25:6 and Revelation 12:14. This is the account of my conversion, as well as the three great visions of the call and commission as I received them: 

2 I came to conversion on April 24, 1993 according to Daniel 10:4 to 11 by a vision in which I saw myself standing on the sand of the sea and then on top of a high pyramid and then again on the sand of the sea in another place and I saw an old military truck coming out of the depths of the sea and leave behind me. I turned and I saw that it contained living people. They were women and one of them was mixed-race.

3 Then two doves came toward me and went back over the waters. And there was an eclipse, then a man having the appearance of a Cloud and holding a sword came down from Heaven with a Lamb and the earth was illuminated again. They stood on the waters and the Lamb began to speak to me in an unknown tongue. The sound of his voice came into me and I fell dead. My soul went to stand on the waters with them while my body was lying on the sand of the sea. When He had finished speaking to me, my soul came into me and I became alive again but I no longer saw Them.

4 Then a crowd of people came toward me from the right side and I asked them if they had seen the Angel and the Lamb. They said, "No!" And I said: “But, how did you not see the Angel and the Lamb and all the things They have done?” They replied, "We have not seen the Angel and the Lamb and we have not heard the Words the Lamb pronounced, but we entirely believe It because what God gave and that the devil took, has now been restituted to you ". I looked up and I saw a ladder set up between the sky and the earth, above the waters and angels ascended and descended. And the vision ended and I felt what I know today to be the Holy Spirit and I wept and I believed in God on the spot. [Kc.64v3] [Kc.130v9]

5 The following day at around 3 p.m. while I was sitting with my family, I was transported again in vision into a totally desert country and I saw eastward Words that were coming down from Heaven carried on Clouds. It was after these two visions that I got up and went to church for the very first time. [Kc.137v37]

6 In a third vision, we were sitting in an examination room for the Advanced level test and the examiner was distributing the test-papers. I said to myself, "But what am I doing here? I do not have a good school level and what am I going to write?” And later, It was said to me: "The same way that Mary conceived miraculously, without knowing any man, the same way that Moses received in details what happened at the creation, you too, you have received the Words of eternal Life on this April 24, 1993 and it is decreed by God. At the appointed time, you will understand and you will teach what you did not learn in order that whoever believes has eternal Life". [Kc.9v34] [Kc.30v1-3]

@armandbelga1387 - 22.03.2023 18:40

1 Like the prophets of the Bible, in April 1993, I, Kacou Philippe, a man who had never been in a church, I receive in a vision, the visitation of an Angel who commissions me for a Message destined to the whole earth in fulfillment of Matthew 25:6 and Revelation 12:14. This is the account of my conversion, as well as the three great visions of the call and commission as I received them:

@kpisinuv7832 - 22.03.2023 18:11

1 I would like to give instructions on the evangelisation but let me talk about certain things! [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!].

2 For those who do not understand what I say concerning William Branham, know that I believe entirely that William Branham is a true prophet sent by the Almighty God according to Malachi 4 and Revelation.10:7 and that even his words are as valuable as those of the prophets of the Bible but I do not believe that, even ten years after his death, only one of all those who followed him can bring only one soul to Salvation. His message was for a time and that time is past, more than 40 years ago. [Ed.: The congregation says: “Amen!”].

3 As for the thousands of brochures distributed all over the world from Europe, I think that it simply aimed to prepare the platform for the glorious ministry under the tent and through that, the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ as he himself announced it in The Seven Seal. You see? 

4 When William Branham died, it was Tommy Osborn, one who never believed and followed William Branham, that the Branhamists put before them and on April 11, 1966, at William Branham's funeral service, it was Tommy Osborn who preached. All those Billy Paul, Lee Vayle, Joseph Coleman, Perry Green, Orman Neville and Ewald Frank were there when Tommy Osborn was preaching and giving them instructions and directives. So that after William Branham, if Tommy Osborn wanted, he could take the lead of all the Branhamism and even let his wife Daisy preach at the Branham Tabernacle! None of all these evangelical churches that William Branham condemned can allow a Catholic priest or even the pope of Rome to come and preach at the funeral service of their president. Never!

5 TommyOsborn has been married to Daisy since 1942 and it is even the vision of his wife that he preaches. And that, none of all those that I have named ignores it. You understand now that the two major Branhamist trends are like the two sides of the same coin! [Ed.: the congregation says: Amen!]. 

