The 5 Most Anti-Libertarian TV Shows Ever!

The 5 Most Anti-Libertarian TV Shows Ever!


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@rickhaydan3433 - 17.12.2023 01:50

I love the idea of capitalism. Just wish I could find a capitalist country. The U.S. hasn't been capitalist since the end of the 19th century. Now it is a corporatist economy.

@DanielMartinez-lz3ot - 06.12.2023 22:35

9 years ago? I suppose the Fosters hadn't been thought up yet. Sorry.

@DanielMartinez-lz3ot - 06.12.2023 22:34

Star Trek is a little too easy to go after. You guys could have better examples, like the Fosters. Besides, S.T. had the best 5 lines ever. "Matt, where's your crew? On the third planet. There IS no third planet! Don't you think I know that? There was, but not anymore!"

@paisastic - 01.12.2023 19:08

Not gonna lie. I watched Newsroom because Olivia Munn was hot.

@glasguitar2 - 27.11.2023 19:43

What about West Wing?

@sm5574 - 26.11.2023 08:17

Not sure I would agree with Star Trek. I mean, I get the argument from a TV show perspective, but I don't think it's an accurate assessment of the in-story canon. Kirk rarely wants to get involved with other civilizations; he is usually directly provoked or unwillingly drawn into conflict. It's rare that he says, "These people are wrong, we need to set them straight."

@stevegilbert8486 - 25.11.2023 14:36

As a taxpayer that hates football, it infuriates me that I have to pay for the stadiums that the NFL plays at.

@garyjust.johnson1436 - 04.09.2023 09:06

I like the original star trek!

@able34bravo37 - 08.08.2023 06:04

Captain Planet is in the 5 Worst TV Shows Ever, period!

@etherealceleste - 22.07.2023 03:52

As a Libertarian, I am a fan of Star Trek because Socialism will work just as soon as we have Replicators that can make anything, infinite free power, and Faster Than Light travel (all 3 specifically).

@dmbook - 14.06.2023 07:38

What does Heaton about trek being here

@ignatiusjackson235 - 05.06.2023 14:11

I bet they're all thoroughly vetted documentaries.

@dashframe3942 - 02.06.2023 02:30

Libertarians are the scum of the earth

@thadrepairsitall1278 - 15.05.2023 20:40

When I was a child I watched Captain Planet and had no clue it was indoctrination. Now I do.

@moralobjection4836 - 10.05.2023 07:58

Ah yes, all the libertarians worried about the redskins name.

@jmcenanly1 - 18.04.2023 02:55

I'm surprised that Mission: Impossible didn't make the list. You have a small, secret branch of the Government that goes about gaslighting enemies of the state, both foreign and domestic.

@SALAZAR619 - 13.04.2023 08:21

NFL is woke
But not woke enough to where I won’t watch it

I don’t watch the nba anymore that’s for sure

@michaelfoye1135 - 28.03.2023 14:53

Star Trek, bringing Wilsonian Interventionism where no Progressive has gone before.

@wayneyadams - 24.03.2023 06:28

Damn IT!!!!! It's NOT the "Original Series" except to ignorant stupid (always a bad combination of traits) Gen-z'ers who can't wipe their asses without a road map! It is "STAR TREK!" there is no "original series" in the title. Those of us with functioning brains can tell the difference because all the spinoffs have additions to their titles.

@robert5897 - 18.01.2023 06:33

Dr House is subtlely very anti libertarian, giving mds power like there was no such thing as an individual right. Disgusting. Nevertheless, I like the show. Guilty.

@robert5897 - 01.10.2022 07:48

A movie that is politically the worst from a libertarian perspective: Avatar.

@Will-ge7ri - 31.07.2022 23:50

You forgot that in the first show that reporter is supposed to be a “conservative”.

@johnsmith-qr5el - 25.06.2022 16:00

I didn't know Captain Planet was against capitalism? I don't care I still love the environment and capitalism and Captain Planet.

@Libertarian1776 - 21.06.2022 02:59

This Libertarian is also a though and through Trekkie.

@ZapfireAlex - 27.05.2022 06:11

If this was made today you should also add Squid Game

@ZapfireAlex - 27.05.2022 06:04

I'm proudly a member of the "American Taliban"

@Amazingprophet08 - 19.05.2022 17:40


@Munce72 - 16.05.2022 17:30

Good work Nick. Scooby snacks for you!

