Alien: Covenant Concept Artist Leandre Lagrange - The ZBrush Podcast Episode 11 - Prop & Set Special

Alien: Covenant Concept Artist Leandre Lagrange - The ZBrush Podcast Episode 11 - Prop & Set Special

Maxon ZBrush

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nigelcarren - 01.07.2018 12:46

All that is missing from Davids "Lab" is a Nestle Dolce Gusto machine in the corner! 👍🏻

Hannah Eckbo
Hannah Eckbo - 21.03.2018 16:21

I have read 16 Alien Novels, tons of comic books - I hold the universe dear. Love the combinations of Predator and more. I enjoyed the movie! Now the universe has taken a huge detour both in cinema and in comics since Prometheus - it is still a very interesting and successful extension. That is a huge feat. Prometheus has opened a door. The Covenant. I want to see more! Perhaps the planets in the novels where they live for hundreds of years without destroying all life (very different planet). Or the ones they do destroy everything and fight between the red and black while we humans do research in secret. Or the elephant people - sort of from the same suited up giants as in Prometheus but different... Or yes continue this story - I am HAPPY. more. More more more!!! :D and Hugz to all other Alien Fans - exciting times!!

Sedghammer - 11.03.2018 19:12

Clicked this because of Triops drawing on the wall. One of my favorite animals and not surprising it was used for reference on this film. You even drew a nauplius! Love the art style, didn't ultimately like this film though.

Ankaris - 23.02.2018 07:54

The drawings hanging up were done by Dane Hallett and Matthew Hatton at Fox Studios in Sydney specifically for that set. 95% of which were illustrated traditionally.

Olivier Marti
Olivier Marti - 29.11.2017 21:23

At last David's Lab is back😙😙😙

Légende Spatiale
Légende Spatiale - 22.11.2017 15:46

What is missing:

It should also Anti Xenomorph, a way to eradicate the Xenomorphs.
Robots like david do not contaminate another type of xenomorph virus.

Space Battles Engineer vs. Extraterrestrial, Human vs. Engineers

More planets, less death, and that the errors of the past be retained not to do them again in front of the engineers, black oil, xenomorph, mad robot 'david or other'.

That the crew is trained, equipped, armed with scientific knowledge, language etc.

And why not a final battle or a good alliance between Human / Engineer / Robot / Hybrid race allies against the alien Xeno Alien Extraterrestrial (flying spacecraft)

Ce qui manque:Il faudrait aussi des Anti Xenomorph, un moyen pour éradiquer les Xenomorphs.
Les robots 'comme david' se facent contaminer pas un autre type de virus xénomorph .

Des batailles spatiale Ingénieur vs Extraterrestre , humain vs Ingénieurs

Plus de planètes, moins de mort ,et que les erreurs du passé soit retenue pour ne plus les refaires face aux ingenieurs, huile noir, xenomorph, robot fou 'david ou autre' .

Que l'équipage soit formé, équiper, armée avec des connaissance scientifiques, langage etc..Et pourquoi pas une bataille final ou une bonne alliance Humain/Ingénieur/Robot/race hybride s'allient contre   Des Xeno alien Extraterrestre supérieur (pilotant des vaisseaux spatiaux)

Légende Spatiale
Légende Spatiale - 22.11.2017 15:42

It lacks a film to focus on the engineers, showing us in image their true creation and the creation of humans on their planet or on earth.

Their society, religion, hierarchical class, caste, Army, hero / heroine, king and queen, an Empire, dictatorship or Democracy, their language (to understand them, one must put the Terran translation.)
And other unknown extraterrestrials.

See their true mother planet (alien Covenante's different planet), their buildings in dark or bright organic metal structure.

(A film without David and other exploration or colonial human ship)
Title of a possible film: Ingenieurs 'duration 2h30 or 3h for well furnished alien saga'
Ridley Scott should follow the game Starcraft 2

Il manque un film concentrer sur les ingerieurs, nous montrant en image leur vrai création et la création des humains sur leur planète ou sur terre.

Leur société, religion, classe hiérarchique, caste , Armée, Héros/héroine, roi et reine,, un Empire, dictature ou Démocratie,leur language (pour les comprendre, on doit mettre la traduction terrienne.)
Et d'autre extraterrestre superieur inconnue .
Voir leur véritable planète mère (planète différente d'alien Covenante ) , leurs batiments en structure métal organique sombre ou lumineux.
(Un film sans de David et autre vaisseau d'exploration ou colonial humain)

Titre d'un possible film:  Les Ingenieurs  'durée 2h30 ou 3h pour bien meublé la saga alien'

Ridley Scott devrait s'inspirer du jeu Starcraft 2

Robin Ong
Robin Ong - 21.11.2017 15:39

This is call a MAN'S Cave...

oli Ogallivan
oli Ogallivan - 21.11.2017 03:21

Carlos Huante .

Alessandro Aloisi
Alessandro Aloisi - 20.11.2017 20:14

😊 i enjoyed the movie.