6 And they are Branhamists who are now saying that I have the ministry of Goliath. When Noah was condemning his generation, claiming to be the only one in the truth and nobody could contradict him, was it Goliath’s ministry? And if that is Goliath’s ministry, then I have Goliath’s ministry and may God give me to be the greatest Goliath that ever existed. [Ed: the congregation says, “Amen!”]. When the Lord Jesus Christ was condemning his generation, claiming to be the only one in the truth and that nobody could contradict Him, was it the ministry of Goliath? [Ed: the congregation says, “Amen!”]. Was it the little horn of Daniel 7 which speaks blasphemies? If they think that I have Goliath’s ministry, then I am waiting for their David.

7 When Korah, Dathan and Abiram found that Moses had Goliath’s ministry, they were duly accounted for that! They are small and they will always remain small. Their "ends of the earth" will always be their district, their city or country. [Ed.: the congregation says, “Amen!”]. They will just collaborate with such and such in other countries but their own ministry will go nowhere. They are apostles of district, prophets of district, evangelists of city, teachers of city and district. Their limit, it is their own country. God put barriers of languages, oceans and races of the earth and their ministries cannot break those barriers. But when God sends a prophet messenger on the earth, his ministry will break all these barriers of waters and languages of the earth to reach every elect in every corner of the earth. [Ed.: the congregation says, “Amen!”]. And the whole world will see that.

8 Despite persecutions and all that will come against this Message, Prophet Kacou Philippe will be preached in all the languages and, all the races of the earth will be delighted in this Message. Why? Because God knew him before the foundation of the world and sent him in this generation. And nothing will be able to hinder to his Message. [Ed: the congregation says, “Amen!”].

9 Last Sunday, May 4, 2008, we baptised the Branhamist assembly of Dabou. Not long ago, we baptised another Branhamist assembly not far from them. An assembly that was under the direction of Ewald Frank. Even the Branhamist assemblies who resist are broken cisterns because people come to us from there. Oh glorious Message! Precious light of the nations! The Sanballats and the Tobijahs are powerless because it is a light coming from the Heaven and no one can stop it. [Ed: the congregation says, “Amen!”].  

10 Like Adam, God gave me power to name animals in this generation. God brought an animal before me and I called it lion and it became its name. I said to the Protestants: you are rams and it became their name. I said to the evangelicals: you are goats and it became their name, unless they repent. If you are a Catholic, you are an animal and that is why you cannot believe in the living prophet of your time. If you are a Protestant, you are an animal and that is why you cannot believe in the living prophet of your time. If you are an evangelical, you are a goat and that’s why you cannot believe in the living prophet of your time. If you are a Branhamist, you are the nameless animal of Daniel and that is why you cannot believe in the living prophet of your time. You are animals of different species but the Power of God will make that one day, you will get along and gather together. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!].

@delimaaho3695 - 22.03.2023 16:22

1 … Le 26 mars 2005, deux Frères dont le Frère Jean Marc, qui venaient me voir, sont tombés sur un groupe de cinq gangsters armés, qui partageaient leur butin. Sur ordre de ceux-ci, ils sont restés là jusqu'à la fin du partage et vingt mille francs leur ont été remis. Les frères ont voulu me remettre cette somme pour l'église. C'était une bonne idée et nous sommes dans le besoin d'argent mais il ne peut pas en être ainsi parce que c'est de l'argent de sang. Je leur ai conseillé de remettre cela à une personne extrêmement pauvre ou à l'hôpital pour les soins des pauvres et c'est ce qui a été fait.

@TanoKevin-ny1ow - 22.03.2023 15:44

20 Une prédication qui commence par : «la Bible dit, la Bible dit… » et qui n'est rien d’autre que : «la Bible dit…», c'est un cours d’histoire. C'est de l'histoire ancienne. Ce n'est pas du christianisme. Croire qu'on peut être sauvé en fondant sa foi sur un prophète déjà mort ou sur la Bible ou sur le Coran, c'est du satanisme. Et faire croire à quelqu'un que s’il accepte Jésus-Christ de Nazareth et croit en la Bible et fonde sa foi sur la Bible il sera sauvé, c'est de l'arnaque! [Ndr : L’assemblée dit: Amen!]. Et les lois de nos pays devraient punir cela ! Le tribunal pénal international devrait extrader ces pasteurs ! Ils sont aussi mauvais que celui qui vole dans l’assiette d’un aveugle! Vous voyez ? Faire croire à quelqu’un qu’il sera sauvé s’il vit bien en écoutant des cours d'histoire et de morale, c'est un crime.

