Unlock WordPress Potential: A Beginner's Guide to Advanced Custom Fields

Unlock WordPress Potential: A Beginner's Guide to Advanced Custom Fields


1 год назад

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SaaS Junction
SaaS Junction - 15.05.2023 20:03

This is the best ACF tutorial I’ve ever seen! You covered everything from the basics to the advanced features very engagingly. I especially liked how you used custom taxonomies to group the job listings by category. That’s very smart and useful. Thanks for sharing! 😄

Ian - 28.09.2023 05:21

Very clear! I also like that you remained within the Wordpress and ACF interfaces, and did not venture into the code. Lots of tutorials focus on code., which is great, but not for everyone.

Do you have recommendations and/or a resource on how one could use Wordpress and ACF to manage, display, and filter information about products and their performance in a competition? Essentially the products, annual competitions (reoccurring), and winners per categories? Thanks!

New Mexico Broadcasters Association
New Mexico Broadcasters Association - 28.09.2023 01:52

Hey Paul! I've been watching you for years. Thanks for all the great advice and info. I'm wondering how I would go about changing my custom post types from CPT UI (which is the way you originally had to set up custom post types) and get them to show up in the ACF plug-in. I still have custom post types, but I'm afraid of creating any new cpt in ACF as they might not be compatible with the cpts already created in CPT UI. Any ideas there? Thanks again for all the great content!

Anna Kořenková
Anna Kořenková - 26.09.2023 11:40

Is it possible to NOT HAVE the Elementor? I purchased a different theme, so it would ruin my website if I activated the Elementor...

Suzan Strong
Suzan Strong - 15.09.2023 23:49

Paul, I've been watching you for years! Thank you. I started using ACF when we still had to use CPT UI... now I've got a website full of CPT UI that are really afiliated with ACF... it's weird. Is there a way to easily convert CPT UI to ACF?

Alex - 11.09.2023 15:17

Nice! thanks. If you can write tutorial about ACF & Elementor?

AI JOKER - 04.09.2023 00:14

How many custom fields are too many? At what point they can impact website performance? Thnaks

Angela Brown Cleaning
Angela Brown Cleaning - 02.09.2023 17:43

Excellent tutorial. Does ACF Pro eliminate the need for Custom Post UI or do we still need it? It seems that ACF Pro has post types and taxonomies, or am I missing something? (Newbie here ;-)

Anthony Eze
Anthony Eze - 01.09.2023 16:51

Fantastic Tutorial, was watching your other one on ACF for elemetor last night i think it was from 3 years ago. Realy good Tutorial, thank you

David Dyer
David Dyer - 30.08.2023 18:44

What is the difference between Custom Fields and ACF? It's a completely different UI, I don't get it

Haifeng Zhu
Haifeng Zhu - 30.08.2023 14:37

When I create a custom post type with ACF, how do I create an archive page for this post type? I didn't find option regarding the archive page

man po
man po - 29.08.2023 13:15


Mert B.
Mert B. - 28.08.2023 21:33

What an epic channel, Paul is extraordinary! I'll be smashing the like, subscribe, bells, shares all the buttons!

Moacir Alves
Moacir Alves - 23.08.2023 10:44

"This tutorial was amazing. 🤯 It opened my mind. I'm thinking about creating, as a study project, a programming guide for a TV channel, with weekdays and times for the airing of the network's programs. Is it possible to achieve this using ACF?🙏 I considered this idea to deviate a bit from the common practice of creating templates for real estate websites, car sales, or medical appointment scheduling."

jsafaa81 - 18.08.2023 11:34

can u please how we can do this loop in Elementor?

Mark Power
Mark Power - 17.08.2023 05:18

Hi Paul. As always; thanks for the excellent content!
I have a case where I need to add a 'Price' field. That's gonna be a number with a prepend of '£'.
But I then have to be able to provide the options of 'Full Job' ... and 'Day Rate'.

So it's a number field joined to a selection, right?

4090 Gaming
4090 Gaming - 15.08.2023 08:31

why would anyone bother with acf... it's confusing af.

MayJo - 14.08.2023 09:10

Hi Paul, thx for this great tutorial and I love to see more tutorials with ACF, you have a nice way to explain al.

sunriseprintingfl - 13.08.2023 16:53

We’ll explain to a beginner ❤

Happy Happy
Happy Happy - 12.08.2023 14:02

thanks Paul for the excellent video! I am at the final stage of displaying everything on website. However, I could not find Appearance - Elements. I am struggling what is the reason for it?

Zachariah Wiedeman
Zachariah Wiedeman - 09.08.2023 17:27

Is it possible to create a custom field that queries a list of posts from one of my custom post types and allows me to add a new post directly from the field? What would I need to accomplish this?

For example, if I have three custom post types: Authors, Books, and Publishers. I can add Authors with fields like biography, favorite quote, etc. I can add Publishers with fields like address, year established, etc.

While I am adding a book, one of the fields I want to enter data in is Author. I would like my user to be able to start typing an author's name and a list of names automatically come up of previously created Author posts, or, if the name they type in does not exist, they can add that Author right there on the spot - and go edit the Author post type later to add the additional details. Same with Publishers.

Then, I can create custom templates: An Author template that displays a list of all of the books written by them and a Publisher page that does the same thing. And of course a Book page that displays all that information as well and links to the individual pages of the Author and Publisher from that page.