@jb8408 - 30.04.2022 20:34

“People who don’t support the policies I support are the Taliban.” Yup, that about sums up progressives these days

@buck7268 - 23.04.2022 08:03

At least with the later series', the whole Federation vs. Borg conflict was the ultimate fight between individualism versus collectivism, and that was pretty cool.

I think they celebrated individualism a lot more in Voyager in particular with the Borg, Seven of Nine, the Q, etc.

@leviharper919 - 17.04.2022 20:53

Come on the newer Star Trek is one of my favorites well, I’ll still watch the newer ones.

@joshfritz5345 - 10.04.2022 22:41

I always thought that Star Trek the Original Series had a fairly good set of values. It espoused classical liberalism and self determination, and while the actions of the protagonists didn't always follow this as they frequently broke the non-intervention directive, the philosophies behind the series were quite respectable in my eyes.

@thomasinns6971 - 13.02.2022 16:09

I think the original series of law and order probably should have been on here. Some of the things those lawyers did is unconscionable

@therealhuttertube - 05.02.2022 18:16

I not sure how star trek is anti anything

@Liberty4Ever - 14.01.2022 21:30

Star Trek The Next Generation was far worse. The Ferengi race was created to be a villified parody of capitalism so it could be depicted as greedy, exploitive, corrupt and selfish. Enlightened future socialism (which finally worked and didn't kill everyone by the 23rd century) vanquishes this capitalist straw man in every episode.

@SilencerNate - 28.12.2021 08:11

I would have been sorely disappointed with Star Trek, because the complete control over everything of the Federation was the first thing I thought of when I saw this title. I still enjoyed it, but anti-libertarian as it can get.

@kellykent131 - 16.12.2021 20:00

Late to the party.
STTNG episodes regarding the Borg seems to be iMessage of how important the individual is. At least that’s what I got out of it.

@gregjohnson7232 - 19.11.2021 07:13

OH MY GOD! You people REALLY are a bunch of twits!

@LUKAS3675 - 29.10.2021 08:45

I agree that star trek TOS was horrible, but what about TNG?
I think it redeems itself there

@rogerdodger4212 - 21.10.2021 19:27

The NFL doesn’t make any money. Why would it pay income taxes?

@harbingertheheretic3541 - 20.10.2021 06:27

"The American taliban" line is now being spewed from CNN. They tell you years in advance what they're going to do to you.

@samjudge1240 - 16.10.2021 17:01

I'm not a libertarian, as I'm more of a objectivist like Steve Ditko and Ayn Rand. What I do agree is the pics you have for shows, that not only are pro government, also anti-capitalist and pro-collectivism, like the aweful captain planet show, founded and presented by the guy who made CNN.

@samjudge1240 - 16.10.2021 16:55

Star trek the original has elements of the creator's socialist means, yet still good for having rugged Indivisualism of Captain Kirk, played by William Shatner. If you want bloated bureaucracy, virtue signalling passive characters, pro collectivism, as well cynicism of mankind's history of a sociology mindset, look no further then Star Trek the Next Generation.

@chaim0001 - 15.10.2021 16:39

Star Trek was fantastic, even with the cheese lessons. Today it is a stupid woke tv show that lost all of the fun. Miss Captain Kirk fighting Kirk-Fu with the fantastic drama, beats all the stupidity today.

@geody3001 - 14.10.2021 03:36

I suppose you have a point about my beloved Star Trek, but I think Star Trek The Next Generation was much, much worse.

@victortaylor9399 - 14.10.2021 03:04

Yeah, but I still loved 24. Best show on tv.

@christianfreedom-seeker934 - 13.10.2021 18:30

You blew the last one. Quite a few times Kirk stands up for Natural Rights. The Enterprise is “lax” in that people can engage in hobbies of their desire or culture. There is definitely a “clash” in Starfleet between those who would impose Communism or Fascism and those who want freedom. There are some great story lines about this too! Remember Kodos? He was a Neo-Communist who was wanted for crimes against humanity. There was an entire movie about Picard stepping forward to take down a greedy and power-usurping cabal within Starfleet. As a Libertarian I actually recommend Star Trek!!

@daistoke1314 - 11.10.2021 22:25

How can you put in the Newsroom but leave out The West Wing, a very entertaining and witty hymn to Government is good for you.

@joshuahenderson - 09.10.2021 17:01

My dad HATED Captain Planet. He wouldn’t let us watch it. Always said Capt Planet was taking jobs away from needy families.
