UNFILTERED: Top Astrologer Predicts EARTH-SHAKING Events Starting In 2025! A Big Split Is Coming..

UNFILTERED: Top Astrologer Predicts EARTH-SHAKING Events Starting In 2025! A Big Split Is Coming..

Wisdom From North

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✨Guide your life with important astrologic dates researched and defined by Joni Patry.
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In this episode, we meet Joni Patry, a globally recognized Vedic astrologer celebrated for her precise predictions and deep understanding of cosmic cycles. Joni unveils her forecasts for 2025, predicting monumental global changes, including political turmoil, heightened conflicts, and profound spiritual awakenings. She highlights the critical influence of planetary alignments, such as Rahu and Ketu, and their connection to destiny and transformation. Drawing from historical patterns, Joni explains how eclipses and astrological cycles often precede significant world events, including shifts in power, economic challenges, and collective growth. Additionally, Joni shares her groundbreaking insights into healing, innovation, and humanity’s potential to rise through the challenges ahead. She also introduces her Galactic Planner, a unique tool designed to help individuals navigate life’s transitions by aligning with celestial timings.

Find all links to Joni here

00:00 Teaser.
00:34 Introduction.
01:20 Joni shares her passion for astrology.
02:45 Explanation of sidereal calculations in Vedic Astrology.
05:30 Historical significance of Rahu and Ketu alignments.
10:20 Key patterns in 18.5-year astrological cycles.
15:42 Predestined events versus free will.
18:40 Predictions about U.S. politics and Trump.
25:52 Discussion of global conflict in 2025.
27:31 Transition into the Age of Aquarius.
36:41 Reflection on governmental corruption and healing.
42:57 Advice on individual spiritual practices.
48:22 Insights into global spiritual awakening.
55:13 Introduction to the Galactic Planner.
1:00:40 Joni’s thoughts on self-love and divine connection.


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Jannecke Øinæs


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💙 Music: Wisdom From North Theme Song by Jannecke Øinæs and Ragnhild Barra Wisløff.
Music : Epidemic Sound

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