11 A prophet does not come to remind what another prophet said before him but he comes with a new Gospel as we can see it in Revelation 14:6-10 and also in Revelation 2 with the different letters to the seven assemblies of Asia. A prophet does not come to brandish the Bible or carry another prophet’s scrolls! Thus, seminaries and bible studies do not bring anything to the faith!

@billydago8963 - 22.03.2023 14:14

Today God save by the prophet kacou Philip

@niceforkoffi7732 - 22.03.2023 13:31

6 And that morning, all the religious denominations were there. In the queue, I saw some muslims in bubu, some Catholics, some Ekankars, and so on ... and they were all looking at me as if they had not come to pray. They were looking at me as if I was their devil whereas they came to pray.

@alimaakobe3583 - 22.03.2023 13:21

1 Know that everything we will do here on earth will perish here and will not come in remembrance before God. Only the actions that come into the line of Salvation will subsist until the eternity because it is the wedding garment according to Revelation 19:7-8. That is what we have been called to. [Ed: Thecongregationsays, “Amen!”].

@kouassilouisferdinandkouak4932 - 22.03.2023 13:11

2 A generation comes with a new wave of seduction and God sends a prophet to reveal and overcome that seduction, and the prophet and his generation go past; then in the long run, a new generation of men rises on the earth and the same Satan comes back with a new system of seduction. Satan goes forth conquering and that he might conquer. And an angel goes out of the presence of God and comes against the attack of Satan. Exactly as we can see it in the seals. Amen!

@djedjejulienbouabre-vw9nd - 22.03.2023 12:52

49 You have chosen the way of religions and holy books to go to hell, but I move forward with the children of God. In 2004, an imam came to see me. That is the only time I saw him. He claimed to have seen a great prophet in a dream and that prophet was called Fitilah and when that prophet turned around, it was me. This imam had come to see me dressed in white with his rosary and the whole appearance of a pious imam. But before he followed me, he wanted me to become a Muslim. Oh, really?! Does a doctor have to become a leper before he treats lepers? When God sends a prophet on the earth, should this prophet become a Buddhist before Buddhists believe in him? Does this prophet have to become a Christian before Christians follow him? Does this prophet have to become a Hindu before all Hindus follow him? And everything this prophet does must be in conformity with the Torah, the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita and with all the holy books of the religions of the earth? Shouldn’t this prophet stand on behalf of God and condemn all the systems of the earth for the Salvation of the children of God? Are your religions superior to the Word of God? And you Muslim, so if heaven doesn't look like Mecca, you won't enter it? So, the words of a prophet must be in conformity with the Torah, the Bible, the Quran and the Veda, otherwise he is a false prophet? You are demons and you will all go to hell with your religions and holy books. I am speaking by a divine mandate transmitted by an angel on April 24, 1993. Reject me and be pious, be good and kind, be in the truth, be full of love and peace, help the poor but you will all go to hell with that but those who are destined for eternal life among you will come to me.

@kouassiyvonne8538 - 22.03.2023 09:43

1 We must not make the same mistakes that the Jews made against the prophets and against the Lord Jesus Christ. Today, the world has built the monument of John Wesley that it so persecuted and humiliated.

2 John Wesley, the man, was sincere. He was a deacon in 1725 but he was not converted. In 1737, returning to England after a mission to the United States, he said: "O God! I went to America to convert Indians. But who will convert me?" In that time, he was loved and approved of everyone. But when, on May 24, 1738, he received the true conversion to which I call the whole earth, he was no longer welcome on God's earth. Suddenly, the beloved son of the Anglican church became a subject of disappointment. John Wesley, speaking of one of those occasions when he escaped the fury of the people, said this: "Thinking that once I am knocked down, I will no longer be able to get up, several tried to throw me down while we were descending a hill on a slippery path in the direction of the city. But I did not flinch, nor slipped. Although several reached out to hold me by the collar or the clothes to overthrow me, they couldn’t do anything. There was only one who was able to hold out the flap of my waistcoat, which soon remained in his hands, the other flap in which there was a bank note was only half torn. A stout man who was following me closely hit me several times from behind with a big stick of oak. ... Another approached through the crowd, and having raised his arm to hit me, he suddenly pulled it down and only touched my head saying: "What a soft hair he has!" They were both Christians and non-Christians. Last month, I had received a stone and tonight, two. Two years ago a piece of brick brushed past my shoulder. Before that, I received a stone between the two eyes. You see? John Wesley suffered in his time like the prophets of the Bible. And as long as God will send a prophet on earth, it shall be thus.

