Blessed to get to listen to this from so far, Alhamdulillah!
Sending thanks from India 🙂
Allahu Akbar and Alhamdulillah 🎉❤thank you for this awesome channel🤲🏾🫶🏿☝🏿
ОтветитьJazakum allahu khairan
ОтветитьSubhanallah the audience.. May Allah guide everyone to the right path and continue to bless us with people like Sheikh Bilal Assad
ОтветитьElhamdülillah Sübhanallah this is absolutely beautifull for families ❤
ОтветитьFamily Dynamics❤
ОтветитьJazakallah Eman Chanel for uploading this conference for our benefit 😊
ОтветитьMa sha Allah tabaraka. What a beautiful lecture by Shk. Bilal. May Allah subhana wataala bless him and his entire household and grant him blessings in both worlds amin🙏
ОтветитьMa‘sha‘Allah Barak‘Allah La hawlawa La qwata illah Billah Allahuma Barek ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьNice class 🎉
ОтветитьThis lecture is very interesting
ОтветитьMashaAllah Tabarakallah! Can get tired of listning to sheikh Bilal 's beautiful lectures ❤❤May Allah subhanawatala bless and protect him. Allahumma ameen 🤲
ОтветитьjazakAllah Khair for sharing useful knowledge may Allah almighty accept it from you and grant you more blessings in life and hereafter aameen 💐
ОтветитьYou gotta love Sheikh Bella Assad's delivery and excellent connection with his audience. Allahumma Baarik Ya Sheikh Assad
ОтветитьThank you for discussing what most of us can’t !
ОтветитьPlease come to South Africa again but this time to Johannesburg🙏🏻Our youth would most definitely benefit from your beautiful lectures.