I'm experienced with creating complex databases, but this aspect of web development is new to me. My previous experience with web development is quite dated and I'm trying to update my skills so I can build a couple of websites I've designed and hopefully take on some new clients. I've been watching video after video trying to learn the skills I need for the sites I'm building, but I'm getting a little overwhelmed and lost and could use some guidance. I really appreciate anyone who is willing to give feedback.

floriqu - 01.08.2023 23:23

If I could hit the like button twice, I'd do it. Love the way you make it so simple!

Mikey Powell Sings The Legends
Mikey Powell Sings The Legends - 01.08.2023 22:58

Superb, as always. Thank you. 🙏

Chad Diaz
Chad Diaz - 30.07.2023 01:56

I've been look for a tutorial of this caliber for ACF. I would really enjoy another for the PRO features.

Winwongwai Media
Winwongwai Media - 28.07.2023 06:37

Is there a way to convert already existing posts into a custom post type?

Cheung Arto
Cheung Arto - 24.07.2023 14:58

Nice Tutorial , Paul ! Thanks alot. Just got one question is that, I saw some tutorial using CPT IU plugin to create custom post field, then use ACF plugin to create field group. But You're just using ACF to create both. So, what is the different? Thanks

Scott Deas
Scott Deas - 20.07.2023 17:21

This is exactly what I am looking for. Ï now have the custom post types set up with their taxonomies so I can filter them later, but when I get to the generate blocks section, I don't have the 'Elements' option in Appearance. What am I missing? I'm guessing there's something else I should have installed. So far I have the 2023 theme, ACF & Generate Blocks pugins. That's it.

Ibrahim Adebisi
Ibrahim Adebisi - 15.07.2023 11:09

Great tutorial, btw you can add text before and after the dynamic without the inline block stuff.

Great tutorial 👍👍👍

Jim Seroskie
Jim Seroskie - 14.07.2023 21:02

Really could use more about Location Rules in Field Group Settings

Jejidyan Jackson
Jejidyan Jackson - 13.07.2023 09:11

i need to populate jobs from rest Api, a video guide plz,

should i create an API from Wordpress or from my third party databases?! i need to auto update jobs letsay

NORIS CHUCK - 08.07.2023 01:27

great video and thanks a lot, but for all those steps, is it possible to click the post in a single page and put the download button there?

GAMEKuID - 07.07.2023 10:59

If I want to buy, what is the name of the touchpad mouse that you are using?😅

A A - Yusuf Abqariyuh
A A - Yusuf Abqariyuh - 01.07.2023 19:21

Great! It worth being a premium course.

The Build Review
The Build Review - 29.06.2023 01:17

Sorry Paul, Do we need Generateblocks or Generatepress to pull the dynamic acf data?

Issa Khlief
Issa Khlief - 28.06.2023 00:49

How does ACF compare to JetEngine?

Creative Task
Creative Task - 20.06.2023 23:10

You always provide valuable content in my life. Thank you so much.

UrbanCurry Oxford
UrbanCurry Oxford - 18.06.2023 23:21

I’m not getting this. The tutorial is great, but the possibility to achieve the end result is near impossible - I have 1 ACF Pro licence… last part is makes no sense. Clear this up or don’t bother doing the rest. It’s coming across as bad as the ACF Pro lifetime ripoff. We’re is the free open source end result. This is all still about subscription. Tell us how to do this without subscription.

Bhavesh Shaha - PowerPoint Games
Bhavesh Shaha - PowerPoint Games - 12.06.2023 21:56

Thank you! Can you point me on how we could take this forward by adding 'filters' to this vacancies page? e.g. The user wishes to look at the 'job posts' for London alone.

Federaik Ludikon
Federaik Ludikon - 09.06.2023 21:58

Hello, beautiful video, when I created my custom post types ACF didn't offer this feature, so I used CPTUI, now that I imported my custom post types in ACF can I safely remove CPTUI without harming the custom post types?

Davidov Michael
Davidov Michael - 09.06.2023 20:37

How about custom content type like in jet engine?

Rune Solberg
Rune Solberg - 07.06.2023 07:14

I love this tutorial. Just what I needed. I would also appreciate a more advanced tutorial. 👍👍

Rehan K
Rehan K - 05.06.2023 16:45

How to put this use in Programmatic SEO =?

JasonW87 - 01.06.2023 02:11

I've got to say that you nailed this tutorial Paul. Very well presented and really easy to understand and follow. Great work. Thank you. :)

Nick Krepeniotis
Nick Krepeniotis - 31.05.2023 16:25

I was thinking about creating a custom post type for adding products. Since products still don't need all the stuff in the default add product page, is it possible to replace it with a custom one? The owner (our client) can add the needed details, in one page, without going through the unnecessary stuff? It looks like a nice idea for a tutorial. Thank you for your awesome work and what you give to the wp community.

The Skating Choreographer
The Skating Choreographer - 27.05.2023 00:54

Love the new visual graphics and animations titles (etc) in the editing Paul! 
It already looked like a professional without a doubt, but the new additions bring your video to a complete different level! Great job buddy!

Kevin McCourt
Kevin McCourt - 26.05.2023 17:04

Hi, I'm following the video and I'm just creating the loop element, and for some reason all the 'block editing' disapears after 'Query Loop' > 'Grid"? Any ideas?

Kevin McCourt
Kevin McCourt - 26.05.2023 09:47

Brilliant tutorial really helpful.

Lloyd Martin
Lloyd Martin - 26.05.2023 02:34

You're Great...Thanks

Patrick Kilian
Patrick Kilian - 25.05.2023 18:20

Yes please let's make an advanced video for ACF a pro version would be awesome also.