3 But like Branhamists, Methodists do not know anything about John Wesley. Pastor Konan David, of the order of the Branhamists, at the death of Kacou Severin said: "A great man is gone". No one, if he’s not lost, can say that that Kacou Severin, this highway seducer whose soul lies there in hell, is a man of God. A seducer paid homage to a seducer. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. And those gurus of the race of shepherds who build their empire with the skin and the flesh and the bones of their sheep send hundreds of souls to hell.

4 We know today that Branhamists are outdated and some levities of William Branham are unacceptable in the Church today! William Branham would go and preach in the churches on the common points, fraternizing with them and in his congregation, a Baptist pastor could dismiss the audience with words of exhortations and prayers. It was not bad in the evening time but today I tell you that if you are Christians, then you have no right to go and sit in a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist service or at the vigils of payers of those prophets. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Those are the altars of all the abominations that God cannot leave unpunished. Even if you're travelling, do not go there! What will you seek among them? What will you seek in a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church, when you are a son of God? Your place is not there! You see?

5 And you, Branhamists, race of frogs! Alive, I will never cease to be for you what the lion is for the breed of deer, and when I am dead, I shall not be less. You know that I am the cancer that will destroy you. The hour of God's judgment has come and you will not escape. The Word has tested everything and the light made your actions known...

6 God is on the scene because we are living at a time of great seduction; Just like in the world they all want to be president of the Republic, in the church too, everyone has a ministry. Prophecies, dreams, visions come from every side to distribute some ministries. They extend the scope of women’s activities to the pulpit. The Name of the Lord Jesus Christ is a business asset; prayer vigils are set each month’s end. People fallen from grace, who are waiting for hell, are servants of God. Sons of demons! There are two things to do: Either you show that I am wrong and I join you or you publicly acknowledge that you are wrong and I dissolve your synagogues. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I've always seen things this way.

7 Three months after my conversion, I read the Bible entirely and they gave me some responsibilities in the church, another ruse of Satan to bind people. I conducted the prayers. But the day when I realized that the pastor wanted to administer me a trinitarian baptism, that is to say in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit, I refused and I gave back all of their documents and I stayed home for two weeks because I did not know that there was a church that baptised in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

8 Know that the time when we sat in temples to condemn is past! The evening time is past! And I do not want that some cunning impostors, inspired by false revelations, rub against what God is doing here. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”] That is another ruse of Satan ...

9 While Christians were preaching against the Catholicism, some Catholics came up such as Francis Xavier, Ochino Bernardino, Jean Pierre Cafara ... who, while remaining Catholics, preached from town to town against the Catholic practices. They want to reform the Catholic church, yet, when a church has fallen, God does not help her up anymore, otherwise the Lord Jesus Christ would do it with the Pharisees and the Sadducees. It is a trap of Satan and in 1545, in agreement with the Protestants, they held a council but at the appointed day, December 13, 1545, no Protestant came. And those same old demons are there today, others even reject pastoral school, the entry of their churches into church councils and federations... They do all that while rejecting the living prophet of their time.

10 But we will never collaborate! The body of Christ is without grafting and his garment seamless. It's a trap of Satan’s, and whoever supports those churches makes himself guilty and makes himself an enemy of God. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

@msrose. - 02.03.2023 14:11

I love watching your channel. presently residing here in Palau right now. Keep it up!

@BUTTERCUPJones - 12.02.2023 03:18

Koror and Melekeok are not cities. they are States.
the places you mentioned are states too. we don't have cities, we have states and inside those states we have hamlets.

@redpandagi6867 - 07.10.2022 17:39

Koror is a state

@wawirorandey8679 - 22.09.2022 13:51

Verry nice Vidio.

@nehakumari5987 - 07.09.2022 08:31

Very nice video.thanks
